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GRE写作替换词写作中第一反应词汇的替代词汇表throughin term of/viaoperatemanipulateoffspringdescendantinevitabledispensabledetailspecificexplaininterpretobviousconspicuoushurtvulnerableuseemploy/utilizevaluemeritprovidelendoffertrueaccurateleading tocontribute to/ conduce to/result inmore and moreincreasing/growinghardlymerelybarelywell-knownoutstandinglargemiraculous/marvelousalthoughalbeit/notwithstandingin factactually/virtuallywantintend to/tend to/be inclined tobecausein thatmay beprobablyto sumto summarize/in conclusionexplaininterpret/illustratechangealertchancealternativecustomconvention/traditionthinkcontemplate/muse/meditate/retrospectarouseignite/stimulate/spur/motivatelimitstress/hinder/hamperkeycrucial/vital/consequentialoldancientemphasisaccentuatedevote todedicate tocharactertrait/individuality/idiosyncrasy/personalityexpectanticipatejoinparticipatedelegaterepresentativebiasprejudice/discriminate/tendencythrivepalmy/floushing/prosperityclashconflict/collision/rencounterpublicizepropagandizeagree partlyagree with reserveproperappositewant todesirebig citymetropolislawmakinglegislationfirstprimarilybutnonetheless/neverthelesschildjuvenileabsorbassimilatehand inrenderunderminesap/enervate/debilitateget into chaoswith chaos ensuingkeypivot/cruxswayvacillatefanatic patriotismjingoism/chauvinismpersusivethorough/sound/specific/convincingconsidertake into accountvaguegratuitous/unwarranted/oversimplified=最新更新good- positive, favorable, rosy (美好的), promising(有希望的), pleasurable , excellent, outstanding, superior /splendidbad- dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, illmany- an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a multitude of, a host of, some- a slice of, quiet a few , severalthink- take the attitude that, hold the view that, it is widely shared that, it is universally acknowledged thatthing- affair, business, matterget many benefits - reap huge fruitsin my opinion- from my own perspective,as far as i am concernmore and more-increasing/growing/increasingly/ an increasing number ofhardly- little if anything 或little or nothinghelpful- beneficial, rewarding因果(后接结果):=导致:result in; result in, be responsible for, be responsible for; attributable to/ attribute to; contribute to; lead to; cause; give birth to; give rise to; serve to;=故此:hence; therefore; thereby+现在分词; thus; as a result; so that;eventually; correspondingly; accordingly; consequently; resultingly; namely;=为了:so as to; for the purpose of; for the sake of; in an attempt to; in efforts to;因果(后接原因):=因为:owing to; in respect that; on account of; due to; for the reason that; since; for; may account for; =由导致:as a consequence / result of; is the result of; derive from; result from; be a response to;弱因果(考虑到):=for fear of; bearing in mind; be blamed on; =considering; in consideration of; knowing; =in face of (such limited evidence); in light of; in view of; in favor of; concern with; in terms of;=object to; 关于:in relation to; with respect to; with regard to; with/in reference to; within the context of;with the guise of(在伪装下);常用点缀小副词:=事实上:in itself; actually; in fact; in reality; realistically;as a matter of fact; more prosaically;=程度:highly; greatly; inescapably; to some extent; somewhat; thoroughly; seriously; spectacularly; indeed; undoubtedly; certainly; completely; wholly; in many cases; it is save to say; =其它:comparatively; relatively; relevantly; as to; ideally; presumably; 转折: nonetheless; nevertheless; in spite of; whereas; instead; conversely; however; 对比:in contrast; as compared to; in comparison with; at the same time; differentiate between and ; differentiate from ;让步:take it for granted; grantedly; granted that ;Now that; as though; after all; even if; even assuming; despite; to the extent that this is the case; appear; seem; while this may be true in some cases, it is equally possible that;递进: furthermore; in addition/additionally; besides; moreover; what really matters/counts is; what is more; let alone; particularly; most importantly; _is even more_; 等同:equate with; amount to; likewise; in like manner; similarly; in other words; that is to say; along with; in combination; in the same way; Coincide with; 其它常用词汇:举例:for instance; for example; such as; consider the fact that;立即:immediately; for the time being; in no time; on the spot;鉴于此:for that matter; in that case; for that reason; as for; 可能不是这样:(unfortunately)=this is not necessarily the case;this is often/certainly not the case;this might not be the case;this need not be the case;common sense and experience tell us this is not the case/this assumption is a poor one;=the argument fails to substantiate this assumption;perhaps that have nothing to do with;this argument by analogy is wholly unpersuasive;this argument, nonetheless, is based on an oversimplified analysis of the cause of and the presumptuous correlation is unacceptable;=although this is entirely possible, the argument provides no evidence to support this assumption; if this is not the case, then it is entirely possible that;lacking evidence to confirm this assumption, it is entirely possible that ;应该: would have to; should; ought to; must; have to; be required to; would be;根据总体的趋势:overall group of; in general; as a whole; on the whole; 断言:assert; claim; postulate; declare; affirm; emphasize; advocate; 反映: indicate; reveal; reflect; demonstrate; imply; illustrate; infer; predict;可能性:possibility; likelihood (in all likelihood); alternative/alternative means of ; explanation; occurence; validity; legitimacy; credibility; 可行性:feasibility; 好: vital; crucial; essential; overriding; significant; profound; play a key role; potency;逻辑好:=valid; feasible;=sound; forceful; reliable; convincing; effective; =persuasive; compelling; credible; 好(副词):necessarily; justifiably; confidently; reasonably;逻辑不好: =unwarranted; unsubstantiated; unreliable; unjustified; unfounded; without justification/warrant; premature; poor; vulnerable; indefensible; groundless; reachless=dubious; open to doubt; questionable; suspectable; problematic; which render it unconvincing as it stands/which render it wholly unpersuasive; =insufficiently; atypical /exceptional; oversimplified; =fallacious; flawed; =plausible; gratuitous;不好(副词):unfairly; “好”的副词前面加一个can not/could not面临: confront; encounter; witness;限制:Restrict; circumscribe; confine; limit; 表面上:on the surface; superficially; ostensibly; apparently; 具体的:concrete; specific; detailed; particular; definite; informative; 加快促进:accelerate; facilitate; advance; boost;支持:substantiate; bolster; justify; solidify; support; strengthen; validate; in favor of; in support of; 否定: =fail; =miss; neglect; in ignorance of; is hardly suffice to / do not suffice to; suggest nothing about;= refute; undermine; deny; refuse; weaken; 按照原文的假设/推断:rest on; rely on; depend on; base on; on the basis of;upon which the argument depends;upon which the argument rest;upon which the argument relies;只要:so long as ; so far as; only if; insofar; subject to the proviso;不管:no matter what; irrespective of whether/; regardless of; whatsoever;(忽略了)把某因素考虑进去:(fail to; omit to); take into account/ consideration; give an insight into; account for(解释); considering and weighing; considering and ruling out/eliminate; weighing against alternatives/;concerning;缺少:in the absence of; for lack of; lacking; a lack of; in short of; 不足:scant;仅仅:mere; only; nothing more than;足够的:sufficient;很多大量:a myriad of; a variety of; a multitude of; numerous; a large amount of; a great deal of;过度:undue; exceedingly; excessive; overstate; overemphasize;不断增长:growing; increasing; quickening; 一系列:a series of; in a row; 好像、可能:likely; possible; probably; perhaps; as though; maybe; may; might; 解决方案:solution; approach; recipe; scheme方面:angles; aspect; facet; side; viewpoint;in all respects; in many fields;highlight an aspect of;in all likelihood;获得:acquire; gain; attain; achieve; pursue;影响;interfere with; have/exert a profound influence on life/personality; have a dramatic/undesirable effect on;满足:meet; satisfy; accommodate the demand of; be accustomed to; 很明显的:it is conceivable/ obvious/ apparent; conspicuous; strikingly; notably;类比: apply specifically/equally to;同等甚至更多:commensurably, or perhaps even more;伴随:along with; keep pace with; consistent with; in harmony with; cope with; in accordance with; in conjunction with; serve as catalyst which will foster; 逻辑:reasoning; way of thinking; line of reasoning; analysis;倾向:be less prone to;在成长路上:in ones course of growth;富人:haves 穷人:have-not提建议时说作者需要:a more complete understanding of_;天生的:by nature; inherited; inherent; intrinsic; in origin; innate; 供需关系:supply and demand;句型提问方法 Is there ? Is there ? From personal perspective, .What is the definition of What is the purpose of 背景描述 XX share a belief that 都相信,都认为We often find ourselves caught/involved in a dilemma whether .Recently the problem/issue/debate of has been brought into focus/ been brought to publicconern/attentionRecently the phenomenon has aroused wide concernXX has significantly speeded up the development and promoted a considerable progress in 定义拆解 If by “fact” the speaker means ., I strongly agree with the statement insofar as this kind ofdefinition. While when it comes to a definition of , it turns to be another case.From personal perspective, the definition/range of XXX would seem to lend considerablecredence to the speakers claim限定范围的同意 I agree with the statement insofar as (undue emphasis on)It might also be tempting to agree with the speaker on the basis that However, the speakeroverlooks certain economic and other societal benefits that I take exception to the statement only insofar asI strongly agree with ., but the reverse claim . serves to undermine the notions of .While this statement has considerable/reasonable merit with respect to XXX I take exceptionwith the claim when it comes to YYYYThinking in terms of public/group experience, we find that.; when thinking individually or interms of ones own experiences, we find that . So we should view this problem in this way : .平衡观点 On balance, however, I fundamentally agree with the claim that We should advisably take into account it depending on a casebycase analysis.To agree or disagree with it is a matter of balancing between its pros and cons, but if one hasconsidered the following perspectives, he/she could only agree with the former/later as I do.The author declares that_, however, it oversimplifies this issue. The final judgment, in my pointof view, should depend on a casebycase analysis.【论证成份】举例子 If we cast a look back at the history of science, a multitude of representative paragons are aroundthe corner.We do not have to look very far toAs a representative case in pointTypical of cases in this point isTypical cases in this point can be cited by All these cases appropriately manifest that The manifestation of these paragons reveals that .Examples of these paragons underscore the point that Examples from science serve to illuminate the point thatIt is also true of when it comes to 谚语 As a proverb goes, . and I paraphrase分领域 Swith to the field of XXX, it is in a not dissimilar way.Swith to the field of XXX, it may be in a dissimilary way.In considering the field of Similarily, when it comes to the field of At the individual level at the community level at the gobal levelIt is also true of when it comes to 【让步承认】无可否认 Adimittedly, it is no denying that .It goes without saying that There is no doubt, however, that it is XXX in the process of . that has led to .As adj XXX is, 其实还有更厉害的 It is XXX that rather than other factors thoroughly and profoundly influences and affects our lifeIt is the interaction among people, rather than/as well as . , is the main focus of .发表观点 Does it pay to ? I basicly agree with the speakers statement insofar as .At the risk of sounding too simplistic/optimistic/coldAdmittedly, under some circumstances XXX can be counterproductive to YY.【正面支持】That is to say, irrespective of whether rightly or wrongly in contemporary, it is worth doing sth It is worth doing / worthy of doingNevertheless, there are several remarkable/notable/preeminent/prominent exceptions to therule/claim thatNo only can they but also they can It is also true of when it comes to Put it in another field/realmSwitch to another side/field/realmIt is always the same case in the field of Remember these two benefits of XXX: First, .; and second, .Swith to the field of XXX, it is in a not dissimilar way.It is not dissimilar for By XXX, can people see through misleading gimmick.NamelyAnother reason why I essentially agree with the speaker is that .On a social level we determine the worthiness of our goals in much the same way.The growing significant role of XXX is not limited to / also evident in the field ofTurning first to., and turning next to Another fundamental problem with the statement is that Another compelling reason why is that Another compelling reason for my viewpoint lies in the fact thatTherefore, reflecting on these points/examples makes clear that 【反面论证】Without XXX, can we ? / we cannot so thoroughly and smoothlyWithout XXX, can we wholly guarantee that .Without regard to 没有,脱离了 表示后面论述的条件失去了,将产生什么后果,常用以反面论证来加固正面的论点。Only XXX without YYY is onesided and inadvisable.As a matter of fact/ Further consideration tells us that. It is worthy to some extent, while in someother areas/realm, it is not necessarily the case.Swith our attention to the field of XXX, it may be in a dissimilary way.Moving on to another side/ field of Not to mention that .Everyone cannot escape commiting mistakes.It is lacking of . Results in lacking of absence ofAnother argument against the speakers position has to do with the function and ultimateobjective of art.However beneficial it might be to appreciate, it is equally beneficial to understand Those who would oppose the speaker might point out that Not to mention that 更不用说; 用于否定另一个方面【有利也有弊】设问 Does it pay to whether . ?Due to all these merits, should XXX whatever XXX?不要忽视其他方面 What is also worthy of noticing that It is essential to bear in mind that Aside from its utility in XX, however, we cannot lost sight the fact thatThe conditon of our environment leaves much to be desired.No matter ., in some cases, it is more harmful to .Finally, and perhaps most significantly, the speaker unfairly suggests that Nevertheless, for some certain purpose of XX, YY is advantageous to and more appropriate thanXXXDespite of the merits of XXX, problematic effection can also be noticed in some respects.While sometimes XXX is beneficial for us to UUU, we cannot lose sight the fact that they arenot always Only XXX without YYY is onesided and inadvisable.There is always a chance that 总有可能Nowadays, how one appears on paper seems to be more substantial and pivotal than how oneappears in person.过度也不行 Too much emphsis placed on/ attention paid to/ importance attached to, mayobscure/overlook/neglect other factors/facts/solutionsEvery coin has two sides, especially when it comes to undue/exorbitant operations, and XXX isnot beyond exception. Too much emphasis on XXX or undue YYY would enmesh us in a maze.KKK can help us prevent from slumping into a labyrinth.However, we should concede that despite the merits of _mentioned above, overextended_will be indeed negative or even detrimental.The claim amounts to an overstatement when it comes to .【建议】Government should call for a balance among these factors motivations, time, revenue, cost,advatages, shortcomings, potential detriments, and so forth.Basic responsibilities and substantial moral standards should be given top priority to Those who XXXX are apparently not advisable enough, instead they should More emphsis should be placed on and more importance should be attached to XXXTo successfully curb such unfavorable blights, it is imperative for us to take several efficacioussteps into consideration.To successfully curb such unfavorable trends, several efficacious steps should be taken intoconsideration seriously in XXX.XXX should embark a study of . to meet the challenges/requirements/suggests/demands that .We should spare no effect to delve more and foster creativies in the process of studying.Serious attention should be paid and effective measures should be taken to【结尾】To put it in a nutshell,

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