2019年最新国家大学开 放电大远程网络教育《大学英语B》试题两套合集附全答案

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2019年最新国家大学开 放电大远程网络教育《大学英语B》试题两套合集附全答案_第1页
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2019年最新国家大学开 放电大远程网络教育《大学英语B》试题两套合集附全答案_第3页
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2019年最新国家大学开放电大远程网络教育大学英语B试题两套合集附全答案试题一一、交际英语1、- Whos speaking?- This is Tom . A:speaks B:spoken C:speaking D:saying答案: C2、- Hello, Im Harry Potter.- Hello, my name is Charles Green, but _. A:call my Charles B:call me at Charles C:call me Charles D:call Charles me答案: C3、- Good morning, John . How are you doing?- _ A:Im pleased. B:Good night. C:Not so bad. And you? D:How do you do?答案: C4、- How do you do? - _ A:Fine, thank you. B:How do you do? C:Not too bad. D:Very well.答案: B5、- Good-bye for now.- _ A:The same to you. B:Thats OK. C:See you. D:Long time no see.答案: C二、阅读理解1、A young man who lived in London was in love with a beautiful girl. 一个居住在伦敦的年轻人爱上了一个漂亮的姑娘。Soon she became his fiance (未婚妻). The man was very poor while the girl was rich. The young man wanted to make her a present on her birthday. He wanted to buy something beautiful for her, but he had no idea how to do it, as he had very little money. The next morning he went to a shop. There were many fine things there: gold watches, diamond but all these things were too expensive. There was one thing he could not take his eyes off. It was a beautiful vase. That was a suitable present for his fiance. He had been looking at the vase for half an hour when the manager of the shop noticed him. The young man looked so pale, sad and unhappy that the manager asked what had happened to him.The young man told him everything. The manager felt sorry for him and decided to help him. A bright idea struck him. The manager pointed to the corner of the shop. To his great surprise the young man saw a vase broken into many pieces. The manager said: When the servant enters the room, he will drop it.On the birthday of his fiance the young man was very excited.Everything happened as had been planned. The servant brought in the vase, and as he entered the room, he dropped it. There was horror on everybodys face. When the box was opened, the guests saw that each piece was packed separately.(1)、The story took place in the United States. A:T B:F答案: B(2)、The young mans family was poor while the beautiful girl is rich, according to the passage. A:T B:F答案: A(3)、The young man wanted to buy a present as a Christmas gift for the girl. A:T B:F答案: B(4)、The shop manager came to talk to the young man, because he was poorly dressed. A:T B:F答案: B(5)、On the birthday of his fiance, the young man was excited because the girl was in love with him. A:T B:F答案: B2、The French Revolution broke out in 1789. 1789年法国革命爆发。At the time France was in a crisis. The government was badly run and peoples lives were miserable. King Louis XIV tried to control the national parliament and raise more taxes. But his effort failed. He ordered his troops to Versailles. The people thought that Louis intended to put down the Revolution by force. On July 14, 1789, they stormed and took the Bastille, where political prisoners were kept. Ever since that day, July 14 has been the French National Day. Louis tried to flee the country in 1792, to get support from Austria and Prussia. However, he was caught and put in prison. In September 1792, the monarchy was abolished. In the same year, Louis was executed. A few months later his wife, Marie, also had her head cut off. The Revolution of France had frightened the other kings of Europe. Armies from Austria and Prussia began to march against France. The French raised republican armies to defend the nation. The Revolution went through a period of terror. Thousands of people lost their lives. In the end, power passed to Napoleon Bonaparte. (1)、Whats this passage about? A:France. B:King Louis. C:The French Revolution. D:Europe.答案: C(2)、Which did not happen in 1789? A:The French Revolution broke out. B:The national economy was developing rapidly. C:The government wasnt well run. D:King Louis XIV was in power.答案: B(3)、Where were the political prisoners kept? A:In Versailles. B:In Austria. C:In Prussia. D:In Bastille.答案: D(4)、What does the underlined word abolished mean? A:Put off. B:Established C:United D:Ended答案: D(5)、What was NOT the effect of the Revolution? A:July 14 has become the French National Day. B:It brought some impact on the other European kings. C:Louiss wife, Marie was killed. D:The king tried to control the national parliament.答案: D 三、词汇与语法1、There have been many _ in their marriage but they still love each other. A:right and wrong B:back and forth C:ups and downs D:right and left答案: C2、I dont know _ to deal with such matter. A:what B:how C:which D:/答案: B3、As the bus came round the corner, it ran _ a big tree by the roadside. A:into B:on C:over D:up答案: A4、When Lily came home at 5 p.m. yesterday, her mother _ dinner in the kitchen. A:cooked B:was cooking C:cooks D:has cooked答案: B5、The young lady coming over to us _ our English teacher; the way she walks tells us that! A:must be B:can be C:would be D:could be答案: A 四、完型填空Modern zoos are very different from zoos that were built fifty years ago. 现代动物园和50年前修建的动物园有很大的不同。At that time, zoos were places 1 people could go to see animals from many parts of the world. The animals lived in cages that were made 2 concrete with iron bars, cages that were easy to keep clean. Unfortunately for the animals, the cages were small and impossible to hide in. The zoo environment was anything but natural. 3 the zoo keepers took good care of the animals and fed them well, many of the animals did not thrive; they behaved in strange ways, and they often became ill. In modern zoos, people can see animals in more natural habitats. The animals are given more 4 in large areas so that they can live more comfortably as they would in nature. Even the appearance of zoos has changed. Trees and grass grow in the cages, and streams of water flow 5 the areas that animals live in.(1)、 A:of B:Although C:where D:over E:freedom答案: C(2)、 A:of B:Although C:where D:over E:freedom答案: A(3)、 A:of B:Although C:where D:over E:freedom答案: B(4)、 A:of B:Although C:where D:over E:freedom答案: E(5)、 A:of B:Although C:where D:over E:freedom答案: D 五、英译汉(1)、Please give this book to whoever comes first. 请把这本书给最先来的人。(2)、Some football teams will have games there. 有几支足球队要在那里进行比赛。(3)、Are you fond of music? 你喜欢音乐吗?(4)、What kind of life do most people enjoy?多数人喜欢什么样的生活? 六、写作Instructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。1你最喜欢哪本书;2你喜欢的理由。The Book I Like BestMy favorite book is “Dream of The Red Chamber”. The book tries to tell us that there are different kinds of love, only one kind which should be considered as True Love. In our life, we should marry the true love instead of wealth and good looks. From this book, we also get to know a part of the noble peoples life in Qing Dynasty and find some life philosophies from it. So this book is very instructive to people. We should learn more from this book as well as other books.2019年最新开放电大远程网络教育大学英语B试题附全答案一、交际英语1、- Hello, Im Harry Potter.- Hello, my name is Charles Green, but _. A:call my Charles B:call me at Charles C:call me Charles D:call Charles me答案: C2、- Whos speaking?- This is Tom . A:speaks B:spoken C:speaking D:saying答案: C3、- Good morning, John . How are you doing?- _ A:Im pleased. B:Good night. C:Not so bad. And you? D:How do you do?答案: C4、- How do you do? - _ A:Fine, thank you. B:How do you do? C:Not too bad. D:Very well.答案: B5、- Good-bye for now. - _ A:The same to you. B:Thats OK. C:See you. D:Long time no see.答案: C二、阅读理解1、Our childs behavior is greatly influenced by the way we react to what he has done. 我们对孩子所做事情的反应方式在很大程度上影响小孩的行为。Our reactions help to determine whether our child will repeat his behavior or whether he will do something different. This statement is a very important part of a principle of behavioral psychology.The principle states that a behavior is influenced or affected by how the environment - people, places and things - immediately responds to the behavior. Perhaps without realizing it, you have used this principle many times.On the occasion when you told your child what a good boy he was after he cleaned up his room, you used the principle. When you sent your child to his room for fighting with his brother, you used the principle. When I gave Kim a cookie after she started to cry, I used the principle. In each of these examples, a particular behavior occurred first - cleaning up a room, fighting, and crying.In addition, there was a reaction to each behavior - the child was praised, sent to his room, or given a cookie. By these actions, we have influenced the previous behaviors and have helped to determine whether those behaviors will occur again in the future. (1)、The lecture is mainly about Childrens behavior and our response. A:T B:F答案: A(2)、The lecture is based on the principle in behavioral psychology. A:T B:F答案: A(3)、The audience at this lecture might be social workers. A:T B:F答案: B(4)、According to the lecture, the child was sent to his room as a kind of reward. A:T B:F答案: B(5)、People, places and things are elements of environment meant by the lecturer. A:T B:F答案: A2、 In the United States, it is not customary to telephone someone very early in the morning. 在美国通常不会在清晨给人家打电话。If you telephone him early in the day, while he is shaving or having breakfast, the time of the call shows that the matter is very important and requires immediate attention. The same meaning is attached to telephone calls made after 11:00 pm. If someone receives a call during sleeping hours, he assumes its a matter of life or death. The time chosen for the call communicates its importance.In social life, time plays a very important part. In the U.S.A. guests tend to feel they are not highly regarded if the invitation to a dinner party is extended only three or four days before the party date. But it is not true in all countries. In other areas of the world, it may be considered foolish to make an appointment too far in advance because plans which are made for a date more than a week away tend to be forgotten. The meaning of time differs in different parts of the world. Thus, misunderstandings arise between people from different cultures that treat time differently. Promptness is valued highly in American life, for example. If people are not prompt, they may be regarded as impolite or not fully responsible. In the U.S. no one would think of keeping a business associate waiting for an hour, it would be too impolite. A person, who is 5 minutes late, will say a few words of explanation, though perhaps he will not complete the sentence. (1)、What is the main idea of this passage? _ A:It is not customary to telephone someone in the morning and in sleeping hours in the U.S. B:The role of time in social life over the world. C:If people are late, they may be regarded as impolite or not fully responsible in the U.S. D:Not every country treats the concept of time as the same.答案: B(2)、What does it mean in the passage if you call someone during his or her sleeping hours? _ A:A matter of work. B:A matter of life or death. C:You want to see him or her. D:You want to make an appointment with him or her.答案: B(3)、Which of the following time is proper if you want to make an appointment with your friend in the U.S. A.? A:at 7:00 am B:at 4:00 pm C:at the midnight D:at 4 am答案: B(4)、Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? _ A:In the U.S.A. guests tend to feel they are highly regarded if the invitation to a dinner party is extended only three or four days before the party date. B:No misunderstandings arise between people from different cultures about the concept of time. C:It may be considered foolish to make an appointment well in advance in the U.S.A. D:Promptness is valued highly in American life.答案: D(5)、From the passage we can safely infer that _ A:its a matter of life or death if you call someone in day time. B:the meaning of time differs in different parts of the world. C:it makes no difference in the U.S. whether you are early or late for a business party. D:if a person is late for a date, he neednt make some explanation.答案: B 三、词汇与语法1、There have been many _ in their marriage but they still love each other. A:right and wrong B:back and forth C:ups and downs D:right and left答案: C2、I dont know _ to deal with such matter. A:what B:how C:which D:/答案: B3、As the bus came round the corner, it ran _ a big tree by the roadside. A:into B:on C:over D:up答案: A4、When Lily came home at 5 p.m. yesterday, her mother _ dinner in the kitchen. A:cooked B:was cooking C:cooks D:has cooked答案: B5、The young lady coming over to us _ our English teacher; the way she walks tells us that! A:must be B:can be C:would be D:could be答案: A 四、完型填空Many people would agree that stress is a major problem in modern life. 很多人同意压力是现代生活的主要问题。 It is certainly true that worry and quarrel can cause all kinds of illnesses, 1 backache to severe headaches, or even more serious complaints such as high blood pressure. Many of us think 2 stress as something that other people impose on us. We often complain about how other people put us 3 pressure. But we should try not to let such pressure affect us. We should not forget that we are largely responsible for some of the stress ourselves. We sometimes take 4 more work than our bodies and our minds can handle. We should learn to 5 our limitations. We should be aware of which things are really important and which are not.(1)、 A:of B:under C:accept D:from E:on答案: D(2)、 A:of B:under C:accept D:from E:on答案: A(3)、 A:of B:under C:accept D:from E:on答案: B(4)、 A:of B:under C:accept D:from E:on答案: E(5)、 A:of B:under C:accept D:from E:on答案: C 五、英译汉(1)、Please give this book to whoever comes first. 请把这本书给最先来的人。(2)、Some football teams will have games there. 有几支足球队要在那里进行比赛。(3)、Are you fond of music? 你喜欢音乐吗?(4)、What kind of life do most people enjoy?多数人喜欢什么样的生活? 六、写作Instructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。1你最喜欢哪本书;2你喜欢的理由。The Book I Like BestMy favorite book is “Dream of The Red Chamber”. The book tries to tell us that there are different kinds of love, only one kind which should be considered as True Love. In our life, we should marry the true love instead of wealth and good looks. From this book, we also get to know a part of the noble peoples life in Qing Dynasty and find some life philosophies from it. So this book is very instructive to people. We should learn more from this book as well as other books.

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