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26中练习题(7) Unit 8-14 2016.4.162.The shop was quite new, for it _ only the week before. A. was opening B. has been open C. had opened D. is opened答案 C5. Do you prefer tea _ coffee?I _ drink some tea.A. to,would like B. or,would rather C. to,prefer D. or,prefer答案 B10.While he was starting _ the cake, someone knocked at door.A. cut B. cutting C. to cut D. cuts答案 C12.Could I use your e-dictionary,Mary?Sorry, but I havent got _.A. one B. it C.this D. that答案 A32.Alice came back home the day before yesterday.Really? Where _?A. has she been B. had she been C.has she gone D. had she gone 答案B33.I _ to a party, but Ive got nothing to wear.Why dont you have a dress made for the party?A. was asked B. will ask C.have asked D. have been asked答案D35.Ive found some pictrues of the most interesting palces _ you can visit during the winter holiday.A. where B. which C.that D. in which答案C翻译句子1. 你认为我们必须让青少年原来网络吗?Do you think teenagers _ the Internet by us?答案must be kept away3. 巨石阵是世界上最伟大的奥秘之一。Stonehenge is _ in the world.答案one of the most famous mysteries6他们正在讨论他们以前看过的电影。They are talking about the movies _答案that they have ever seen before9当你出国的时候,你应该尽可能多的了解当地的风俗习惯。You are supposed to learn _ when you go abroad.答案 local custom as much as possible11. 保罗不像桑迪那样谨慎。他经常在他的作业中犯错误。Paul isnt _ Sandy. He offen _ his homework.答案 as careful as make mistakes in 14. 他在学校的举止很得体,我们都要学习他的好行为。He _ at school, We need to learn from his good behavior.答案 behaves very well18. 当他到电影院的时候,所有的票都卖光了。When he got to the theatre, all the tickets _.答案 have been sold out20. 像郭明义这样的人给我们以鼓舞。People like Guo Mingyi _ us all.答案 are an inspiration to26中九年英语练习(八上)(1)2. If you want to buy this dress, youd better _ first to make sure it fits you.A. pay for it B. take it off C. tidy it up D. try it on答案 D4. Well travel to different places this winter vacation. Enjoy your trip!_. A.The same to you B.Yes, Id love to C.Me, too D.Very well, thank you答案A5. You look tired. Youd better_ a good rest. A.stop to haveB.stop havingC.to stop to haveD.to stop having答案A16.I think _ easy _ English every morning.A.that, keep reading B.its,keep readingC.that, to keep readD.its,to keep reading答案 D17. Which dress do you like best?Sorry, I cant decide_ now.A.to buy which one B.buy which one C.which one to buy D.its,to keep reading答案 C21.Mary dances best in our school.I agree. Ill never forget _ her dance for the first time. A.seeing B. to see C.see D.seen答案A22.The radio is too _ , Please turn it down.A.loud B. loudly C. aloud D.louder答案A29._ daves at home? Isnt he feeling well?A.Why B. How C. How come D.what答案 C34.Mom, could i go out and play?Yes. You can go out to play _ you stay in the backyard.A.as well asB. as long as C. as good as D.as far as答案 D37.Who do you _ is the most careful, Linda, Lisa or Laura?Linda.A. think aboutB. think of C. think D. think over答案 C38.That book is nice. Could you please _?A. show it meB. showing me it C. show it to meD.show me it答案 C39.Is this room _ that one?A.so large as B. same large as C. the same large as D. the same size as答案 D汉译英3. 他将在这部电影中扮演一个警察吗?Will he _ a policeman in the film?答案 act as4. 我最好的朋友能帮我激发出自己的潜能。My best friend helps me to _ in me.答案 bring out the best 5. 他认为那个表演家的生活是编造的。He thinks the life of that performer _.答案 is made up7. 我妈妈比我爸爸更关心我。My mother _ me than my father.答案 pay more attention to8.我计划在她的生日聚会上给她一个惊喜。I _ her at her birthday party.答案 plan to give a surprise to11. 木兰代替她的爸爸参军。Mulan _ her father to join the army.答案 took the place of14.我们和外教展开讨论。We _ foreign teachers.答案 discuss with16. 这座桥的宽度是那座的三倍。This brige is _ that one.答案 three times as wide as17.Lily 比她班上的任何一个女孩都要高。Lily is _ girl in the class.答案 taller than any other26中九年级下英语练习题(2)6. The meeting _ by the time I got there yesterday.A. was onB. has been onC. had begun D. has begun答案 C11.All _ things need water.A. livingB. lovedC. lively D. alive答案 A32.This the most beautiful place _ I have ever visited.A. that B. whereC. whichD. in which答案 A34.April Fools Day _ on April 1st every year.A. will happen B. happens C. takes placeD. is taken place答案 B36.The book was really good, so I couldnt _ it _.A.put,off B.put,down C.put, outD.put, away答案 B39._ is enough for me.A. One and a half hour B. One hour and halfC. One and half hour D. One and a half hours答案 D翻译句子2.我的坏运气意外的变成了一件好事。My bad luck had _ a good thing.答案 unexpectedly turned into3.你来这之前在南方住了多长时间?How long _ before you come here?答案 had you lived in south 4.我感到很幸运还活着。I felt lucky _.答案 to be alive8.乱贴广告的行为应该被制止。_, should be stopped.答案 The action putting up ads everywhere10.当我起床的时候,我哥哥已经在洗淋浴了。By the time I got up, my brother _.答案 had already taken a shower11.今天早上卡尔的爸爸开车捎我一程。Carles father _this morning.答案 gave me a ride12.她和那位医生结婚已经十年了。She _ that doctor for ten years.答案 has been married to14.贫困常引发犯罪。Poverty often _ crime.答案 leads to15.他喜欢的地球脉动的录像带已经卖光了。The video “Planet Earth” he likes _.答案 has been sold out16. 新娘身穿白色礼服。The bride _.答案 wears a white dress17. 她取消了货物订单。She _ for the goods.答案 cancelled the order20.别和她开令她尴尬的玩笑。Dont _her.答案 make embarrassed jokes about26中九年英语练习 (17)12._ have finished the work can leave.A. Those whoB. Anyone C. The one whoD. Whoever答案 A15._ something happens to you, please call me。A. WhicheverB. WhateverC. WheneverD. Whoever答案 C31._ write down the new words in your note book?A. Would you likeB. Why dontC. How aboutD. Could you please答案 D33.“Oh, you have made the same mistake again”“_.How_ I was!”A. So have I, careless B. So I have, carefulC. So have I, carefulD. So I have, careless答案 D35.I think you advice is _ to me and its _.Avaluable, worth giving Bvaluable, worth taking Cvalue, worth going Dvalue, worth taking答案 D翻译句子2.我认为我们不久就会彼此认识的。I think we will _ each other soon.答案 get to know10.他们有相同的想法,因此我们可以说他们意见一致。They have the same idea, so we can say they are _.答案 in agreement15.使大家惊讶和欣慰的是,老师没有惩罚我们。_, our teacher didnt punish us.答案 To everyones surprise and relief16.我们几乎要赢了那场比赛。We were so _ winning that game.答案 close to17.他在无意中发现了一个惊人的秘密。He discoverded a surpring secret _.答案 by accident18.你越用功,进步就越大。_ you work, _ youll make.答案 The harderthe greater progressHJ26中学九年英语练习题 (2)10.Its good _ you _ me so much help.A. for, to give B. of, to giveC. for, givingD. of, giving答案 B16.Do you know his parents?Yes, they _ English teacher in our school.A. are all B. all are C. are bothD. both are答案 C40.I hope you _ my party next week.A. to come B. come toC. can come D. will come to答案 D翻译句子3.他许诺从今以后要更加努力的学习。He _ from now on.答案 promised to study harder5. 感谢帮助我们解决困难。Thanks for _ .答案 helping us solve the difficulties6. 不要把蜂蜜和牛奶混在一起。Dont _ the milk.答案 mix up the honey with9.他将有一种像画画或拍照这样的业余爱好。He is going to _ a hobby like painting or taking photos.答案 take up11.注意。那棵树似乎要倒了。Look out. That tree _.答案 seems to fall down12.我认为机器人和人做同样的事会有困难。I think its difficult for a robot to do_ a person.答案 the same thing as13.你能帮我把西红柿切碎吗?Can you help me _ the tomatoes?答案 cut up16.她不敢告诉父母她的钱包丢了。She is _ tell her parents her wallet is lost.答案 afraid to17.请在周五前写信回复这次邀请。Please _ this invitation by Friday.答案 reply in writing toHJ26中学英语练习题 (7)4.“Dont _ to strangers on your way to and from school.” Mother often _ to me.A.speak, saysB.speak, tellsC.talk, speaksD.talk, tells答案 A5.When Jack got back, He found his mother _ for him.A.to cookB.cookingC.cookedD.cook答案 B7. Please be polite _ our guest.A.toB.withC.onD.about答案 A25.How time files!Yes. In the past few years there _ great changes in my hometown.A.wasB.were C.has beenD.have been答案 D32.We arrived_Shanghai_a cold morning. A.in;in B. in,to C. at;on D. at;in 答案 B翻译句子1. 这个孩子从不够勇敢地回答这些问题。The kid was never _ answer these questions.答案 brave enough to、2. 五年前,我开始学弹钢琴。I _ playing piano five years ago.答案 took up11.通常只有极少数的人才能成功到达顶峰。Usually only a very small number of people _ to the top.答案 can make it26中学九年英语练习题 (3)3. Yesterday Jim _ the bike and hurt his knees.A. fell down B. felt down C. fell off D.felt off答案 A10.Do you mind _ now?A. me to leave B. I leave C. my leave D. I leaving答案 C25.He would call his parents up only if his money _.A.was run out of B.used up C.ran out D.has used up答案 C35.Linda gives me some _ my English learning.A.informations, about B.suggestions, to C.advice, on D. advice, in答案 C36.You should _ the money _ me on Monday.A. return back, toB. return, back C. return, to back D. return, to答案 D37.I dont know _, because I just had a fight with her.A. how to do B. what to do C.how to do with D. Both B&C答案 B39.He has no money. And _, he also has no time to do that.A. anyway B. then C. more D. however答案 A翻译句子2. 在英语写作上她遇到些问题。She _ the English writing.答案 has problems with4.看到小孩落水,他毫不犹豫地跳进河里去救人。He jumped into the river to save her _ when he saw a kid fall into the river.答案 Without hesitation6.我们的食物吃完了,晚上需要再去买一些。Our food has _ so we need to buy some tonight.答案 ran out8. 孩子们应该明白做一个好的决定的重要性。Children should know the _ good decision.答案 importance of making26中九年英语练习题(6)3. The windows needs to be repaired.Yes. They can hardly _ the cold now.A. Keep out B. pick out C. leave out D. take out答案 A17.About _ the students are waiting at the airport. They want to see the great singer.A. two hundred of B. two hundred C. hundred of D. two hundreds of答案 A28. “Thanks for your help.” said him, _ happilyA. smiled B. smile C. smiling D. to smile答案 C29.Did Bill Gates _ his car for 1000 dollars?A. pay B. cost C. spend D. buy答案 D33.Turn it down at once ! The radio is too _ .A. loudly B. aloud C. loud D. louder答案 C40.Nobody but my friends _ here.A. are B. is C. stay D. like答案 B翻译句子2.我们习惯把人们的成功和他们的经历联系起来。Were used to _ their experiences.答案 connecting peoples success with7. 如果今晚他们外出散步,我也去。If they go for a walk this evening, _.答案 so will I9.通过和你在一起这么多天,我对你有了更好的了解。By staying with you for so many days, I _ of you.答案 have a better understanding 12.跟朋友们练习会话提高了我的口语技能。I improved my _ by practicing conversations with friends.答案 speaking skills16.他的爷爷死于癌症。His grandfather _ cancer.答案 died of20.他十分努力,结果通过了考试。He worked hard, _, he passed it.答案 as a result 八下 Revision of Units 7-82.Jim hasnt finished reading A Christmas Carol yet. What about you?Ive read it twice _.A. just then B. just now C. yet D. already答案 D14.How _ will the fog and haze last?Ive no idea. There is no sign of an end.A soon B far C long D often答案 C15.We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen _ we speak.A.as twice much as B.twice as much asC.as much as twiceD.as much twice as答案 B17.How far is it from school?About _.A. 5 minutes on feet B. 5 minutes walkC. 5 minuteswalk D. 5 minutes-walk答案 C21.Which dress do you like best, Madam?Sorry, I cant decide _ now.A.to buy which one B.buy which oneC.which one to buy D.which I should buy it答案 C22.your cousins already back from Tokyo, _ ?A. isnt he B. hasnt he C. havent you D. dosent he答案 A23.You neednt call Tom. I _ ten minutes ago and he _ the invitation.A. call;knows B. have called;known C. called;knew D. called;has known答案 D25.When _ you _ the library book?A.have, borrowedB.did, lendC. did, borrow D. have, kept答案 C26.It is weeks since he _.So it is. Wed better ask someone else to help us.A.fell ill B.was ill C.is ill D.has been ill答案 A30.The flower I _ grown up.A.planted has B.planted have C.has planted D.have planted.答案 A翻译句子1. 中国是世界上人口最多的国家。China _ in the world.答案 is the most populous country / has the largest population2. 在课堂上你要是不懂,你可以随便提问。_ questions if you dont understand in class.答案 You can feel free to ask4.为了不吸入污染的空气,我们应该保护环境。We should protect the environment, in order _ polluted air,答案 not to inhale the5.当面对危险时,你应当保持冷静。You should keep calm _ danger.答案 when faced with6.即使他找新的工作废了很大劲,但他从不放弃。_ he had great _ a new job, but he never gave up答案Even if difficulty in looking for7.你知道它有多重吗?Do you know _ ?答案 how heavy it is8.我认为在2050 年人们会活到120岁。I think people _ 120 years in 2050.答案 will live up to10.凯特被路上的一块石头绊倒了,伤了膝盖。Kate _ the stone and hurt her knees.答案 stumbled over12.我记得当时村子里满是老人和儿童。I remember the village _ the old people and children then.答案 was full of15.我喜欢把时间想象成是在出生时的门票,它们的数量是有限的。I like to imagine time as if you are given a certain amount of tickets _.答案 at birth16.不过,工作流程从那以后就几乎没有任何变化。The mechanics of the job, however, have changed little_ .答案 since then17.我希望有朝一日可以在现场看他演唱。I hope to see him _ .答案 sing live one day18.这是一条 8 米深的河。This is _ river.答案 an 8 meter deep19.他戴太阳镜来保护眼睛免受阳光的伤害。He wears sunglasses to _ his eyes _ the sun.答案 protect from20.这条河是那条河的三倍宽。This river is _ that one.答案 three times as wide as21.亚洲人口有多少?_?Whats the population of Asia?HJ26中英语练习题 (5)12.Have you met Mr Li _?A:just B:ago C:before D:a moment ago答案 C20.Lily doesnt look so happy as her sister Rose.No, shes _ than Rose.A less happy B less unhappy C.less happier D.less unhappier答案 A38.To be _, I dont know _ to do with the old bike.A.honest, what B.honest, how C.true, what D.true , how 答案 A翻译句子1.赶快!火车预定七点到站。Hurry up! The train is _ at the station at seven.答案 due to arrive2.我不能决定何时动身去上海。I cant decide_.答案 when to leave for Shanghai4.台湾被誉为中国的宝岛。Taiwan is _ the treasure island of China.答案 reputed as7.上周我们欣赏了大连之美。Last week we _ of Dalian.答案 enjoyed the beauty8.他在二十多岁时出国了。He went abroad_.答案 at the age of more than 209.他拒绝了他好朋友的建议。He _ his friends advice.答案 refused13.一个小孩儿跑得太快以至于绊倒了。A kid was running so fast that he tripped and _.答案 fall over14.这本书太有趣了以至于我爱不释手。The book is too interesting for me_ .答案 to put it down18.为了解决水污染问题,首先我们应该不向海洋里扔垃圾。To solve the problem of water pollution, we should _ the sea.答案 not throw rubbish into19.但是说实在的,现在我已经有一段时间没玩了。But, to be honest, I have not played _ now.答案 over a long period of time 20.我还了解一些发明,它们成就了彩色电影。I learned about the inventions that _ color movies, too.答案 led to26中九年级下练习(2)1.People, especially teens, think it _ great fun to surf on _ Internet.A. a; the B. a; 不填 C. 不填; the D. the;the答案 C4.Have you found _ here in the room?Everything is OK_ the broken window.A.special thing;except B.anything special; besides C.special thing; besides D.anything special; except答案 D9.It is said that he _ sent to Austria to improve his English.A.would be B.was to be C.has been D.had been答案 C10.Not only Tom but also his brother _ the Greener China for two years.A. has become a member of B. have joined C. have been a member of D. has been in答案 D22.When I got to the cinema, the movie _ for five minutes.A. beganB. had begun C. had been on D. has been on答案 C28.What he said caused us _.A. to feel frightening B. to feel frightened C. feeling frighten D. feel frightened答案 B翻译句子1.新来的老师总是鼓励小汤姆,这对他影响很大。The new teacher always encouraged little Tom. This _ him.2.在那个国家,城市儿童入学人数比乡镇及农村要高。In that country, _ going to school is higher in cities than in towns and villages.3.每次她去看那部电影,最后都哭得跟泪人似的。Every time she went to see that movie, she _ her eyes out.4.我奶奶摇着头,丝毫不信。My grandma shook her head _.5.别那样盯着人看,那不礼貌。_ people like that. Its rude.6.我们正要出发,这时凯特回来了,带来了坏消息。We _ set off when Kate returned with the bad news.7.为了减少空气污染,我们应该乘公交车或地铁而不是开车。_, we should take the bus or subway instead of driving.8.政府现在必须采取行动阻止暴力犯罪的上升。_ now to stop the rise int violent crime.9.如果你有一个创新的头脑,没有东西是浪费的。Nothing is _ if you have a _.10.河流的底部充满了垃圾。_ is full of rubbish.11. 这种(做法)正在吧美丽的地方变成了丑陋的地方。This is _ beautiful places _ ugly ones.12.这个城镇的每一个人应该在清除河流发挥作用。Everyone in the town should _ the river up.13.我从不使用木质的筷子或塑料的餐叉。I never use the _ chopsticks or _ forks.14.没有科学研究已经表明鱼翅对健康有益。_ have shown that shark fins are good for health. 15.我能买得其这辆车。I _ the car.16.他的哥哥花了50美元买了这双鞋。His brother _ his new shoes.17.喝酒太多对你的健康有害。Drinking too much _ to your health.18.我们应该使用可再次利用的袋子而不是纸袋子。We should use reusable bags _ plastic bags.19.鲨鱼处在食物链的顶端。Sharks are _ the food chain.20.恐怕我得取消明天的会议。Im afraid Ill have to _ tomorrow.26中九年英语练习题(4)10.It was really good, so I couldnt _ it _.A. put, off B. put, down C. put, out D. put, away答案 B21._ the teacher, the students agree _ me.A. Thanks for, to help B. Thanks to, to helpC. Thanks for, with D. Thanks to, on答案 B22.Parents often _ their children _ some good advice.A.offer, with B. offer, / C. provide, with D. Both B and C 答案 D30.The library _ until seven oclock in the evening.A. stays open B. stays opening C. keeps opening D. keeps opened答案 A32. Lets have a rest, _ ?A. will you B. wont you C. dont you D. shall we答案 D33. “Will there be more trees?”_. I think well have a more beautiful world in the future.AYes, there are BYes, there will CNo, there arent DNo, there wont答案 B37.Tom needs _ out the blender and _.A.take; turn on it B.to take; turn on it C.to take; turn it on D.taking; turn it up 答案 C翻译句子1.在困难时期我们怎么才能紧密团结在一起呢?How can we bring people closer together _.答案 in times of difficulty6.为什么这么多登山者奋不顾身?Why do so many climbers _ ?答案 lose the

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