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英语诗歌赏析(英国)教师: 郎琴芳学生:12级(16班)英语语言文学方向姓名: 班级: 座右铭: 2015 年8 月30日How do I love thee?我是怎样地爱你 Elizabeth Barrett BrowningHow do I love thee?我是怎样地爱你?Let me count the ways.让我逐一细述。I love thee to the depth and breadth and height我爱你之深邃,之宽广,之高远My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight尽我的灵魂所能及之处犹如探求For the ends of being and ideal grace.玄冥中神的存在和美好之极。I love thee to the level of every days我爱你如每日之必需,Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.阳光下和烛焰前都少不了。I love thee freely, as men strive for right.我自由地爱着你,像人们争取他们的权利;I love thee purely, as they turn from praise.我纯洁地爱着你,如人们在赞美前会垂首。I love thee with the passion put to use我爱你,带着我昔日悲伤时的In my old griefs, and with my childhoods faith.那种激情,童年时的那种诚意;I love thee with a love I seemed to lose我爱你,抵得上往日对圣者怀有的With my lost saints. I love thee with the breath,如今似已消逝的那种爱-我用呼吸,Smiles, tears, of all my life; and, if God choose,用微笑,用眼泪,用我整个生命来爱你!Sonnets from the Portuguese_ No. X不过只要是爱,是爱,可就是美,Yet, love, mere love, is beautiful indeed就值得你接受。你知道,爱就是火,And worthy of acceptation. Fire is bright,火总是光明的,不问着火的是庙堂Let temple burn, or flax. And equal light或者柴堆那栋梁还是荆榛在烧,Leaps in the flame from cedar-plank or weed.火焰里总跳得出同样的光辉。当我And love is fire. And when I say at need不由得倾吐出:“我爱你!”在你的眼里,_I love thee . mark! . _I love thee_ - in thy sight那荣耀的瞬息,我忽然成了一尊金身,I stand transfigured, glorified aright,感觉到有一道新吐的皓光从我天庭With conscience of the new rays that proceed投向你脸上。是爱,就无所谓卑下,Out of my face toward thine. Theres nothing low即使是最微贱的在爱:那微贱的生命In love, when love the lowest: meanest creatures献爱给上帝,宽宏的上帝受了它、Who love God, God accepts while loving so.又回赐给它爱。我那迸发的热情And what I _feel_, across the inferior features就象道光,通过我这陋质,昭示了Of what I _am_, doth flash itself, and show爱的大手笔怎样给造物润色。How that great work of Love enhances Natures.Sonnets from the Portuguese No. XIVIf thou must love me, let it be for nought如果你一心要爱我,那就别为了什么,Except for loves sake only. Do not say只是为了爱才爱我。别这么讲:I love her for her smile . her look . her way“我爱她,为了她的一笑,她的模样,Of speaking gently, . for a trick of thought她柔语的声气;为了她这感触That falls in well with mine, and certes brought certes: certainly正好合我的心意,那天里,的确A sense of pleasant ease on such a day -给我带来满怀的喜悦和舒畅。”For these things in themselves, Beloved, may亲爱的,这些好处都不能持常,Be changed, or change for thee, - and love, so wrought wrought: worked会因你而变,而这样唱出的爱曲May be unwrought so. Neither love me for也将这样哑寂。也别爱我因为你Thine own dear pitys wiping my cheeks dry, -又怜又惜地给我揩干了泪腮,A creature might forget to weep, who bore一个人会忘了哭泣,当她久受你Thy comfort long, and lose thy love thereby!温柔的慰安却因此失了你的爱。But love for loves sake, that evermore爱我,请只是为了那爱的意念,Thou mayst love on, through loves eternity.那你就能继续地爱,爱我如深海。Youll Love Me YetElizabeth Barrett BrowningYoull love Me yetYoull love me yet!and I can tarry Your loves protracted growing: June reard that bunch of flowers you carry, From seeds of Aprils sowing. I plant a heartful now: some seed At least is sure to strike, And yieldwhat youll not pluck indeed, Not love, but, may be, like. Youll look at least on loves remains, A grave s one violet: Your look?that pays a thousand pains. What s death? Youll love me yet!你总有爱我的一天你总有爱我的一天,我能等着你的爱慢慢地长大。你手里提的那把花,不也是四月下的种子,六月开的吗?如今我在心里撒满爱的种子,至少有一两粒会发芽罢。然后开花了,你也不会去采的。没有爱,至少,会有点喜欢罢。你总会看一眼,我坟头的紫罗兰。那一眼,抵了我万千烦恼。死又怎样?你总有爱我的一天。Meeting At Night by Robert Browning The grey sea and the long black land;And the yellow half-moon large and low;And the startled little waves that leapIn fiery ringlets from their sleep,As I gain the cove with pushing prow,And quench its speed i the slushy sand. Then a mile of warm sea-scented beach;Three fields to cross till a farm appears;A tap at the pane, the quick sharp scratchAnd blue spurt of a lighted match,And a voice less loud, thro its joys and fears,Than the two hearts beating each to each!Parting at Morning by Robert BrowningRound the cape of a sudden cane the sea,And the sun lookd over the mountains rim:And straight was a path of gold for him,And the need of a world of men for me.夜会罗伯特勃朗宁灰濛濛大海,黑幽幽长岸; 又大又黄的半月挂得低;梦中惊醒的浪花在蹦跳,像无数小小的火环闪耀 当我急行的船擦着淤泥,减慢了速度驶进小海湾。三里路沙滩,海香风暖和;过了三垄地,到了那农家;一叩窗,顿时嚓的一声响,火柴进出了蓝莹莹火光; 充满喜乐惊怕的悄悄话 轻过怦怦对跳的心两颗!晨别罗伯特勃朗宁大海绕过海岬突然奔来太阳从山脊上露出脸蛋,笔直的金光道在他面前伸展,一个男人的世界为我所期盼。Home Thoughts From Abroadby Robert BrowningOh, to be in England now that Aprils there,And whoever wakes in England sees, some morning, unaware,That the lowest boughs and the brushwood sheafRound the elm-tree bole are in tiny leaf,While the chaffinch sings on the orchard boughIn England - now!And after April, when May followsAnd the white-throat builds, and all the swallows!Hark, where my blossomed pear-tree in the hedgeLeans to the field and scatters on the cloverBlossoms and dewdrops - at the bent sprays edgeThats the wise thrush: he sings each song twice overLest you should think he never could recaptureThe first fine careless rapture!And, tho the fields look rough with hoary dew,All will be gay when noontide wakes anewThe buttercups, the little childrens dowerFar brighter than this gaudy melon-flower!海外乡愁罗伯特.勃朗宁 啊,但愿此刻身在英格兰,趁这四月天,一个早晨醒来,谁都会突然发观:榆树四周低矮的枝条和灌木丛中,小小的嫩叶已显出一片葱茏,听那苍头燕雀正在果园里唱歌,在英格兰啊,在此刻!四月过去,五月接踵来到,燕子都在衔泥,白喉鸟在筑巢!我园中倚向篱笆外的梨树把如雨的花瓣和露珠 洒满了树枝之下的苜蓿田;聪明的鸫鸟在那儿唱,把每支歌都唱两遍,为了免得你猜想:它不可能重新捕捉第一遍即兴唱出的美妙欢乐!尽管露水笼罩得田野灰白暗淡,到中午一切又将喜气盎然,苏醒的毛茛花是孩子们的“嫁妆”,这华而俗的甜瓜花哪儿比得上它灿烂明亮!My Last Duchess 我的前公爵夫人Robert BrowningThats my last Duchess painted on the wall,Looking as if she were alive. I callThat piece a wonder, now: Fr Pandolfs handsWorked busily a day, and there she stands.墙上的这幅面是我的前公爵夫人,看起来就像她活着一样。如今,我称它为奇迹:潘道夫师的手笔经一日忙碌,从此她就在此站立。Will t please you sit and look at her? I saidFr Pandolf by design, for never readStrangers like you that pictured countenance,The depth and passion of its earnest glance,But to myself they turned (since none puts byThe curtain I have drawn for you, but I)And seemed as they would ask me, if they durst,How such a glance came there; so, not the first你愿坐下看看她吗?我有意提起潘道夫,因为外来的生客(例如你)凡是见了画中描绘的面容、那真挚的眼神的深邃和热情,没有一个不转向我(因为除我外再没有别人把画上的帘幕拉开),似乎想问我可是又不大敢问;是从哪儿来的这样的眼神?你并非第一个人回头这样问我。Are you to turn and ask thus. Sir, t was notHer husbands presence only, called that spotOf joy into the Duchess cheek: perhapsFr Pandolf chanced to say, Her mantle lapsOver my ladys wrist too much, or PaintMust never hope to reproduce the faint先生,不仅仅是她丈夫的在座使公爵夫人面带欢容,可能潘道夫偶然说过:“夫人的披风盖住她的手腕太多,”或者说:“隐约的红晕向颈部渐渐隐没,这绝Half-flush that dies along her throat: such stuffWas courtesy, she thought, and cause enoughFor calling up that spot of joy. She hadA heart - how shall I say? - too soon made glad,Too easily impressed; she liked whateerShe looked on, and her looks went everywhere.这种无聊话,却被她当成好意,也足以唤起她的欢心。她那颗心怎么说好呢?要取悦容易得很,也太易感动。她看到什么都喜欢,而她的目光又偏爱到处观看。Sir, t was all one! my favour at her breast,The dropping of the daylight in the West,The bough of cherries some officious foolBroke in the orchard for her, the white muleShe rode with round the terrace - all and eachWould draw from her alike the approving speech, Or blush, at least. She thanked men, - good! but thanked先生,她对什么都一样!她胸口上佩戴的我的赠品,或落日的余光;过分殷勤的傻子在园中攀折给她的一枝樱桃,或她骑着绕行花圃的白骡所有这一切都会使她同样地赞羡不绝,或至少泛起红晕。她感激人好的!非任何颜料所能复制。”Somehow - I know not how - as if she rankedmy gift of a nine-hundred-years-old nameWith anybodys gift. Whod stoop to blameThis sort of trifling? Even had you skillIn speech - (which I have not) - to make your willQuite clear to such an one, and say, Just thisOr that in you disgusts me; here you miss,Or there exceed the mark - and if she letHerself be lessoned so, nor plainly setHer wits to yours, forsooth, and made excuse,- Een then would be some stooping; and I chooseNever to stoop. Oh, sir, she smiled, no doubt,Wheneer I passed her; but who passed without但她的感激(我说不上怎么搞的)仿佛把我赐她的九百年的门第与任何人的赠品并列。谁愿意屈尊去谴责这种轻浮举止?即使你有口才(我却没有)能把你的意志给这样的人儿充分说明:“你这点或那点令我讨厌。这儿你差得远,而那儿你超越了界限。”即使她肯听你这样训诫她而毫不争论,毫不为自己辩解,我也觉得这会有失身份,所以我选择绝不屈尊。哦,先生,她总是在微笑,每逢我走过;但是谁人走过得不到同样慷慨的微笑?发展至此,我下了令:于是一切微笑都从此制止。Much the same smile? This grew; I have commands;Then all smiles stopped together. There she standsAs if alive. Will t please you rise? Well meetThe company below then. I repeat,The Count your masters known munificenceIs ample warrant that no just pretenceOf mine for dowry will be disallowed;Though his fair daughters self, as I avowedAt starting, is my object. Nay, well goTogether down, sir. Notice Neptune, though,Taming a sea-horse, thought a rarity,Which Claus of Innsbruck cast in bronze for me! 她站在那儿,像活着一样。请你起身客人们在楼下等。我再重复一声:你的主人伯爵先生闻名的大方足以充分保证:我对嫁妆提出任何合理要求都不会遭拒绝;当然如我开头声明的,他美貌的小姐才是我追求的目标。别客气,让咱们一同下楼吧。但请看这海神尼普顿在驯服海马,这是件珍贵的收藏,是克劳斯为我特制的青铜铸像。Break, break, break 海浪喧哗Alfred, Lord Tennyson On thy cold gray stones, O Sea! And I would that my tongue could utter The thoughts that arise in me. 哗啦,哗啦,哗啦, 冲上阴冷的礁石,啊海浪! 愿我的语言能够表达 埋藏心底的惆怅。O, well for the fishermans boy, That he shouts with his sister at play! O, well for the sailor lad, That he sings in his boat on the bay!啊,那渔夫的男孩多么愉快, 与姊妹一起游戏呼喊; 啊,那年轻的水手多么愉快, 且引吭高歌且荡舟海湾。And the stately ships go on To their haven under the hill; But O for the touch of a vanished hand, And the sound of a voice that is still! 庄严的船队在进发 驶向山下的海港; 可那消失了的柔荑的轻抚 与那静默了的声音竟在何方!Break, break, break, At the foot of thy crags, O Sea! But the tender grace of a day that is dead Will never come back to me. 哗啦,哗啦,哗啦, 冲着巉岩的跟脚,啊海浪! 可那逝去的温柔美好时光 再也不回我的身旁。Crossing the Bar 过沙洲 Alfred, Lord Tennyson Crossing the BarSunset and evening star,And one clear call for me!And may there be no moaning of the bar,When I put out to sea,过沙洲日暮黄昏星转,一声清晰将我召唤!但愿启航时,沙洲不要为我悲叹,But such a tide as moving seems asleep,Too full for sound and foam,When that which drew from out the boundless deepTurns again home.起伏波澜却似寝息,涛声浪沫满溢,它来自万丈的海底,如今归故里。Twilight and evening bell,And after that the dark!And may there be no sadness of farewell,When I embark;暮色朦胧晚钟鸣,黑夜接踵行!登船起锚时,但愿诀别无伤情;For though from out our bourne of Time and PlaceThe flood may bear me far,I hope to see my Pilot face to faceWhen I have crossed the bar.虽自时空小溪之源,洪流载我万里远,待到过沙洲,只盼与领航面对面。Ulysses Alfred Tennyson尤利西斯 丁尼生It little profits that an idle king, | 这太无谓当一个闲散的君主By this still hearth, among these barren crags, | 安居家中,在这个嶙峋的岛国Matchd with an aged wife, I mete and dole | 我与年老的妻子相匹,颁布着Unequal laws unto a savage race, | 不公的法律,治理野蛮的种族,That hoard, and sleep, and feed, and know not me. | 他们吃、睡、收藏,而不理解我。I cannot rest from travel: I will drink | 我不能停歇我的跋涉:我决心Life to the lees; all times I have enjoyd | 饮尽生命之杯。我一生都在Greatly, have sufferd greatly, both with those | 体验巨大的痛苦、巨大的欢乐,That loved me, and alone; on shore, and when | 有时与爱我的狄伴一起,有时却Thro scudding drifts the rainy Hyades | 独自一个;不论在岸上或海上,Vext the dim sea: I am become a name; | 当带来雨季的毕宿星团催动,我已经变成这样一个名字For always roaming with a hungry heart | 由于我如饥似渴地漂泊不止,Much have I seen and known; cities of men | 我已见识了许多民族的城And manners, climates, councils, governments, | 及其风气、习俗、枢密院、政府,Myself not least, but honourd of them all; | 而我在他们之中最负盛名;And drunk delight of battle with my peers, | 我和同僚们共饮战斗的欢欣,Far on the ringing plains of windy Troy, | 在遥远而多风的特洛亚战场,I am a part of all that I have met; | 我自己是我全部经历的一部分;Yet all experience is an arch wherethro | 而全部经验,也只是一座拱门,Gleams that untravelld world, whose margin fades | 尚未游历的世界在门外闪光,For ever and for ever when I move. | 而随着我一步一步的前进,它的边界也不断向后退让。How dull it is to pause, to make an end, | 最单调最沉闷的是停留,是终止,To rust unburnishd, not to shine in use! | 是蒙尘生锈而不在使用中发亮!As tho to breathe were life. Life piled on life | 难道说呼吸就能算是生活?Were all too little, and of one to me | 几次生命堆起来尚嫌太少,Little remains: but every hour is saved | 何况我唯一的生命已余年无多。From that eternal silence, something more, | 唯有从永恒的沉寂之中抢救A bringer of new things; and vile it were | 每个小时,让每个小时带来一些新东西,带来一些新事物;For some three suns to store and hoard myself, | 三年来我可耻地把自己封存和储藏起来,And this gray spirit yearning in desire | 可这班白的心灵却迫切地向往To follow knowledge like a sinking star, | 去追随知识,像那西沉的星星,Beyond the utmost bound of human thought. | 到那人类思想极限以外的地方。This is my son, mine own Telemachus, | 这是我的儿子忒勒玛科斯,To whom I leave the scepter and the isle | 我给他留下我的岛国和王杖,Well-loved of me, discerning to fulfil | 他是我所爱的,他有胆有识,This labour, by slow prudence to make mild | 能胜任这一工作;谨慎耐心地A rugged people, and thro soft degrees | 教化粗野的民族,用温和的步骤Subdue them to the useful and the good. | 驯化他们,使他们善良而有用。Most blameless is he, centred in the sphere | 他是无可指责的,Of common duties, decent not to fail | 在我离去后他会担起重任,In offices of tenderness, and pay | 处理好那些需要谨慎应付的事务,Meet adoration to my household gods, | 并对我家的佑护神表示崇敬。When I am gone. He works his work, I mine. | 他和我,将各做各的工作There lies the port; the vessel puffs her sail: | 海港就在那边,船儿已经扬帆,There gloom the dark broad seas. My mariners, | 大海沉沉,朦胧一片。我的水手们Souls that have toild, and wrought, and thought with me | 与我同辛劳、同工作、同思想的人,That ever with a frolic welcome took | 他们总是高高兴兴去迎接The thunder and the sunshine, and opposed | 雷电和阳光,Free hearts, free foreheadsyou and I are old; | 并用自由的心与头颅来抗争,Old age hath yet his honour and his toil; | 你们和我都已老了,但老年Death closes all: but something ere the end, | 仍有老年的荣誉、老年的辛劳;Some work of noble note, may yet be done, | 死亡终结一切,但在终点前Not unbecoming men that strove with Gods. | 我们还能做一番崇高的事业,使我们配称为与神斗争的人。The lights begin to twinkle from the rocks: | 礁石上的灯标开始闪光了:The long day wanes: the slow moon climbs: the deep | 长昼将尽,月亮缓缓攀登,Moans round with many voices. Come, my friends, | 大海用无数音响在周围呻唤。来呀,朋友们,探寻更新的世界Tis not too late to seek a newer world. | 现在尚不是为时过晚。Push off, and sitting well in order smite | 开船吧!坐成排,划破这喧哗的海浪,The sounding furrows; for my purpose holds | 我决心驶向To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths | 太阳沉没的彼方,超越Of all the western stars, until I die. | 西方星斗的浴场,至死方止。It may be that the gulfs will wash us down: | 也许深渊会把我们吞噬,It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles, | 也许我们将到达琼岛乐土,And see the great Achilles, whom we knew. | 与老朋友阿喀琉斯会晤。Tho much is taken, much abides; and tho | 尽管已达到的多,未知的也多啊,We are not now that strength which in old days | 虽然我们的力量已不如当初,Moved earth and heaven; that which we are, we are; | 已远非昔日移天动地的雄姿,One equal temper of heroic hearts, | 但我们仍是我们,英雄的心Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will | 尽管被时间消磨,被命运削弱,To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield. | 奋斗、探索、寻求,而不屈服Silent Noon 寂静的中午- Dante Gabriel RossettiYour hands lie open in the long fresh grass, 你的手伸展在鲜嫩的长草里 The finger-points look through like rosy blooms: 指尖如玫瑰花一样透明:Your eyes smile peace. 你的眼睛漾着恬静的微笑。The pasture gleams and glooms Neath billowing skies that scatter and amass. 云海汹涌的长空下, 牧场时而闪烁,时而暗淡。All round our nest, far as the eye can pass, 在我们的巢穴周围,在我们的视野之内, Are golden kingcup-fields with silver edge 是镶着银边的金黄色的驴蹄草, Where the cow-parsley skirts the hawthorn-hedge. 是峨参环绕的山毛榉篱笆。Tis visible silence, still as the hour-glass. 这可见的沉静,沙漏一般的沉静。 Deep in the sun-searched growths the dragon-fly 阳光追逐的枝苗深处,挂着一只蜻蜓, Hangs like a blue-thread loosened from the sky; 像天空撒了手的蓝线;So this wingd hour is dropt to us from above. 像这生着翅膀的时光从我们头顶降落。 Oh! Clasp we to our hearts, for deathless dower, 啊!心贴心地抱紧我们吧,为了这不朽的馈赠,This close-companioned inarticulate hour 这亲密相伴的沉默时光,When two-fold silence was the song of love. 双重的沉默就是一首爱情之歌。Sudden Light 顿悟Dante Gabriel RossettiI have been here before, 我一定到过此地,But when or how I cannot tell: 何时,何因,却不知详I know the grass beyond the door, 只记得门外草依依,The sweet keen smell, 阵阵甜香, The sighing sound, the lights around the shore. 围绕岸边的闪光,海的叹息。 You have been mine before, 往昔你曾属于我How long ago I may not know: 只不知距今已有多久,But just when at that swallows soar 但刚才你看飞燕穿梭,Your neck turned so, 葛然回首,Some veil did fall, - I knew it all of yore. 纱幕落了!这一切我早就见过Has this been thus before? 莫非真有过此情此景? And shall not thus times eddying flight 时间的飞旋会不会再一次Still with our lives our love restore 恢复我们的生活与爱情,In deaths despite, 超越了死,And day and night yield one delight once more? 日日夜夜再给 一次欢欣?A Birthday Christina Georgina RossettiMy heart is like a singing bird 我的心像只鸣啼的小鸟Whose nest is in a watered shoot; 在柔润的技条上筑着巢;My heart is like an apple tree 我的心像棵苹果树Whose boughs are bent with thickset fruit; 被累累的硕果压弯了腰;My heart is like a rainbow shell 我的心像五彩缤纷的贝壳That paddles in a halcyon sea; 在平静的海上轻轻荡漾;My heart is gladder than all these 我的心比这些还更欢畅 Because my love is coming to me. 因为我的爱已经来到。Raise me a dais of silk and down; 为我造一座丝绒的讲坛Hang it with vair and purple dyes; 用金色和紫色颜料涂染;Carve it with doves and pomegranates 在上面雕刻鸽子和石榴And peacocks with a hundred eyes; 还有孔雀长着一百只眼;Work it in gold and silver grapes, 再用金银葡萄把它妆扮In leaves and silver fleurs-de-lys; 树叶和鹫尾草银光闪闪;Because the birthday of my life is coming, 因为我的生日已经来临,My love is coming to me. 因为我的爱已经来到。 Echo by Christina Rossetti Come to me in the silence of the night; 来吧,趁着万籁俱寂的夜晚Come in the sparkling silence of a dream; 来吧,驾着梦中无声的寂静,Come with soft rounded cheeks and eyes as bright来吧,带着温柔的圆圆的脸蛋,As sunlight on a stream; 闪着明澈如溪的眼睛Come back in tears, 在泪水中归来吧,O memory, hope, and love of finished years.哦,回忆,希望,逝去的岁月中的爱情。O dream how sweet, too sweet, too bitter sweet,哦,梦啊,是多么甜蜜,痛苦的甜蜜,Whose wakening should have been in Paradise, 醒时,一定正好呆在天堂Where souls brimfull of love abide and meet;在那儿,满盛爱情的心灵等候相会,Where thirsting longing eyes 用渴望、祈求的双眼,Watch the slow door 急切地注视That opening, letting in, lets out no more. 慢慢启开的、准进不准出的门扇。Yet come to me in dreams, that I may live在梦中归来吧;尽管死一般寒冷,My very life again though cold in death:但我愿把过去的日子再过一次;Come back to me in dreams, that I may give在梦中归来吧,我愿与你 Pulse for pulse, breath for breath:脉搏对这脉搏,呼吸对着呼吸Speak low, lean low,低声地说话,低低地偎依,As long ago, my love, how long ago.就像以前,我的爱人,那很久以前的日子Song - Christina Georgina Rossetti (徐志摩翻译)When I am dead, my dearest, 当我死去的时候,亲爱的Sing no sad songs for me; 你别为我唱悲伤的歌Plant thou no roses at my head, 我坟上不必安插蔷薇Nor shady cypress tree: 也无需浓荫的柏树Be the green grass above me 让盖著我的青青的草With showers and dewdrops wet; 淋著雨也沾著露珠And if thou wilt, remember, 假如你愿意请记著我And if thou wilt, forget. 要是你甘心忘了我I shall not see the shadows, 我再见不到地面的青荫I shall not feel the rain; 觉不到雨露的甜蜜I shall not hear the nightingale 我再听不到夜莺的歌喉Sing on, as if in pain: 在黑夜裏倾吐悲啼And dreaming through the twilight 在悠久的坟墓中迷惘That doth not rise nor set, 阳光不升起也不消翳Haply I may remember, 我也许,也许我还记得你And haply may forget. 我也许把你忘记。Remember Chirstina Georgina Rossetti Remember me when I am gone away,请记住我,当我已离去,Gone far away into the silent land;到那遥远而静谧的土地,When you can no more hold me by the hand,你再不能牵住我的手,Nor I half turn to go yet turning stay.而我也无法将去还留。Remember me when no more day by day 请记住我,当不再有那一日又一日,You tell me of our futur


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