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_上节课回顾:一、作业检查情况 完成 未完成 二、知识点回顾1、谈论 talk about 2、让我们一起做某事Lets do sth. 3、好主意 Thats a good idea 4、agree to do 同意做某事5、正确的答案 the correct answers 6、好主意去做某事 Its a good idea to do 7、as much as possible 尽可能多地 8、听收音机 listen to the radio 9、读英语报纸 read an English newspaper 10、look up 查找 11、make a mistake 犯错误 12、最好不要去做某事 its better not to do sth 句型Giving advice: 1) We/You should 2) Lets try to 3) Why not?4) Its a good idea to 5) How about? 6) Why dont we/you?7) Its better not to1.我将给你们一些学英语的建议。Im going to _ about studying English. 2. 课堂上你应该总是说英语。You _ English in class3. 我和我的笔友互相发电子邮件。My pen friend and I _ each other4. 不要忘记每天检查你的词汇本。_ your vocabulary notebook every day.5. 尽量不要逐字翻译。_ every word.6. 为什么不把你的正确拼写写在错误旁边呢?_ the correct spelling next to the mistakes?7. 你还想知道别的什么事?_ do you want to know?8. 我完全同意你的意见。I quite _ you.9. 我认为写与读一样重要。I think writing is _ reading.Keys:1. give you some advice 2. should always speak 3. send e-mails to 4. Dont forget to check 5. Try not to translate 6. Why not write down 7. What else 8. agree with 9. as important as 课堂导入Unit 2 You should smile at herSmile at the othersPlese smile知识讲解1.发到send to. 给某人寄送某物 send sb. sth.send sth. to sb.2开始交谈start a conversation 3. 在纸上 on pieces of paper 4.喜欢做某事. enjoy doing sth. 5.观看英文电影watch English films 6. 害羞去做某事be shy to do sth. 7. 对某人说speak to sb. 8害怕去做某事 be afraid to do sth 9. 的意思 the meaning of 10.每次each time 11.一些新的东西.something new 12. 听地道的英文歌 listen to real English songs13. 好的方法去做某事be great ways to do sth. Important and difficult points1、 Many students ask for advice about how to improve their English.许多学生询问关于怎样提高英语(水平)的建议。(1)ask for 请求(给予)eg.他来要他的字典。_He came here to ask for his dictionary.(2)advice 是名词,ask for advice 表示“询问建议”。例如:我想请教应该住在哪儿。I want to ask for advice about where to stay. (3)how to improve “如何提高”,是“特殊疑问词+动词不定式”结构,在句中作介词about的宾语。eg. 格林先生将给我们做一个关于如何学习英语的报告。Mr Green will give us a talk on how to learn English.2. I like watching English films and listening to English songs. 我喜欢看英语电影和听英语歌曲。(1) like,动词,意为“喜欢”,后跟动词不定式或动名词形式作宾语。跟动词不定式表示的动作意味强一些,跟动名词多表示习惯性的动作。eg. 我喜欢放学后打篮球。I like playing basketball after school.你喜欢和我一起玩电脑游戏吗?Do you like to play computer games with me?(2) 拓展:like 还用作介词,表示“像”Eg. 今天天气怎么样?Whats the weather like today?他像猴子一样跳跃。He jumped like a monkey.(3)watching English films和listening to English songs 是and 连接的两个并列的动名词短语,并列做动词like 的宾语。and连接两个并列的动词时形式要保持一致,连接两个并列的动词不定式时,往往省略后一个to。例如:我的朋友托尼喜欢打高尔夫,喜欢环球旅行。My friend Tony likes playing golf and traveling around the world.你愿意和我们一起玩吗?Would you like to come and play with us?(4)辨析little , a little, few, a fewLittle 表否定意义,意为“很少;几乎没有”,修饰不可数名词。Eg. 看!杯子里几乎没有水了。Look! There is little water in the glass.a little 表肯定意义,意为“有一点”,修饰不可数名词。关于做饭我懂得一点儿。I know a little about cooking.few 表否定意义,意为“很少;几乎没有”,修饰可数名词。没有几个孩子能按时到那儿。Few children can get there on time.a few 表肯定意义,意为“有一些,几个”,修饰可数名词。我们要离开几天。We are going away for a few days.3. I also advise you to talk about the films or songs with your friends.我建议你和朋友谈谈(所看) 电影或(所听)歌曲. advise 是动词,意为“建议,劝告”,其名词形式为advice,表示“建议,意见”。常用结构:(1)advise sb. to do sth. 表示“建议某人做某事”。eg.医生建议他戒烟。The doctor advised him to stop smoking.(2)advise +doing我建议等到明天。I advise waiting until tomorrow。(3)advise sb.+特殊疑问词+动词不定式为什么不建议他下一步怎么做呢?Why not advise him what to do next?(4)advise+宾语+介词关于这个问题你能给我些建议吗?Could you advise me on the problem?4、I suggest you write four or five words a day on pieces of paper and place them in your room.我建议你每天把四到五个单词写在纸片上,并把它们放在你的房间里。Suggest 动词,“建议,提议”,后跟从句,省略了引导词that;从句谓语用“should+动词原形”,should可以省略。And连接两个并列的谓语动词write和place。辨析suggest & advise 相同:两者都表示“建议,提议”,大多数情况下可以换用,都可以跟名词,代词,动名词作宾语,都可以接that从句,从句谓语用“should+动词原形”,should可以省略。不同:advise可以用于advise sb. to do sth.结构,即可跟宾语和宾语补足语,而suggest则不可以。他们建议我们再笔记本里写下这些错误。They suggestadvise that we (should) write down the mistakes in our notebooks. 5、Each time you will learn something new. 每次你会学到某些新的东西。Something 表示“某物,某些东西”,因为意义不确定,所以英语中把这种代词叫做不定代词。注意用形容词修饰不定代词时要放在不定代词后面。在这儿你总能发现某些奇怪的东西。You can always find something strange here.6、Watching films and listening to songs are great ways to learn English.看电影和听歌曲是很好的学英语的方法。句中用and连接两个并列的动名词短语作主语,表达的是两件事情,所以谓语动词用复形式。动名词或动名词短语作主语表达的是一件事情时,谓语动词用单数形式,只有用and并列且表示不同的事情时,谓语动词才用复数形式。eg. 游泳是我夏天最喜欢的体育运动。Swimming is my favourite sport in summer.练习巩固选择正确的单词They advisesuggest us to write down the mistakes in our notebooks.1、Scientists _parents not to choose such kind of milk for their children.A let B hope C advise D suggest 答案 C2、I want to find a way _my English.A improve B of improve C to improve D improving 答案 C重点单词,词组听写归纳总结重点单词用法advice advise _ like _ little , a little, few, a few _suggest Something家庭作业1、认真复习讲义,短语1英1汉。2、中考连接( ) 1. I have some problems with my English writing. Can you give me some _? A. advice B. decisions C. information D. messages( ) 2. There is _ in todays newspaper. A. something important B. important something C. anything important D. important anything ( ) 3. Is there _ in todays newspaper? A. special something B. special anything. C. something special D. anything specialKeys:1. A 2. A 3. D3、Underline the correct words and expressions.Heres my (1) advice / notebook about learning English. Speak English (2) always / as much as possible in class, and listen to English (3) in the newspaper / on the radio. I (4) agree / forget its a good idea to look up new worlds in the ( 5) notebook / dictionary. You can find the (6) correct / excellent pronunciation and learn the meaningKeys: 1. advice 2. as much as possible 3. on the radio 4. agree 5. dictionary 6. correct 4、 Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the boxadvise basic conversation improve meaning shy suggestDiana, the Language Doctor, gives some (1) _ advice about learning English. She (2) _ you to talk about films and songs, and the (3) _ of new words. The second piece of advice is this: Start your (4) _ greetings or a question. She (5) _ that you smile before you speak and do not feel (6) _. Finally, (7) _ your vocabulary with four to five new words every day.Keys: 1. basic 2. advises 3. meaning 4. conversation 5. suggests 6. shy 7. improveTHANKS !致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考-可编辑修改-


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