酒店 TAO-OH-SM-CS-A004 Competitors Survey

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酒店 TAO-OH-SM-CS-A004 Competitors Survey_第1页
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Method 培训方式Training Steps培训步骤Time时间THE ST.REGIS SHANGHAI上海瑞吉红塔大酒店TRAINING ACTIVITY OUTLINE培训活动纲要Task 任务:COMPETITORS SURVEY 竞争对手调查 Code 序号: OH-SM-CS-A004Objectives目的:At the end of this session, each trainee will be able to: 培训结束后,每位受训者应能做到:1. Know the main part of competitors survey.了解竞争对手调查的主要内容。2. Record the competitors information.记录竞争对手调查信息。 Standard标准:Refer to S&P Resources培训器材:Handout培训资料, Flipchart白板, Example Form例表.Method培训方式Training Steps培训步骤Time时间Introduction介绍Lecture 讲解Prepare on Flip Chart准备白板Contents课程Prepare Flip Chart准备白板Lecture讲解Discussion & Compare讨论及对比Summary总结Show “W.I.F.M.”(objective)表明从此课所能学到的内容(目标)Prologue: As a Catering Sales associate, we are not only Need to know our product, but also need aware the product of competitors. So the objective of this session is: 开场白:作为宴会销售人员,我们不仅需要了解本本饭店的产品知识,同时也需要了解竞争对手的产品知识。所以今天我们来学习:The course should be divided into three parts: 课程可分为三部份:1. How to determine the competitor如何确认竞争对手2. Select information信息收集3. record the information 信息记录Divided trainees into groups to discuss which one is our competitor and what kind of information that we need, 0also the way we used to record.分组讨论关于哪家酒店是我们的竞争对手以及什么样的信息是我们需要了解的。同时讨论以前所应用的记录方式。Record the discussion result on the Flip Chart. 将讨论结果记录在白板上。Show steps on prepared flipchart. Explain reason for each step. Ask trainees to comment and question on each step.将每一步骤展示在白板上并讲解。在每一步骤过程中询问受训者意见并提问。Discussion the steps that explained, and compare with the old way that what we do it.讨论所讲解的每一个步骤,并与之前分组讨论出的结果进行对比。Review Key Points重温重点1. Ask for questions related to Competitors Survey.提问与竞争对手信息收集相关的问题。2. Summarize critique the method to get information.总结评估收集信息的不同方法。3. The important of Competitors Survey.竞争对手信息收集的重要性。10min5min5min45min10min5min20min10min10minTotal: 65minLatest Updated: 10/19/19Page 2 of 2


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