Module 1《My First Day at Senior High》Reading and vocabulary教案13(外研版必修1)

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Module 1《My First Day at Senior High》Reading and vocabulary教案13(外研版必修1)_第1页
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Module 1《My First Day at Senior High》Reading and vocabulary教案13(外研版必修1)_第3页
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111Reading and VocabularyTeaching Aims:1) Master the following words and phrases. enthusiastic, amazing, information, brilliant, comprehension, instruction, method, bored, embarrassed, attitude, behavior, previous, description, amazed, embarrassing, technology, impress, nothing like, by oneself, in a fun way, in other words, look forward to 2) Master the main idea of each paragraph. Step1. Presentation. The teacher says, “This is a new beginning from Junior High School to Senior High School. I hope you can make greater progress in the new term and you will get along well with your new classmates.” The teacher asks more questions:1) What are the main differences between Junior High school and Senior High School? Then ask some students to answer the question. (For example: learn more subjects; different classrooms, more computers)2) Do you think that work at Senior High School is harder than at Junior High School? Students answer it together.3) Are Senior High School teachers similar to Junior High School teachers? Students own answers.Step 2. Do Activity 2 on Page 2 and at the meantime learn the new words. Learn the following new words: attitude, enthusiastic, behavior, method, comprehension, handwriting, spelling, instructions,photographStep 3. Intensive Reading The teacher says, “Today is your first day at Senior High School. Would you like to write a diary about your first day? How can we express our feelings? The text tells us a diary written by Li Kang. He set an example to us. Please read the text fast and answer the three questions.1) Something about this school which is different from Li Kangs Junior School. (the method of teaching, more students in the class)2) Two things that the English teacher thinks are important to do in class. (reading comprehension, speaking )3) Two things that the English teacher wants to improve. (spelling, handwriting) Step 4 Find out the main idea of each paragraph.Paragraph 1 Self-introduction. Paragraph 2 Feelings to teachers and their use of computers.Paragraph 3 Ms Shens teaching method.Paragraph 4 Our activity in class.Paragraph 5 I like Ms Shen.Paragraph 6 The numbers of students in my class and their homework. Step 5. Finish Activity 4 on Students book on Page 3. The key:1) b 2) a 3) a 4)b Step 6. Let students read the text again; Finish Activity 5 and write down the sentences including these words.And ask students to recite them.1) The classrooms in the new school are amazing.2) Li Kang is not bored with his English class.3) The computer and special screens are brilliant.4) Some students were embarrassed about introducing themselves.5) The teachers are very enthusiastic and friendly.6) The boys and the girls are hard-working.7) Li Kangs English class is interesting.Step 7 Finish Activity 6 on Students book on Page 7 and choose the best one. The key is the second summary.Step 8 Put the students into groups of three or four to discuss the questions.1. Is our English classroom like Li Kangs?2. Is our class the same size as his? Is the number of boys and girls the same?3. Are you looking forward to doing your English homework?At last the teacher asks one of the representatives of each group to answer the questions. They should explain the reasons for the answers.Step 9 Listen to the tape and know the further information about the diary. 111

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