高中英语 Unit5《Travelling abroad》Period 4 教案(人教版选修7)

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111Period 4Listening教学目标语言技能目标:教给学生在听力开始前进行预测,或激活头脑中相关的背景知识,能够帮助自己更好地完成听力训练的听力技巧。语言能力目标:训练学生在听的过程中注意细节信息的能力。情感态度和文化目标:学生了解了一些独自旅行的注意事项,这对于他们将来独自旅行很有益处,同时对在秘鲁旅行有所了解。重点难点教学重点:进行由泛听到精听的听力训练。教学难点:教学生掌握一些听力技巧,例如在听力训练前,激活背景知识;在听力训练时以抓住大意为主要目标,尤其在第一二遍时,不拘泥于个别没有听懂的单词。教学过程Step 1DiscussionQ:Have you ever been to other countries?If you travel abroad alone,will you feel afraid?Do you know how to predict a possible dangerous situation and prevent it happening?What advice can you give for safe travelling?T:Four students a goup,discuss them with your partners.(Collect the students advice about safe travelling.)设计说明在进行听力之前,先让学生讨论安全旅行并给出一些建议。因为这是听力材料里即将要听到的内容。这一方面可以使学生对于即将要听到的材料做好思想准备,另一方面也降低了听力材料的难度。Step 2Listening task(Page 82)1T:Now lets listen to a conversation between Sandra,whose daughter wants to travel,and Brian.Sandra voices her concerns as a parent and Brian does his best to reassure her about her daughters ability to act sensibly.Listen to their talk and guess what you think Sandras relationship to Brian is.Give reasons.Suggested answer:They are probably work colleagues who know each other reasonably well.Reasons:They greet each other with “Morning”,a common greeting at the beginning of a workday.They call each other by their first names.Brian knows the daughters name and also something about what kind of person she is so he has met her more than once.Brian may be older than Sandra or have a higher status in the company or it may just be that Sandra often asks Brian for advice.Sandra listens to Brians advice carefully and appears to value it.2Listen to the talk again and answer the following questions.(1)What does Tina want to do?(2)Why is Sandra worried about this?(3)What does Brian think about Tinas plans?(4)What does Brian suggest Tina should do until she has more experience of travelling?Suggested answers:(1)She wants to travel around the world for a year.(2)Sandra thinks travelling is dangerous.(3)Brian thinks it is good that Tina wants to travel as she will learn a lot that will help her in later life.(4)Brian suggests Tina should travel with a companion,preferably with someone who is more experienced than her.3Listen again,paying attention to what Brian says.Then list the things he says a traveller should do to keep safe.Compare Brians rules with the ones the students get from their discussion.Brians rules for safe travelling_Suggested answers:*Research the places you are going to visit.*Pay attention to what is happening around you.*Ask the locals for advice and follow it.*Observe how the people around you behave towards you.*Learn how to tell who you can and cant trust.*At first travel with a more experienced companion.设计说明听完第一遍对话后,要求学生推测对话的两个人的关系,然后再注意细节问题的答案,还是体现了由大到小、由粗到细的原则,也符合人们的感知规律。Step 3Listening1T:Now weve got some rules and advice for safe travelling.I think its time for us to go on a trip abroad.Turn to Page 42.We will listen to a conversation about Peru.Q:What do you know about Peru?You can see many pictures of Peru.Can you tell me what might interest a tourist?2Lia wants to visit Peru.She goes to a travel agent to find out the best way to travel there.Listen to the conversation and tick the things she says she likes doing.()visiting places on her own()trying different kinds of food()going to historical sites()cycling()visiting museums()swimming()climbing mountains()looking at wildlife()learning about a countrys culture()staying in expensive hotelsKeys:visiting places on her own,going to historical sites,visiting museums,climbing mountains,looking at wildlife3Listen again and answer the following questions.(1)Has Lia been to Peru before?(2)Why doesnt Lia want to go on a tour?(3)Why does the travel agent advise her not to travel alone?(4)Why does the travel agent recommend Cuzco for Lia to visit?(5)How will Lia know about tours from Cuzco?Keys:(1)No.(2)Because she likes to be independent.(3)She might feel lonely.She might find it difficult because its her first visit.(4)Cuzco combines many of the things Lia like doing.She can stay on her own in a hotel and take tours when she wants some company.(5)The travel agent gives her a brochure.4Listen again and complete the sentences.(1)I _ independent.(2)But you _ as its your first visit.(3)Yes,but I also _.(4)You _ from Lima,the capital of Peru,to Cuzco.(5)We _ into a hotel in Cuzco.Keys:(1)like to be(2)might find it difficult(3)love mountains(4)can fly(5)could book you设计说明这一部分的听力围绕秘鲁的情况展开,因为Lia计划去秘鲁旅行,她希望尽可能多地了解秘鲁的情况。在第一环节中,看图或讨论,说说秘鲁的情况,这是听力前重要的一个步骤激活学生头脑中关于秘鲁的背景知识,这有助于学生完成后面的与秘鲁有关的听力训练。在第二个环节开始之前,教师有必要解释几个选择项,例如visiting places on her own“独自参观”,historical sites“历史遗址”等。教师的解释使学生能够明确题目的具体要求。第三个环节要求学生对于听力材料的细节予以注意。而最后的填空可以说属于精听的题目,学生在理解句子意思的基础上,要注意句子的构成,包括单词的连读、弱读等等,这给学生提出了更高的要求。如果时间不够,可以作为家庭作业布置课后完成。由于有前面题目作铺垫,相信绝大多数学生有能力而且能比较轻松地完成它。Homework:Write a short passage about what we should do while travelling alone in Peru.设计说明把独自旅行的注意要点和秘鲁旅行结合起来,让学生完成一篇习作,可以检查学生在听力课中听到的内容,也训练了写作。可能的话,可以让学生上网查找一些资料,以丰富自己的习作。111


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