高中英语必修一《Unit2 Growing pains》学案 2

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高中英语必修一《Unit2 Growing pains》学案 2_第1页
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高中英语必修一《Unit2 Growing pains》学案 2_第3页
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111教学目标知识目标Help the students to understand the play better能力目标Learn some useful words and expressions.情感目标Learn and master some important words and phrases in this period.教学重点How to help the students improve the reading ability and understand the play better教学难点How to master the important language points in this play.教学过程二次备课Sentence structure and useful phrases一 Eric runs in after it, followed by a big dog, walking very slowly.(line6-7)此处followed是过去分词结构作伴随状语,表示_ walking是现在分词结构作伴随状语,表示_1. The teacher came into the classroom,_(follow) by several students,_(talk) and _(laugh).2. She sat there ,_(cry) badly.3. He lay on the grass,_(look) at the sky.4. The teacher stood there _(surround) by his students.5. “We cant go out in this weather,” said Bob, _(look)out of the window.二The money with which you were to buy dog is gone, but Spot looks so hungry! were to 在此表示过去的安排和计划。be to do 结构常用来表示计划、安排做某事,也可以表示可能性或注定要发生的事。was/were to 还可以表示过去将要做某事。be to 用于条件状语从句时表示“想要”(want to/ should)。他们的女儿很快就要结婚了。Their daughter_ _ be married soon.那家电影院第二天就要关门。The cinema _ _ _ the second day.校长说你必须马上回来。The headmaster says you _ _ _ at once.如果你要见他,你必须早点来。If you _ _ _ him, you must come early.花想要存活必须要浇水。Flowers will have to be watered if they _ _ _.二 What did you do with the money we left? (line 14-15)此处do with 表示的是“处理,解决,对付”之意思,deal with也可以表示相同的含义,但是值得注意的是do with常与what连用,而deal with 常与how连用。What should I _ the table?How do you _ the problem?Its said that in Australia there is more land than the government knows _A. it what to do with B. what to do it with C. what to do with it D. to do what with it 三(running into room) Mom , Dad ,I can explain (line 18) explain意思_它的名词形式是_常用结构是 explain sth. to sb.= explain to sb. sth (explain 后不可以接双宾语)explain oneself 为自己的行为作解释他向老师解释了那个原因。He _ the reason _ his teacher He_ _ his teacher the reason.他离开了房间而未加任何解释。He left the room without _四The room is a mess, with pizza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink.(line19-20)此处“with+n./pron+其他成分”是with的复合结构,在句中作伴随状语,说明当时房间里的情形。with 的复合结构主要有以下几种情况:1. with+n./pron.+介词短语He stood there _(手放在口袋里)。He came into the classroom, _(手里拿着一本书)2. with+n./pron.+名词He died _ (儿子还是个小学生)3. with+n./pron.+形容词He used to sleep _(开着窗户)4. with+n./pron.+副词The child fell asleep _(灯仍然是开着的)5. with+n./pron.+to do He felt bored,_(没有人可以讲话)(没有事情可做)_,he slept all day yesterday.6. with+n./pron.+现在分词With Peter _(help) me, I finished the work ahead of time.7. with+n./pron.+过去分词He left the room with all the windows _(close).All the morning we worked with the door_(lock).五This is not a family where bad behavior goes unpunished and you(line 28-29)此处go 为系动词,后接形容词作表语,表示进入或处于某种状态(多为不好的变化)变疯 go mad 变霉了 go bad 变苍白 go pale 疯狂 go wild变瞎_ 挨饿_变白_ 出差错,出故障_六Eric sits on his bed looking at Daniel, who has his arms crossed and looks angry.(line36-37) has his arms crossed 为have sth. done 结构(have 可以替换成 get), 该结构有两种含义:(1.)使某事被做你应该去理发店理发了。You should go to the barbers to _ _ _ _.我们请人把机器修好了。We _ _ _ _.你最好找医生把那颗坏牙拔掉 (pull out)。Youd better_ _ _ _ _ _.(2.)遭遇,经历 (此事违背主语的意愿)这位老太太被偷了手提包。The old woman _ _ _ _.他被判处死刑,第二天就要被斩首。He was sentenced to death and would _ _ _ _ _ the next day.七I feel like we have to punish him or he wont respect us.(line52-53)feel like 有两层含义:1. 感觉像我在那儿只呆了两天,但感觉像是一周。I was there only for two days but it _ _ _ _.他们让我感觉像是家庭的一员。They made me _ _ _ _ _ _.这种材料感觉像是丝绸的。The material _ _ _.2. feel like sth./ doing sth. 想要某物/ 想要做某事走了一天的路他想要好好休息一下。He _ _ _ _ _ after a days walk.我想喝点酒。 I feel like _ (have) a drink.你愿意的话,咱们就去散散步。Well go for a walk if you _ _ _.矫正反馈:各位同学,在这篇文章中,你还有哪些不理解的地方或者是你认为比较重要的地方,可以提出来我们一起讨论一下!迁移应用:Read the play and finish the Ex Part E on P25.课堂练习课堂小结总结:课后作业教学反思 111


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