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七年级英语语法综合练习题冠词 一、单项选择。 ( )1.Heoftenhas_eggandsomemilkforbreakfast. A./B.aC.theD.an ()2.-WhatsthetroublewithLingling? -Shedoesntgoto_schoolandstayin_bednow. A.a;/B.the;theC./;/D./;a ( )3.-Doyouhave_dictionary? -No,butLucyhas_newdictionaryonthebookshelf. A.a;theB.the;theC.the;aD.a;a ( )4._earthisround. A.AB.AnC.TheD./ ( )5.Thereis_“L”intheword“LUCK”. A.aB.theC.anD./ ( )6.Ihopeyouhave_happydaytoday. A.aB.anC.theD./ ( )7._Whitesarehavingdinnertogether. A.AB.TheC.AnD./ ()8.Thereis_orangeandsomepineapplesinthebasket. A.theB./C.aD.an ( )9.Lisahas_hat._hatisverybeautiful. A.a;AB.an;AC.a;TheD.an;/ ( )10.Imwatching_movie.Itisabout_interestinglovestory. A.a;an_egg. _egg is big.()11 This is_egg. _egg is big. A. a; A B. an; An C. a; The D. an; The( )1 2 There is_ W in_word map. A. a; an B. an; a C. an; the D. a; the( )1 3 Here is basket. _ basket is mine. A. a; The B. the; An. C. a; A D. the; A( ) 14 There is_ bridge over there. _ bridge is made of wood. A. the; The B. a; A C. the; A D. a; The二.句子改错。每句中有一个错误,请改正。 1.Julyisaseventhmonthoftheyear. 2.Wewaithereforhalfahour. 3.Studentsoftenplaythefootballafterschool. 4.Its an useful thing. 5.Theyoftenhaveasupperinat home. 6.Smithsaretalkinghappily. 7.AreyoufromtheChina 三。用a ,an,the 或者 填空1)There is _ water on the floor. 2)There is _ orange on _ desk. 3)What do you know about _ dogs? 4)I want to have _ chicken for dinner. 5)There is _ fish in the bow. Look! It can swim very fast.6)There is _m in climb and there is _ u in country.7)I dont like _ oranges ,but I like _ apples. 8)My brother is _English teacher, and my sister is _ student now. 9)I dont like _math. Its boring. 10)_ Jennys birthday is Nov. 12th.11)-Lets go and play _ soccer.-Sorry, Im afraid I cant. Its time for me to play _ piano.12) He usually has his _ breakfast at 7:00am and goes to _ school at 7:30.四;在需要的地方用a .an 填空。_ruler_phone_head _orange _eraser _apple _English car _old man _armhour_boy_desk介词一介词填空。. Could you tell me something _ WWF? I am really interested in animals.2. Cindy usually goes to school _ eight oclock.3. Marcias grandmother is _ ninety years old. She is very healthy now.4. Can you help me_ my math? Its too difficult for me.5. The picture of my family is _ the wall.6. There are two big windows _ the wall.7. Many students write their homework _ pens.8. My good friend Tonys birthday is _ January, 26th.9. There are many pears _ the tree. They look nice.10. Whats this _ Chinese? Can you tell me?11. My family often buy clothes _ HuaXing store _ weekends.12. Can you help the children _ English? You may come _ our club.13. Im looking _ some presents. These shops may have many kinds _ things _ sale. Save your money till then! 14. How many cities are there _ China? -I dont know. 15. Look, the birds are _ the tree! 16. When is her birthday? I cant rememberIts _ January.17. Mr. Green always goes to work _ bus. He has to get up _ 6 oclock _ the morning. 18. Come on! Im hungry. What do we have _ dinner?19. Dont eat and read _ night. That is bad _ you20. Come and see _ yourself _ Wendys store!21. We live _ London. How about you? Where do you come _?22. _ Sunday morning, I usually sleep late _ home. 23. Jack is shorter than Sam, but Jack is sitting _ Sam.24. Here is a photo _ your family. 25. There arent many people _ the car _five oclock _ the morning. 26Do you watch TVthe evening? 27We need helpour school trip28Can you help memy math,Li Ming? 29breakfast,I goschool by bike30Thanksyour help31I usually get upsix oclock every morning32In the afternoon I play footballmy friends.33. A fish cant live _ water. A. with B. atC. inD. without 34.Christmas Day is _ December 25. A. atB. onC. inD. by35.My teacher often helps me _ my English,. A. with,B. of, C.inD. under, 36.There is a bookstore (书店) _ the other side of the street. A. inB. onC. forD. at37. The basket is full _ vegetables. A. aboutB. ofC. withD. on38. _ my way home, I met an old friend of mine. A. InB. ByC. OnD. At39. Hurry up, or well be late _ class. A. atB. ofC. toD. for40. The sun rises _ the east and goes down _ the west. A. in, inB. on, onC. from, fromD. at, at代词一:人称代词和物主代词。(用括号中人称代词的适当形式填空)1. This is my uncle. We often visit _ (he).2. _ (We) math teacher is very kind to us. 3. What day is _ (it) today?4. My coat is blue. The red one doesnt belong to _ (I).5. These new shoes are so nice. I like _ (they) very much.6. Hey, boys! Did you hand in _ (you) homework yesterday?7. My cousin is a lovely girl. So I love _ (she) very much.8. Lets ask Jane. _ (she) is very clever.9. Tom lost _(he) keys on the way to school.10. Our school uniforms are more beautiful than _ (they).11. Hello, Sandy. What are _ (you) doing now?12. The monkey is putting the apple into _ (it) mouth.13. This dictionary is not Ginas. _ (she) is on her desk.14. Where is my English book? _ (I) cant find it.15. _ (I) bag is on the desk.16. Their Chinese teacher is a woman and _ (we) is a man.17. My name is Ann. Whats _ (you)?18. _ (We) classroom is brighter than _(they). 二填空1.Could_(你)ask_(他)to call_(我)back?2.Dont forget_(我们).on Sunday.11._(它)cant find_(它的)w3._(我们)would like to buy_ (他们).4.Could_(你们)help_(她)out?5. Theres one dollar on the floor. Pick_(它)up.6._(他们)are friendly to_(你们).7._(我)like_(她)a lot.8._(她)brings_(他们)to_(我们).9.Does_(他)give_(它)to_(他)?10._(他)does_(他的)homework ay home.12._(她)looks after_(她的)grandmother.13.This is_(我的)pen. Thats她的)is white.16.-Whose bike is this? -Its_(他的).17.Those are_(我们的)desks. _(你的)。14.These coats arent_(我的). I think theyre_(你们的)。15._(他的)jacket is blue._(他们的)are over there.18.- Are these TV sets _(我们的)?-No ,theyre_(他们的)TV。三;指示代词。(选择 it, this, that, these, those, one 填空)1. Hello, Tim. Let me introduce my new friends to you. _ is Mike and _ is Jack.2. I dont like this bicycle. _ one over there is better.3. Someone is knocking at the door. Who can _ be?4. The teacher punished the boy and said to him, “Dont do _ again.”5. Look! _ are the books he bought yesterday.6. _ students are more active than _.7. I prefer the pink school bag, the _ with a Mickey Mouse on it.动词一:一般现在时1写出下列单词的第三人称单数形式。have study do play teach watch fly like pay be say buy 2.选择括号中的动词的正确形式填空。(1)Tom_(like; likes) playing basketball very much.(2)I_(didnt; dont) like talking with him.(3)_(Playing; Play) computer games is my favorite.(4)Nobody can_(live; lives; living) without water.(5)_(Do; Does) anybody know this word?(6)There is little water in the bottle, _(isnt there; is there)?(7)_(Come; Coming) to my birthday party, will you?(8)Tom is a worker. He _(work; works) in a factory. I _(work; works) in a hospital.(9)Who_(speak; speaks) English best in your class?(10)Mrs. Brown_(cooks; is cooking) for her family every day. 3. be 动词 (用be动词的正确形式填空)1. _ your grandmother thin or chubby? 2.Where _ your book on snakes? 3.Where _ my pencil case and my notebook?4.There _ nine people in my family.5.-How much _ the exercise book and the magazine? -That _ ninety dollars.6.Ben _ a middle school student, and his parents _ architects. 7.Scott likes action movies best. His favorite actors _ Jackie Chan and Jet Li.8.- What color _ your shoes? - Black.9.- Hello. My name _ Jack. This is my friend. His name _ Tom.- Nice to meet you. I _ Rick.10. _ you still a librarian? No, I _ an accountant now.11Where _ Ann? She _ here.12How old _ you? I _ thirteen.13_ you Mr Read? Yes, I _.14What _ your name? My name _ Fang Fang.15What grade _ you in? I _ in Grade Two.16、- _you Michale? - No,I_. 17、What_Janes phone number?18- Where _she from? - She _from the USA.19.、- Where _Lily and Lucy from? - They _from the USA.20.- _those apples?- No, they _. They _cakes.21. -_that cap red? - No, it_. It _yellow.22、The girl in green _Lisa.23、- How much_these apples? - 10yuan a kilo.24、- How much_this salt? One yuan a kilo.25、There_twelve people in his family.26、There_ some vegetables on the desk.27、There_ some water in the bottle. There _(not be) any milk. 4用动词的正确形式填空1.You _from India. Brian _from Korea. And I _ from China. (be)2.I _ Chinese and English. Brian _ German, Chinese and English. (speak)3.George _from Italy but he _spaghetti very much. (come, like)4.Penguins _ in Antarctica. Its cold, so no people want _ _ there. (live)5.The movie is very scary. I _ _ it is a good movie for kids. (think)6.- Can I _ your dictionary?-I am sorry. My dictionary is at home but I think Mary _ one. (have)7. We are in the music club. Tom _ _ the piano. Michael and Diana _ _ the violin. I _ _ the guitar. (play)8.The 1st class _ (start) at 8:00 oclock and it _ (be) over at 8:40.9.His mother is a teacher. She _ (teach) Chinese in our school.10.I usually _ (come) to the classroom at 7:00 am. But he always _ (come) to school at 7:50 am.11.Julia always _ (go) shopping by car. But sometimes she _ (take) a bus.12.-_(Do) your father usually help you with your homework? -Yes, he _ (do). 13.He _ (not go) home on weekends. So he always _ (wash) clothes by himself.14.Peter _(speak) English very well. He can also _(speak) French and German.15.David _ (not play)football. He only _ (watch) the football games on TV.16.My brother and I _ (want) to go to see an action movie._ (do) you want to go?17.My uncle _ ( not need ) a calculator. 18.-_( Do ) Peter have a baseball ? - Yes, he _ (do), and he _ two baseball bats. 19.Mum, can you _ ( take ) me to the tennis club?20.- May I help you?- Yes, I _ ( look ) for a book on gardening.21. He often_(get)up at half past six.22. -_she _(like)noodles?-Yes, she_.23. Jack_(not play)soccer.24. Jane_(have)a new pen .But Tom_(not have)one.25. We_(study) in No.1High School. Mike_(study) inNo.2 High School.26. Maria_(try)on the new dress.27. They often _(fly) kites. Kate often _(fly)a kite, too.28. Rose often_(cry). But her brother_(cry)a lot.29. Kangkang often_(carry)water for the old man.30. His uncle often_(buy)some delicious food for him and he often_(take)it to the school to eat.31. Lucy and Lily_(go)to school at 7oclock. Jim_ (go) at 6:45.32. I_ (teach) math here. My father_ (teach) English.33. - _Mary often_(watch)TV?- Yes, she often_(watch) it on Sunday.34. _you want_(eat)some hamburgers?35. - Would you like_(sing)some songs with me?- Yes, Id love to.36. Dont forget_(bring) your clothes.37. Could you ask her_(have) supper with me?38. Its 6:20. Its time_(get)up now.39. - Do you like_(speak) English?- Yes, I do.40. - May I _(take )your order?- A bottle of apple juice.41. - Can I_( sit) down now? Sure.42. Why not_(come)to China? Good idea.43. Let me _(help)you.44. - How about_(swim) this Sunday?- No problem.5.用所给词的适当形式填空。Whats your _(father)favorite sport?Running and swimming_(be)my favorites._she_(like)math?Jack_(not want)any pens.I like music because its_(relax).I think Scott_(play)tennis every day.Why_they_(like)art?Lets_(join)their club._(China)is my favorite subject.They like_(play)the guitar.二 现在进行时?(用括号中动词的适当形式填空)1. The little boy _ (draw) a picture in his room now.2. Listen! Some girls _ (sing) an English song in the classroom.3. - What _ your mother _ now?-She _ (cook) some nice food now.4. Look! The girls _ (practice ) dancing in the classroom.5. Some of the girls are _ (water) the flowers now.6. Its six oclock now. Our family _ (have) supper at home.7.-_ your little brother _ (fly) a kite on the playground?- Yes,_.8._ you _(ask) me questions?9. -Hey, what are you _ (do) now?- I _ (eat) some bread. Whats up?10. Its nine oclock in the evening. But my father _ still _ (work) in the office. 句型转换练习Part 1: 单复数转换。1.How much is that? _2.Is your uncle behind the armchair? _3.They go to the park by bus._4.There are buses to Manchester every day._5.A kangaroo can jump 30 kilometers an hour._6.Here are some good newspapers. _7.They cant walk._8.She doesnt have an orange hat. _9.They are army officers. _10.Baby koala bears arent very big but adult polar bears are very strong._Part 2: 将下列句子改为一般疑问句, 并作肯定和否定两种回答。1.I have a dictionary._2.There are a lot of animals in the zoo. _3.He does his homework at night. _4.Dogs live in all parts of the world. _5.Greenfield is a small village in England. _Part 3: 将下列句子改为否定句。1.There is a very high waterfall in Venezuela. _2.Egypt has a very long river. _3.She does her homework every day. _4.I come to school by bus. _5.She can swim very well. _Part 4: 对划线部分提问。1.There is one radio in the living room. _2.The library is behind the police station. _3.Baby koala bears are only 2 centimeters tall. _4.They can jump and swim. _5.You can check out at three oclock. _6.Peter is doing his homework with Mary. _7. Kangaroos live in Australia. _8.Vera and Hillary come from England. _9.Hes buying bananas at the store. _10.They are secretaries._ Part5:综合句型练习:1.My friend Tom usually goes to see action movies on weekends. (就画线部分提问) 2.Tom has a red jacket and a blue sweater. (就画线部分提问)3.Moms keys are in the drawer. (就画线部分提问)4.The yellow hat is 10 dollars. (就画线部分提问)5.My grandfather likes documentaries. (改为否定句)6.My mother usually goes to see action movies. (改为一般疑问句,并做否定回答)7.Is it a red tomato? (改为复数句)8.That is my family photo.(改为复数句)3.按要求进行句型转换。1. David doesnt like learning Chinese.(变肯定句)2. Tony doesnt have a lot of time to paint.(变肯定句)3. Snoopy has a very cool bicycle.(变否定句)4. Do you have a pencil in your pencil case?(肯定回答)5. They are the students in Number one middle school.(改成否定句)6. My mother likes watching TV at night.(改为否定句)7. There is some bread on the table. (改为否定句)8. That bicycle is black and white.(变成复数形式)9. My brother wants to buy those black shoes.(变成否定句)10. We have an English Talent Show every year.(变成一般疑问句)三、特殊疑问句。(用正确的疑问词填空)1._ is the weather like today? 今天的天气如何?2._ is behind the door? 谁在门后?3._ won the prize? 哪个女孩得了奖?4._ bag is this? 这个包是谁的?5._ did you arrive? 你什么时候到的?6. _ do you want to build a science lab? 你为什么想建科学实验室?7._ shall we meet tomorrow? 我们明天在哪儿见面?8._ are you? 你好吗?9. _ apples are there on the table? 桌子上有多少个苹果?10. _ are these apples? 这些苹果多少钱?11. _ have you lived here? 你在这儿住多久了?12. _ will he come back? 他什么时候回来?13. _ do you water the flowers? 你多长时间浇一次花?14. _ are you? 你多大了?16


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