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_七上完形填空专练1.Welcome to my home. There are (有) 26 bedrooms in my home, one for my 27 and one for me. Look! This is my bedroom. A bed, a desk and a chair are 28 it. My favorite color is 29 . The bed, desk and chair are all blue. 30 is my parents bedroom. A 31 is in their room. Some books are in it. A(n) 32 of my parents is on the wall. 33 look (看起来) so happy. Oh, 34 that under the bookcase? Its 35 dog. We love it very much.( )26. A. two B. three C. four D. five ( )27. A. brother B. sister C. parents D. grandparents ( )28. A. on B. in C. at D. under( )29. A. blue B. brown C. purple D. green ( )30. A. These B. First C. This D. Last( )31. A. radio B. sofa C. clock D. bookcase( )32. A. quilt B. photo C. e-mail D. table ( )33. A. I B. You C. She D. They ( )34. A. what B. whats C. where D. wheres( )35. A. your B. yours C. our D. ours2.What do you often do on the weekend (周末)? I love 26 so I often go to the school sports club (俱乐部). I like 27 best and I 28 basketball in the club. I 29 three basketballs and many books 30 basketballs. My friend Mike goes to the club, too. 31 he doesnt play basketball. He thinks its 32 . He plays volleyball. Hes good at it. We always have a good time there. And we think doing sports is good for 33 health and its 34 way to make friends. 35 about you? How do you spend (度过) your weekend?( )26. A. sports B. school C. family D. classes ( )27. A. baseball B. tennis C. basketball D. soccer ( )28. A. see B. play C. find D. know( )29. A. have B. like C. watch D. ask( )30. A. in B. for C. about D. of( )31. A. For B. Or C. And D. But( )32. A. nice B. difficult C. relaxing D. interesting ( )33. A. his B. my C. their D. our ( )34. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填( )35. A. Where B. What C. Wheres D. Whats 3. Hello, everyone! Do you know 26 I am? Yes, you are right. Im 27 fridge (冰箱). Im at Mikes home. There are many 28 in me. Look! These are oranges and 29 . Theyre Mikes favorite fruits. He 30 two bananas and an orange every day. Whats this? Oh, its 31 . Do you like to drink (喝) it? Mike 32 it and he drinks a cup of it every morning. These are hamburgers. Mike likes 33 , but his mom doesnt 34 him eat them. She thinks theyre not good for his health. And that is a salad. It is made of (由做成) carrots and other vegetables. Mike always has a salad after dinner. What about your 35 ? What is in it?( )26. A. where B. what C. how D. who( )27. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填( )28. A. boxes B. foods C. vegetables D. apples( )29. A. hamburgers B. balls C. keys D. bananas( )30. A. finds B. loses C. has D. knows( )31. A. milk B. rice C. salad D. bread( )32. A. spells B. says C. likes D. plays( )33. A. it B. them C. me D. us( )34. A. see B. ask C. love D. let( )35. A. school B. photo C. fridge D. radio4.Do you like shopping (购物)? My 26 like shopping very much. Let 27 tell you something about their shopping habits. My brother loves 28 , so he always goes to shoe stores. He 29 many tennis shoes in his room. Some of them are still in their original (最初的) 30 . Daisy is my sister. She likes to go to shopping malls (商场) 31 her friends. There are clothes stores and 32 stores there. She usually shops first and then eats some delicious food. She thinks its very 33 . My parents like to shop online (网上购物), because they 34 have much time to go to stores and they can 35 many things in a short time.What are your shopping habits? ( )26. A. family B. friends C. classmates D. teachers ( )27. A. her B. them C. me D. us ( )28. A. socks B. shoes C. jackets D. T-shirts( )29. A. plays B. asks C. wants D. has( )30. A. boxes B. desks C. photos D. schoolbags( )31. A. at B. of C. with D. about ( )32. A. book B. food C. watch D. bag ( )33. A. boring B. difficult C. easy D. relaxing ( )34. A. do B. dont C. does D. doesnt ( )35. A. buy B. lose C. eat D. say阅读专练1. Dear Jenny, Please take (带) these things to school for your brother Alan. He needs (需要) them for an English class (课). He needs his English book, tape player, English-English dictionary, pencil box and notebook. The English book is under the chair. The tape player is on the table. The dictionary is in the bookcase. The pencil box is under the table. The notebook is on the bed. Mom根据材料内容判断正(T)误(F)。( )41. Jenny and Alan are sister and brother.( )42. Jenny needs some things for class.( )43. Jenny will (将要) take five things to school.( )44. Alan needs an English-Chinese dictionary.( )45. The dictionary is on the table. B Im Mike. This is my room. A bed, a desk, a chair, a sofa and a TV (电视机) are in my room. A green quilt is on the bed. I like the color green. My desk is green, too. And my blue schoolbag is on it. My white jacket is on the chair. And a ball is under the chair. Whats that on the sofa? Its an English-Chinese dictionary. Its my sisters. The TV is nice. It is from (来自) my grandfather. I like watching (看) TV on the sofa. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( )46. Mike likes the color _.A. red B. blue C. white D. green( )47. 划线单词“it”指代的是“_”。A. the bed B. the desk C. the chair D. the sofa( )48. The _ is on the chair.A. ball B. jacket C. schoolbag D. dictionary( )49. The TV is _.A. nice B. black C. on the desk D. from Mikes father( )50. 下列哪项陈述是正确的?A. The schoolbag is purple. B. Mikes sister has a dictionary.C. Two beds are in Mikes room. D. Mike likes watching TV on the chair.2. BDo you like playing sports? LeoYes. I like playing sports. I can play soccer, tennis, baseball and ping-pong. Tennis is my favorite (最喜爱的) sport. I think it is very relaxing. I have five tennis balls and two tennis rackets. I play tennis with my friends after school. EricYes. I like sports, but I cant play them. They are difficult for me. But this term (学期), I want to learn to play volleyball. My good friend Mark plays it and he says it is very interesting. He will (将要) teach me. SusanYes, I do. I like many kinds of sports. I have two basketballs, four tennis balls and three soccer balls. I play sports with my classmates and two brothers. I think they are fun. I like watching sports on TV, too. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( )41. Leos favorite sport is _.A. soccer B. tennis C. baseball D. ping-pong( )42. Erics _ will teach him to play volleyball.A. teacher B. father C. cousin D. friend( )43. 划线单词“kinds”的中文意思是“_”。A. 规则 B. 种类 C. 明星 D. 属性( )44. Susan has _ soccer balls.A. two B. three C. four D. five( )45. 下列哪项陈述是正确的?A. Leo has three tennis balls.B. Eric thinks sports are easy for him.C. Leo and Susan like playing tennis.D. Mark thinks playing basketball is very interesting.3. A Eric: Hello, Grace!Grace: Hello, Eric!Eric: Lisas birthday is next week. Lets think about what food to prepare (准备). Grace: OK. How about a birthday cake, vegetable salad and some fruit?Eric: Lisa likes them. And she likes chicken, too. Grace: My mom cooks (烹饪) chicken well. I think she can cook some chicken for Lisa.Eric: Sounds good. How about bananas and strawberries for fruit?Grace: Lisa doesnt like strawberries. She likes pears.Eric: OK. Lets have bananas and pears then. I think Lisa will (将会) be happy.根据材料内容判断正(T)误(F)。( )41. Today is Lisas birthday.( )42. Eric and Grace want to prepare food for Lisas birthday.( )43. Lisa will have a cake on her birthday.( )44. Graces mom likes chicken.( )45. Lisa likes strawberries and pears.AIm Jane. Today is Sunday (星期日). After lunch, my father plays games on the computer. My mother and I go to the store. My mother buys a green coat for my grandfather and a white shirt for my father. She buys some vegetables for dinner. And she buys some pears and bananas, too. I like reading (阅读), so I buy some books. I buy a toy (玩具) dog for my little sister Lucy. She likes dogs very much.At 6:20 we get home and we have dinner at 7:00. In the evening we watch TV. I think I have a great Sunday. 根据材料内容判断正(T)误(F)。( )36. Jane and her mom go to the store in the afternoon.( )37. Janes mom buys a green coat for Janes father.( )38. Lucy likes toy dogs very much.( )39. Janes family have some vegetables for dinner. ( )40. Jane doesnt like her Sunday. BIm Grace. There are two stores near my home Mr. Cools Clothes Store and Miss Sweets Clothes Store. The clothes in the two stores are on sale. The two stores sell them at very good prices. Mr. Cools Clothes StoreMiss Sweets Clothes Storesweaters$15 (red, black)$18 (green, yellow)trousers$30 (black, blue)$27 (white, black)skirts$20 (purple, pink)$22 (white, pink)shirts$85$85socks$6 for three pairs$10 for four pairsshoes$48 (blue, black)$58 (brown, blue)根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( )41. Which is the cheapest (最便宜的) in Mr. Cools Clothes Store?( )42. Two sweaters and a pair of shoes are _ in Miss Sweets Clothes Store.A. $76 B. $94C. $104 D. $117( )43. You can buy _ on sale in Mr. Cools Clothes Store.A. white skirts B. red sweatersC. brown shoes D. green trousers( )44. If Grace wants to buy blue clothes, and she has $50, she can buy _.A. a skirt in Mr. Cools Clothes Store B. a skirt in Miss Sweets Clothes StoreC. a pair of trousers in Mr. Cools Clothes Store D. a pair of trousers in Miss Sweets Clothes Store ( )45. What do we know about the two stores?A. The clothes in them are on sale.B. They sell good clothes for girls.C. Grace likes buying clothes there.D. They sell 5 kinds (种类) of clothes.C.单词连成完整、正确的句子。66. are, computer, Ginas, where, games _?67. notebook, your, I, your, think, is, in, schoolbag_.68. are, desk, baseballs, under, Mikes, the _?69. my, and, CD, are, in, that, pictures, my, box_.70. her, the, jacket, is, mothers, not, on, chair _.66. the, asks, girl, eating, Tom, about, her, habits _.67. one, have, question, I, for, last, you _.68. you, for, fruit, do, salad, eat, lunch_?69. us, have, after, some, let, bananas, breakfast_.70. is, birthday, week, your, grandfathers, next _?THANKS !致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考-可编辑修改-

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