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_一、冠词The Article【专项训练】:1、 We cant live withoutair.AanBCtheDsome2、Have you seenpen? I left it here this morning.Is itblack one? I think I saw it somewhere.Aa; theBthe; theCthe; aDa; a3、Ive been waiting for him forhour andhalf.A; Bthe; aCa; theDan; a4、Whatfine weather we have today!AaBCsomeDan5、Have you ever seenas tall as this one?Aa treeBsuch treeCan treeDtree6、Children usually go toschool atage of six.A; theBa; anCthe; Dthe; the7、Himalayas ishighest mountain inworld.A; the;BThe; the; theCA; a; aD;8、They each have_book. Li Huas is aboutwriter. Wang Lins is on science.Aa; a; Bthe; ; theC; the; Da; the; a9、Physics isscience of matter and energy.AThe; B; C; theDA; a10、sun rises ineast and sets inwest.AA; an; aBThe;CThe; the; theDA; the; a11、Many people agree that_knowledge of English is a must ininternational trade today.Aa;Bthe; anCthe; theD; the12、_Mr Jones called while you were out (neither of us knows this man). He was in bad temper.A;aBA;CThe; theDA; a13、They were atdinner then. It wasdelicous one.Aa; theB;C;aDa; a14、what kind of car do you want to buy?ABtheCaDan15、Alice is fond of playingpiano while Henry is interested in listening tomusic.A; theB;Cthe; Dthe; the16、Beyondstars, the astronaut saw nothing butspace.Athe; B; theC;Dthe; the17、Alexander Graham Bell inventedtelephone in 1876.ABaCtheDone18、Wheres Jack?I think hes still inbed, but he might just be inbathroom.A;Bthe; theCthe; D; the19、Many people are still inhabit of writing silly things inpublic places.Athe; theB;Cthe; D; the20、Id likeinformation about the management of your hotel, please.Well, you could haveword with the manager. He might be helpful.Asome; aBan; someCsome; someDan; a【答案】:1、B air是不可数名词。2、D 此题为97年高考题。根据句意,第一空是泛指,第一次出现;第二空仍是泛指,且表数量“”。3、D 元音前用an。4、B weather是不可数名词。5、A 此题为85年高考题。泛指。6、A go to school是固定短语。7、B 山脉、形容词最高级及世界上的唯一的名词前加定冠词。8、A 第一、二空泛指,第三空,science是不可数名词。9、C 第一空,科目前不加冠词;第二空特指,有定语。10、C11、A 第一空,a + 不可数名词表具体的介绍;第二空,trade不可数。12、D 第一空是指有一位琼斯先生在您不在的时候来访。(括号里说明,我们俩都不认识这个人,因此不是特指。)第二空是固定短语,情绪不好。13、C 第一空at dinner正在吃饭,固定短语。14、A 泛指15、C 此题是89年高考题:乐器前加定冠词;music是不可数名词。16、A 此题是90年高考题:stars前应加定冠词;space不可数。17、C 此题是91年高考题:发明应是特指。18、D 此题是92年高考题。in bed是固定短语,不加冠词。19、C 此题是93年高考题。第一空后有定语,固是特指。第二空, public places,公共场所,泛指。20、A 此题是95年高考题。information是不可数名词;have a word with sb.是固定短语。二、名词Nouns【专项训练】:1、There are only twelvein the hospital.Awoman doctorsBwomen doctorsCwomen doctor Dwoman doctor2、Mr Smith has two, both of whom are teachers in a school.Abrothers-in-lawBbrother-in-lawsCbrothers-in-lawsDbrothers-in law3、How manydoes a cow have?Four.AstomachesBstomachCstomachsDstomachies4、Somevisited our school last Wednesday.AGermanBGermenCGermansDGermens5、Theof the building are covered with lots of.Aroofs; leavesBrooves; leafsCroof; leafDroofs; leafs6、When the farmer returned home he found threemissing.AsheepsBsheepesCsheepDsheepies7、That was a fiftyengine.Ahorse powerBhorses powerChorse powersDhorses powers8、My father often gives me.Amany adviceBmuch adviceCa lot of advicesDa few advice9、Mary broke awhile she was washing up.Atea cupBa cup of teaCteas cupDcup tea10、Can you give us someabout the writer?AinformationsBinformationCpiece of informationsDpieces information11、I had a cup ofand two pieces ofthis morning.Ateas; breadBteas; breadsCtea; breadsDtea; bread12、As is known to us all, travels much faster than.Alights; soundsBlight; soundCsound; lightDsounds; lights13、She told him of all herand .Ahope; fearBhopes; fearChopes; fearsDhope; fears14、The risingdid a lot ofto the crops.Awater; harmBwater; harmsCwaters; harmDwaters; harms15、How far away is it from here to your school?Its about.Ahalf an hours driveBhalf hours drivesChalf an hour drivesDhalf an hour drive16、The shirt isnt mine. Its.AMrs SmithBMrs SmithCMrs SmithsDMrs Smiths17、Miss Johnson is a friend of.AMarys motherBMarys mothersCMary mothersDMarys mothers18、Last week I called at my.AauntBauntsCauntsDauntes19、The beach is athrow.AstoneBstonesCstonesDstones20、I can hardly imaginesailing across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.APeterBPeterCPetersDPeters【答案】:1、B2、A3、C stomach(胃)虽是“ch”结尾,但其发音为k,所以加“s”,不用加“es”。4、C 5、A roof, chief, gulf, belief等词的复数形式,直接加“s”。6、C 7、A 名词作定语一般不用复数。8、B9、A 根据句意,打破的应是杯子,而不是茶;名词作定语表类别不用加“s”。10、B11、D12、B13、C14、C15、A16、D 根据上句,此处应是史密斯太太的衬衫。17、D18、C 19、D a stones throw是固定短语,意为“近在咫尺”。20、B 此句中Peter作动名词sailing的所有格,本应用Peters,但因其在动词后作宾语,所以可用宾格,因此B为正确答案。三、主谓一致Agreement【专项训练】1、Nothing but carsin the shop.Ais soldBare soldCwere soldDare going to sell2、No one except Jack and Tom the answer.AknowBknowsCis knowingDare known3、Seventy percent of the students in our schoolfrom the countryside.AisBareCcomesDare coming4、of the moneyused up.AThree-five, areBThree-fifths, have beenCThree-fifths, has beenDThird-fifths, is5、The number of the people whocarsincreasing.Aowns, areBowns, isCown, isDown, are6、One of Marxs workswritten in English in the 1860s.AwasBwereCwould beDare7、The sheets for your bedwashing.AneedsBare needingCwantDare wanting8、On each side of the streeta lot of trees.AstandsBgrowCis standingDare grown9、Some personcalling for you at the gate.Aare BisCis beingDwill be10、All that can be eateneaten up.Aare beingBhas beenChad beenDhave been11、Toms teacher and friendMr. Smith.AareBisCare beingDhas12、Your new clothes fit you, but mineme.Adoesnt fitBdont fitCdoesnt fit forDdont fit for13、Neither he nor Ifor the plan.AamBareCisDwere14、Many a studentthat mistake before.Ahas madeBhave madeChas been made Dhad made15、Peter, perhaps John,playing with the little dog.AisBareCwereDseems16、Laying eggsthe ant queens full-time job.AisBareChasDhave17、Between the two buildingsa monument.AstandBstandsCstandingDis standing18、I, whoyour good friend, will share your joys and sorrow.AamBisCareDwas19、The United Nationsin 1945.Awere foundBwere foundedCwas foundedDwas found20、were also invited to the party.AMr SmithBThe SmithCThe SmithsDSmiths21、The glass worksin 1959.Awere set upBwas set upCwere put upDwere built22、Three hours with your girl friendto be a short time.AseemBseemsCis seeming Dhas seemed23、It was reported that sixincluding a boy.Awas killedBwere killedCwas killingDhad killed24、The policea prisoner.Ais searching forBare searching forCis searchingDare searched for25、Deerfaster than dogs.ArunBrunsCare runningDwill run26、The woundedgood care of here now.Ais takenBare being takenCare takingDis taking27、The whole classgreatly moved at his words.AwasBwereChadDis28、Over 80 percent of the population of Chinapeasants.AwasBisCareDwill be29、Therea knife and fork on the table.Aseems to beBseem to beCis seeming to be Dare30、Those whosinging may join us.Aare likingBlikesCenjoyDis fond of31、His familymusic lovers.Aall areBare allCisDare being32、A professor and a writerpresent at the meeting.AwasBisCwereDhad been33、The pair of shoesworn out.AwasBwereChave beenDhad been34、The students in our school eachan English dictionary.AhaveBhasChadDare having35、More than one answerto the question.Ahave been givenBhas been givenCwere givenDhad given36、The boy sitting by the window is the only one of the students whofrom the countryside in our school.AareBisCwereDwas37、Our familya happy one.AisBareCwasDwere38、Most of the mistakesbecause of carelessness.Awere madeBare madeChas been madeDwere making39、Most of his timein reading novels.Aare spentBis spentCwere spentDwas spending40、The rest of the novelvery interesting.AwereBareCisDseem41、I know that allgetting on well with her.AwasBisCareDwere42、When and where this took placestill unknown.AareBwereCisDhas43、Not only the workers but also the machinenot there.AareBwereCisDhas44、Very fewhis address in the town.AknowsBknowCare knowingDhas known45、Ten thousand dollarsa large sum of money.AareBisCwereDseem46、Twenty milesa long way to cover.AwereBareCisDseem to be47、Nine plus threetwelve.AmakesBmakeCis makingDare making48、There are two roads and eitherto the station.AleadsBleadCare leadingDis leading49、My father, together with some of his old friends,there already.Ahave beenBhas beenChad beenDwill be50、My family as well as Iglad to see you.AamBareCisDwas【答案】:1、A 因有连词but,所以谓语形式跟Nothing一致,用第三人称单数。见讲解4。2、B 同上3、B 见讲解2。4、C 见讲解16。5、C 定语从句看被修饰的先行词:the number of作主语用单数形式。见讲解9,19。6、A 见讲解1。7、C 见讲解2。8、B 倒装句,要看后面的主语。见讲解3。9、B some person指“某人”是第三人称单数。见讲解13。10、B 主语“all”指的是“food”,所以代不可数名词,是第三人称单数。见讲解13。11、B Toms teacher and friend,因friend前没有冠词,所以实际指的是同一个人。见讲解5。12、B 根据前一分句的意思,第二分句中的mine指的是“my new clothes”,因此主语是复数。13、A neithernor连接主语,动词与后面的主语保持一致。见讲解15。14、A 见讲解6。15、A 见讲解4。16、A 见讲解1,动名词作主语。17、B 倒装,见讲解3。18、A 见讲解9。19、C 见讲解11。20、C 因谓语动词是复数,所主语应是复,The Smiths是指史密斯一家人。21、B works在此句中是指工厂,所以是单数。22、B 见讲解10。23、B six在这儿指的是人,因此用复数形式。24、B 见讲解17。25、A deer, sheep是单、复数同形,根据后面的dogs,前面的deer应是复数(单数前应有a)。26、B 见讲解14。27、B 见讲解12,因人才能受感动,所以the whole class是指全班的成员。28、C 见讲解18。29、A 见讲解5。刀、叉是一副而论,所以看作单数。30、C 见讲解9。31、B 见讲解12。32、C 见讲解4,注意与第11题比较。33、A 因此句主语是pair,所以用单数。34、A 因此句主语是the students,所以用复数。如果each作主语,谓语动词则用第三人称单数形式。如:Each of the students / Each student has an English dictionary.35、B 此句中的主语是one answer,所以谓语动词应与它保持一致。36、B 根据句意,这个男孩是学校中唯一来自农村的学生,自然后面的定语从句的主语是单数,所以谓语动词用单数形式,又因主从句时态保持一致,故B是唯一正确答案。37、A 见讲解12。38、A 见讲解2。39、B 见讲解16。40、C 这部小说的剩余部分,还没超出“一”,用单数。41、C 见讲解13,不定代词all在此句中代“与她相处的人”,所以是复数。42、C 见讲解1,when and where this took place是一个从句。43、C 见讲解15。44、B few在此代人,是复数。45、B 见讲解10。46、C 同上。47、A 同上。48、A 见讲解7。49、B 见讲解4。50、B 同上。四、虚 拟 语 气【专项训练】1、It is important that a college student a foreign language.Awill masterBmasterCmastersDwould master2、It is strange that she without saying a word.Ashould have gone outBwentCshould go outDgoes out3、If my lawyer here last Saturday, he me from going.Ahad been, would have prevented Bhad been, would preventCwere, would prevent Dwere, would have prevent4、“He is a brave man.”“Yes, I wish I his courage.”AhaveBhadCwill haveDmay have5、If it rain, the crops would be saved.AshouldBwillCis going toDwas to6、He ordered that the medicine by a special plane.Awas sent Bwould be sentCshould sendDbe sent7、If you the medicine, you better now.Atook, would feelBhad taken, feltChad taken, would feelDtook, would have felt8、She is my sister, but she often acts as if my mother.AisBwasCwereDhad been9、I went to bed early last night, but I wish I so.Adidnt doBhadnt doChavent doneDcouldnt do10、Id rather he tomorrow afternoon.Awill comeBcomesCcomingDcame答案:1、B2、A3、A4、B5、A6、D7、C8、C9、B10、D五、倒装句【专项训练】、选择填空1、 that we all went out, lying in the sun.AThe weather so fine wasBSo fine was the weatherCSo the weather was fineDSo was fine weather2、Under his arm a pair of shoes which he had bought from the shop a few days before.Ais BareCwasDwere 3、 who had arrested him three times for carrying drugs.ABefore George stood the policemanBBefore George the policeman stoodCBefore the policeman stood GeorgeDBefore George did the policeman4、Then we had been looking forward to .Acame the hour Bthe hour cameCcomes the hourDthe hour is coming5、Only when he started to explain the reason for this.Ashe realizedBdid she realizeCshe had realized Dhad she realized 6、 succeed in doing anything.AOnly by working hard we canBBy only working hard we can COnly by working hard can weDOnly we can by working hard7、Not for a moment the truth of your story.Ahe has doubtedBhe doubtsCdid he doubtDhe did doubt8、Nowhere else in the world cheaper tailoring than in Hong Kong.Aa tourist can findBcan a tourist findCa tourist will findDa tourist has found 9、Hardly when the bus suddenly pulled away.Athey had got to the bus-stopBthey got to the bus-stopCdid they get to the bus-stopDhad they got to the bus -stop 10、Mary doesnt speak French, and does Joan.AnotBneitherCeitherDso11、Do you know Jim quarrelled with his brother? I dont know, .Anor dont I careBnor do I careCI dont care neitherDI dont care also12、Not until the early years of the 19th century what heat is.Aman did knowBman knewCdidnt man knowDdid man know13、After that we never saw her again nor from her.Adid we hearBwe heardChad we heardDwe have heard14、John won the first prize in the contest. .ASo he did. BSo did he. CSo he did, too.DSo did he, too.15、 ,he doesnt study well.AAs he is clever BHe is as cleverCClever as he is DAs clever he is 16、You can never use my tape recorder. time should you touch that machine.AAt noBAt any CAny DNo17、Scarcely the room the phone rang.AI had enteredwhenBHad I enteredthenChad I enteredwhenDhave I enteredwhen 18、Only save his life.Acan the doctorBthe doctor canCwill the doctorDcould the doctor19、Hardly anybody the boy , because he is rude.Adoes likeBlikesCdo likeDlike20、So well that the teacher praised her.Ashe had done her homeworkBher homework had been doneCdid she do her homeworkDshe did her homework21、Only when to know him will you get along with him.Ado you comeBwill you comeCyou comeDyou will come22、Out , gun in hand.Adid he rushBrushed he Che rushedDhad he rushed23、He had promised me to come to the party ,and .Aso did he Bso he did Cso he wouldDso would he24、Into the sky the light blue smoke.Awent upBup wentCdid go up Dhad gone up25、Little about his own life at the meeting.Adid he talkBhe talkedChe was talkingDhad he talked26、Under no circumstances first use nuclear weapons.Awill ChinaBChina will Cdoes ChinaDdo China27、 taken that examination, she could have passed it .AWere she BHad she be able to CIf she would haveDHad she28、 tomorrow , we would put off the match till next Monday.AShould it rainedBWere it to rainCIf it would rainDHad it rained29、Look, here .AMr. Brown comes Bdoes Mr. Brown comeCcomes Mr. BrownDMr. Brown has come30、Often us good advice.Adid she giveBshe did giveCshe gaveDshe has given31、Not until I began to work how much time I had wasted.Adidnt I realizeBdid I realizeCI didnt realizeDI realize32、Little about his own safety , though he was in great danger himself.Adoes he careBdid he careChe caresDhe cared33、 began our new lesson.ABut BThusCSuchDSo that34、By no means look down upon the poor.Awe shouldBwe should not Cdo we Dshould we35、Only when 30 years old to learn English.Awas he , did he beginBhe was , he beganCwas he , he beganDhe was ,did he begin36、Not once their plan.Adid they changeBthey changedCchanged theyDthey did changed37、“Its very hot today.”“ .”ASo it is BSo is it CSo does itDSo it does38、A fish needs water and without water it will die. ASo does a man BSo will a manCSo it is with a manDSo is it with a man39、They arrived at the farmhouse, in front of which .Asat a small boy Ba small boy satCis sitting a small boy Da small boy sitting40、Society has changed and in it .Aso have the people Bso the people haveCthe people have soDhave the people so、改错41、Only when was he 50 years old did he begin to learn French.42、Little she knew Tom was was badly ill 43、Turn to the right and there are you.44、And all around the fox in a circle was dogs.45、You can learn English well.So can we.46、I dare climb this tall tree, but do you?47、Not once he kept his promise.48、Many a time he has given us some good advice.49、Such a noise there was that I couldnt work in the room.50、Only does my mother understand me.【答案】:、1、B2、C3、A4、A5、B6、C7、C8、B9、D10、B11、B12、D 13、A14、A15、C16A17、C18、B 19、B20、C21、C22、C23、B24A25、A26、A27、D28、B29、C30、A31、B32、B33、B34、D35、D36、A37、A38、C39、A40、A、41、was he he was 倒装主句不倒装从句。42、She knewdid she know 此句为半倒装句。43、are you you are 此句为全部倒装句如主语是代词则不倒装。44、waswere主语是dogs 。45、so we can 主语we与上一句中的主语you所指相同故不同倒装。46、do youdare you 前面句中用情态,后面要呼应。47、he keptdid he keep48、he hashas he 49、50、去掉does,将understand改为understands。only后面跟状语倒装,后跟主语不倒装。六、并列句【专项训练】:一、用适当的并列连词填空:1、He couldnt know the truth about me, he wouldnt treat me like this.2、The bell is ringingthe lesson is over.3、Although he was ill, he kept on working.4、I cant make up my mindwe will go to Shanghaiwe will stay in our city.5、He doesnt talk much, he thinks a lot.6、It must have rained last night the ground is still wet.7、The president will visit the town in May he will open the new hospital.8、Jane was dressed in greenMary was dressed in blue.9、he did not speak distinctlyI did not hear it clearly.10、He is clever, , he often makes mistakes.11、did we write to herwe called up her.12、He hasnt any moneyIm going to lend him some.13、The child was sick; he, , didnt go to school.14、Mary was neither happy, was she sad.15、P

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