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_Teaching Plan for New Magic Oxford English 4A Unit 5 Lets have funSchool: Fuxiao SchoolMaterials: New Magic Oxford English 4 A Lets have funDate: 2016-10-28Teaching aids: Multi-media, etc.单元教学设计说明学情分析:(较为完整,描述较为妥当)四年级学生经历了四年多的英语学习,已经初步养成了一定的、良好的学习习惯,绝大多数学生掌握并积累了一定数量的词汇与一些重要的、常见的语法与时态,初步具备了一定的英语听、说、读、写技能。无论是城镇学生还是农村学生,都愿意与同学交流与分享英语学习成果,用英语来表达所学与所思。但是,由于学生所处的学习环境不同,家长的重视程度不一,学生之间也存在着一定的学习差距;而且,现行教材的大容量和高密度,也在无形中加大了学生之间的学习距离。在学习本单元之前,学生通过四年的学习,已经积累了部分与爱好和活动相关的词汇;同时,也学习与掌握了与本单元内容密切相关的内容,比如:询问他人爱好时的常用句型what do you like doing?,了解他人日常活动的句型What do you do on.?以及表达自己强弱项的句型I am good at/ weak in.等,这些知识储备都为本单元的学习奠定了一定的学习基础。教材分析:单元主题:Lets have fun (第一段描述较为繁琐,建议删除之前教材中的相关内容介绍,以本单元内容的梳理为主,且包括知识、能力与情感三方面的目标,不能遗漏情感目标的描述。)4A Unit 6 的学习主题为hobbies 和 activities, 通过孩子们调查things they can do in their free time引出相关的话题和词汇的学习。这个单元主要涉及描述爱好和活动的词汇以及频率副词。在此之前,学生在3 B的Unit 2 Beach fun中已经掌握了一些表示爱好的短语:swimming, listening to music,sunbathing,drinking soft drinks,eating ice lollies,collecting pebbles,finding crabs,building sandcastles,collecting shells, watching the sunset等 ,以及在 2 B Unit 2 Our Week里接触了日常活动:read storybooks, play the piano, play football, paints pictures等短语,在这个单元中涉及到的新内容包括:doing jigsaw puzzles, doing karate, going hiking, going ice skating, going jogging, going roller skating, playing computer games, reading comics, surfing the Internet, watching films等。 本单元,从描述故事书封面所见出发,以“ My activities ” “Children activities I” “Children activities II” “Weekend activities”等话题展开,涉及到的学习内容丰富,也较为生动,不仅注意了新旧知识的有机整合,锻炼学生的语言运用能力。(话题描述与设计较为妥当,体现延续性、延伸性、一贯性)1、各学习项目分析(具体板块说明明晰)Look and say: 情境学习板块。主要通过情境,孩子们谈论自己日常喜欢做的活动。Write and Count: 语言活动与练习板块。把Look and say所谈论的信息进行整理归纳,通过调查进一步了同学们的爱好并做好记录。Read: 核心学习板块。通过学习一份调查报告学习核心词汇:doing jigsaw puzzles, doing karate, going hiking, going ice skating, going jogging, going roller skating, playing computer games, reading comics, surfing the Internet, watching films以及频率副词:always, usually, often, sometimes ,never 等。 能用相关短语表达自己的爱好和日常活动;能读懂短文的大意;能激发学生阅读的兴趣。Word building: 核心学习板块。进一步巩固日常活动的短语:do jigsaw puzzles, do karate, go hiking, go ice skating, go jogging, go roller skating, play computer games, read comics, surf the Internet, watch films等等。Read and guess: 语言活动与练习板块。引导学生通过阅读riddle里面关于某个日常活动特征的描述,猜出相应的活动。Read and write: 语言活动与练习板块。通过回答跟文章相关的问题,进一步加深学生对课文的理解。Grammar time: 核心学习板块。重点学习动词ing形式和频率副词的用法。A riddle: 语言活动与练习板块。通过对活动的描述,练习动词ing 形式。 Look, write and say: 语言活动与练习板块。通过调查图表,让学生更进一步感受频率副词的区别和用法。Phonics time:核心学习板块。通过Rhyme总结字母y在单词中的发音规律,并加以练习。Main task: 语言活动与练习板块。通过自编动物谜语,进一步运用所学知识点来描述动物的特征。2、知识要点介绍1)能学习和掌握如下词汇:do jigsaw puzzles, do karate, go hiking, go ice skating, go jogging, go roller skating, play computer games, read comics, surf the Internet, watch films等相关核心词汇,做到音、形、义的统一。2)能学习并掌握频率副词always, usually, often, sometimes, never的用法。3)能熟练运用如下内容进行问答,如:What do you like doing? I like4)能灵活运用How often 询问他人日常活动频率。5)能学习并掌握字母组合ur在单词中的发音,做到发音准确、到位。 单元课时划分与整合: (单元概念强、课时话题适切、学习内容分配合理)第一课时 Topic: My activities : Look and say P12, Write and count P43,Word building P45, Grammar time P47第二课时Topic:Children activities I ReadP44, Look, write and say P4849, Grammar time P47第三课时Topic: Children activities II Read P44, Read and write P46, Phonics time P49, Grammar time P47第四课时Topic: Weekend activities A riddle P46, Read, say and write P47, Main task P50单元课时处理话题单元知识拓展的知识Materials材料是教材的板块来源,或基于教材、或源于教材,也有可能是自编的材料等,请具象说明与描述综合应用第一课时单词1. Do jigsaw puzzles, do karate, go hiking, go ice skating, go jogging, go roller skating, play computer games, read comics, surf the Internet, watch films主情境图ChantSong通过以旧引新及谈论图片,让学生掌握经常做的活动短语并用正确的句型进行谈论。句型What does he/she like doing?He/She likes How to do a survey?第二课时单词always,usually,often,never课文Read调查表grammar in context通过展示调查表,观察阅读调查表初步认识课文,学习How often句型及其回答,并学习独立完成小组调查。句型How often do you/they.?I/They always/usually/often/never.How often does he/she.?He/She always/usually/often/never.第三课时 单词doing sports, doing karate, ice skating, going hiking, often, sometimesSeldom ReadPhonics time通过课文的学习,让学生明白运动对自己的重要性。通过歌谣,让学生掌握字母组合ur 在单词中的发音规律。句型What do you like doing?What do you do on.?What are your hobbies?第四课时单词do jigsaw puzzlesdo karatego hikinggo ice-skatinggo jogginggo roller skatingplay computer gamesread comicssurf the InternetWatch filmsHow to write a riddleA riddle,Hobby rap,Main task,rap songs通过谜语的学习巩固对活动的描述;学习rap songs, 学生自己写rap, 让学生感受英语奇妙,激发学生学习的兴趣;同学调查、写报告、汇报,培养学生询问、合作、能表达的能力,培养学生学习的自信心。句型How often do you go jogging? I always/usually/often/sometimes/never go jogging. How to describe write a rap.Unit 1第一单元Period 1第一课时Class授课班级Class2 Grade4三(2)班Teacher执教教师Setting授课地点Date授课日期November, 20162016年11月TeachingContents(教学内容)New Magic 4A Unit 5, Period 1PriorKnowledge( 已有知识)u Students know some phrases about activities.u Students know how to use V-ing to talk about the activities they like to do.TeachingAims(教学目标)u Aims for language (教学目标,无论是知识、能力还是情感,要简洁表达、不能有很多的目标点,建议每个板块最多2-3条,可以合理合并哦)1) Help students 结构上希调整,不要站在教师的角度写,改成:students can 。或To 。来加以描述to locate specific information in spoken texts.2) Help students to maintain an interaction by asking and responding to others opinions.3) Get students to identify different activities people do in their free time.4) Have the students talk about activities they like doing in their free time.u Aims for ability maintain1)To train the students ability of getting main ideas.2)To develop students ability of predicting.3)To improve students solving riddles.4)Have the students talk about activities they often do. u Aims for emotion cultivate (本课时的情感目标应该是第3点,前两点较为宽杂,建议删除) 1) Arouse the childrens interests in reading English stories. 2) Encourage students to do more exercises.3) Encourage students to build a good health concept.Difficulties( 难点 )u To help the students to understand and read the phrases of activities, such as do karate, go jogging, surf the internet, do jigsaw puzzles. (红字的描述不够妥当)u To help students to think about:A survey of childrens favourite activities. Why do they like these activities?Are these activities good for their health?u To help students to complete the surveyTeaching Aids( 教学辅助)Real objects, sentences cards, picture cards, PPT file, storybooks and so onProcedures( 教学过程 )Teachers 教师活动教师活动与学生活动的指向性较为明确,但在描述时不够精炼,如既然是学生活动,那么students 。这里的students是否没有必要存在了?Students 学生活动Purpose教学目的Prelude( 热身 )1. Play a song.1. Sing the song.全班齐唱英文歌。Lead in( 导入 )1. Review the phrases of activities of 3A Unit 22. Let the students summarize how to use “like doing sth.”to talk about some activities. 1.Students say the phrases of activities 2. Answer questions about hobbies and activities. 复习学生三年级学过的关于活动的短语,有助于唤醒学生记忆,为后面学习和使用新短语做铺垫。 Presentation ( 呈现 )1. Draw students attention to P.42. Encourage them to match the words to the pictures and tell where they can do these activities. 2. Ask students about their free time activities. 3.Teach more new phrases about activities they like in their free time. 1. Students match the phrases and pictures. 2. Students discuss the activities they like doing in their free time. 3. Students learn more phrases of activities and hobbies. 1. 让学生将图片和新短语连线,对新学词汇有初步认知。2. 谈论学生课余活动,以旧引新。3. 让学生学会用正确的语法形式like V-ing 表达自己或别人喜爱的活动。学习更多的新短语。Practice(操练) 1. A game:show a part of picture, let students guess what activity is it. 2. Show some riddles. Encourage the students to guess the activities.3. Do a survey. Ask the students what they like doing in their free time. Write down their answers on the board. 4. Count the number of students and write the number next to the activity. 5. Invite the students to take turns coming up to ask questions and count the numbers of classmates. 1. Students guess what activity is it according to the picture. 2. Students try to solve the riddles , guess what activity is it. 3. Students answer teachers questions. 4. Students ask questions and do a survey. Count the numbers of the same activity. 5. announce their result. 1. 通过游戏巩固所学新单词短语。2. 学生猜谜语,锻炼学生获取信息能力。3. 调查。通过询问、回答、统计课余活动,达到复习、巩固的目的。4. 对所做的调查做个汇报。锻炼口语表达能力。summary (总结 )Teacher summarize how to use like V-ing to talk about activities and hobbies. Students try to summarize how to use like V-ing to talk about activities and hobbies.学生尝试去总结喜欢做某事的表达法。Unit 5第五单元Period 2第二课时Class授课班级Class3 Grade4四(3)班Teacher执教教师Setting授课地点Date授课日期2016年11月TeachingContents(教学内容)New Magic 4A Unit 5, Period 2PriorKnowledge( 已有知识)u Students have some English reading skills and know how to read by themselves.u Students know how to work in pairs and groups.TeachingAims(教学目标)1) 学生能理解并运用always,usually,often,sometimes,never等频率副词;2) 学生能理解并运用以下句型:-How often do you/they?-I/They always/usually/often/sometimes/never3) 学生能理解并朗读文章13段内容;4) 学生能独立完成调查报告。Difficulties( 难点 )u 理解并运用句型:-How often do you/they?-I/They always/usually/often/sometimes/neveru 能理解并朗读文章13段内容.Teaching Aids( 教学辅助)PPT,音频文件,沙包Procedures( 教学过程 )Teachers 教师活动Students 学生活动Purpose教学目的Warm up( 热身 )1. Play a game. 将沙包传给一个同学,并询问:What do you like doing?2. Play a game. 运用句型I like.回答老师的问题,并把沙包传给下一个同学同时询问:What do you like doing?活跃课堂气氛的同时复习上一节课的句型:What do you like doing?I like .Lead in( 导入 )1. 展示一份在儿童杂志上关于孩子喜欢做的运动的调查报告。 2. 根据调查报告的内容让学生猜测相关问题:a.What do most children like doing? When do they?b.What do some children like doing? When do they?1.学生仔细阅读调查报告;2. 根据调查报告回答老师的问题。展示调查报告,鼓励学生运用句型:They like.,They.on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday., 提高学生的口语表达能力,并引出句型How often do they.?Presentation (展示 )1. 展示调查报告,并运用句型:-How often do they?.2. 展示5个问题和文章,一边播放音频一边让学生跟读,让学生带着问题朗读文章。a. When did they do the survey?b. What are they good at?c. What are they weak in?d. Why could the girls never finish one puzzle?e. What do they never do?3. 邀请学生自由发言,并由学生挑选下一个同学回答问题。T:What about you? How often do you?S1:I always How often do you?S2:I often4. .给学生分组,让学生在小组内调查组员喜欢的活动和活动的频率。5. 邀请学生做展示。6. 展示Look and say,给出例子,并要求学生根据例子进行同桌对话:-How often does Ann go swimming?-She often goes swimming.7. 邀请学生做展示。1. 学生仔细阅读调查报告,并运用句型回答问题。They always/usually/often/sometimes/never.2. 学生仔细阅读问题,并带着问题跟读音频,思考问题的答案。3. 学生根据自身实际情况运用句型回答问题:S1:I alwaysHow often do you?S2: I often4. 学生分组,调查小组成员喜欢的活动和活动的频率,使用句型,最后做出展示: S1:What do you like doing? S2:I like. S1:How often do you? S2:I always.5. 学生进行同桌对话: S1:How often does Ann go swimming? S2:She often goes swimming.1、学生可以通过阅读调查报告回答问题,加强对频率副词的运用;2、学生带着问题跟读文章,一方面可以锻炼学生的阅读理解能力,另一方面可以使学生在朗读思考回答的过程中理解文章大意。3、学生通过自主回答问题,可以加强对句型How often do you.?I always.的运用;另一方面,让学生自由挑选下一个同学,能带给学生新鲜感并提高学生问与答的兴趣。4、学生分组做调查,一方面锻炼学生的口语运用能力,另一方面,培养学生独立调查的能力。5、学生根据例子进行同桌对话,可以使学生加强对How often does Ann go swimming?She often goes swimming.等句型的运用。Summary (总结)总结本节课小组同学得表现情况从教案的完整性考量,缺少作业的分层布置、板书的语义设计、教学反思的空白预留以及学习内容的提供以下同。Unit 5第五单元Period 3第三课时Class授课班级Class1,Grade4Teacher执教教师KennySetting授课地点顺德一中附小Date授课日期2016年11月PriorKnowledge( 已有知识)u Students have some English reading skills and know how to read by themselves.u Students know how to work in pairs and groups.TeachingAims(教学目标)单元目标本课时的目标u Aims for language 5) Help students to get the main idea of the article in a childrens magazine.6) Help students to read through the article.7) Help students to understand the article.8) Help students to understand some difficult words and sentences in the article.u Aims for ability maintain1)To train the students ability of asking questions.2)To develop students ability of predicting.3)To improve students reading comprehension.4)To foster students ability of thinking and discussions .u Aims for emotion cultivate1) Encourage students to build a good relationship between language learning and English reading.2) Get the students to identify different actives people do in their free time.3) Arouse the childrens interests in reading.Difficulties( 难点 )u To help the students to understand ct. u To help students to think about:What is good about indoor/out door actives?What is bad about them?Is doing sports important for the children?Teaching Aids( 教学辅助)sentences cards, picture cards, PPT file, so onProcedures( 教学过程 )Teachers 教师活动Students 学生活动Purpose教学目的Prelude( 热身 )1.Play a song.Sing the song.全班齐唱英文歌。Lead in( 导入 )1. Talk about things we can do in our free time.2. Students work in group and talk about their favorite activities.复习本单元的重点句型和核心词汇。 Presentation1. Get students to review paragraph 1&3 by asking some questions.2. Play the correspond section(paragraph 4&5) of the audio CD. Get students to listen to it and answer the question:Is doing sports important for the children?3. Get the students open the books and read paragraph 4&5 by themselves and answer the questions:What does Dr Mas daughter often do? What does his daughter sometimes do?4. Get students use often /sometimes to talk about the activities they like to do in their free time.5. Get the students to flow the CD and read the whole article together.6. Get the students read the article again and finish Read and write on P46. 7. Get students listen to the song in phonics time and have them circle the words with the /:/ sound as in surf.8. sum-up1. Students read paragraph1&2 of the article, and try to find out the answers to the questions.2. Students listens to the CD and get the answer to the question.3. Students read paragraph 4&5 by themselves and try to find the answers. 4. Students works in pairs and use often/sometimes talk about the activities they like to do in their free time.5. Students flow the CD and read the whole article together.6. Students read the article again and finish Read and write on P46.7. Students listen to the song and circle the words with the /:/ sound as in surf.1. 学生自行阅读文章第1&3段,找出问题的正确答案。2. 学生听课文45录音,理解文章大意,找出问题的答案。3. 学生打开课本,阅读课文第4&5段,找出马医生女儿经常干什么,有时候干什么。4. 学生两人小组谈论自己喜欢在课余时间做什么。5. 学生跟录音朗读全文6. 学生再次自行阅读,完成P48 Read and write的练习。7. 学生听录音,总结字母组合ur的发音规律。 Summary (总结)Sum-up Listen to the teacher总结Unit 5第一单元教案设计模板以南山外国语学校为例Period 4第四课时Class授课班级Class2 Grade4四(2)班Teacher执教教师GigiSetting授课地点佛山市一中附小新德业学校Date授课日期2016年11月TeachingContents(教学内容)New Magic 4A Unit 5, Period 4PriorKnowledge( 已有知识)u Students have some English reading skills and know how to read by themselves.u Students know how to work in pairs and groups.u Students know how to use “like doing” to talk about their hobbies and the activities they like.u Students know how to use “be good at” and “be weak in” to talk about their strong point and their weak point.u Students know how to use the adverbs of frequency to talk about what they “always”, “usually”, “often”, “sometimes” or “never” do.TeachingAims(教学目标)单元目标本课时的目标u Aims for language 9) Help students to guess the riddles according to the descriptions.10) Help students to make their own riddles.11) Help students to write their hobby rap.12) Help students to talk about their weekend activities, do a survey, write down the report and do the presentation.u Aims for ability maintain1)To train the students ability of speaking and writing skill.2)To develop students ability of thinking and creation.3)To improve students ability of self-demonstration.4)To foster students ability of discussions and group cooperation.u Aims for emotion cultivate1) Encourage students to build a good relationship between language learning and English reading.2) Encourage students to build confidence and cultivate awareness of cooperation.3) Arouse the childrens interests in speaking English.Difficulties( 难点 )u To help the students to use their imagination to make their own riddles: like This is an outdoor activities. You need to wear your helmet. You need to wear a kind of special heavy shoes. Do you like moving fast like the wind? This is a good activity for you. This activity is _. ect. u To help students to use their creations to write their hobby rap: Hobby RapI like hiking.Im good at walking.I like surfing the Internet,When the weather is wet.u To help students to work in group and do a survey about their weekend activities.u To help students to write about the survey and do the presentation. Like:Our Weekend ActivitiesI talked to Andy and Peter. Let me tell you about them. Andy like shopping and singing karaoke at the weekend. He always goes hopping. He sometimes sings karaoke. He does not like reading comics. He never reads comics.Teaching Aids


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