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Revision: 1. Happiness is a wonderful gift - _ to anyone willing to accept it. 2. It is the first time that we _ (witness) a fire with our own eyes. It was the second time that we _ (interview) the famous star. 3. The English programm was first broadcast in China in 1980. 4. The film _(以为背景) in World War II.,free,have witnessed,had interviewed,was set in,1,2,departments,The International News Department,Home News Department,Sports Department,Advertising Department,Entertainment News Department,3,green hand,experienced journalists,senior journalists,Chief editor:,Decides front page articles;,Read the articles approve or disapprove articles,4,scoop,It means an important or exciting news which a newspaper gets ahead of all the other newspapers.,5,Getting the Scoop,The passage tells us the process of writing and printing for a newspaper article.,6,Read Para. 1 What had ZY just accomplished at the time of the story? 2. What was he going to do next?,an interview with , set to work.,/get down to work/ begin ,7,ZY set to work as soon as he returned to his office.,Hardly No sooner the instant,Hardly had returned to his office when he set to work.,No sooner had he returned to his office than he set to work.,ZY set to work the instant he returned to his office.,the moment/ instantly/ immediately/ directly,8,Read Para. 2 and find two words as the standards of a good article:,accurate & concise,to avoid being accused of getting the wrong end of the stick.,to write with no wasted words and phrases,9,1.Go to an interview to get the information for your story,The process for an English article:,2.Do some research to check if the fact is accurate.,3.Begin to write the story concisely using the notes from the interview,4.Give the article to the sub-editor to check and a copy-editor to edit.,10,5.Give a copy to a native speaker to check the use of English and polish the style.,6.The article is checked and approved by the chief editor and passed on to the news desk editor.,7.All the stories and photos are set and processed into the colour negatives.,8.The first edition of the newspaper is printed.,11,The four colors for the four negative sheets: CMYK C: M: Y: K:,Magenta 红色,Cyan 青色,Yellow,Black,combined to make a colored page for the newspaper,12,Critical thinking: Para. 1 1. Which words showed the eagerness of the journalists for a scoop? 2. Why are they so eager for scoops? 3. What do you think of their eagerness for scoops?,Para.2: 4. imagine what the film star has done. Make a list of what he/she might have done.,13,Pair work,What might the film star have done?,He took money but acted badly in a film.,He lied about getting drunk in a restaurant.,He stole something from a shop and lied about it.,He said some rude remarks about another film star to a journalist.,14,Sort out your two headings: a large one (the main headline) at the top and a smaller one under it. Sort out the stages in your story: what the film star did how you found out how the film star reacted when you told him you knew his secret your opinion Write the story. Then swap with a partner to improve your work. Rewrite neatly.,Prepare your article,15,Sample article,A Film Star Caught Unexpectedly Did he need money?,There has been a strange thing happening in a downtown shopping area. It is said that a famous film star, Wang Ping, was caught stealing a gold necklace yesterday. He went into a shop and when the jeweler turned his back Wang Ping took the necklace and left the shop quickly.,16,The shopkeeper shouted and a crowd of people gathered. The police went to Wang Pings home and questioned him. He denied he had stolen the necklace and told them he had enough money to buy the necklace anyway. He said he had been at a restaurant with his wife. But a reporter, Li Ming, found this was untrue. So the police are treating this case seriously.,17,ahead of the other newspapers 2. after an interview with a famous star 3. the International News Department 4. set to work 5. months of training 6. no wasted words or phrases 7. sit down at his computer 8. a senior editor 9. pass the article on to the copy-editor,抢在其他报纸的前面,采访了一名著名的影星之后,国际新闻编辑 部,开始工作,几个月的培训,没有废话,在电脑前坐下,一位资深编辑,把文章递给技术编辑,18,10.the native speaker employed by the newspaper 11. polish the style 12. be happy with the story 13. a good front page article 14. smile with happiness 15.last of all 16.approve the article 17.process all the information into film negative,说母语的报社雇员,润饰语言风格,对报道很满意,头版新闻,高兴地笑了,最后,批准了这篇文章,把所有的材料制成胶片,19,18.the first stage of the printing process 19.make a coloured page for the newspaper 20.make a list of things 21.sort out the stages 22. make an appointment with sb,印制过程的第一道工序,制成报纸的一张彩页,列出这些东西,列出步骤,与某人约会,20,ahead of,We arrived there ahead of time.,Our research was well ahead of theirs.,She saw someone walking ahead of her.,ahead of ones time,21,2. set set out (to do sth.) set about doing 开始 set off 出发,引爆 set to n. 开始 set down 写下 set up 搭起,建立 be set in 以为背景,出发,开始,22,3. senior adj. 年长的, (级别、职位、 资格)较高的, 高年级的(作定语) senior n. 年较长的人, 毕业班或高年 级的学生 junior adj. 较幼的, 较小的,23,LiLei is 17 and WangPing is 15 Li is two years senior to Wang. = Li is senior to Wamg by two years.,senior students the senior citizens,高年级学生,老年人,24,5. by the newspaper to polish the style. polish v. 磨光,擦亮;润色 I polished my buttons with a handkerchief. The speaker spent several days polishing her lecture. Would you polish up the article a bit?,25,approve,2) I dont approve of wasting time .,1) The mayors approved the new building plans.,市长批准了新建筑计划,赞成,26,8. appointment n. 任命, 委派, 工作, 职位, 约会, 预约 appoint v. 任命, 委派确定或决定某事物 appoint that sth. (shall be done)命令某事 take an appointment 就职 keep/ break ones appointment 守/违约 make/ fix an appointment with与某人约会,27,他是我们的处长。 2. 那场意外事故的主要原因是什么? 3. 上海是中国的主要城市之一。,chief,He is the chief of my department.,Whats the chief cause of the accident?,Shanghai is one of the chief cities of China.,28,9. When do you think is convenient for you? 句中do you think 作插入语,英语中do you think / suppose / believe/ imagine 等和疑问代词或疑问副词连用时, 常把疑问代(副)词置于句首, 而把do you think置于句中。,29,提示: do you think 置于句中,句子的语序应该为正常语序, 不再使用倒装语序; 这类结构也可以用于定语从句里作为插入语。,30,What do you think _? A. is he interested in B. interested he C. he is interested in D. does he interest (2) Who do you think _? A. broke the window B. of breaking the window C. to break the window D. did he break the window,31,Unit 4,Reading, speaking and writing,Making the news,32,edition department task accurate employ polish note chief approve process,j. one printing of a book, newspaper etc.,e. one of several divisions of a government, business, shop etc.,d. piece of work to be done, especially hard work,h. careful and exact; free from error,a. give work to, use for payment,b. improve in behavior, intellectual interests, etc; making refined or elegant,c. notice; pay attention to,f. first in rank,g. confirm; agree to,i. series of operations,Match each word with its expression.,33,Read the text quickly and try to get the main idea of it.,34,What was Zhou Yangs first task? How many people read his article before it was ready to be processed into film negative? Who are they?,an editor from his department,copy-editor,native speaker,chief editor,news desk editor,35,How many people read his article before it was ready to be processed into film negative? Who are they?,an editor from his department,copy-editor,native speaker,chief editor,news desk editor,36,Read the passage and finish the chart for the writing and printing process for an article.,1. You go to an interview to get the information for your story,3. You begin to write the story using the notes from the interview.,4. You give the article to the sub-editor to check.,37,The article is given to a native speaker to check the use of English and improve the style.,The first edition of the newspaper is printed.,The last stage the article is checked /approved by the chief editor.,38,Read the passage again and think about the following questions.,What did you think about making news and being a journalist before you read this passage? How about now? Do you think its a easy job to be a reporter? Give your reasons.,39,We need it in this edition to be ahead of the other newspapers.,Language Points,ahead of 在 . 前面,先于 Michael keeps a horse that can soon get ahead of most other horses. We are confident that we can reach that goal ahead of schedule. He is ahead of others in English.,40,2. asked someone from the International News Department. department (政府, 企业, 商店, 大学等 的)部,司,局, 处, 科, 部门, 系 He was appointed to be in charge of the toy department. He graduated from History Department.,41,3. He would have to be accurate.,accurate adj. 准确的,精确的 Her careful description enabled us to form an accurate picture of what had happened. His report of the event was accurate in every detail.,42,accurate, exact, precise, right, true, correct这些形容词均含“准确的,正确的”之意。 accurate: 指通过谨慎的努力达到符合事实 或实际,侧重不同程度的准确性, 与事实无出入。 exact: 着重在质与量方面的准确,语气比 accurate强。 precise: 侧重极端准确,更强调细节的精确 无误。,43,right: 使用广泛,可与这些词中的correct 换用,但常暗示道德、理解、行动 等方面的正确。 true: 暗指绝对准确,尤指复制品与原件 丝毫不差。 correct: 最常用词,主要指按一定标准或 规则来衡量,没有谬误和差错或 无缺点错误。,44,1) _ statistics, measurements, and calculations are very important. 2) This is the _ dress for a formal dinner. 3) The _ time is three minutes and thirty-five seconds. 4) Is it _ theyre getting married? 5) Are we going in the _ direction?,Accurate,correct,exact,true,right,Fill in the blank with true, right, exact, correct or accurate.,45,4. The first person who saw his article was a senior editor senior adj. 年长的, (级别、职位、资格) 较高的, 高年级的(作定语) n.年长者,长辈,上司,大四学生,She was unfit for such a senior position. His father was a senior officer at the bank. This engine is superior in many aspects. He is my senior by two years.,46,junior adj. 较幼的, 较小的 superior adj. 较高的, 优越的, 优 良的, 不屈服的,47,6. the chief editor read it and approved it. approve v. 批准,赞成,同意 You can join the class if your parents approve. The professor does not approve the governments foreign policy. Im afraid your parents wont approve of your going there.,48,agree, approve这两个动词均含“同意、赞同”之意。 agree: 普通用词,侧重指对某事同其他人 有相同的意见或想法。 approve: 侧重对认为正确或满意的事表示 赞同或批准。作不及物动词用时, 常与of连用。,49,7. All the information was then ready to be processed into film negatives. process vt. 加工,处理 Supermarkets sell many vegetables that have been processed. It may take a few weeks for your application to be processed. process n. 过程,进程;步骤,50,Listening and speaking,51,If you are a journalist, who is the first one that you want to interview? Why?,Zhao Benshan,Yuan Longping,Li Jiacheng,Liu Xiang,52,If you have a chance to interview Song Zuying, what questions would you like to ask her?,53,What difficulties might you have interviewing somebody famous? Listen and see how far you were right.,The problems may include: He is too busy. He doesnt want to be interviewed for a newspaper. He is away. He will be away.,54,This is about a young man who is refused an interview with Liu Ming.,Listen again and choose the correct summary.,B. This is about a young man who is trying to arrange an interview with Liu Ming.,C. This is about a young man who wants to ask Liu Ming about how to work abroad.,It only tells half of the story and does not mention his worry and concern which is the centre of the story.,It is not correct at all.,B,55,Listen to Part 1 again and then answer the following questions.,1. Why does Zhou Yang want to interview Liu Ming? 2. When does Liu Ming plan to leave Beijing? 3. What is Liu Ming doing on Wednesday? 4. When does Lily Wong suggest they meet?,56,1. Why does Zhou Yang want to interview Liu Ming? 2. When does Liu Ming plan to leave Beijing?,He wants to interview him about his decision to go aboard and work.,At the end of this week.,57,3.What is Liu Ming doing on Wednesday? 4. When does Lily Wong suggest they meet?,He is going to talk to some students in the morning; at four he will go to a special party.,At 12 oclock.,58,Look at the chart below and then listen carefully to Part 2 and fill it in.,Sorry not to see him play in the flesh Watching him play on TV is not the same Afraid he may not come home again.,To learn more about tennis To develop his skills To intend to come back to China.,59,Making an appointment,60,Tips for making an appointment,When Where Who What Why Communicational skills: being polite Useful expressions,61,Useful sentences Im calling to make an appointment with you for next Monday. I wonder if it would be convenient to meet you tomorrow. Would it be convenient if I call on you tonight? Could you arrange an appointment with Mr. Green for me? Id like to drop by tomorrow to talk over our plan. I look forward to seeing you at your office on July 18. Can you squeeze in some time for me next week?,62,Practice in pairs making appointments. You are supposed to be the secretary of an important person. He needs to have his picture taken for a magazine. He would like to have it taken in the afternoon because he must have his hair cut in the morning. The other is the photographer who wants to take the picture in the morning because he/she wont be free in the afternoon.,63,S1: Hello. Id like to speak to Mr. Smith. Im the photographer ringing him to make an appointment for some photographs for Cool Scene magazine. Is it possible to meet him tomorrow? S2: Hello. Im Mr. Smiths secretary. Im afraid he can only meet you tomorrow afternoon as he has a haircut in the morning. Is that OK? S1: Oh dear! I was hoping he would be free in the morning as I have another appointment then. It should only take two hours. Maybe we could meet before or after his appointment?,Sample dialogue,64,S2: Yes. That might be possible. But hes busy between 9:00 and 10:30 and then between 11:30 and 1:00. He might be free for an hour between 10:30 and 11:30. S1: I dont think thats long enough. Could he change his other appointment to another day? S2: Im afraid he cant. S1: Then could he be free at 10:00? We could do the photograph and then I would still be on time for my next appointment. S2: That sounds possible. Ill ask him. S1: Thank you very much. S2: My pleasure.,65,Role-play: Making an appointment,Situation: Zhou Yang wants to interview Lu Yu. Make a dialogue between Zhou Yang and the secretary of Lu Yu about making an appointment on the telephone. Help: useful expressions listed on page 32 and communicational skills learned in previous activity.,66,Homework,Finish the dialogue between Zhou Yang and the secretary of Lu Yu and check it with your partner. Preview reading passage on page 65.,67,Before you listen, discuss with a partner what difficulties you might have interviewing somebody famous. Listen to Parts 1 and 2 of the tape and see how far you were right.,Listening,68,Read the three possible summaries of the interview. Listen again and circle the correct one. Explain why the others are wrong.,69,This is about a young man who is refused an interview with Liu May. This is about a young man who is trying to arrange an interview with Liu Mei. This is about a young man who wants to ask Liu Mei about how to work abroad.,70,Summary A is not correct because it only tells half of the story and doesnt mention his worry and concern which is the centre of the story. Summary C is not correct at all.,71,Listen to the tape again and answer these questions.,Why does Zhou Yang want to interview Liu Ming? 2. When does Liu Ming plan to leave Beijing? 3. What is Liu Ming going to do on Wednesday? 4 When does Lily Wong suggest they meet?,72,Why does Zhou Yang want to interview Liu Ming? 2. When does Liu Ming plan to leave Beijing?,He wants to interview him about his decision to go abroad to work.,He plans to leave Beijing at the end of this week.,73,3. What is Liu Ming going to do on Wednesday? 4 When does Lily Wong suggest they meet?,Hes going to talk to some students in the morning; at four hell go to a special party.,Lily Wong suggests they meet at 12 oclock.,74,Listening text,CAN I HELP YOU? Zhou Yang (ZY) is hoping to interview Liu Ming about his decision to work abroad. So he calls Liu Mings assistant, Lily Wong (LW), to make an appointment.,75,Part 1 (Telephone ringing) LW: Hello, this is Lily Wong, Liu Mings assistant. Can I help you? ZY: Hello. Id like to speak to Liu Ming please. LW: I m sorry but hes busy now. Whos speaking?,76,ZY: This is Zhou Yang from China Daily. Id like to interview Liu Ming about his decision to play professional tennis abroad. LW: Itll be difficult. You know that hes leaving Beijing at the end of this week.,77,ZY: Well, Im free tomorrow afternoon and all of Wednesday. LW: OK. Now, let me see Liu Mings going to see his family tomorrow and then talk to some students on Wednesday morning. Then at four oclock hell go to a special party given by the leaders of our city. What about meeting him in the early afternoon?,78,ZY: How about over lunch? Our readers will be very interested in his views. LW: Hmm I know that hes very happy about going abroad and hopes to return to China in a few years. Then he wants to improve Chinese tennis.,79,Part 2 ZY: Many of his fans will be sorry not to see him play in person. Watching him on TV is not quite the same. LW: Yes, I understand, but he needs to develop his skills. On TV you can still enjoy his play.,80,ZY: What if he never comes home? Well have lost a great sportsman. LW: I dont think that hell stay abroad. He says he has no intention of doing that. ZY: Im glad to hear that. But what if he gets a wonderful offer to stay? LW: I think youll have to discuss that with him yourself.,81,ZY: So will 12 oclock be OK? Where would be the best place to meet? LW: Why not meet at the Garden Hotel at 12 oclock. Ill put it in his diary for Wednesday so hes sure to come. ZY: Thank you so much. Goodbye. LW: Goodbye.,82,You are supposed to be the secretary of an important person. He needs to have his picture taken for a magazine. He would like to have it taken in the afternoon because he must have his hair cut in the morning.,Speaking,83,The other is the photographer who wants to take the picture in the morning because he / she wont be free in the afternoon. See how well you can arrange the meeting. These phrases may be useful.,84,Shall we make an appointment? How about ? When are you free? When do you think is convenient for you? Is it possible to ? Where is the best place? I shall be busy at and but I can be free at Maybe we can meet at ,85,S1: Hello. Id like to speak to Li Feizhou. Im the photographer ringing him to make an appointment for some photographs for “Cool Scene” magazine. Is it possible to meet him tomorrow?,Sample dialogue,86,S2: Hello. Perhaps I can help. I am Li Feizhous secretary. Im afraid he can only meet you tomorrow afternoon as he has a haircut in the morning. Is that OK?,87,S1: Oh dear. I was hoping he would be free in the morning as I have another appointment then. It should only take two hours. Maybe we could meet before or after his appointment?,88,S2: Yes. That might be possible. But hes busy between 9:00 and 10:30 and then between 11:30 and 1:00 but he might be free for an hour between 10:30 and 11:30. S1: I dont think thats long enough. Could he change his other appointment to another day?,89,S2: I dont think so. S1: Then could he be free at 10:00? We could do the photographs and I would still be on time for my next appointment. S2: That sounds possible. Ill ask him. What would he need to wear?,90,S1: Some comfortable clothes would be best. S2: Fine. Ill talk to him and call you again very soon. Where would it be best to meet? S1: At the studio if that is OK with you. Thank you very much. S2: My pleasure.,91,A senior editor from his department,editdesign headlines,A copy editor,checked the evidence, read the ,“ will look very

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