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_Unit 1 P2-P3 What Are We Going To Do For Our HolidayMr Webb: Well, its your school holiday soon. What are we going to do? Janet: Shall we go on the Pearl River Cruise?Ben: A cruise? Boring! Lets go to xiangjiang Zoo instead! Im going to see white tigers.Janet: Oh no. We have been to the zoos in Guangzhou many times. Were going to the Six Banyan Temple. Were going to take photos, and all of us are going to have fun there.Ben: Its boring too.Mr Webb: Lets go to Baiyun Hill. We are going to watch birds there.Janet: We can see more birds at the zoo than on Baiyun Hill.Mrs Webb: Shall we go shopping in Xiajiu Road? Then we can have dimsum at the famous Guangzhou Restaurant.Janet: Good idea! I want to buy some new clothes. There are a lot of beautiful clothes there.Ben: Great! I like Guangdong dimsum. Yummy, yummy!Unit 2 P7-P8 What Shall We Do?Janet: What are you going to do on Thursday morning, xiaoling?Xiaoling: Mmm let me see. Im not going to do anything. Why?Janet: My family are going fishing. Would you like to go with us?Xiaoling: Id love to, thanks a lot. When are you going to start?Janet: We are going to leave our house at half past eight. Why dont you come to our house at twenty past eight?Xiaoling: Great! Ill see you then!Jiamin: Are you going to watch the football game on TV tomorrow evening, Ben?Ben: Yes, we are. Im going to watch it together with Mike and Yongxian.Jiamin: My family are watching a stupid film when the football game is on. So I cant watch it.Ben: Why dont you come to my house to watch it? Were going to have dinner before the game. You can eat with us too.Jiamin: Thanks, Ben. Ill ask my parents.Xiaoling: Janet, do you want to play table tennis with me tonight?Janet: Im sorry, I cant. Im going to do my homework.Xiaoling: What about tomorrow night?Janet: Im sorry, I cant. Im going swimming with my parents.Xiaoling: What about Saturday night?Janet: To tell you the truth. I dont like playing table tennis.Janet: Im going to the cinema with Ben tonight!Sally: What film are you going to see?Janet: The Lion King.Sally: Can I go with you?Janet: Yes, of course. But youd better ask your parents first.Unit3 P12 Lets Go FurtherBobby: Well, its winter holiday soon. What are you going to do, Koto?Koto: Im going back to Australia. Im going to see my grandparents.Bobby: What about you, Amy?Amy: Im going to fly to Beijing, Im going to visit the Great Wall.Bobby: My uncle has a big farm in India. Im going to stay there for a month.Amy: What are you going to do, Paggy?Paggy: I dont know. I failed the final exam. I have to go to my teachers and learn English during my holiday.Children: Poor Paggy!Unit 4 P16 I Know This City?Mr Chen: Boys and girls, look at this flag please. What national flag is it?Ben: Easy! Its the Chinese national flag.Mr Chen: Good. Whats the capital of China ?Ben: Thats Easy too . The capital of China is Bei jing.Mr Chen: Very good. Look at these three flags. What national flags are they?Janet: Thats the national flag of the UK. The capital of the UK is London.Xiaoling: That is the Italian national flag.Mr Chen: Whats the capital city of Italy, do you know?Yongxian: I know, Mr Chen. Its Rome.Janet: And thats the French national flag. The capital of France is Paris.Mr Chen: Excellent! What about this one?Jiamin: Thats the American national flag. New York is the capital of America.Sally: No. The capital of the USA is Washington D.C. New York is the biggest city of the USA.Mr Chen: Fantastic! Look at this flag. What flag is it, Janet?Janet: Its the national flag of Australia.Mr Chen: Whats the capital of Australia?Janet: Sydney.Mr Chen: No. Sydney is the largest city of Australia. The capital of Australia is Canberra.Unit 5 P22 Where Whould They Like to Go on Holiday?Mr Webb: Children, where would you like to go on holiday this summer?Ben: Id like to go to Japan.Mrs Webb: Tokyo. Yes, Tokyo is a good place to visit.Janet: Yes, Mum. But Paris is more beautiful than Tokyo.Mrs Webb: Well, maybe, Janet. But I think Tokyo is more interesting than Paris.Mr Webb: Well, Id like to go to a warmer place. What about Rome? Rome is warmer than Paris.Mrs Webb: Yes, but Tokyo, Paris and Rome are so noisy and crowded. What about Wellington?Ben: Wellington? Thats the capital of New Zealand.Mrs Webb: Yes. Wellington is quieter than the other cities. Id like to go to Wellington.Ben: But Wellington is boring!Mr Webb: No, its not. The mountains and the sea are beautiful.Mrs Webb: And Wellington is cleaner than Tokyo.Ben: Maybe. But I prefer to go to Tokyo.Mrs Webb: There are so many beautiful places in the world ! Where shall we go?Janet: Well. Id like to go to Paris.Ben: Id like to go to Tokyo.Mr Webb: Id like to go to Rome.Mrs Webb: Id like to go to Wellington.Janet: Why dont we go back to England?Ben: Lets just visit Beijing. We can visit the Great Wall!Unit6 P26 Lets Go Further“Whats that?” says Ben. “Its my photo album,” says Billy, the alien. “May I have a look at it?” says Janet. “Sure. My parents and I have been to more than twenty countries in the world.” “Really?” Says Janet. “Wheres that?” asks Janet. “It looks more interesting than Guangzhou.” “Yes. Thats my father in Tokyo is bigger than Guangzhou,” says Billy. “Wow! Id love to go to Tokyo,” says Ben.“Look at that mountain!” says Janet. “Its looks beautiful.”“Thats near Wellington,” says Billy. “Wheres Wellington?” asks Ben. “ Its the capital of New Zealand,” says Janet.“Wow! Look at that ice cream says Ben. “Yes, thats in Rome. Ice creams are bigger in Italy.”“Right! Im going to see mum and dad,” says Ben.“Mum, Dad!” says Ben. “I know where we can go on holiday in the summer.”“Where?” asks Mrs Webb. “Italy. Rome is so beautiful!” says Ben. “And so are the ice creams!” says Mr Webb laughing aloud.Unit7 P2 Ben Wants to Play FootballMr Webb: Whats the matter, Ben? You dont look happy.Ben: Im bored! Dad, do you want to play football?Mr Webb: We cant! Its raining. Well get wet.Ben: Oh, Dad!Ben: Janet! Shall we go to see the film the Lion King? Its really good!Janet: No! Im watching TV.Ben: But Im bored. Would you like to go to the cinema with me?Janet: Well, maybe later.Ben: Oh, Mum, Im so bored. Its raining and dad wont play football with me.Mrs Webb: And what about Janet?Ben: Shes watching TV.Mrs Webb: Poor Ben.Mrs Webb: Im going shopping now. Ben, do you want to go with me?Ben: Er no, thanks, Mum.Mrs Webb: Are you sure? We could buy hamburgers for lunch.Ben: But Mum. I dont like shopping! Its so boring!Ben: Hi, Mike! What are you doing?Mike: Hi, Ben. Im doing nothing. Im really bored. Would you like to come to my house? We could play computer games.Ben: Great! Dad, can I go to Mikes house?Mr Webb: Of course you can!Unit8 P35-P36 Janet Is Going to Have a PartyJanet: Mum.Mrs Webb: Yes, Janet?Janet: Its my birthday soon.Mrs Webb: Yes, it is. What would you like to do? Would you to have a party?Janet: Oh yes, please, Mum! A big party! Can we invite all my friends? And all the people in my class? And my teacher too?Mrs Webb: Well, maybe. Lets ask your father.Mr Webb: Thats a lot of people! Our house is too small!Janet: Oh please! I want them all to come!Mrs Webb: Well, maybe we could have a picnic outside.Janet: Yes! Yes! A picnic would be great! Oh please, Dad!Mr Webb: Ok then. But you have to help your mother, Janet.Janet: Oh yes, of course!Janet: Its birthday next Saturday. Im going to have a big party! Would you like to come?Sally: Id love to. Shall I bring some food?Janet: No, its Ok. My mum will make all the food. But you can bring some Coke.Sally: Right. What time is the party?Janet: It starts at one oclock. See you then!Sally: See you.Ben: Janet, would you like to come and listen to my new CD?Janet: No, thanks, Ben. I dont like your CDs.Ben: Janet, do you want to play computer games with me?Janet: No, thanks, Ben. Im reading!Ben: Janet.Janet: Oh, all right, Ben! Do you want to come to my party?Ben: Great! Can I bring a friend?Janet: Who?Ben: Billy, the alien.Janet: The alien? No problem!Unit9 P40 Lets Go FurtherMike designs a big, beautiful poster and sticks it on his window. The poster says, “COME TO MIKES FOOTBALL PARTY!”Then he calls Ben, Zhou Yongxian and Chen Jiamin. “Im going to have a football party,” he says. “Do you want to come? We can play football in the park, and then have a picnic. Then we can play football again.” “Id love to,” says Ben.“Great!” says Zhou.“Yes, please!” says Jiamin.But Mike doesnt ask any girls. “Girls cant play football,” he thinks. “They dont like getting dirty. They wont like my party. Im not going to invite any girls.”One day Zhang Xiaoling walks past the window with the poster. “A party!” she thinks. “Why doesnt Mike invite me? I really like football. Im better than a lot of boys!”At school, Xiaoling asks Mike, “Are you going to have a party?”“Not really a party,” Mike says. “Its really a football party.”“Oh, I love football!” says Xiaoling.“Well, er, would you like to come?” says Mike.“Yes, Id love to,” says Xiaoling. “And Janet and Sally would too. They love football.”So they all go to the football party and get dirty and have lots of fun.“See? Girls DO like football,” says Zhang Xiaoling.Unit10 P44 May I Speak to Miss White? Mrs White: Hello. This is Mrs White speaking.Xiaoling: May I speak to Miss White?Mrs White: Shes not here. Im afraid.XiaoaLing: When will she come back?Mrs White: At lunch time, I think. Can I take a message for her?Xiaoling: No, thanks.Miss White: Hello.Xiaoling: Hello. Can I speak to Miss White?Miss White: Speaking. Whos that, please?Xiaoling: Its Xiaoling here.Miss White: Hello. Xiaoling. How are you?Xiaoling: Very well, thanks. And you?Miss White: Im fine too. Thanks.Xiaoling: I called you this morning. But you werent at home.Miss White: Sorry. I was at school this morning.Xiaoling: Its my birthday this Saturday. Im having a big party at home! Would you like to come?Miss White: Id love to. At what time is the party?Xiaoling: Well start at one oclock. See you this Saturday!Miss White: See you then.Unit11 P49-50 Whos Calling?Mrs Green: Hello. Is that Guangzhou International School?Voice: No.Mrs Green: Is that 54329860?Voice: Wrong number.Mrs Green: Sorry, goodbye.Mrs Green dials again.Mr Chen: 54329860. Guangzhou International School. Can I help you?Mrs Green: Good morning. This is Mrs Green here. May I speak to Miss White, please?Mr Chen: Sorry, Miss White is busy now. She s teaching in the classroom. Can you call back later? She will be free at 9:00a.m.Mrs Green: Thank you. Goodbye.Miss White: Good morning. This is Mary White speaking. Whos calling?Mrs Green: Hello, Miss White. This is Sallys mother here.Miss White: Oh, hello, Mrs Green. Did you call me at about 8:00?Mrs Green: Yes, I did. Im sorry, Sally cant go to school today because she doesnt feel very well.Miss White: Im sorry to hear that. Whats the matter with her?Mrs Green: She said she had a headache last night. Sometimes she felt hot and sometimes cold. And she has a fever this morning.Miss White: I think she has cold. Did she see the doctor?Mrs Green: No, she didnt. But Ill take her to hoepital.Miss White: She needs to get plenty of rest. Dont worry! Shell be all right soon. Thank you for your call, Goodbye!Mrs Green: Bye!Unit12 P54 Lets Go FurtherOne day Mr Knotts telephone rang. He picked up the phone and said, “Hello,34216780. Whos calling, please?”“Watt,” a man answered.“Whats your name, please?” asked Mr Knott.“Watt is my name,” was the answer.“Yes, I asked you that. Whats your name?” Mr Knott said again.“I told you. Watts my name,” said the man again. “Are you Jack Brown?”“No, Im Knott,” answered Mr Knott.“Will you give me your name, please?” said Mr Watt.“Will Knott,” answered Mr Knott.Both Mr Watt and Mr Knott were angry and put their telephones down. They thought, “That was a stupid man!”Unit13 P58-59 What Did You Do Yesterday?Miss White: Children, please answer my questions. Whats the date today, Xiaoling?Xiaoling: Its Thursday, November 3rd. Miss White: Yes, thats right. And what was the date yesterday, Ben?Ben: It was Wednesday, November 2nd.Miss White: Good. Ok, can anybody talk about yesterday, please? Janet, what did you do yesterday after school?Janet: I saw a film on TV. It was really good.Miss White: Great! And Jiamin, what about you ?Jiamin: I played football in the park with my dad.Miss White: Oh, good. Sally, its your turn now.Sally: I helped my mum clean the room.Miss White: Good girls! And Ben?Ben: I helped my mum too. We cooked a big meal.Miss White: That was good. Xiaoling, your turn.Xiaoling: I painted a picture of some horses.Miss White: Excellent! And Yongxian, what about you ?Yongxian: I washed my dog. He was really dirty.Miss White: Oh, that sounds different.Yongxian: What about you, Miss White?Miss White: I cleaned my house and did other housework.Yongxian: What did you do in the evening?Miss White: I marked your homework and prepared todays lessons.Jiamin: Did you go to bed late?Miss White: Yes. I went to bed at quarter to one this morning.Everyone: You had a busy day!Unit14 P63-64 What Was Judys School Like?Mr Chen: Good morning ,everyone.We have a new classmate today.This is Judy.Shes from the USA.Children : Hello,Judy.Judy: Hello Mike: Where was your old school,Judy?Judy: Near NewYork.Mike: What was it like?Judy: It was OK.It was smaller and older than this school.Yongxian: Was the timetable diffrent from ours?Judy: Yes.We started school later and finished earlier?Sally: Anything else?Judy: We worked for a short time in the morning before lunch break and we had sports every afternoon.And we had less homework.Mr chen: Its time to go home.Goodbye,children!Children: Bye-bye.Mr chen: How will you get home,Judy?Judy: On foot.My house is really near the school.Mr chen: Thats good.Sally: How did you get home from school before、Judy: I went home by bus.Sally: Wheres your home? Where do you live now, I mean?Judy: I live at 249 Renmin Road.Sally: Really? We live in the same building!Which floor do you live on?Judy: I live on the eighth floor.Sally: I live on the eighth floor too!UNIT 16 Christmas Is ComingMrs Brown: Hello!Welcom to our home. How are you?Yongxian: Fine,thank you.And you?Mr Brown: Were fine,thanks.Jane: Is it your first time in London,Yongxian?Yongxian: Yes,it is.Jane: Because Christmas is coming.Yongxian: Is Christmas the most important Festival in Britaim?Mr Brown: Yes. And its the most popular Festival in western countries.David: We have lots of parties And no school,and Father Christmas brings presents To all the children.Yongxian: I cant wait!David: Yongxian,put your stocking here.Yongxian: Why?David: Father Christmas puts presents in the stockings at night.Yongxian: Does he know me?Mrs Brown: Of course,he does.Yongxian: Wow!Look at all the presents!David: Hurray!Theres a bike for me!Jane: Come on, Yongxian. Open your presents.Yongxian: Oh,a toy car!I think Father Christmas is fantastic!UNIT 17 Its the Spring Festival SoonYongxian: Welcome to China.Jane: Thank you very much.Yongxian: This is the best time to be in China. The day after tomorrow is Spring Festival.Jane: Is it the most important and popular festival in China?Yongxian: I think so.And its the Chinese New Years Day. Were cleaning our house.We Chmese people usually clean and decorate our houses before Spring Festival.David: It sounds like our Christmas.Yongxian: There are famous Flower Fairs in Guangzhou before Spring Festival.people go there and buy flowers.David: Those pink flowers look beautiful.What flowers are they?Mrs Zhou: Theyre peach flowers.Jane: Lets take some photos here.David: Good idea!Mr Zhou: Good morning, David.Good morning,Jane! Happy Spring Festival. Heres the lucky money for youYongxian: Adults usually give lucky money to children during Spring Festival.Jane and David: Really? Thand you, Mr Zhou.David: I hope every day is Spring Festival!David: Pork,fish, goose,chicken, vegetables and soup too. Theres so much food.Jane: What are those?Mrs Zhou: Theyre dumplings.We often have dumplings at Spring Festival.Mr Zhou: Help yourself to some dumplingsJane: Thank you .These dumplings are fantastic.David: I like dumplings.I would like to eat dumplings every day!Yongxian: I want to go to Britain for Christmsa and stay in China for Spring Festival.David and Jane: Me too! UNIT 18 Lets Go Further “Were going to have a seven-day holiday.Where are going?” Judy asked her mother.“Are we going to Paris?”asked Judys brother John.“No,its a surprise,children,”said their mother.“Please tell us now”said Judy and John.“a cold place,”said Judy.“Were going to Lapland,” said their mother.Where is Lapland?”asked John.“Its in Finland.Father Christmas lives there,”said Judy.The children visited Father Christmas. Father ChristmasGave them a Christmas present each and the chidren saw the place where father Christmas and his helpers made all the Christmas toys for children.“Wow!”said John.” This is wonderful!”“Wow!” said John.”I love riding in a sleigh”“Me too,”said Judy.“I think Iprefer riding in the car,”said their mother.“Lapland is the best place in the world”,said Judy.“I love making snowmen. I prefer to have a snowball fight,”said John.“I prefer to win the snowball fight,”said Judy.THANKS !致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考-可编辑修改-


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