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_人教版七年级英语下册期末达标测试卷时间:120分钟满分:120分第卷听力部分(25分). 听句子,选择与所听内容相符的图片。(每小题1分,共5分)1. A. B. C. 2. A. B. C. 3. A. B. C. 4. A. B. C. 5. A. B. C. . 听下面6段对话,选出最佳选项。 (每小题1分,共15分)听第1段材料,完成第6、7小题。6. What does Gina think of her family rules?A. Interesting.B. Strict.C. Terrible. 7. How long can Gina watch TV on Saturday?A. Two hours.B. Three hours.C. One hour. 听第2段材料,完成第8、9小题。8. What is Tony doing tonight?A. Going shopping.B. Going climbing.C. Going to the movies. 9. What does Lucy look like?A. Short with short black hair. B. Tall with long brown hair. C. Of medium height with curly blond hair. 听第3段材料,完成第10、11小题。10. How does Alice usually go home?A. Takes the bus.B. Rides a bike.C. Takes the subway. 11. How far is it from her home to school?A. About 4 kilometers.B. About 14 kilometers.C. About 40 kilometers. 听第4段材料,完成第12至14小题。12. What is Uncle Joe doing?A. Playing basketball.B. Reading a newspaper.C. Cleaning the room. 13. Where is Aunt Sally?A. At a clothes store.B. At a restaurant.C. At a supermarket. 14. Who is Johnny with?A. Linda.B. Jim.C. Tommy. 听第5段材料,完成第15至17小题。15. What club does Jim want to join?A. The soccer club.B. The dance club.C. The chess club. 16. How old is Jim?A. 13 years old.B. 14 years old.C. 15 years old. 17. Whats Jims phone number?A. 6793586.B. 7698356.C. 7963856. 听第6段材料,完成第18至20小题。18. What does Kathy want to buy?A. Some pens.B. Some rulers.C. Some books. 19. Where is the big bookstore?A. Near the school.B. Next to the cinema.C. Across from the cinema. 20. Which bus cant Kathy take?A. The No. 54 bus.B. The No. 102 bus.C. The No. 104 bus. . 听短文,选出所提问题的最佳选项。(每小题1分,共5分)21. What did Tom do on Saturday morning?A. He went swimming.B. He cleaned his room.C. He did his homework. 22. How was Toms math homework?A. It was easy.B. It was difficult.C. It was too much. 23. Who did Tom visit on Saturday evening?A. His parents.B. His friends.C. His aunt. 24. Where was Tom on Sunday afternoon?A. At home.B. At his aunts house.C. On his school playground. 25. How long did Tom watch TV on Sunday evening?A. Half an hour.B. One hour.C. Two hours. (第卷笔试部分(95分). 单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分)26. Do you usually go to work by _ bike, Tom?No, I always take _ bus. A. a; aB. /; the C. a; /D. a; the27. Are there _ vegetables in the beef soup? Yes. There are _ tomatoes. A. any; someB. any; any C. some; anyD. some; some28. What does Sally look like? She _ of medium height, and she_ long straight hair. A. is; isB. is; has C. has; hasD. has; is29. Hi, Mom. Could you get me something to drink?Oh, here is some _. A. muttonB. pancakes C. potatoesD. juice30. Hi, David. How was your trip last week? It was _. I had fun visiting my best friend from Huangzhou Middle School. A. terribleB. difficult C. excellentD. boring31. _ do you spend doing your homework every day?About 2 hours. A. How longB. How far C. How oldD. How much32. Where is the post office? Its _ Center Street. Its across _ the park. A. next to; inB. in; on C. on; fromD. at; to33. Hi, Gina. _ do you like koalas? Because theyre very smart. A. WhyB. How C. WhoD. When34. _ in the hallways! Its dangerous. Oh, sorry, Mrs. Li. A. No runB. Dont run C. Not runD. Cant run35. Where did you go last weekend? I _ camping by a lake with my parents. A. goB. will go C. am goingD. went36. Its 10 oclock. Where is Mike? He _ for a test in his room. A. studiesB. is studying C. studiedD. study37. Did you feel tired after yesterdays trip?Yes, I was _ tired that I went to sleep early last night. A. soB. quite C. veryD. too38. What do you usually do in your free time? I enjoy _ the football games on TV. A. watchingB. to watch C. watchD. to watching39. Hi, Mike. Nice to meet you. _?Great. Thanks. A. What are you doingB. What size would you likeC. Hows it goingD. How is the weather there40. I cant find Rick. Could you tell him to call me back? _. A. Good luckB. Youre welcome C. Thanks so muchD. Sure, no problem. 完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)Tim is my best friend. He is _41_ elevenyearold boy from New York, the USA. He is tall and _42_ with short blond hair. He is a lovely boy. When he smiles, he looks _43_ my favorite singer Shawn Mendes. Tims mother is a(n)_44_. She teaches English in a middle school. She is good at _45_ stories. Her classes often begin with an interesting story. All the students_46_ her classes. Tims father works_47_ a cook (厨师) in a restaurant. In the restaurant, people can order many _48_ Chinese food. Of all the Chinese food, Tim likes dumplings _49_. He thinks they taste great. Tims father likes _50_. When he is free, he often plays basketball with Tim. 41. A. aB. anC. theD. /42. A. shortB. mediumC. highD. thin43. A. atB. afterC. likeD. for44. A. teacherB. singerC. artistD. farmer45. A. talkingB. speakingC. sayingD. telling46. A. forgetB. missC. enjoyD. join47. A. onB. asC. atD. to48. A. kind ofB. kinds ofC. lot ofD. lots of49. A. goodB. wellC. bestD. much50. A. teaB. moviesC. sportsD. food. 阅读理解。(每小题2分,共30分)AHello, Im Grace. Let me tell you something about my community (社区). It is beautiful and quiet. My house is next to a new building on Green Street. My best friend Betty lives in that building. There is a clean and big park across from Bettys building. I often go to the park to play football. There is a music school in my community. I go there to learn to play the piano every Saturday afternoon. Its across from a bank. Is there a supermarket in my community? Of course, there is. Its between the park and the music school. Bettys mother is an assistant there. My favorite place in the community is the library. Its next to the music school. Its across from an old post office. My mother works in the post office. 51. Graces house is _. A. very bigB. very clean C. near Bettys houseD. behind Bettys house52. What does Grace often do in the park?A. Plays football.B. Flies a kite. C. Plays basketball.D. Plays the piano. 53. Grace goes to the music school on _. A. Saturday morningB. Saturday afternoon C. Sunday morningD. Sunday afternoon54. What does the underlined word “assistant” mean in Chinese?A. 辅导老师B. 邮递员C. 店员D. 银行职员55. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Betty is Graces classmate. B. Graces mother is a teacher. C. Grace thinks her community is noisy. D. The music school is across from a bank. BI like cooking. I often help my mom cook. Chicken is my favorite food to make and eat. One day, Mom and Dad were not at home. They drove to visit a friend. I wanted to bake (烘烤) the chicken for lunch for my family. I washed the chicken and put it in the oven (烤箱). After about 40 minutes, I went to take the chicken out. Do you know what I found? The chicken was still cold! I started laughing (笑). I laughed and laughed and laughed! I forgot to turn on the oven!Mom and Dad would come back soon. I didnt have time to bake the chicken again. So I called on the phone for sandwiches to come to my house. When my parents came back, I told them how I baked the chicken. They laughed. And they said the sandwiches tasted good. 56. How did the writers parents go out that morning?A. By bike.B. By car. C. By bus.D. On foot. 57. What did the writer find when he went to take the chicken out of the oven?A. The chicken was dry.B. The oven got too hot. C. The chicken was cold.D. The oven got too dirty. 58. The underlined words “turn on” mean “_” in Chinese. A. 打开B. 修理 C. 选择D. 覆盖59. What did the writers family eat for lunch?A. Chicken.B. Noodles. C. Salad.D. Sandwiches. 60. Which of the following is TRUE?A. The writer likes sandwiches best. B. The writers parents liked their lunch. C. The writers mom is good at cooking. D. The writer baked the chicken for half an hour. CIt was Sunday. Mikes parents asked him to take the bus to see his grandparents. After Mike got on the bus, he looked here and there for a seat (座位). _61_ It was not easy to find a seat. Suddenly, he saw an empty (空的) seat next to a young man. He walked to the seat quickly. _62_“Is this seat taken?” asked Mike. “Yes, its for my girlfriend. _63_. ”“Well,” said Mike. “Let me sit here first. When your girlfriend comes back, Ill give the seat back to her. ” But the young man didnt agree. _64_ But no one came to the seat. “Your girlfriend doesnt come, but her bag is here. Let me give the bag to her,” said Mike. Then he threw the bag out of the bus window. The young man said quickly, “_65_ The bag is mine. ” But it was too late. He couldnt stop the bag from going out. 从下面五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。A. But he found there was a bag on the seat. B. Dont do that, please!C. A few minutes later, the bus began to move. D. But there were too many people on the bus. E. She goes out to buy some food. . 阅读填词。(每小题1分,共10分)根据短文内容或所给提示,在空白处填入合适的单词。My mother works in a school. She is a teacher. She is so (66)_ that she often forgets her birthday. Yesterday (67)_ (be) her birthday. My father and I had a party for (68)_ (she). In the morning, we bought a big cake, some food, fruit and gifts in the supermarket. I (69)_ (call) my aunt and her son and asked them (70)_ (come) to the party. At 5:00 in the afternoon, we began to cook (71)_. When my mother came back (72)_ school, we stood at the door and said, “(73)_ birthday!” She was (74)_ (surprise). After she came into the house and saw the (75)_, fruit and food on the table, she knew it was her birthday. She was very happy. . 完成句子。(每小题1. 5分,共15分)(A)根据句意及汉语提示,完成句子。76. It was a _ (刮风的) day yesterday. We didnt go outside. 77. The _(孩子们) had a great time on June 1. 78. The post office is on Green Street. You can find it _ (容易地). 79. There are _(五十) students in my class. 80. Everything is about robots in the museum, and Im _ (感兴趣的) in that. (B) 根据汉语意思,完成下列句子,每空一词。81. 我想中国梦一定会实现。I think the Chinese Dream must _ _. 82. 刘老师对学生很有一套。Mrs Liu is _ _ her students. 83. 人们正在大量地砍伐树木,这样动物会失去它们的家园。People are _ _ many trees, so animals will lose their homes. 84. 我昨天晚上熬夜了,现在感觉有点疲倦。I _ _ late last night, so Im feeling a little tired now. 85. 那只小老鼠看见这只大猫就迅速地逃跑了。That little mouse _ _ quickly when it saw the big cat. . 书面表达。(15分)为了学习英语,我在网上结识了一位来自澳大利亚(Australia)名叫Gina的笔友(pen pal)。下面是她的一些情况,请据此写一篇短文向大家介绍一下。外貌兴趣爱好学校生活交流体会圆脸;大眼睛;高个;长直发擅长弹钢琴学校每天下午开展课外活动;Gina去俱乐部练汉语常给我用英语写信;昨天她告诉我上周末她的海滩旅行很精彩;感谢她帮助我英语取得了很大的进步要求:词数80左右。参考词汇:be good at (擅长);practice (doing) (练习);afterclass activities (课外活动);hear from (收到的来信);the trip to the beach (海滩之旅);wonderful (精彩的);make great progress in (在方面取得很大的进步) _第二学期期末达标测试卷参考答案第卷听力部分听力材料:. 1. W:What would you like?M:Id like a large bowl of beef noodles. 2. W:Why does Mike like pandas?M:Because they are kind of cute. 3. W:Can you go out with me now?M:Sorry, we cant. Its raining hard. We have to stay at home. 4. W:What can Lisa do?M:She likes music very much, and she can play the piano. 5. W:What rules are there in the museum?M:Oh, we cant take photos of the old things in the museum. . Text 1W:I have many family rules, Dave. Its terrible. M:Like what, Gina?W:I have to clean my room before watching TV on Saturday. M:How long can you watch TV on Saturday?W:Two hours. M:Oh, I can watch TV for only one hour. Text 2W:Hi, Tony. Are you going to the movies tonight?M:Yes, were meeting at seven in front of the cinema, right?W:Yeah, but I may be a little late. My friend Lucy is going, too. M:But I dont know her. What does she look like?W:Well, she has long brown hair and wear glasses. M:OK. Is she tall or short?W:She is tall. M:OK, sure. See you later then. Text 3M:How do you usually get home from school, Alice?W:I usually take the bus. M:How long does it take?W:Oh. Its about one hour and thirty minutes. M:Thats a long time!W:Yes. So I only go home on weekends. M:How far is it from your home to school?W:Its about 40 kilometers. Text 4M:Hello, Linda. This is Jim. W:Hello, Jim!M:Is Uncle Joe there?W:Yes. He is reading a newspaper in the room. M:Is Aunt Sally there, too?W:No, she isnt. Shes at the supermarket. Shes buying some fish for dinner. M:How about Johnny?W:Oh, hes outside. M:Outside? Its cold, isnt it?W:No, its sunny and warm. Johnny is playing basketball with his friend Tommy. Text 5W:Hello! What can I do for you?M:I want to join the soccer club. W:May I know your name?M:Jim Green. W:How old are you?M:Im fourteen years old. W:And whats your phone number?M:Its 7963856. W:Can you play it very well?M:Yes, I can play it very well. W:All right. Please. Text 6W:I want to buy some books. Is there a bookstore near our school, Tom?M:Yes, there is one. But it is very small, Kathy. W:Oh, I want to go to a big one. M:There is a big bookstore on North Road, next to the cinema. You can get there by bus. W:Which bus?M:You can take the No. 102 or No. 54 bus. W:Thank you very much. . Last week Tom had a very busy weekend. On Saturday morning, he cleaned his room. That made his mother very happy. In the afternoon, he did his math homework. It was not difficult, so it only took him one hour to finish the homework. And in the evening, he went to visit his aunt with his parents. They had a big dinner there. The next morning, he went swimming after getting up. After lunch, he went to school playground and played football. That exercise makes him in good health. On Sunday evening, he watched TV for one hour at home and then he put the books in his schoolbag for the next day. 听力答案:. 15:ABCBC. 610:CACBA1115:CBCCA1620:BCCBC. 2125:BACCB第卷笔试部分. 2630:BABDC3135:ACABD3640:BAACD. 4145:BDCAD4650:CBBCC. 5155:CABCD5660:BCADB6165:DAECB. 66. busy67. was68. her69. called70. to come71. dinner72. from73. Happy74. surprised75. cake. (A)76. windy77. children/ kids78. easily79. fifty80. interested(B) 81. come true82. good with83. cutting down84. stayed up85. ran away. One possible version:I have a pen pal. Shes from Australia. Her names Gina. She is thirteen. She has a round face and two big eyes. She is tall and she has long straight hair. She is good at playing the piano. Every afternoon, the school has afterclass activities. Gina goes to practice Chinese in the club. She always writes to me in English. Yesterday I heard from her. She told me her trip to the beach last weekend was wonderful. Thank her for helping me make great progress in English. THANKS !致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考-可编辑修改-

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