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_教学重点:重点句型的运用教学难点:情态动词、代词教学过程:1、词汇(快速过)2、语法(详解)3、家庭作业9A Chapter 1 The night of the horse一、词汇词汇提高篇-可编辑修改-Stonehenge n. 史前巨石柱Egypt n. 埃及send in 上交,呈递tale n. 传说the Trojans 特洛伊人Troy 特洛伊城beyond prep. 在远处stair n. 楼梯capture v. 捕获,占领darkness n. 黑暗drag v. 拖,拉Greek a. 希腊的 n. 希腊人include v.包括plain n. 平原Pyramid n. 金字塔roughly ad. 粗暴地securely ad. 安全的seize v. 抓住unable a.没有能力的arrow n. 箭,箭头bow n. 弓fictional a.虚构的legend n. 传说, 传奇politician n. 政客sportsman n. 男运动员sportswoman n. 女运动员junk a. 陈旧,无用或不值钱的东西mend v.修补 词形转换基础1.部分单词的复数形式army-armies; enemy-enemies; century-centuries2. 几组反义词disappear-appear;(消失-出现)enemy-friend;(敌人-朋友)dark-bright; (黑暗的- 明亮的)empty-full; (空的-满的)stupid-clever/bright/wise/intelligent/smart(愚蠢的-聪明的)3. history n. 历史 historical a. 历史的4. wooden a. 木头的 wood n. 木头5. city n. 城市 citizen n. 市民6. frightened a. 受惊吓的 (修饰人) frightening a. 恐怖的(修饰物) frighten v. 使害怕7 .help n./v. 帮助 helpful a. 有帮助的8. succeed v. 使成功 success n. 成功9. enter v. 进入 entrance n. 入口 10. difficult a. 困难的 difficulty n. 困难提高1. dark a. 黑暗的 darkness n. 黑暗2. Greek a.& n. 希腊的, 希腊人 Greece n. 希腊3. able-unable (有能力的-没有能力的)enable v. 使能4. celebrate v. 庆祝 celebration n.e.g. celebrate Christmas/celebrate ones birthday/celebrate a success5. securely ad.安全地 secure a.安全的6. including prep.包括 include v. 包括7. giant a. = very large 巨大的 op. tiny 微小的8. secret n. 秘密 secretly ad. 秘密地9. succeed v.成功 success n.成功 successful a. 成功的 successfully a. 成功地10. rough a. 不平的;粗糙的;崎岖的 roughly ad. 11. Troy n.特洛伊城 Trojan n./a.特洛伊人(的)12. Europe n. 欧洲 European a.& n. 欧洲的(人) a European13.fiction n . 虚构的事 fictional a.虚构的14. politics n. 政治 politician n. 政客15. sport n. 运动sportsman男运动员 sportswoman 词组基础1. two at a time 一次两个2. make jokes about sb. 拿开玩笑 =make fun of 3. no longer 不再 =notany longere.g. I am no longer a child.= I am not a child any longer.4. seconds later =after a while =moments later 过了一会儿5. look down at 向下看着6. take sth with sb. 随身带去某物7. obey orders 遵守命令8. make sure that+从句 确信 (make sure= be sure)9. go to sleep = fall asleep 入睡10. succeed in doing sth =be successful in doing sth. =manage to do sth 成功地干某事11. by a trick用诡计 by midnight到了午夜12. sail away 驾船驶走13. the Indian Ocean 印度洋14. enjoy oneself=have a good time=have a wonderful time 过得愉快15. get rid of 摆脱16. play a trick on sb. 捉弄某人提高1. in the darkness= in the dark 在黑暗中2. send in 上交,呈递3. except for 除了4. be securely locked 被安全地锁上5. pullinto把放进中 draginto把拉进中6. drag sb. away 掳走二、重要内容讲解 1. A newspaper ran a short story competition on famous tales from history.报纸举办一个依据著名历史故事创作短篇小说的比赛。(1)run作及物动词,意为“管理、经营、指挥”。eg. My father ran a camera store last year. 我父亲去年管理照相器材商店。Who runs the business? 谁管事?He is running the shop while the owner is away. 店主不在他经营商店。run作为动词,可作“跑,驾驶,运转,延伸,流失,上演”等之意。eg. Im tired because Ive just run home from school.我累了,因为我刚从学校跑回家。The machines run day and night. 机器日夜不停地转动。The good news ran through our village. 这个好消息在我们村里传开了。(2)on作介词,意为“关于”。eg. We are going to listen to a lecture on Africa history this afternoon.今天下午我们将听一个关于非洲历史的演讲。辨析:on, aboutabout指泛泛地或非正式地谈论某事,on指比较系统、深入地论述某事。试比较:It is a book on birds. 那是一本论及鸟类的书。(可能是一本学术著作)It is a book about birds. 那是一本关于鸟的书。(可能是一本供小孩看的关于鸟类的故事书) 2. This is a story one of the students sent in. 这是其中一个学生寄来的参赛故事。(1)本句是一个含有定语从句的复合句。one of the students sent in作定语,修饰story,其中,省去了作宾语的关系代词。(2)send in表示“将某物寄去某处(参加比赛或进行处理),或派遣到某地”。eg. I have made up my mind to send in my resignation. 我决心提交我的辞职申请书。 We decided it was time to send in British troops. 我们认定是该派遣英国军队去那里的时候了。与send有关的短语:send away 开除,解雇 send for 派人去请send up 发射,把往上送 set off 出发,动身,启程set ones mind to do sth. 一心想做 4. But the captain of the guards was no longer listening. 但首领并没有再听下去。(1)no longer固定短语,意为“不再”,相当于notany longer,表示某种状态在某个时间之后不再继续下去,本身带有否定含义,常用在系动词之后,实义动词之前。eg. Im no longer a student. 我不再是个学生了。Im not a student any longer.He no longer lives here. 他不在这儿居住了。He doesnt live here any longer.辨析:no longer; not . any longer; no more; not . any moreno longer相当于not any longer,指“时间上不再延续”,常与状态动词或延续性动词连用。eg. Annie does not live here any longer. 安妮不住在这儿了。 He is no longer a child. 他不再是一个小孩子了。 no more相当于not any more,指“数量上或程度上不再增加”,常与瞬间动词连用。 eg. I have no more money to give you. 我没有更多的钱给你。The baby watched and listened, and she didnt cry any more. 那个婴儿看着、听着,不再哭了。 5. He looked down at the empty plain and, beyond it, at the empty sea.他俯视着空旷的平原,再远处是空寂的大海。(1)look作不及物动词,意为“看”,look down向下看,其后接宾语加介词at,at后接看的对象,反义词组为look up at向上看eg. He looked down at the valley on the top of the hill. 他从山顶俯视峡谷。He looked up at the blue sky and saw a plane flying over the city.他向天空望去,看见一架飞机从城市上空飞过。look down upon表示“瞧不起,歧视”的意思。eg. We shouldnt look down upon the poor. 我们不应该看不起穷人。(2)beyond在此句中作介词用,介词beyond一般有四种用法: 在位置上表“在以外”、“在的那边”之意。eg. Our steel works is a mile beyond the town. 我们的钢厂在离城一英里外。Their paper mill is beyond the river. 他们的造纸厂是在河的对岸。 在时刻上表示“过了”、“比晚”之意。eg. Now it is beyond six oclock. 现在过六点了。Today he checked the circuit beyond the usual time. 今天他比平时晚些才检查好线路。 在范围上表示“超过”、“出乎之外”之意。eg. beyond all comparison无可比拟;beyond all hope没有希望;beyond belief难以置信;beyond comprehension不能理解;beyond dispute无可争论;beyond control不受约束,不受控制;beyond doubt无疑;beyond expression难以喻言;beyond expectation出乎意料,不料The book is quite beyond me.(表语)这本书非我所能理解。We found Beijing changed beyond recognition.(状语)我们发现北京变了,使人认不得了。By radar people can see the things beyond the visibility of them.(定语)利用雷达人们能看见视线以外的东西。作“除外”解。eg. Beyond this he knows nothing. 除此以外,他一无所知。I know nothing about the matter beyond what I have read in the magazines.(what从句作beyond的宾语。)关于这件事,除了我在杂志上所看到的以外,我毫无所知。The desk is _ _ wood. Paper is _ _ wood. Wood can be _ _ paper.This kind of car is _ _ Shanghai. 6. The Greeks have tried for ten years to capture our city. 希腊人用了十年去试图占领我们的城市。(1)The Greeks 希腊人定冠词通常用在表示姓氏的复数名词或表示民族名称的名词前,表示全家或整个民族。eg. The Turners are sitting at breakfast table. 特纳一家正在吃早饭。The English have a wonderful sense of humour. 英国人富有幽默感。(2)to capture our city相当于to make our city their prisoner,意为“占领我们的城市”。capture作动词,意为“夺取,占领”,后边可加人/地点/动物/事物。eg. They captured Tom and threw him in prison. 他们抓住了汤姆,并把他送进监狱。It took them 24 hours to capture the city. 攻下这座城市花费了他们24个小时。Our task was to capture a number of these monkeys alive. 我们的任务是活捉许多猴子。 Overseas firms captured almost 41 of the market. 海外公司掌握了将近41的市场。 7. You dont have to think. 你不必考虑。dont have to相当于neednt,意为“没有必要”。eg. Since you are ill you dont have to attend the meeting.既然你病了,就不必参加这个会议。Mrs. Li doesnt have to wash the dishes this evening, because her daughter has washed them.今晚李夫人不必再洗盘子,因为她女儿已经洗好了。dont have to/neednt可以作为must开头的疑问句的否定答语。eg. Must we clean the classroom now? 我们必须现在打扫教室吗?Yes, you must. 是的,必须现在打扫。No, you neednt/ dont have to. 不必现在打扫。例题: Since you are ill, you _ attend the meeting.A. havent to B. dont need C. neednt to D. dont have to Mrs. Li _wash the dishes this evening. Her daughter has washed them for her.A. doesnt need B. doesnt need to C. neednt to D. has not to 8. Outside the main gate of the city stood a huge horse made of wood.一匹巨大的木马矗立城外。(1)这是一个倒装句,相当于A huge horse made of wood stood outside the main gate of the city.地点状语后面如有表示位置的动词 (如lie, live, sit, stand) 或转移的动词 (如come, go, rise),用作主语的名词可以放在动词之后。这种情形主要出现在描写文中。eg. At the top of the hill stood the tiny chapel. 那座小教堂矗立在山顶上。In the fields of poppies lay the dying soldiers. 罂粟地里躺着奄奄一息的士兵们。主语如是代词则不能倒装。eg. At the top of the hill it stood out against the sky. 它背衬青天矗立在山顶上。(2)a huge horse made of wood表示“木制的巨大马匹”,made of wood是过去分词短语作定语,相当于定语从句,a huge horse made of wood.a horse which was made of wood.eg. some desks made of wood 木制的课桌;a knife made of iron 铁制的小刀 辨析:be made of,be made from,be made in,be made by,be made forbe made of和be made from都表示“由制成”,主语为制成品,但前者表示制成成品后,仍可看出原材料是什么,保留原材料的质和形状,制作过程仅发生物理变化;后者表示制成的东西完全失去了原材料的外形或特征,或原材料在制作过程中发生化学变化,在成品中已无法辨认。eg. The kite is made of paper风筝是用纸做的。Bread is made from corn. 面包是小麦做的。 Butter is made from milk黄油是从牛奶中提炼出来的。be made in表示某物在某地生产或制造,in后接表示地点的名词;be made by表示“由(谁)制造”,by后接动作的执行者;be made for表示“为而制造”。eg. This TV set is made in Shanghai这台电视是上海制造的。The machine is made by the workers in the factory这机器是由工厂里的工人们制造的。 These desks were made for the students这些书桌是为学生们做的。 9. Its so big that they couldnt take it with them. 木马太大了,他们拉不走。(1)“so形容词或副词that”结构用于引导结果状语从句,表示“如此以至于”。eg. The doctor was so excited that he couldnt fall asleep.那个医生如此兴奋以至于无法入睡。The cinema is so far that well have to take a bus there.电影院太远了,我们不得不乘公共汽车去那儿。(2)sothat与suchthat的区别在sothat句型中,so是副词,其后跟形容词或副词;而suchthat结构中,such是形容词,后面接名词或名词短语。两句型意思一样,结构不同,但引导的都是结果状语从句。即 eg. The dog runs so fast that I cant catch it.那只狗跑得那么快,我抓不住它。It was such a cold day that people had to stay at home. 天那么冷,人们不得不待在家。It was such cold weather that some people caught a cold. 天那么冷,有些人感冒了。It was so fine that we all went swimming.It was _ _ fine day _ we all went swimming. 10. And so the Trojans dragged it into the city with ropes.然后特洛伊人用绳子把马拽进了城市。drag作动词,意为“拖,拉”,后边可以加sth./sb.eg. She dragged a chair across the room to join them.她拖把椅子穿过房间和他们坐在一起。The Greeks seized the captain and dragged him away.希腊人抓住了上尉并拖走了他。辨析:drag, draw与pulldrag“拖,拉”,指慢慢地拖着笨重的东西,意味着所拖的东西阻力很大。eg. The horse was dragging a heavy load. 马拖着很重的东西。He dragged the body out of the river. 他从河中把死尸拉出来。draw “拖,拉”,与pull相比,它通常指较平稳地,也往往是比较从容地拉。eg. Draw your chair up to the table. 把你的椅子拉到桌子旁边来。He drew the book towards him. 他把书拉/拖到他面前。pull是个普通用语,意思是“用力拉”,指物体朝发出力的方向移动,不强调移动的方式。eg. He pulled the door open. 他拉开了门。Pull the door open. Dont push it. 把门拉开,别推。 11. They sang and danced around the horse, and make jokes about their enemies, the stupid Greeks. 他们围着马唱歌,跳舞,开他们的敌人的玩笑愚蠢的希腊人。make jokes about固定词组,意为“以为笑柄,取笑”。eg. They made jokes about my old hat. 他们取笑我的旧帽子。类似的词组有:play a joke on sb. 开某人的玩笑eg. Lets play a joke on Tom and close the door so that he cant get in.让我们给汤姆开个玩笑,关上门不让他进来。have a joke 开玩笑eg. She was having a joke with Tom.她正和汤姆开玩笑。 12. They all went to sleep, including the gate guards.他们全都去睡觉了,包括门卫。including作介词,意为“包括”。eg. There were six people in the car, including a baby. 车里有六个人,包括一个小孩儿。The new apartment consists of three rooms including the kitchen. 这套公寓有三个房间,包括厨房。辨析:include, includinginclude及物动词,意思是“包括;算在内”,后可接名词或动词-ing形式作宾语。eg. Your duty includes putting the children to bed. 你的任务包括安排孩子们睡觉。Please include me in your group. 请把我算在你们组内。including 介词,意思是“包括”,后接名词或代词。eg. Therere twenty people in all, including us. 包括我们在内,一共有二十个人。Eight people including two kids, were injured in the explosion.八个人,包括两名儿童,在爆炸中受伤。There were six people in the car, including a baby.There were six people in the car, a baby _. 13. By midnight, the square was empty except for the giant horse.午夜,广场上空荡荡的,除了那匹巨大的马。except for固定词组,意为“除之外”。eg. The room is empty except for a broken chair. 除了一把椅子,房间是空的。Your composition was very good except for several mistakes.除了几个小毛病,你的文章不错。辨析:except, except for两者都有“除之外”的意思,但except指的是从同类的人或事物中排除其中一部分。eg. He gets up early every day except Sunday. 除星期天外,他每天早起。except for指除去的同所提到的不是同类事物,它所除去的部分是对前面总的情况作一些反面细节补充或说明,从而部分地修正句中所叙述的主要意思。eg. Your writing is good except for a few grammar mistakes. 除了几处语法错误外,你的作文写得很好。 14. In one night, they succeed in capturing it by a trick. 一夜之间,他们通过一个计谋成功地占领了它。(1)succeed作动词,意为“成功”。succeed in doing sth.相当于be successful in doing sth. 意为“做取得成功”。eg. We succeeded in passing all the exams. 我们成功地通过了所有的考试。(2)by在此作介词,意为“靠,通过”,表示方式。eg. Edison made a living by selling newspaper when he was young.爱迪生小时候靠卖报纸谋生。by还有如下用法:by指“用某种方法”或“用某种手段”。eg. Please tell your father by telephone.请用电话告诉你父亲。We often go home by bus.我们常常乘公共汽车回家。These coats were made by hand.这些外套是手工做的。注意:by hand表示抽象含义,意思为“用手工做”。by表示“在旁边”,常常可以等于by the side of.eg.The children are playing by(by the side of)the river. 孩子们正在河边玩耍。There is an old big tree by the village. 村边有一棵古老的大树。by用于被动语态中,引出动作的完成者,意思为“被;由”。eg.The delicious food was eaten up by a cat. 那些可口的食物被一只猫吃光了。The door was closed by Li Ming. 门是被黎明关上的。表示时间,意为“在以前,不迟于,到时(为止)”,等于before.eg.Will you finish your homework by 8 p.m.? 8点前你能做完作业吗?By this time tomorrow we shall arrive in Beijing. 明天的这个时候我们该到北京了。by表示“经过”,可以指时间,也可以指空间,通常跟动词go, come等连用。eg. With time going by, the weather gets warmer.=As time goes by, the weather gets warmer.随着时间的推移,天气变得更加暖和了。My father went by our school without coming to see me.我父亲从我们学校经过,没有来看我。 by表示“按”,如时间,长度,重量等。eg. We sell cloth by the yard. 我们论码卖布。They rent a house by the year. 他们按年租屋。 by表示“依据,根据”。eg. By my watch, it is 8 oclock now.我的表是八点。by表示“乘”。eg. This is a room 5m by 4m. 这是一个长5米宽4米的房间。 by表示“由于”。eg. He took the umbrella by mistake.他错拿了这把伞。 15. The Greeks seized the captain.seize seizing seized seizedJohn seized her arm and dragged her into the kitchen.The police seized him by the collar.说出下列短语的意思:seize the airportseize control ofseize powerseize an opportunity 16.by 与 with 在解释“靠,用,通过”的不同用处。by:表示方法,手段。如:For ten years. They could not capture the city by fighting.十年了,他们不能通过战争占领着座城市。Everyone should learn English by use. 每个人都应该通过应用来学会英语。with:表示对工具的使用。Trojans dragged it into the city with ropes. 特洛伊人用绳子把它拉进了城。What will you buy with the money?用这些钱你能买什么?练习(基础篇)1. That _ house burned quickly.(wood)2. All the _ in Shanghai must help to fight pollution.(city)3. At the age of thirty he won great _ in business.(succeed)4. Dont be afraid of _. They should be afraid.(enemy)5. He is a _ man. He often gives me much _.(help)6. There are many places of _interests in Shanghai.(history)7. Please wait for me at the _. (enter)8. I am not afraid of any _, because I am brave enough.(difficult)9. The _ film made me very _.(frighten)10. The soldier came down the stairs two at a time. _ _ the soldier _ down the stairs?11. The captain of the soldiers was not listening any longer.= The captain of the soldier was _ _ listening.12. The enemies captured the city by fighting. _ _ the enemies capture the city?13. The astronauts succeeded in returning from the moon to the earth.=The astronauts _ _ _ returning from the moon to the earth.= The astronauts _ _ _ from the moon to the earth.14. He was very excited. He couldnt say a word.=He was _ excited that he _ say a word.=He was _ excited _ _ a word.15. The question is very easy. We can answer it easily.= The question is _ _ _ _ _ answer easily. = The question is _ easy _ we can answer it easily.16. take , bring, carry(1) I forgot to _ my physics book to class. Im afraid Ill have to go back to the dormitory and get it.(2) Could you help me to _ this bag? its too heavy.(3) Im going to take Flight 123 to the United States. Do you know how much luggage I can _ with me?17. other, others, the other, the others, another(1) Xu Hu is always ready to help _.(2) He has a cake in one hand and a knife in _.(3) There are many people in the park. Some are playing cards and _ are walking.(4) Only one is red; _ are blue.(5) Im still hungry. Could you please give me _ cake?( ) 18.My cousin will _ Shanghai in a week. A. return to B. return back C. return D. return into( ) 19. _ English, we have some other subjects. A. Except for B. Besides C. Except D. In addition( ) 20. I practice my English listening _ watching English TV programmes. A. with B. at C. by D. for( ) 21. The army _ the city easily and captured the city by a trick. A. entered into B. entered C. came D. returned back( ) 22. I havent got enough money with me. I need _ five dollars. A. other B. the others C. others D. another( ) 23. The last bus has left, so I _ take a taxi to go home. A. must B. has to C. have to D. had to现在完成时:(略)= My brother has been in the army for a year.练习1. since or for _ a year ; _ a year ago ; _ last year; _ 2:00; _ he left school; _ a moment; _ Nov.12,2007; _19872. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets1) I _(throw) away the broken glasses already.2) He _(collect) stamps since he _(be) seven years old.3) -_ your sister _(arrive) yet? -Yes, she has. - When _ she _(arrive)? - She _(arrive) two hours ago.4) Since then many people _ (give) interest in this report.5) We _(just come) back from India.3. ( ) A: Where is Xiao Li? B: He _ to Beijing on business. He _ home this morning. A. has been, has left B. has gone, left C. went, left D. is going, has left4. ( ) In the past few years we _ great progress with the help of the teachers. A. have made B. made C. make D. are making5. ( ) Which of the following sentences is correct? A. He has borrowed the book for a week. B. Tom has joined the army since he was eighteen. C. Where have you gone these days? D. How long has she been away from Shanghai?THANKS !致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考


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