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_Unit1 Wheredidyougoonvacation?NewYorkCity;CentralPark,exam,were,rainy,delicious,expensive,inexpensivecrowdedflew,kite,later,felt,little,corner,discuss,etc Wheredidyougoonvacation?Iwenttothe mountainsDidshegotoCentralPark?Yes,shedidNo,shedidnt语法:一般过去时特殊疑问句、一般疑问句及肯、否定回答。根据初中英语新课程标准和本科教材内容,我确定了以下目标:1 Masterthevocabulary2 Masterthe key patterns:Wheredidyougoonvacation?Iwenttothe mountains DidshegotoCentralPark?Yes,shedidNo,shedidnt单元教学重难点1VocabularyandExpressions2.GrammarFocus:Wheredidyougoonvacation?Iwenttothe mountains.DidshegoonCentralPark?Yes,shedidNo,shedidntUsethepasttensetotalkaboutactivitiesthathappenedinthepastinEnglishwiththefollowingsentences:Wheredidyougoonvacation?Didyougoto?Yes./No,Suchas;goabroad,gohiking,goclimbing,summercamps,andsoon接近学生的生活,Theyareallinterestedintalkingaboutit.SectionA中1a.1b.1c.2a.2b.2c.Grammarfocus教学目标知识与能力1.Matchthevocabulary:NewYorkCity,CentralPark,exam2.Masteranduse:Wheredidyou/they/he/shego,vacation?I/They/He/ShewenttothemountainsNewYorkCitybeachsummercampDidyougotothebeach?Yes,IdidNo,Ididnt过程与方法通过例子WhowenttothemovieslastSaturday?引出动词go的过去式went,从而引出一般过去时态。 教学重、难点及教学突破 重点l.Thevocabulary:NewYorkCity,CentralPads,exam2.Language:Wheredidyou/they/he/shegoonvacation?I/They/He/Shewenttothemountains/NewYorkCity/beach/summercampDidyougotothebeach?Yes,Idid.No,Ididnt.难点UsethelanguagetotalkaboutpasteventsLanguage:Wheredidyougoonvacation?及答语的学习 step1 GreetingsGood morning/afternoon, Everybody Step2 FreetalkAsk theStudents to talkaboutwhat they did last weekendsStep3 Presentation1 Finish 1aAskquestionsaboutwhatstudentsdidlastSaturday(1)WhowenttothemovieslastSaturday?(Pointtoonestudentwhoraiseshisorherhand.)SarawenttothemovieslastSaturday.(RepeatWritethissentenceontheboard.Underlinethewordwent)(2)Ask:WhovisitedafriendlastSaturday?(Pointtoonestudentwhoraiseshisorherhand)CarlosvisitedafriendlastSaturday(RepeatWritethissentenceontheboard.Underlinethewordvisited)2PointtothewordswentandvisitedinthesentencesontheboardSay,Weusethesewordstotalkaboutthingsthathappenedinthepast.(Writethesepairsofwordsontheboard:go-went,visit-visited)Ask:Canyoupointoutthewordsthattalkaboutthepast?ThisactivityintroducesthekeyvocabularyStudentsraisetheirhandsAndgivetherightanswer:Idid.Studentsraisetheirhandstoanswer.Read强化记忆PointtowentandvisitedStep4 Practice 1a1FocusattentiononthepictureAsk:Whatatcanyousee?Say,EachpictureshowssomethingapersondidinthepastNameeachactivityandaskstudentstorepeat;Wenttothemountains,wenttoNewYorkCity,wenttosummercamp,visitedmyuncle,stayedathome,wenttothebeach,visitedmuseums.2PointtothenumberedlistofactivitiesSayeachoneagainandaskthestudentstorepeat3Now,pleasematcheachphrasewithoneofthepicturesSay,Writetheletterofeachpicturenexttothenameoftheactivity 4Checktheanswers.Answers:1e2B3D4.c5a6F7.gReadaftertheteacheraloudtolearnthenewphrasesReadaftertheteacher。DoitandthendiscussthekeysinpairsStep5 Listening1b1Pointtothepicture.onthescreensay,lookatPictureA,WheredidTiagoonvacation?Yes,shewenttothemountainsAsk,Whatdidthepersondoineachscene?2Playtherecordingthefirsttime.3Playtherecordingasecondtime.say,Therearethreeconversations.Thepeopletalkaboutwhattheydidonvacationlistentotherecordingandwritenumbersofthenamesintherightboxesinthepicture.Pleasewriteonly5numbers.Pointoutthesampleanswernexttothepictureshowingwenttothemountain.4CorrecttheanswersANSWERS:(1)wenttothemountains(2)visitedmyuncle(3)stayedathome(4)wenttoNewYorkCity(5)wenttosummercampPracticethedialogueinpairsEg.-Wheredidtheboygoonvacation?-HewenttoNewYorkCityonlylisten.Listenandnumberthepictures(1-5)Andthendiscussinpairs.AtlastraisetheirhandstotelltheresultReaditloudly.Play the tape.Write play-played,visit-visitedontheboardSay,Westudiedthepronunciationofthese-edendingsinUnit5.Theyarebothspelled-ed,butwepronounceone/d/andtheother/Id/Askstudentstorepeatthesepairs:playplayed,visit一visitedListencarefullyandlearnthepronunciationof-ed.Step6 Summary1. Ask the ss to summarize all the key words and sentences in this period2. Get the ss to ask any questions they feel puzzledStep7 Homework1. Learn the target languages by heart2. Preview section B 教后反思Unit 2How often do you exercise?I. Teaching article: Unit OneII. Teaching aims and demands(教学目的和要求): What do you usually do on weekends? I sometimes go to the beach. How often do you eat vegetables? Every day. Most of the students do homework every day.III. Teaching importance and diffcult(教学重难点): Talk about how often you do things.The first periodI. Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge objects Name of activities. Aderbs of frequency. What do you usually do on weekends? I often go to the movies.2. Ability objects Writing skill. Listening skill. Communicative competence3. Moral object Keep a diary every day in English.II. Teaching Key Points Watching TV, reading, shoping Skateboarding, exercisingIII. Teaching Difficulties Always, usually, often, sometimes Hardly, ever, never What does she do on weekends? She often goes to the movies.IV. Teaching Methods Discover method. Listening and writing methods;Pairwork.V. Teaching Aids A tape recorder. Large monthly calendar showing the days of the week. A projectorVI. Teaching Procedures Step 1 Greet the class T: Ill introduce myself first. Ill be your English teacher this term. Do you like English? I hope well get along very well. Im not only your teacher, but can be your friends. Well be happy together. Now lets begin. This class well learn Unit1. How often do you exercise? Please open books at page1. Step 2 Section A 1a First look at the picture. Ask a few students to say what they see in the thought bubbles. Each though bubble shows something a person does on weekends. Then mae each activity. Ask students to repeat each one. One girl is shopping. Another girl is reading. This boy is watching TV. These girls are skateboarding. Point out the sample answer. Then ask students to list all the activities in the thought bubbles If they dont know to write the activities, use bilingual dictionaries. Then ask the students who finishes first to write the answers on the board. Check the answers on the board and ask students to correct their own activities. Step 3 Display a large calendar that shows the days of the week. Tell students Saturday and Sunday are the weekend. Ask students to repeat Weekend. Then show three new words. How often 多久一次 Hardly adv. 几乎不;几乎没有 Ever adv 曾;曾经 Step 4 1c Pairwork First ask two students to read the sample in speech bubbles. What do you usually do on weekends? I often go to the movies. Now work with a partner. Make your own conversations about the people in the picture. For example.Step 5 Summary This class weve learnt some names of activities: watching TV, reading, skateboarding, exercising, shopping. And we also leant some adverbs of frequency: always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly, ever, never. Step 6 Homework Now homework: keep a weekend dairy showing what you do on weekend. You can write down they do from the time you get up until you go to sleep. Step 7 Blackboard Design Unit 1 How often do you exercise? Watching TV reading Skateboarding exercising Shopping What does she usually do on weekends? She often goes shopping.The second periodI. Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge ObjectsAdverbs of frequency.Name of activities.Wh-question and answers.2. Ability ObjectsListening skill. Reading skill. Writing skill. Communcative competence.3. Moral objectsDo more exercise and keep healthy.II. Teaching Key PointsEvey day , once a week, twice a week, three times a week,once a month, twice a monthWatch TV, surf the Internet, read English books, go to the moviesIII. Teaching DifficultiesHow often do you watch TV? -Twice a week.What does he do on weekends? -He sometimes watched TV.How often does Chung watch TV? -He watches TV twice a week.IV. Teaching MethodsDiscover method Listening and reading methods. Communicative qpproach.V. Teaching AidsA tape recorder. Some color paper for an activity.VI. Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Greet the class.Step 2 Learn some new wordsStep 3 2aNow please look at the list of activities and read after me.Wacth TVExercise -ReadStep 4 2bNow please look at the heading. How often? In the chart in Activity 2a. Ever day Once a week Twice a week Three times a weekOnce a month Twice a monthStep 5 2c PairworkFirst ask a student to read the list of activities to the class.Watch TV Surf the Internet Read English books Go to the moviesExerciseNow tell me how often do these activities. You can write your answers under the list of How often.Step 6 An activity: How oftenGive students some color paper and ask them to write five statements about how often they do different activities. For example, I play soccer three times a week. I visit the doctor twice a year.Step 7 Grammar FocusStep 8 Summary and HomeworkThis class weve leant some adverbs of frequency: every day, once a week, once a month, twice a month. And we leant to talk about how often people do things. And also we has a game. Step 9 Blackboard Design Unit 1 How often do you exercise? Twice twice a week Once once a month three times a week Time Surf the InternetThe third periodI. Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge ObjectsNew words.A magazine article.How often do you read English books?I like reading. I read English books about twice a week.2. Ability ObjectsReading and writing skills. Communicative competence.3. Moral ObjectStudy hard and to be a good student.II. Teaching Key points1. New words2. How often do you read English books? I read English books about twice a week.III. Teaching DifficultyA magazine article.IV. Teaching MethodsReading method. Writing method Groupwork. Commnicative approach.V. Teaching AidA projector.VI. Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Greet the class and check the homework.Step 2 Show the new words on the screen and teach students how to read. And ask them to repeat.Step 3 Now please open your books at page 3. Look at 3 first. Ill read each line of the survey to you.Step 4 Group workWhat can you do improve your English?Collect the answers on the blackboard. For exampleRead English books Sing English songs See English moviesHow often do you do the things?Step 5 An activityAsk students to talk about how often their family members do things. For example,My mother cooks dinner every day. We eat in a restaurant once a week.My father goes to the United States once a year.Step 6 SummaryThis class weve read a magazine article and done an exercise. I hope you can study hard and to be good students. Your parents and teachers are proud of you.Step 7 HomeworkIf time isnt enough, leave the exercises of workbook as homework.Step 8 Blackboard Design Unit2 How often do you exercise? How often do you ? Read English books Sing English songs. See English movies Once a week twice a week once a monthStudents names Whos the best English student?The fourth periodI. Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge objects New words. Ask and answer questions.2. Ability objects Listening skill. Reading skill. Writing skill. Communicative competence.3. Moral object Exercise every day and keep healthy.II. Teaching Key PointsJunk, food, milk, fruit, vegetables, sleep, intervier, healthyIII. Teaching DifficultiesHow often do you drink milk? -I drink milk every day.How often do you exercise? -I exercise every day.How many hours do you sleep every night? -Nine.IV. Teaching methodsListening and speaking methods. Listening and writing methods. Pairwork.V. Teaching AidsA tape recorder. A projector.VI. Teaching Procedures.Step 1 Greet the class and check the homework.Step 2 Show the new words on the screen and teach the new words. Ask students to repeat them. And make sure everyone knows the meanings.Step 3 Section B 1aNow open your books at page 4. Look at Activity 1a. First Ill read each word. Junk food Milk Fruit Vegetables SleepThere are vegetables on the plate.Step 4 1b PairworkAsk some pairs to present some questions and answer to the class.Step 5 2aNow youll hear a reporter interview two people. Katraina and Bill.Play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Then play it again. This time ask students to circle Yes, No or I dont know.Step 6 2bFirst read the questions in the chart to the class.How often do you exercise? How often do you eat vegetables?How often do you eat fruit? How many hours do you sleep every night?How often do you drink? How often do you eat junk food?Step 7 2c PairworkRead the sample in speech bubbles to the class first.Inteviewer: How often do you exercise?Katrina: I exercise every day.Interviewer: And How often do you ?Step 8 Summary and HomeworkThisclassweve leant some words and leant to interview somebody with the sentence, how often?After class please give more practice.Step 9 Blackboard Design Unit2 How often do you exercise? How often? Healthy UnhealthyThe fifth periodI. Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge objects New words Read a letter from Katrina. Fill in the blanks in Pauls letter. Write about your own habits.2. Ability Objects Reading skill. Writing skill. Survey skill.3. Mora Object Form a good eating habit.II. Teaching Key PointsEating habit, of couse, look after Make a different, healthy, unhealthy Although Read a letter Fill in a letterIII. Teaching MethodsReading and writing methods. Survey methods.IV. Teaching Aid A projector.V. Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Greet the class and check the homework.Step 2 Show the new words on the screen and teach them. Read the new words to students and ask them to repeat.Step 3 3aOpen your books at page 5. Look at Activities 3a. This is the part of Katrinas letter to a pen pal. Ill read it to you first.Step 4 3bThis is Bills letter. Ill read the letter to you. (say blank each time when coming to a blank line.)Ask students to work individually.Step 5 3cAsk students to finish the writing individually. Then ask some students to read their paragraphs to the class.Or ask students to say some sample sentences first.Step 6 Survey Who is the healthiest?Now please turn to page 90.There are three questions.1. How often do you exercise?2. What sports do you play?3. How often do you eat vegetables?Step 7 Summary and HowmworkThis class weve read two letters. We know what healthy things are and unhealthy things are.Dont forget to keep your diaries. Next class Ill ask you to read your diaries.The sixth periodI. Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge objects Vocabulary in this unit. Writing practice Just for fun.2. Ability Objects Reading skill. Writing skill. Drawing skill. Communicative competence.3. Moral Object To be a successful person.II. Teaching Key Point Vocabulary in this unit.III. Teaching Difficulty Writing practice using the target language in this unit.IV. Teaching Methods Writing method. Reading method. Practice method Communicative Approach.V. Teaching Aid A picture of a famous people.V. Teaching Procedures Step 1 Greet the class and check the homework.Step 2 Shelf Check 1 There are five sentence in the box.1. Mum me to get up at 6:00 and run with her.2. Grandpa is pretty healthy because he every day.3. A lot of vegetables you to keep in good health.4. You must to eat less meat.5. Does it a big difference if you eat fruit every day?Step 3 2Show the picture of a famous people.Write the name of the famous personality on the board. Ask students to imagine what he or she does every day and write a few examples on the board.Often every day Usually three times a week Sometimes once a weekAlways once a month Hardly ever neverStep 4 Just for fun! Ask students to read the cartoon to themselves. Then expain it.This activity provides reading practice with the target language.Step 5 Workbook Section B Unscramble these questions. Then answer them. Use the words in parenthese.Step 6 SummaryThis class weve reviewed vocabulary and abverbs of requency in unit 1. And weve reviewed the target language in this unit and done some exercises.Step 7 Homework If time doesnt permit, leave some exercises of workbook as homework.Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sisterI. Teaching article(课题): Unit 6II. Teaching aims and demands(教学目的和要求):Talk about personal traits. Compare people.Is that Sam?No, thats Tom. He has shorter hair than Sam. Hes calmer than Sam.III. Teaching importance and diffculty(教学重难点) Comparative with er, -ier. More and both.The first periodI. Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects Key vocabulary. Target language. Oral Practice.2. Ability Objects Learning skill. Speaking skill. Communicative competence.3. Moral Object Learn to play a musical instrument.II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty Is that Sam?No, thats Tom. He has shorter hair than Sam.And Hes calmer than Sam. Is that Tina?No, it isnt. Its Tina. Taras shorter than Tina.III. Teaching MethodsListening and speaking methods. Communicative approach.V. Teaching Procudrues Step I Greet the class as usual and check the homework.Step II Make a simple drawing of a boy and a girl on the blackboard.Judy is tall. Judy is taller than Bobby.Then bring out two rules of different length. Say:This is ruler. Its Bobbys ruler.(longer)This is Judys ruler.(long)Bobbys ruler is longer than Judys.Step III Show some new words on the blackboard.Read the new words to students and ask them to repeat.Step IV 1a Ask students to do this activity individually. Then check and answers.Tallshort long hairshort hair thinheavy calmwildStep V 1b First tell students what the twins are. Twins are children born at the same time to the same parents, but not always.Step VI 1c PairworkAsk two students to read the sample conversation to the class.A: Is that Tara? B: No, it isnt. Its Tina. Taras shorter than Tina.Then have students work wit

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