高二英语人教版选修7同步检测《Unit 4 Sharing》第4课时

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111Unit 4 第4课时.单项填空从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1All money raised by the activity will be donated_the childrens fund.Afor BwithCto Dfrom答案:Cdonate sth. to. 表示“向捐献/捐赠某物”,为固定搭配。2Flows of personal income are not equally_in any country in the world.Acontributed BthrownCattributed Ddistributed答案:D本题题意:在任何一个国家里,个人收入量都不是平均分配的。distribute“分发;分配”,符合题意。contribute“投稿;贡献”;throw“扔”;attribute“归于;属于”。3After he retired, he began to do_work for the community without any pay.Avoluntary BreluctantCgenerous Dselective答案:A本题题意:他退休后便开始为社区做志愿工作,不要任何回报。voluntary“自愿的;志愿的”,符合题意。reluctant“不情愿的”;generous“慷慨的;大方的”;selective“有选择的”。4Many people in this poor village suffered a lot in winter, so we should do something for those who are_.Ain time Bin needCin place Din store答案:B本题题意:这个贫穷村庄里的许多人在冬天都饱受煎熬,因此我们应当为处于困难中的人们做些什么。in need“在困难中;在危急中”,符合题意。in time“及时”;in place“在合适的位置”;in store“准备着;就要到来”。5Customers actually vote for products and companies when they make a_.Apersuasion BchaseCpurchase Dbargain答案:C本题题意:消费者购买商品实质上是在给不同的企业和产品投票。purchase“买;购买”,符合题意。persuasion“说服;说服力”;chase“追逐”;bargain“讨价还价;廉价品”。6He was glad to find his son keeping his business_well.Aoperating BoperatedCoperated on Dbeing operated答案:B本题考查keep的复合结构。operate与business是动宾关系,故用过去分词表被动。7Reading is an experience quite different from watching TV;there are pictures _ in your mind instead of before your eyes.Ato form BformCforming Dhaving formed答案:C首先判断所填的词作pictures的定语,B选项为动词原形,不能作定语;A项表示将来形式;having formed 表明在此之前形成,不合乎逻辑;forming作定语强调动作与reading同时进行。根据句意应当是读书时,图画在脑海中形成。8The strongest people are not always the people who win,_the people who dont give up when they lose.Aor BnorCand Dbut答案:D本题题意:最坚强的人并非总是赢方,而是那些当失败时也不放弃的人们。此处为句型not.but.,重点在but之后。9On their arrival,they found the people suffering the quake were _ food and water supplies.Awant of Bin want Cwanted Din want of答案:Din want of相当于in need of,表示“需要”。10If most breadwinners _ a days pay to the Hope Project,then it will be hopeful.Agift BpresentCdonate Dgive答案:C本题题意:如果大多数养家人都为希望工程捐献他一天的所得,那么希望工程大有希望。gift指赋予某人才能,通常用于被动语态;give为一般用语;present是正式颁给某人,通常附有仪式,着重强调赠者与接受方的关系;donate 所赠的对象一般是慈善事业或机构。11As I watched him, he_himself a little, visibly.Aarranged Badjusted Cadmitted Davoided 答案:B本题题意:我注视着他的时候,看得出他在悄悄使自己适应眼前的现实。adjust oneself表示“使自己适应(新环境等)”。12The doctors performed a liver transplant_on him.Aopposition BoperationCdirection Dreaction答案:B本题题意:医生们给他做了个肝脏移植手术。opposition“反对”;operation“手术,操作”;direction“方向,指示”;reaction“反应”。13The listening test is_to show your ability at listening for specific information.Aoperated BreferredCintended Drequested答案:C本题句意:这个听力测试就是检验你听细节信息的能力。sb. intend sth. to do 意为“打算让起某种作用”。14When the train_, the waiting band started to play music to greet the guests. Apulled out Bpulled inCpulled off Dpulled on答案:B本题题意:当火车到站时,等候的乐队开始演奏音乐欢迎客人。pull out“(火车)离站,撤离,离开”;pull in“(火车)进站,到站,停站,(船)靠岸”;pull off “(指机动车辆)驶离(道路)(至路侧停车处停下)”;pull on“拉某物一下”。15We now should be more concerned about the quality of the products._Definitely.ADo you understand me?BIve said several times.CI think so.DLets have a discussion about it.答案:A在英语口语当中,definitely作为简略答语时的含义是“完全是,绝对是,非常正确”,所以前一句应该是一个疑问句,询问对方“你听明白我的话了吗?”。.完形填空阅读下面短文,理解大意,从题中(120)所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。I ran into a stranger as he passed by.“Oh, excuse me, please,” I said. He said,“Please excuse me too. I_1_you.” We were very polite. We went on our way and we said_2_. But when I am at home a(n)_3_story is told.Later that day, when I was cooking the evening meal, my daughter stood beside me very still. When I_4_, I nearly knocked her down. “Get out of my_5_,” I said with a frown. She walked away and her little heart was broken. I didnt_6_how harshly Id spoken.While I lay_7_, that evening, in bed, Gods still small_8_came to me and said,“While_9_a stranger, you use common courtesy,_10_the children you love, you seem to_11_them. Go and look on the kitchen floor, and youll find some flowers there_12_the door. Those are the flowers_13_she brought for you. She picked them herself: pink, yellow and blue. She_14_quitely not to spoil the_15_, and you never saw the tears in her eyes.”By this time, I felt very small, and now my_16_began to fall. I quitely went and knelt by her bed. “Wake up, little girl, wake up,” I said.“Are these the flowers you picked for me?”She smiled, “I found them, out by the tree. I picked them_17_theyre pretty like you. I knew youd like them, especially the_18_.” I said,“Daughter, Im sorry for the way I acted today. I shouldnt_19_you that way.” She said,“Oh, Mom, thats okay. I love you anyway.” I said,“Daughter, I love you too, and I do like the flowers,_20_the blue.”1A.didnt watch Bhasnt watchedChadnt watched Dwasnt watching答案:D我没有“看到”你。此处用过去进行时,表示过去持续的动作。2A.hello BgoodbyeCwishes Dnothing答案:B根据上文中的“We were very polite. We went on our way.”可知作者礼貌地与陌生人道了别。3A.unusual BsameCdifferent Dsimilar答案:C根据下文可知,作者对待家人与对待陌生人的态度“不一样”。4A.turned BmovedCreturned Dwalked答案:A作者在厨房做饭,一“转身”差点把女儿撞倒。turn转身,符合句意。5A.kitchen BroomCway Dhouse答案:Cget out of ones way(别挡某人的路)为固定短语,符合语境。6A.realize BknowCrecognize Dacknowledge答案:A作者没有“意识到”自己的话是多么严厉。realize意识到,符合句意。7A.awake BquietlyCasleep Dcalmly答案:A由下文可知,作者只是躺在床上,并未入睡,即“醒着”,故awake符合句意。8A.sound BblameCwhistle Dvoice答案:D作者似乎听见上帝小声地告诉自己当天所发生的事情。voice特指人的声音,比sound(各种各样的声响)更贴切。 9A.meeting with Bcoming acrossCdealing with Drunning into答案:D“撞到”陌生人时,你尚能以礼相待,对待你所爱的孩子,你却冷言相对。run into撞到,符合句意。10A.and BbutChowever Dwhether答案:Bbut在此表示转折。若用however,则要用逗号将其与其他成分隔开。11A.abuse BhateCharm Ddislike答案:A解析参见第9小题。12A.on BatCnext Dby答案:D这些花应该在靠近厨房门的地方。by在旁边,符合句意。13A.when BwhichChow Dwhere答案:B此处用which引导定语从句,which在从句中作宾语。14A.sat BsaidCremained Dstood答案:D根据文章第二段第一句话可知,女儿静静地“站”在那里。remain后应用quiet。故D项切题。15A.scene BjoyCsurprise Ddelight答案:C根据文意可知,女儿是想给妈妈一个“惊喜”。故surprise符合语境。16A.tears BheartCfeelings Dthoughts答案:A作者忍不住掉下了“眼泪”。其他选项不符合语境。17A.since BforCbecause Das答案:C“我采摘它们是因为它们像你一样漂亮。”because表示直接原因,通常位于主句之后,符合语境。since既然;for表示原因时,重在进行补充说明;as由于,它所表示的原因只是对主句的附带说明,重点在主句。18A.flowers BbeautyCcolor Dblue答案:D根据文章最后一句话可知答案。19A.have shouted Bhave blamedChave yelled at Dhave left答案:C根据第二段可知,作者曾对女儿“大声喊叫”过。shouldnt have done本不应该做某事。20A.specially BespeciallyCunusually Ddoubtlessly答案:B此处与第18空所在的句子相呼应。especially表示“尤其”。.阅读理解阅读下面的文章,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。A weekend full of parties begins today. Almost everyone is expecting the excitement of going out and drinking with friends. Few are thinking of the dangers, that is, drunk driving. This is becoming a major problem on the campus.“Im OK, and I can drive.”is often heard during parties. Many times people will not realize how much alcohol they have consumed and they dont realize how it may affect them. In fact, many of us have been in situations where we have got into a car driven by a person that has had several drinks. And several drinks may be enough to lead to impaired driving and can result in serious consequences.The words “Dont drink and drive!”have been spoken enough. However, I still dont think people would listen. In order to be over the legal limit of a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08, a man must have four drinks in one hour on an empty stomach. One might brush_this_off saying four drinks in one hour is excessive, but driving under the legal limit may put oneself and others in danger.One must seriously consider what one is doing while driving. When I first got my driving license, my father told me,“A car is a weapon if used irresponsibly.”Most people know someone who has been killed or seriously injured due to a drunk driver. Driving is dangerous when one is not in full control.Along with endangering the safety of oneself and others, if one is found driving drunk, major problems may follow. There is the possibility of higher insurance rates, loss of license, jail sentence or community service.The consequences should prevent all people from driving drunk, but sadly this is not the case. People still choose to drive without full mental capacity. Part of this stems form a belief that we are above the rules set out for other people. People think that it will not happen to them. But the truth is that drinking and driving really does affect people everywhere. And it needs to be taken seriously.I suggest that anyone driving over the weekend should choose not to drink at all, even though they may be under the legal limit of drinks. This weekend should be fun. With driving safety in mind, you should be confident that you will return to your campus without any problems.文章大意:本文为议论文。作者论述了酒后开车的危害性,呼吁人们酒后不要开车。1This article may be intended for_.Ataxi drivers Byoung studentsCbus drivers Dcyclists答案:B推断题。根据第一段最后一句和“you should be confident that you will return to your campus without any problems.”可知,本文的读者对象可能是学生。2The author thinks that the legal limit of drink is_.Avery harsh BharmlessCfar from severe Dof great help答案:C推断题。根据“driving under the legal limit may put oneself and others in danger.”可以看出,作者认为这种限制不够合理,远远不能达到目的。3Which of the following is NOT the consequence one may face if caught driving drunk?ALoss of the car. BHigher insurance rates.CLoss of license. DJail sentence.答案:A细节理解题。根据“There is the possibility of higher insurance rates, loss of license, jail sentence or community service.”可知,酒后驾车可能面临的后果有B、C和D项。A项没有提到。4Despite the consequences, people still choose to drive drunk partly because they think_.Athey are much smarter than othersBthey drink little enoughCtheir cars are very goodDthey somehow are different答案:D细节理解题。根据“Part of this stems form a belief that we are above the rules set out for other people. People think that it will not happen to them.”可知,人们总认为自己与众不同,那些事情不会发生在自己身上。5The phrase “brush this off”is the closest in meaning to_.Atake it for grantedBtake it very seriouslyCrefuse to readDintend to follow答案:A词义猜测题。根据该短语后面的内容“saying four drinks in one hour is excessive, but driving under the legal limit may put oneself and others in danger.”可知,人们对法定酒精限度不以为然,持漠视的态度。故A正确。brush off表示“置之不理;漠视”。选 做 题.短文改错此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。如无错误,在答题卡相应的位置上画一个勾();如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正: 此行多一个词:把多余的词写在答题卡相应的位置上,用斜线()划掉。 此行缺一个词:在答题卡相应的位置上写出该加的词,并附带前(后)词。 此行错一个词:在答题卡相应的位置上写出该错词和改正后的词。 注意:原行没有错的不用改。 (长春市20092010学年度高二第一学期期末调研测试)Should students make friends on line? Some people said1._yes. The Internet help make many friends. By chatting on line,2._students can express their feelings and opinions more freely,3._but even get help with their foreign language studies.4._Others, however, think students should not be. They say5._making friends on line is a waste of time, that should be6._spent on study. Besides, senior students get cheating7._on line. Students should place their study, health and safe8._ahead of the other things. As for friendship, we can9._find them in our classmates and other people around us.10._答案:1.saidsay2.helphelps3.4.butand5.be去掉6.thatwhich7.cheatingcheated8.safesafety9.the去掉10.themit.短文改错新题型假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。(辽宁省锦州市20092010学年度高二第二学期期末测试)With society develops, the number of Chinese families who own their cars are increasing.Everyone knows we can get to anywhere easily and quickly in a car. This makes life much easier and, whats more, the production of automobiles play an important role in the development of Chinese economy.However, cars also cause pollution. Poisonous gases from cars are a really danger to the environment and very bad for peoples health. Own ones own car, therefore, has both advantages and disadvantages.We would all like see everyone owning a private car; we should take measure to protect our environment as well. We should take public transport to our work. Or we have enough time, ride a bike.答案: , the number of Chinese familieswho own their cars increasing. Everyone knows we can get to anywhere easily and quickly in a car. This makes life much easier and, whats more, the production of automobiles an important role in the development of economy.However, cars also cause pollution. Poisonous gases from cars are a danger to the environment and very bad for peoples health. ones own car, therefore, has both advantages and disadvantages.We would all like see everyone owning a private car; we should take to protect our environment as well. We should take public transport to our work. we have enough time, ride a bike.根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(2010年甘肃省第一次高考诊断)A:Hello!This is Li Mei Calling from Jilin. May I speak to Carla?C:Just a moment,please. _1_B:Hello?A:Hi,Carla!This is Li Mei calling from Jilin.How are you?B:Oh,hi,Li Mei!How nice to hear your voice!Im fine; thank you.A:Thank you so much for giving me such a lovely time in Trinidad.B:_2_I hope you can come again some day!A:Id love to ! I wonder,though,if you are interested in visiting me during the Spring Festival this year._3_.B:Oh.Id love to, but I dont know if I will be free then. What time of year is it?A:_4_But this year its at the beginning of February.B:Id love to come. Ill turn to find out if I can take off work then.Its very kind of you to invite me!A:Oh,dont mention it!I hope you can come!Say hello to Hari for me!I hope he can come to China with you.B:That would be fun!Thanks a lot for calling! _5_A:OK. Great!Have a good day!B:Thanks you,too,bye!A:Bye!AOh, sorry.He isnt here at the moment.BIll get her for you.CIt was a pleasure having you here.DIt is always the same each other.EId love to show you one of our Chinese festivals.FIll let Hari know you called.GIts different every year.答案:15BCEGF.任务型阅读请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填1个单词。(淮安市0910学年高二上学期期末考试)Weddings are so important in China that couples are willing to fork out(支付;付出)about 20 times their monthly income on getting hitched and everything that comes with it.Chinas newlyweds in cities spend 126,600 Yuan (16,600 US. dollars) on average in 2006 when getting hitched, Thursdays Chongqing Youth Daily reported, citing(引用)a recent survey by the Ministry of Commerce.An analysis of 60,000 couples living in cities showed that about 64 percent of the spending went on house decoration, furniture and household appliances and the rest was spent on the wedding, such as the ceremony, photography, wedding dresses and feast.The survey said the wedding expenditure was only a small share of the overall marriage cost as most Chinese young couples in the cities tended to buy an apartment and a car before tying the knot.The survey said that about 81.6 percent of the newlyweds admitted that they had got economic support from parents as their monthly income on average was only about 6,240 yuan.The survey also showed that about 88.4 percent of the newlyweds chose having wedding photography as a priority and 78.74 chose hosting a wedding banquet.In contrast, young couples in the countryside spent about 40,000 yuan on average on marriagerelated issues, less than one third of their city peers, according to the report.About 8.49 million couples got married in China in 2006.Title:Chinas_1_spend too muchWedding cost1.Chinas newlyweds in cities spend_2_dollars on average in 2006.2In the_3_, young couples spent_4_than one third of their city peers.The use of_5_1.About 64 percent of the spending went on house_6_, furniture and household appliances.2The rest was spent on the wedding, for example, the ceremony,_7_, wedding dresses and feast.The sourceof moneyThey got the_8_support from their_9_because their income was not high enough.The_10_for the highexpenseThe newlyweds usually spend a lot because they have many things to buy, such as houses and cars.答案:1.newlyweds2.126,6003.countryside4.less5.money6.decoration7.photography8.economic9.parents10.reasons.对话填空(江西省玉山一中0910学年高二上学期期末考试)M:What do you think (1)o_todays TV programs?W:Well, theyre terrible. Most of the programs are a (2)w_of time. How do you (3)f_about them?M:Well , in (4)g_, I agree with you. But what troubles me more is (5)t_theyre too violent. There are too many police shows and there are not (6)e_educational programs.W:I think so, too. In my (7)o_, the news shows are extremely silly; they dont tell you (8)a_.M:Oh, I dont think so. I think the news reports are excellent. Reporting the news is (9)w_TV does best.W:(10)M_, but the news shows still arent very good.答案:1.of2.waste3.feel 4.general5.that6enough 7.opinion8.anything9.what 10.Maybe111

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