高二英语牛津译林版选修8同步练习《Unit 4 Films and film events》Section Ⅴ 语言点一 单词集释板块应用落实

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高二英语牛津译林版选修8同步练习《Unit 4 Films and film events》Section Ⅴ 语言点一 单词集释板块应用落实_第1页
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高二英语牛津译林版选修8同步练习《Unit 4 Films and film events》Section Ⅴ 语言点一 单词集释板块应用落实_第2页
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高二英语牛津译林版选修8同步练习《Unit 4 Films and film events》Section Ⅴ 语言点一 单词集释板块应用落实_第3页
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111.完成句子1他做了与他的命令不符的事。He did something contradictory_to his orders.2年轻人总是生活在幻想中。The young always live in a_world_of_fantasy3这条令人失望的消息使我很失望。The news was disappointing,_which was a disappointment to me.4这本书对古今教育理论进行了比较。The book draws_a_parallel_between ancient and modern theories of education.5美丽的海滩是这个岛吸引人的主要之处。The beautiful beaches are the islands main_attraction.单项填空1My experience in this matter is parallel _ yours.AtoBofCin Dat解析:选A句意:在这件事情上,我的经验和你的类似。be parallel to “与相似”。2(2011福建高考)My teacher says shes canceling the class play. I just cant understand._. You were looking forward to it.AIt doesnt matterBIts very unwise of herCDont worry about itDYou must be disappointed解析:选D考查交际用语。句意:“我的老师说取消班级演出。我不能理解。”“你一定很失望。你一直盼着它呢。”根据对话中的取消和盼望,可知下句说话人认为上句说话人对演出取消了感到很失望,故答案为D项。3To keep cats well, you should make sure they have _ to fresh, clean water.Afantasy BaccessCappreciation Dappointment解析:选Bhave access to “有机会使用”。fantasy “幻想”; appreciation “感激,感谢”; appointment “约会”。4Niagara Falls is a great tourist _ drawing millions of visitors from all parts of the world every year.Ainterest BattractionCview Dscene解析:选B考查名词辨析。句意:尼亚加拉大瀑布是一个很美的旅游胜地,每年吸引数以百万计的来自世界各地的游客。attraction “具有吸引力的事物”, tourist attraction “旅游胜地”。 interest “兴趣或吸引力”; view “(从某处看到的)风景”;scene “景色或现场”。5We all think it is a _ match and we are all _ at it.Adisappointing; disappointingBdisappointed; disappointingCdisappointed; disappointedDdisappointing; disappointed解析:选D考查形容词辨析。句意:我们都认为这是一场令人失望的比赛,我们对此都感到很失望。disappointing 意为“令人失望的”,表示事物给人的感觉; disappointed 意为“感到失望的”,表示人本身的感觉,故选D项。111

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