高二英语课下作业北师大版选修7《Unit 19 Language》Section Ⅲ课时跟踪检测

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高二英语课下作业北师大版选修7《Unit 19 Language》Section Ⅲ课时跟踪检测_第1页
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111 Section Communication Workshop.单词拼写1There were five applicants (申请人) for the position;maybe you would succeed.2The young surgeon showed exceptional competence (能力)3Provided (只要) there is no opposition, we shall hold the meeting here.4The little boy has learnt to fasten (系牢) shoelaces (鞋带)5He was fined for breaking traffic regulations (规则)6Not knowing what to say, Arthur seemed embarrassed (窘迫的) by the question.7He is always very punctual (守时的), so it is impossible for him to be late for the meeting.8All personnel (全体员工) of the company are eligible (有资格的) for the retirement plan.单项填空1When I began to sing a new pop song in a strange tone, my classmates laughed at me which made me _.AembarrassedBexcitedCmoved Dthrilled解析:选A。句意:当我以一种奇怪的声调唱一首流行歌曲时,同学们大笑起来,这使得我感到窘迫。embarrassed表示“人感到窘迫的”,因此选A项。excited“兴奋的”;moved“感动的”;thrilled“兴奋的”。B、C、D项都与laugh at无关。2As a staff, you should focus your attention _ your work.Aon BatCin Dabout解析:选A。考查focus与介词的固定搭配。句意:作为一名员工你应该把注意力放在工作上。focus .on .“把集中于”,符合语境。故选A。3They have tried to introduce new styles in mens clothing but none of them has _.Acaught on Bcaught upCcaught in Dcaught out解析:选A。考查动词短语用法辨析。句意:他们尽力想引进几种新款男装,但是没有一种流行起来。catch on“流行”;catch up“抓住;追上,赶上”;catch in“遇上雨,被雨淋”;catch out“指出过失”。故选A。4You may keep the book a further week _ that no one else requires it.Aprovided BtakenCgiven Doffered解析:选A。考查条件状语从句引导词。句意:倘若这本书没有其他人想借的话,你可以再续借一个礼拜。provided that具有“倘若”的意思,起引导条件状语的作用。故选A。5What the teacher said in class made the students _ to go to the lecture nobody was late from then on.Aapparent BefficientCpunctual Danxious解析:选C。punctual为形容词意思是“守时的”,常与介词for或不定式短语连用。6_ we will go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.AIf BWhetherCThat DWhere解析:选B。考查主语从句的引导词。句意:我们明天能否去露营要看天气了。depends on作谓语,前面应该是主语从句,该从句中不缺成分,但缺少表示“是否”意思的词,所以应用whether,该词是从属连词,在句中不作成分,表“是否”。if 不能引导主语从句;that引导主语从句时,不作任何成分,也没有意义;where在从句中作状语。7Our holiday cost a lot of money.Did it?Well, that doesnt matter _ you enjoyed yourselves.Aas long as BunlessCas soon as Dthough解析:选A。as long as“只要”;unless“除非”;as soon as“一就”;though“尽管”。根据句意可知答案选A。8Please keep your seatbelts _ as we shall be landing at Gatwick airport shortly.Afasten BfastenedCfastening Dto fasten解析:选B。fasten意为“栓牢,系牢”,在本句中用过去分词作keep的宾补。9All the medical _ are working hard to rescue the people burned in the fire.Apersonnel BpersonnelsCpersonals Dpersonal解析:选A。考查集体名词的使用。句意:所有医疗队员都在努力工作以拯救被大火烧伤的人员。personnel“全体人员”,本身不再有数的变化。故选A。10_, young people can easily adjust to the new life abroad.ATo be honest BHonestly speakingCGenerally speaking DStrictly speaking解析:选C。考查句子独立成分的用法。句意:一般来说,年轻人能很容易适应国外的新生活。这里,说话人在就一般情况表述看法,所以generally speaking才符合语境;to be honest与honestly speaking意思相同,都表示“实话实说”;strictly speaking“严格来说”。故选C。.完形填空An unemployed man goes to try for a job at Microsoft as a cleaner.After a(an) _1_, the manager says, “You are _2_.Let me have your email address so that I can send you a form to _3_ and advise you where to work on your first day.”The man says he doesnt have a _4_ or an email.Listening to this, the manager replies, “Well, then, that really means that you can _5_ expect to be employed.”_6_, the man leaves.Not knowing where to _7_ and only having $10 left, he decides to _8_ a 10 kg box of tomatoes at the supermarket.Within less than 2 hours, he sells them at 100% profit._9_ the process several times that day, he ends up with $100 before returning home.The man _10_ he could quite easily make a living by selling tomatoes.Getting up early every day and going to bed late, he doubles his _11_ in quite a short time.Soon he acquires a cart then a truck to _12_ his tomatoes.By the end of the first year, he _13_ a staff of several hundred people, all selling tomatoes.Now considering the _14_ of his family, he decides to buy some life insurance._15_ an insurance adviser, he picks an insurance plan to _16_ his new circumstances.At the end of the telephone _17_, the adviser asks him for his email.When the man replies he has no email, the adviser is _18_, “What?You dont even have an email?How on earth have you managed to amass (积聚) such wealth without the Internet?Just _19_ where you would have been by now if you had an email!”After a moments _20_, the millionaire replies,“A cleaner at Microsoft!”语篇解读:本文讲述了一个失业工人因为没有电子邮箱地址而未能被聘为微软公司的清洁工,而恰恰是未被聘用才成就了他一生的事业的故事。1A.surveyBlectureCinterview Dpreparation解析:选C。从首句中“try for a job at Microsoft as a cleaner”可推知,这里意思是指“在经过一番面试(interview)后”。2A.understood BdisturbedCinvited Demployed解析:选D。根据下文“and advise you where to work on your first day”可推知,面试之后,经理决定录用他。3A.make BcompleteCdescribe Dlearn解析:选B。从前面的a form可知选complete,意为“填表格”。4A.computer BjobCpen Dform解析:选A。与本空后email构成并列:他说没有电脑(computer),也没有电子邮箱。5A.finally BnearlyChardly Dluckily解析:选C。从下文他卖西红柿可知,经理说他很难(hardly)得到这份工作。6A.Satisfied BEncouragedCWorried DDisappointed解析:选D。没有被录用,这位失业的人自然会非常的失望(disappointed)。7A.live BturnCstay Dmove解析:选B。他只剩10美元,又找不到工作,一贫如洗的他感到很无助。turn to sb./sth.“向求助”。此处被求助的对象是副词“where”,所以turn后没有介词to。8A.buy BsellCcarry Dsteal解析:选A。与下句中sells构成对比:他从超市买了(buy)一箱西红柿。9A.Changing BBreakingCRepeating DExplaining解析:选C。在那天结束时,他已经拥有了100美元,由此判断:当天他从超市中反复(repeating)批发了好几次西红柿去卖。10A.suggests BhearsCadmits Drealizes解析:选D。句意:他意识到(realizes)他可以卖西红柿谋生。11A.tomatoes BprofitsCefforts Ddesires解析:选B。从下文可知,他购置了货车,并雇用了几百名员工。由此可知此处说他的销售利润(profits)翻了几番。12A.transport BplantCstore Dprotect解析:选A。由本空前的cart和truck可推知,他很快买了货车来运输(transport)西红柿。13A.finds BrecommendsCmanages Dprevents解析:选C。因为他现在的生意做得很大,所以他管理(manages)着几百名员工。14A.custom BcostClocation Dfuture解析:选D。从下文的“buy some life insurance”可推知,他是在考虑家人的将来(future)。15A.Introducing BCallingCRefusing DHelping解析:选B。根据下文的telephone一词可知,他打电话给一位保险业务员寻求建议。16A.fit BimproveCaccept Ddiscover解析:选A。句意:他选择了很合适(fit)他现在的状况的保险品种。17A.line BmessageCconversation Dtest解析:选C。他向业务员寻求建议,故他们需要交谈(conversation)。18A.annoyed BsurprisedCpleased Dashamed解析:选B。听到这位百万富翁说自己竟然没有电子邮箱,这位业务员非常吃惊(surprised)。19A.imagine BrememberCannounce Dforetell解析:选A。本句中的情况是一种假设:如果你有电子邮箱的话,设想一下(imagine)你现在会怎么样?20A.discussion BchatCbreath Dsilence解析:选D。这样一个问题又把他带回去微软应聘清洁工时的记忆,故他沉默了片刻才作答。.阅读理解At the grocers (食品杂货店) I noticed a small boy hungrily eyeing up a basket of freshly picked green peas.I couldnt help overhearing the conversation between the storekeeper Miller and the boy.“Hello, Mr Miller.Just admiring the peas.They sure look good.”“Would you like to take some home?”asked Miller.“No, Sir.Got nothing to pay for them with.”“Well, what have you to trade me for some of those peas?”“All I got is my prize marble (弹珠) here.”“Is that right?Let me see it,”said Miller.“Here it is.Shes a dandy (上等品)”“I can see that.Only thing is this one is blue and I sort of go for red.Do you have a red one like this at home?” the storekeeper asked.“Not exactly (精确地) but almost.”“Tell you what.Take this bag of peas home with you and next trip this way let me look at that red marble.”Miller told the boy.“Sure will.Thanks Mr Miller.”Years later, when Miller died, I went to his funeral.Ahead of me in line waiting like me to pay their respects were three young men.They approached Millers wife, standing composed (镇定的) and smiling by her husbands casket (棺材)Each young man hugged her, kissed her on the cheek, spoke briefly (简短地) with her and moved on to the casket.Our turn came to meet Mrs Miller.I told her who I was and reminded her of the incident of the boy, the peas and the marbles.With her eyes glistening (闪耀), she took my hand and led me to the casket.“Those three young men who just left were all boys with marblesThey just told me how they appreciated the things Jim traded them.Now, at last, when Jim could not change his mind about color or size .they came to pay their debt (人情债)”“Weve never had a great deal of the wealth of this world,” she said, “but this would mean more to my husband than any amount of money.”With loving gentleness she lifted her husbands fingers.Resting underneath were three shining red marbles.1What can be concluded from the conversation between Mr Miller and the boy?AMr Miller liked red marbles even better than his business.BMr Miller fully considered the boys family situation.CThe boy was very skilled in bargaining.DThe boy was good at choosing vegetables.解析:选B。根据Mr Miller和男孩之间的对话可知,Mr Miller让男孩用弹珠交换他的豌豆,并且每次故意说喜欢另一种颜色,让他把豌豆带回家,他以这种特殊的方式帮助男孩,由此可知他深知男孩的家庭情况不是太好,故选B。2From the incident, we can conclude that Mr Miller was _.Aconsiderate (体贴的) Bmean (小气的)Cchildlike Dhumorous解析:选A。Mr Miller为了不伤害3个孩子的自尊心,以一种特殊的方式帮助3个男孩的事情可知,Mr Miller是一个细心、周到的人,故选A。3Why did Mr Miller always change his mind about the three young mens marbles?AHe wanted them to provide him with the best marbles.BHe hoped to teach them how to do business.CHe could sell more goods if they visited frequently.DHe was trying to help them without hurting their selfesteem (自尊心)解析:选D。根据第1、2题的解析可知,答案选D。4At the end of the story, “the three red marbles” in Mr Millers hand were a symbol of _.Atrust BdeterminationCgratefulness Dresponsibility解析:选C。棺材中Mr Miller手中的三颗闪亮的弹珠,象征着三个年轻人对他的感激之情,故选C。111


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