Unit 3《Amazing People》Project同步练习1(译林版必修2)

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Unit 3《Amazing People》Project同步练习1(译林版必修2)_第1页
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Unit 3《Amazing People》Project同步练习1(译林版必修2)_第3页
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111Module 2 Unit 3 (牛津译林版)一、单词过关1、_ adj.勇敢的 n.勇敢,大胆_2、_ adj. 喜欢冒险的 n.冒险活动_3、_ adj.好奇的,求知欲强的 adv.好奇地_ _n.好奇心4、_ vt.倾空,倒空 adj.空的,没人的_ adv.空虚地_5、_adj.在场的,出席的 vt.颁发,提交,展现 _6、_ adj.科学的 n.科学 _ n.科学家_7、_vt.vi比较 n.比较_8、_n.幸存者 vt.vi幸存,生还_ n.幸存_9、_adj.成功的 n.成功_ vi.成功_10、_ vt.实践,身体力行 vi.居住,生活 adj.活的,现场直播的_11、_vt.保存;保护;保持12、_n. 发现 v.发现_13、_vt. 检查;考察;仔细观察14、_vt. 表达,表示 n.表达_15、_vt.组织 n组织_16、_n. 船长17、_n. 宇航员18、_vt.设法,努力,争取19、_n.战斗机;战士20、_adj. 聪明的,伶俐的21、_vt&n. 联系 ,接触 22、_ (adj.& n.)埃及的,埃及人的 23、_ (n.)秘书 24、 _ (n.)巧合 25、 _ (n.)病毒 26、 _ (vt.)打扰,扰乱 27、 _ (adj.)古代的 28、_ (n.)童年, 孩童时期 29、. _ (n.)警告,提醒 30、_ (n.)工程,计划,项目,课题 31、_ (n.)候选人,申请人 32、_ (adj.)有资格的,合格的 33、_ (adv.) 的确,确实 34、_(n.) 冰山 35、_ (n.)(复数)财富 二、短语过关(一)介词、副词填空1.have a(n) good/bad effort_ 对有影响2.be curious _sth. 对好奇3.set sail _ 启航去4._ ones lifetime 在某人的一生中5.be known_/_/_ 以知名,出名/因出名/为所知6.be/become interested_ 对感兴趣7.empty_ 把从空出8.right _/_once 立刻9.have something to do_ 与有关10.result _ 引起(某种结果)11._ advance 提前;预先12.prepare_ 为作准备13.pay_ vi 回报;成功vt.还清(债款);付清工资;解雇;报复;惩罚14._ the early 1920s 在20世纪20年代初15.compare _ 与作比较16.make a great contribution_ 为作出巨大贡献17.dream _(doing)sth. 梦想做某事18.die _heart trouble 死于心脏病19._/_ (doing)sth. 一就 20.work _a nurse 当护士21.set foot_/_ 踏上22._ full speed 全速23.receive warnings_ 收到的警告24. make a note _ 作笔记25._ his thirties 在他三十多岁时26.be related_ 与有关系27.take the first step_ 向跨出第一步28.switch_ 转向29.communicate_ 与联系;交流30.thanks_ 多亏;由于31.talk _wanting to do 谈起想做32.take sb. _orbit 使进入轨道 33.work_ 努力使完成34.pick_ 从选出来35.three _of the fourteen 十四个中的三个36.be qualified_sth. /to do 做是合格的, 有的资格37.be_ control of oneself 控制自己38.go down_ history 载入史册39.be proud _/take pride_ 以自豪40.look up_ sb. 尊敬某人41.fall ill _a fever 因发热而病倒 42. shortly _the discovery 发现以后不久43.send him_ space 把他送入太空 44.describe _ 把描述成45.supply something _somebody 为某人提供 46.work _a place near a city 在一个城市附近的地方工作(二)动词填空47._/_ a Nobel Prize 赢得/获得诺贝尔奖48._changes (to sb): (对)作改动49.the _bodies 保存的尸体50._/_ ill 生病51._ strangely 莫名其妙地死了52.would rather _good 宁愿做好事53.start _photos 开始拍照54._well 进展顺利55._sb. how to do sth. 示范给某人如何做某人56._a dream a reality 使梦想成真57._ sb to do sth 鼓励某人去做某事58.spend five years_ _ 花五年接受训练59.the subjects _to be an astronaut 当宇航员的必修课目60._ ones dream 实现梦想61._ sail for 启航去62._of 把从空出63._ of heart trouble 死于心脏病64._ in 引起(某种结果)65._ for 为作准备66._off vi 回报;成功; vt.还清(债款);付清工资;解雇;报复;惩罚67._ with 与作比较68._a great contribution to为作出巨大贡献69._ of (doing)sth. 梦想做某事70._ as a nurse 当护士 71._ foot on/in 踏上72._ warnings about 收到的警告73._ a note of 作笔记74._the first step towards向跨出第一步75.talk of _to do 谈起想做76._ sb. in orbit 使进入轨道 77._towards 努力使完成78._sb to do sth 鼓励某人去做某事79._from 从选出来80._down in history 载入史册81._ up to sb. 尊敬某人82._ ones dream 实现梦想83. _a high fever 发高烧84._on 继续活下去85._someone to a place把某人带到一个地方86. _out熄灭 87._special clothing穿着特殊的衣服88._your teachers approval得到你老师的89._ your decisio作出你的决定 90._ turns 轮流 三、重要短语及知识拓展1. in the form of.:以的形式 form(vt)a group/ the good habit of (组建,养成)2. set sail for sp; leave for sp; set off for sp 3. be present at a meeting/a party:出席/参加 the people present:在场的人4. result in:导致/引起(=cause/lead to) result from:由造成/引起 as a result: 因此 as a result of:因为5. “确定的” It is certain that. Sb is sure/certain that(sure只能指人)6把与相比: compare with/to 把比作: compareto与相比而言(作状语): compared with 7. have sth/nothing in common (with):(与)有/无共同之处 have sth/nothing to do with: 与有/无关8. survive(vt) sth: 幸免于/经受住( The house survived the storm.)9. pick:挑选 He picked a book to read. (=choose) pick out: 挑选出 pick apples/tomatoes/cotton:采/摘 pick a pocket:扒窃 pick up:捡起;(无意中)学到/得到/买到/染上; 增加/改善; 收听 a valuable stamp at a sale; health/speed; English programs10. prove(实义动词) : prove sb/sth/oneself (to be); prove sth/ that从句 He proved himself worthy of confidence prove(系动词,无被动): prove (to be)+adj/n The method proved (to be) highly effective. 11. live ones dream/faith:(在生活中)实行/践梦想/信念live up to:真正做到/生活得无愧于 We will live up to what our parents expect of us.12. host (vt)a program the Olympics:主持/主办 host(n):主人/主持人/东道主13be supposed to do sth=should do sth; be supposed to have done =should have done“本应”They were supposed to have come an hour earlier, but they were late. 14.What do with sth? Howdeal with sth? 15. 比较:All the light went out. go out(vi) :熄灭 All the lights were turned off. turn off(vt):关掉 16. work out(vt) the total cost(解决/算出)work out(vi):锻炼/结果 Things worked out very well. rule out the possibility排除 look into a room/ the cause of the accident:朝看;调查step up(vt) the training加紧/促进 show up=turn up:出现/露面 make up组成/构成;编造,补偿 a medical team/50%of the population/a story/for the lost time 17. after all:毕竟/终究 above all:首要的是 in all:总之/共 (not)at all(根本)18.count(v):数/算数count down(倒数/计时); 有效/重要(Every minute counts)19. as well as:以及/包括 as well=too:用于句末20. pay off(vi): 成功/得到好结果 pay off(vt) debt: 还清(债务)Module 2 Unit 3 随堂练习一一、单词拼写根据单词的首字母或汉语意思填写正确单词,注意形式变化。1. Which of these peoples a_ have the largest effect on our lives today2. If you arent good at thinking, you cant study e_.3 It was a _of him to run into the burning house to rescue the baby4. The d_ of America is very important in history.5. He l_ his dream by working hard. 6. We _(清空)the tomb of everything it contained-we were rich and famous right away. 7.Police were called in to_ (维持)order8. She opened the door quietly so as not to _(打搅) the sleeping child.9. The bike is cheap. _(然而), it is not as beautiful as that one.The money is to be used for _(专门的) purpose: the building of the new theatre.10.It is a miracle for the old woman to s_(幸存) the earthquake after 7days were gone.二、介词填空1.Shakespeare compared the world _ a stage.2.Lu Xun is known _ the world _ a great writer _ his good works.3.The terrible road accident resulted _ many deaths.4.Together _ my partner,I finished the difficult task.5.Albert Einstein was given the Nobel Prize _ Physics in 1921.6.Today we will discuss the effects the Internet has _ our lives.7.The secetary led me _ the managers office and asked me to wait for a moment.8.He was very excited _ the result of the middle exam.9.Johnny Depp is an actor starring _Pirates of the Carbbean .10.His father died _ cancer _ the age of 54.11.After ten years of hard work,they at last paid _ all the money.12.There is a small path leading _ the seaside.13.-Where is your mother? - She is _ work.14.Nowadays many people work _ every day to keep fit.15.The boy became interested _ fishing when he was on his uncles farm.16.All the villagers are searching _ the lost child in the forest now.17.Ive never heard _ anyone doing that.18.His carlessness resulted _ his failure.三、完成句子:1、Which of these peoples achievements_ _ _ _ _(对有最大的影响)our lives today?2、Within seven years,21people who _ _ _ _ _ (和有关) the opening of the tomb died.3、 Yang Liwei went to space and returned,_ _ _ _ _(使梦想成为现实)4、 His dream was encouraged by his parents_ _ _(和;不仅而且)his older sister and younger brother.5、 His name will _ _ _ _ _( 和一起载入史册)those of Yure Gagarin and Alan Sheppard.6、 The people of China can_ _ _( 以 为骄傲)Yang Liwei and young people all over the world can_ _ _ (钦佩)him as an example of a man who managed to _ _ _(实现他的梦想)7、 _ _ _(众所周知)that Thomas Edison invented the electric lamp.8、 Mum often made my clothes by herself_ _ _ _(按照我的尺寸)9、 If you _ _ _(对好奇)Australian cities, just read the book written by Dr. Johnson.10、A lot of spelling mistakes_ _ _(存在于)his writing.11、这个地区遭受了有史以来最大的洪水。 This arera suffered the biggest flood _ _ _.12、到他14岁的时候,他已经自学了高等数学。 _ _ _ he was 14 years old,he had learned advanced mathematics by himself.13、昨晚两个小偷闯进了这个房间,盗空了保险柜里所有贵重的东西。 Last night two thieves broke into the room and _ allthe valuable things _ _ the safe.14、据说那场意外中没有一个人生还。 It is said that nobody _ _ _.15、恐怕你的建议会被证明是错的。 Im afraid your suggestion will _ _ _ _.16、汽车正以每小时一百公里的速度在行驶。 The car is travelling_ _ _ _ 100 kilometres per hour.17、如果在你的位置,我不确定我会做些什么。 Im not sure what I would do if I were _ _ _.18、谁是这个项目的负责人? Whos _ _ _ the project?19、哥伦布在天亮前踏上了美洲海岸。 Columbus _ _ _ the shores of America just before daybreak.20、请注意这两个词之间的区别。 Please _ _ _ the difference between the two words.Module 2 Unit 3期末复习随堂练习二1. His carelessness _ a serious accident, causing two people to die.A. resulted from B. resulted in C. brought from D. brought in2. If _ in, viruses can result in illness or even death.A. breathe B. breathing C. breathed D. to breathe3. It was about 600 years ago _ the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.A. until B. before C. when D. that4. He _ her since he _ a child.A. had known; wasB. has known; wasC. knows; is D. knew; was5. By the time the police _, the robbers_, leaving two knives on the ground outside the shop. A. arrived; had left B. had arrived; leftC. arrived; left D. had arrived; had left6. I _ my uncle, because he is an excellent teacher.A. look up B. have honour to C. look up to D. show respect7. He loves reading very much, so he compares books _ his friends. A. with B. to C. at D. upon8. It isnt quite _ that he will be present at the meeting. A. sure B. exact C. afraid D. certain9. He worked without _ success. As a doctor, he was not _ success. A. a; a B. much; 不填 C. much; a D. a; much10. - You are drinking too much. - Only at home. No one _ me but you.A. sees B. is seeing C. had seen D. saw11. - Bob, you are so absent-minded. - Oh, Im sorry. I _ attention to you, Miss Sarah.A. havent paid B. wasnt payingC. am not paying D. couldnt have paid12. John plays basketball _, if not better than, David. A. as well B. so well C. as well as D. so well as13. We had thought that the English exam would be more difficult than last one, but it _ easier. A. proved B. made C. kept D. considered14. _ reading the letter, he was pleased _ me that he would leave for America the next day. A. With; telling B. With; to tell C. On; telling D. On; to tell15. He is _ his work with animals. A. famous as B. famous to C. well known asD. well known for16. _ words and expressions have come into the English language from American English.A. A great many B. A large amount of C. A great deal ofD. A plenty of17. It was _ back home after the party.A. not until midnight did he go B. until midnight that he didnt go C. not until midnight that he went D. until midnight when he didnt go18. After several times, he was _ in doing the experiment.A. successB. succeedC. successfulD. succeeded19. Everybody _ welcomed the decision.A. presentB. was presentC. presentedD. were present20. John shut everybody out of the kitchen _ he could prepare his grand surprise for the party.A. whichB. whenC. so thatD. as if21. We expect her to do the housework _ look after the children.A. as wellB. also toC. just asD. as well as22. She was _ from thousands of applicants for the job.A. picked upB. picked outC. pickedD. elected23. - Will you go to attend her party?- No, _.A. even though invited toB. even if invitedC. if not invitedD. unless invited to go24. Its really an exciting game! Why not _ us? A. take part inB. join inC. joinD. attend25. She was so excited that she couldnt find proper words to _ herself. A. say B. express C. tell D. explain26. I _ him a second letter before I _ from him. A. wrote; heard B. wrote; had heard C. had written; heard D. have written; hear27. His mother fell ill _ a fever last night. So he had to stay at home to look after her. A. at B. over C. on D. with28. To work honestly _ in the long run. A. pays off B. pays up C. pays back D. pays for29. _ that the door is locked before you leave the room.A. Making sureB. Make sureC. Be sureD. To make sure30. - What _ the taxi drivers in Beijing to take up the study of English?- To hold the 2008 Olympic Games.A. comfortsB. demandsC. forcesD. inspires31. She said that she _ much progress since she came here. A. makesB. madeC. have madeD had made 32.Oh,youhaveboughtanewbicycle.Where_it? A.hadyouboughtB.haveyouboughtC.didyoubuyD.tobuyit33. - Each of the students, working hard at their lessons, _ the book.- So have I.A. is reading B. readsC. reading D. has read34. His brother is an actor. He _ in several films so far. A. appears B. appeared C. has appearedD. is appearing35. - Hurry up! Alice and Kate are waiting for you at the school gate. - Oh! I thought they _ without me. A. went B. had gone C. have gone D. are going.36. - Who is Jerry Cooper? - _? I saw you shaking hands with him at the meeting.A. Dont you meet him yet B. Hadnt you met him yet C. Didnt you meet him yet D. Havent you met him yet 37. -Oh, its you! I _ you. -Ive just had my hair cut, and Im wearing new glasses.A. didnt recognizeB. hadnt recognized C. havent recognizedD. dont recognize 38. _ with what he _ to be, he is much better now.A. Compared; usedB. Comparing; is use C. Compared; is used D. Comparing; used39. That dinner was the most expensive meal we _. A. would haveB. have hadC. had never hadD. had ever had40. It is _ he has gone to Shanghai. The problem is _we cant get in touch with him.A. believed that; that B. hoped that; whether C. thought when; that D. supposed that; how41. Our English teacher said that he would _ us _ our knowledge of English grammar next Monday.A. check; in B. examine; on C. examine; in D. check; out42. Dont be too about things youre not supposed to know.A. strange B. amusing C. curious D. conscious43. - Do you think that housing price will keep _ in the years to come?- Sorry, I have no idea.A. lifting upB. going upC. bringing upD. growing up44. - “Could we put off the meeting?” she asked.- “_.” He answered politely. “This is the only day everyone is available.”A. Not likelyB. Not exactlyC. Not nearlyD. Not really45. - _ you _ him around the museum yet?- Yes. We had a great time there.A. Have shownB. Do showC. Had shownD. Did show46. Please remain until the plane has come to a complete stop.A. to seat B. to be seatedC. seating D. seated47. He tasted the medicine and found it _. A. tasted bad B. was tasted badlyC. tasted badly D. tasted well48. The department store _ fire for half an hour before the fire fighter got there. A. was caught B. has caught C. had caught D. had been on49. - Shall we meet right now? - Sorry. Im too busy to _for the moment. A. get

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