Unit 1《The written word》-reading学案1(牛津译林版选修8)

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Unit 1《The written word》-reading学案1(牛津译林版选修8)_第1页
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Unit 1《The written word》-reading学案1(牛津译林版选修8)_第3页
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111M8U1 The written word Reading学案第一部分:重点讲解1. received adj. 被承认的;被认可的;公认的 be well received with 很受欢迎这位歌手很受学生们的欢迎。 Answer: The singer is well received with the students归纳拓展receive sth from从得到某物receive sb into sth接纳;接待练练吧!1. 我昨天收到了李红给我的生日礼物. 2. 这个节目很受观众的欢迎. Answers: 1. I received a birthday present from LiHong yesterday. 2. The programme is well received with the audience.2. have nothing to do with 与无关;与没来往 这与你无关. 我劝你不要与那人来往. Answers: 1. This has nothing to do with you. 2. I advise you to have nothing with that man.归纳拓展have sth to do with与有关have nothing on sb不比强come to nothing没结果;终归失败go for nothing无结果;无价值care nothing for对满不在乎think nothing of对满不在乎make nothing of不了解do nothing but只是nothingbut 只for nothing免费nothing like 什么也比不上;完全不像练练吧!1. He (不在乎钱).2. She got the tickets (免费).3. I could (不了解) what he said. 4. She (只是) a child.5. The dress is (完全不同) the one they advised.6. He (认为不算啥)a twenty-mile walk.7. -Anything interesting happening?-No, _.A. something of B. nothing of C. something much D. nothing ofAnswers: 1. care nothing for money 2. for nothing 3. make nothing of 4. is nothing but 5. nothing like 6. thinks nothing of 7. B3. have a place in 在中占一席之地练练吧!1.史密斯先生在公司占有重要地位. 2.The famous scientist has _ in the world. A. a seat B. a place C. a role D. placesAnswers: 1. Mr Smith has an important place in the company. 2. B 4. makeinto= to change sth or sb different from what it/he/she used to be 练练吧!1.那部电影的成功使她一夜成名. 2.我们可以把这个房间改变成书房. Answers: 1. The success of the film made her into a star overnight.2 We can make this room into a study.5. at a time 一次;每次每次服两片. 不要什么事都一块干,要一次做一点儿. Answers: 1.Take the pills two at a time.2. Dont try to do everything at once; take it a bit at a time. 归纳拓展at one time曾经at all times总是;随时;永远at other times在其他时候at times有时at the same time同时at the time在那时at no time 决不;在任何时候都不in no time立刻;马上ahead of time提前;提早all the time一直;始终as time goes on 随着时间的推移take ones time从容进行;不慌不忙练练吧!1. -Can I look at the menu for a few minutes before I decide? -Of course. _ , sir.A. Make yourself at home B. Enjoy yourself C. It doesnt matter D. Take your time.2. Dont all speak at once! _ , please. A. Each at one time B. One by one time C. One for each time D. One at a timeAnswers: 1. D 2. D6.be set in 以为背景 这部电影以上海为背景. Answers: .The film was set in Shanghai.归纳拓展set about (doing ) sth开始/着手(做)某事set aside 留出;拨出;不顾set back把(钟表等)往回拨set sb down使乘客下车set sth down放下;记下set forth 启程; 动身set off出发;动身;使爆炸;引起set out出发;动身; 开始/着手做某事setfree 释放练练吧!1. He set _ washing his car.2. She set a good example _ all of us.3. The rainy season has set _.4. The school was set _ years ago.5. She has _ some money for a trip to Beijing.A. set about B. set aside C. set down D. set in Answers: 1. about 2. to 3. in 4. up 5. B.7. would rather宁愿归纳拓展would rather(not) do sth宁愿(不)做某事would rather dothan do宁愿做某事而不愿做某事 would rather sb did sth宁愿某人去做某事would rather sb had done sth宁愿(过去)某人已做了某事prefer to do rather than do喜欢做胜过rather than而不是other than除了or rather确切的说练练吧!1. It was owing to luck _ judgment _ the driver succeeded in avoiding an accident.A. better than; when B. rather than; that C. other than; When D. more than ; which2. I worked as a secretary, _, a typist.A. rather than B. or rather C. in rather D. would ratherAnswers: 1. B 2. B 8. add归纳拓展addto把加到里add to (=increase)增加;添加add up把加起来add up to(=come to;total)共计(达)add in把包括在内add that补充说练练吧!1. 这种坏天气增加了我们的困难. 2. 这些数字加起来是1000. 3. We have planted flowers and green trees around the blocks of buildings , which _ beauty to the whole city.A. add to B. add up to C. is added to D. add4. We are having a class,” she said, _ it was a newly open kindergarten sponsored by the church.A. added that B. adding that C. has added D. and adding thatAnswers: 1. The bad weather added to our difficulties.2. These numbers add up to 100. 3. A 4. B9. be bent on sth / doing sth 一心想要;决心要 吉姆一心想要成为一个音乐家._Answers: Jim is bent on becoming a musician. 归纳拓展make up ones mind下定决心determine to do sth决定做某事(表示动作)be determined to do sth 决心做某事(表示状态)determine sb to do sth使某人下决心做某事decide on/upon决定某事bend ones mind to sth专心于某事物bend (sb) to sth(迫使某人)屈从;顺从练练吧!1._ to train his daughter in English, he put an ad like this in the paper, , an English teacher for a ten-year-old girl.” A. Determined; Wanted B. Determined; Wanting C. Determine ; Wanted D. Determining Wanting2.He is _ learning English well. A. bent to B. bent on C. bending to D. bending on Answers: 1. A 2. D10. make the acquaintance of = make sbs acquaintance 和相识;结识我是在一个集会上认识他的._Answer: I made his acquaintance at the party. 归纳拓展acquaint sb with sth 使某人熟悉或了解某物be acquainted with sth对某事熟悉be acquainted with sb认识某人acquaintance with sth /sb 对某事/某人(常为略微的)了解on (further ) acquaintance 认识了一段(较长) 时间以后练练吧!1. 请把这事的情况告诉我._2. 你很快就会对这些程序完全熟悉了._3. 我们认识那位女士._Answers: 1. Please acquaint me with the facts of the case. 2. Youll soon become fully acquainted with the procedures. 3. We are /become acquainted with the lady.第二部分:练习1. Mist is a symbol of danger and u_ in Great Expectations.2. Is an e_ person with a lot of money a gentleman ?3. He made an a_turn to avoid hitting another car .4. Children must swim in the s_ end of the swimming pool.5. John is b_on getting the first place in the following race .6. The a_ chair was made in 1628.7. He graduated from Cambridge University, so he spoke r_ standard English.8. P_is the child of ignorance.9. Disappointment is the nurse of w_.10. Oliver Twist was written by one of the greatest n_ in the world.11. Better be envied than p_.12. Some experts agree to r_a system of education.13. This is a new kind of glassware that r_heat.14. The hungry boy ate his food g_.15. I always took him for an honest man ,but it appears that I was m_ in him.16. Edinburgh is the capital and largest u_ center of Scotland.17. He became famous nationwide o_.18. On that matter he t_ towards your opinion.19. Sunlight is (使变化) into chemical energy,when it falls on the leaves of plants .20. He is _(展出) his paintings at our school .第三部分:练习答案1 uncertainty 2. educated 3 abrupt 4 shallow 5 bent 6antique 7 received. 8 prejudice 9 wisdom 10 novelists 11 pitied 12 reform 13 resists 14 greedily 15 mistaken 16 urban 17 overnight 18 tends 19 transformed 20 exhibiting111


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