Unit 3《Tomorrow’s World》-word power教案1(牛津译林版必修4)

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Unit 3《Tomorrow’s World》-word power教案1(牛津译林版必修4)_第1页
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111Unit 3 Tomorrows worldWord Power1. Analysis of the teaching material:This is the 4th period of Unit One. The main purpose of this period is to learn to form abstract nouns from verbs and adjectives by adding suffixes and know some words related to computers and to apply them practically.2. Teaching aims:1) To learn how to form abstract nouns from verbs and adjectives by adding suffixes.2) To know some words related to computers and to apply them practically.Teaching important and difficult points:1) How to make students master the rules of forming abstract nouns from verbs and adjectives. 2) Make students expand related vocabulary and apply them practically.Teaching approaches:1) Explanation method to make students master the rules of forming abstract nouns from verbs and adjectives. 2) Description method to make students to master some words related to computers. 3) Exercise method to consolidate what have learnt in class.Teaching Aids: multimedia and a blackboard Teaching procedures:Step 1Brainstorming1) Enjoy a passage:Jeff Bezos has played an important role in the development of Amazon.com, an online shop selling mainly books and music. He decided to set up Amazon.com when he saw the growing popularity of the Internet.During the first few years, the company did not make a profit and Mr. Bezos thought that his efforts would end in failure. However, Internet connection became faster and a lot of improvements were made to home computers.Words like development, popularity, failure, connection and improvement that refers to an idea, an action, a general quality or something that cannot see or touch directly are called abstract nouns.Most abstract nouns are uncountable. Only a few of them are countable, e.g. a hope, an idea, and a situation.2) Ask them to think about more abstract nouns.illness, dependence, performance, admiration, trainingStep 2 Forming abstract nouns from verbs and adjectives1.We can form abstract nouns from some verbs and adjectives by adding suffixes.1). adjectives abstract nounsNounsAdjectivesSuffixloyaltyloyal-tyillnessill-ness Exercise2). verbs abstract nounsNounsVerbsSuffixdirectiondirect-tionmovementmovemovementdependencedepend-enceperformanceperform-ancefailurefail-uretrainingtraintrainingExerciseTips:1) Sometimes we need to change the final letters of a word before adding suffix:produceproduction silentsilencedecidedecision prettyprettinesspleasepleasure 2) Most abstract nouns are uncountable, only a few of them are countable:hopea hope; ideaa idea; situationa situationyouth(青春)a youth(青年人);power(电力)a power(大国);beauty(美丽)a beauty(美人,美的东西)Do the exercise on Page 462.Read about the history of the worlds most successful online businesses. Use the plural forms to fill in the blanks.Answers:1) development 2) popularity 3) failure 4) connection 5) improvements 6) presentation 7) achievement 8) admirationStep3 Words related to computers1 Revise names of some parts of the computer.(screen, monitor, speaker, keyboard, mouse, CD-Rom, printer)2 Teach Ss to learn more words related to computers, especially the most up-to-date hardware: (hard drive, floppy disk, floppy disk drive, U-Disk, ROM, RAM, CPU)3 Teach Ss to understand the functions of different parts of a computer. Partfunctionfloppy diska flat piece of plastic for storing informationkeyboarda set of keys for typingprintera machine that puts the words and pictures onto paperscreena part where you can see the words and picturesmonitora screen that shows information from a computerStep 4 more words related to computersscanner 扫描器 sound card声卡Hyperlink 超链接 network cardcursor 光标 click点击Step 5 Homework1. Revise what we have learnt in this part.2. Try to find more information about computer science.3. Preview Grammar and usage111

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