Unit 3《Tomorrow’s World》-reading教案1(牛津译林版必修4)

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111Unit 3 Tomorrows worldReading Analysis of the teaching material:This is the 2nd period of Unit One. The main purpose of this lesson is to make Ss. to learn some information about how RealCine works, why it is better than ordinary cinema, and how it can be used in many other ways.Teaching aims:1. To learn some information about how RealCine works, why it is better than ordinary cinema, and how it can be used in many other ways.2. To teach students the basic characteristics of a business proposal.3. To enable students to master the reading strategy and become more competent in reading a business proposal.Teaching important and difficult points:1. Make the students understand the reading material better.2. Master the vocabulary of virtual reality.3. Improve the students reading ability.4. Know the structure and language for a proposal.Teaching approaches:1. Discussion before reading to make the students interested in what they will learn. 2. Fast reading to get a general idea of the text.3. Reading in detail to get the detailed information of the text.4. Pair discussion and group discussion to get students to participate in the classroom activities.Interaction Patterns: Teachers -class, individuals, pairsTeaching aids:The multimedia, a record and a blackboard.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead-inShow the posters of some films and ask students:Do you like the film? Why?Can you imagine how you feel when you are actually in the film?Show some pictures of 3D film DOG SAILOR and ask students:Can you imagine how you feel when you are actually in the film?And tell them virtual reality could change the way we watch films.3D film-It is a film people watch with a special pair of spectacles, which gives a three-dimensional effect with images in the dimensions of width, height and depth.4D film-It is a 3D film with an added environmental effect, such as water or wind in the cinema.Virtual reality could change the way we watch films.Step 2 SkimmingStudents are expected to skim the text and find out the answers to the questions in part A. 1.What is the name of the product?2. How many of the viewers senses does this product excite?3.Who went on a virtual trip to Africa?Step 3 ScanningStudents are asked to scan the text and answer the questions.1) What do viewers wear so they feel that they are actually in the film?2). What technology is behind this product?-Virtual reality.3). What delivers wear the special food and drink chemicals into the viewers mouth?-A straw sensor delivers the special food and drink chemicals into the views mouth.4).Why do some people think that viewers will be disappointed by RealCine?-Because VR is not real.5) What did the teenager experience in RealCine?6) How could RealCine be used in classrooms?7)How could firefighters be trained with this new technology?Step 4 Detailed-readingAsk students to find more information about RealCine by asking the question:How can RealCine excite the viewers five senses?They are asked to fill in the chart according to the proposalSenseThings neededEffects in RealCineSightSoundSmellTouchTasteStep 5 ConsolidationAsk students to divide the passage into several parts and get the main idea of each part.Step 6 Reading strategyAsk students to read the strategy and fill in the blank.1. A business proposal is a plan or a suggestion that_.2. As a proposal will reach the decision maker, it has to be_.3. A good proposal usually includes _.4. In order to make the proposal objective,_ is frequently used.Step 7 ConsolidationPart E on Page 45Answers: 1) virtual reality 2) viewers 3) character 4) low 5) via 6) football 7) thrilled 8) adventures 9) fantastic 10) riskStep 8 Language points1. Imagine the viewer is a character in an interactive films set in the Himalays.( on page 42 line 8)1)imagine vt想象,设想用法归纳imagine +n. pron Imagine + (npron)+ v.ing imagine + that从句wh-从句 1). She couldnt_ in a place like that. imagine living她很难想象生活在那样一个地方。2). After hearing the bad news, can you _? imagine how she felt听到那个悲伤的消息,你能想象出她是什么感受吗?2) set. Vt. 为 (故事等) 构设背景, 使(故事, 剧情) 以 为背景; 布置(舞台等)be set in 以 为背景The story _ the early days of World War II. is set in这故事是以第二次世界大战初期为背景。2. Not only is every step of climbing Mount Qomolanguagma felt by the viewer , but also the cold, the tiredness, the food, the smells, the sights and the sounds of the mountain can all be experienced.(on page 42 line8-9 )He likes _ music _ sports . not onlybut also _ he like music,_Not only doesbut (also) sports 他不但喜欢音乐,也喜欢体育。2).戴安娜不但美丽而且善良。 Diana is _beautiful _ kind. not onlybut alsoSummary1) not only A but also B B as well as A Diana is _as well as_. beautifulkind2) not only提到句首,它所在分句用部分倒装3)not onlybut also连接并列主语时,谓语遵循“就近 原则” Not only my daughter but also we _(like) dolls. like3. Upon reaching the top of the mountain, a feeling of happiness and a sense of achievement will be experienced. (on page 42 ,line 11-12)1) _ in Paris, the famous star was warmly welcomed by his fans. Upon/On his arrival那位明星一到巴黎就受到影迷的热烈欢迎。2) _ of the death of his parents, he burst into tears. Upon/On hearing一听到他父母去世的消息他突然大哭起来.upon prep在后立即,一就 4. To add to the virtual world of RealCine, smells are given out through small openings in the headsets.( on page 42 line 23-24) a. add toWill you _ your coffee? add some sugar to 你的咖啡要多加些糖吗? The news _ his anxiety. add to这个消息增添了他的恐慌。 All the money he had _ more than one hundred dollarsadd up to他所有的钱加起来不到100美元。b. give out分发;发出(气味、热等);用完 My legs gave out and l couldnt walk any further 我的腿撑不住了,不能再往前走了。The results of the examination wont be given out 考试结果不会公布。The flowers give out a sweet smell 这些鲜花散发出甜甜的味道。5. An argument has been put forward that some viewers will be disappointed by RealCine because VR is not real. (on page 43 line 35-36 )a. Here that is used to introduce an appositive clause some viewers because VR is not real.Your suggestion _ is a good one. that we should talk to each otherWe all know the fact_. that Mark Twain is a great writer.b. put forward means to state or to suggest.1)在会议上他们提出一个好的提议。They put forward a good proposal at the meeting.2)去年提出的和平计划还在讨论之中。The peace plan put forward last year is still under discussion.c. be disappointed by/at/about 1) The old man was disappointed by his _ son. disappointing那位老人对那个令他失望的儿子感到失望。 disappointed 某人感到失望 disappointing令人感到失望 2) _you really _ losing the game? Are disappointed about/at6.Besides films,VR might also have some other uses(on page 43 line 41 )besidesexceptexcept forexcept that Exercise 1) I have learned three foreign languages, _ English. besides2) _ Tom, they all went to the park. Except3) Your composition is very good, _some spelling mistakes. except for4) I did not tell him everything _ I needed the money. Except thatSummary1)besides“除之外还有”,其后的事物(或人)包括在内,作补充说明。2)except“除之外”,但其后的事物(或人)不包括在内,指从整体中排除 3)except for“除了”,指对整体主要部分的肯定,对except for后面的部分作局部否定,起修正句子主要意思的作用。 5)except that除了,只是后跟从句。 7. For example, firefighters could be trained using RealCine without the risk of sending them into a burning building.(on page line 40-41)risk 冒险 n. take the risk of losing their lives冒着生命的危险There is a risk of forest fire.有森林火灾的隐患Step Exercise 1. More trees have been planted and flowers grown to _ the beauty of the park.A. increase B. add to C. plus D. raise 2_ the rapid development of IT,more and more business are done on line. A. For B. As C. With D. To3. He made a living by _ milk and bread.A. sending B .bringing C. carrying D. delivering4. The story was _the old city Changan. A. set off B. set about C. set back D. set in5. Not only his parents _ but also his aunts.A. there were B. were there C. have D. were6. I will not for such a small sum of money.A .take the risk of my life B. risk my life C. at the risk of my life D. go the risk7. “The last straw to a camels back” means_ .A. The last hope B. the only food C. sth that finally helps a person D. sth that finally make a person break downB A C D D B B DStep 8 Homework1.Read the passage out and write an introduction to RealCine.2.Do Ex. A1, A2 on page106 in the textbook.111

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