Unit 1《Tales of the unexplained》Reading教案4(译林版必修2)

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Unit 1《Tales of the unexplained》Reading教案4(译林版必修2)_第1页
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Unit 1《Tales of the unexplained》Reading教案4(译林版必修2)_第2页
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Unit 1《Tales of the unexplained》Reading教案4(译林版必修2)_第3页
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111Unit 1 Tales of the unexplainedReading boy missing ,police puzzledResources 1. Newspaper articles are often seen as a shortened form of a news report that gives fuller information. The lead, the first paragraph of a news story, plays the most important part in the understanding of the whole story. It is usually a one or two sentence summary of the particular event being reported. The headline and the first paragraph effectively summarize the storys content.There are several advantages in using a newspaper to improve English skills. A newspaper is inexpensive, easily obtained and the materials are authentic. Besides, understanding the news stories relies heavily on the students knowledge of social and cultural experiences. Newspapers mirror our national values, habits and preferences. Newspaper reading improves the students overall abilities rather than simply informing them of new information. Students will find time and effort devoted to understanding social and cultural materials rewarding.2. Some newspaper activities that can be used in the classroom.* Encourage students to read the newspaper daily. Ask them what articles they find interesting, and read and discuss those articles with them.*Read the newspaper coverage of a major news story and watch the same story presented on television. Talk about the differences between reading newspapers and watching television news.*Read the newspaper for issues that have some direct effects on students lives. Locate news stories and opinions in editorials, letters to the editor and editorial columns. Ask students which facts are most important and which opinions are closest to theirs.*Review TV and movie schedules, discussing which shows and movies are appealing and why. Compare reviews with those written by media critics.*Try to find persuasive letters to the editor. Identify and discuss the authors style and tone. Encourage students to respond with their own letters to the editor when they encounter ideas with which they disagree.Step 1: Lead-in1. Some questions about UFODo you know what the three letters UFO stand for?Have you ever heard of the UFOs?Have you ever had the chance to see one?Do you believe the usual sayings about the UFOs?What do you think a UFO is?Do you think there are any creatures on it?Where do you think the creatures come from?Will they become our friends or enemies?2. Today, well come to Reading part. Now Id like you to look at the pictures on pages 2 and 3 and the title, Boy missing, police puzzled. Can you connect them with each other? Picture 1:Is the first picture a UFO?Are there really UFOs from the outer space?Picture 2:Who was the missing boy?Does he like playing football or baseball?Picture 3:Whats the picture about?Does the bright light outside the window come from a UFO?Does the bright light have something to do with Justins missing? (If possible, the teacher may use the projector or macromedia to show the situations in the three pictures and ask the students the same questions as given above. Check answers in pairs. Check the answers with the whole class if you wish.)3. Answer the following questions, focusing on the title of the article, Boy missing, police puzzled.Does the title arouse your interest when you read it? Can you complete the title?What information can you get from the title?What else do you want to know? For example, boy missing (How/When/Where was the boy missing?) police puzzled (Why are they puzzled?/What are the police going to do about the boys disappearance and how?)Are you curious about why the writer uses an incomplete sentence as the title? Did you know that it is a feature of a news title? What are some other features of a news title?Can you guess what details may be covered in the following news story?Step 2: Fast reading for general ideas1. Before skimming the passage, please look at the news photographs first and describe what is happening in them. Then find the answers to the three questions above the text:1) What is the article about? (The article is about a missing boy/UFOs and aliens.)2) Who is missing? (Justin Foster is missing.)3) Do the police know what happened to Justin? (No.)2. Read the first paragraph carefully to get the main idea and the important facts such as: When and where was the boy missing? What caused the boys sudden disappearance? How old was the boy? Why did people show interest in his disappearance?3. Now scan the article again and locate specific information according to Parts C1 and C2. Questions 1, 2, 3 and 5 in Part C1 check background information about Justin while Questions 4, 6, 7 and 8 check your comprehension about witnesses, aliens and the case. Part C2 requires you to identify some details to support the main points of the story.Answers to C 1 (p4):1. He lives in Dover, New Hampshire.2. Justins mother went to bed early because of a headache.3. He plays baseball.4. At 10:45 p.m.5. He has a sister.6. They were white.7. Mavis Wood has been taken by the aliens.8. Detective Sam Peterson was in charge of the case.Step 3: Detailed reading for important information1. Please self-evaluate how well you understand and comprehend the article with the following exercise. At 8 p.m._ At 10.45 p.m._Justin Foster At 11 p.m._ After 11p.m., he was seen_ The next morning, he was found_ shape_ its appearance colour_Strange objects (UFO) size_ its inside _2. Answer the questionsWhere does Justin Foster live ? (He lives in Dover, New Hampshire.)Why did Justins mother go to bed early? (Justins mother went to bed early because of a headache.)What sports does Justin play? (He plays basketball.)What time did the witness see Justin walking home? (At 10.45 p.m.)Does Justin have any brothers and sisters ? (He has a sister)What colour were the aliens? (They were white.)Who else has been taken by the aliens? (Mavis Wood has been taken by the aliens.)Who is in charge of the case ? (Detective Sam Peterson was in charge of the case.)3. Complete Parts D and E. The meanings of the words in Part D are not difficult for you to identify after you have read through the passage twice. Part E is a diary written by Kelly. It requires you to understand the diary first, and then write down the missing words to make the meaning complete.Answers to D (p4): 1. puzzled (title) _ _6_ a say that something is not possible 2. due to (line 6) _8_ b making people believe something is true 3. show up (line 23) 5 c frightening or unpleasant dreams 4. wirnesses (line 32) 2 d because of 5. nightmares (line 68) 3 e appear or arrive 6. rule out (line 73) 7 f invent (a story) 7. make up (line 76) 1 g unable to understand 8. convincing (line 81) 4 h people who saw an accident and can describe it to othersAnswers to E (p5): Justin has been missing for two weeks now. I miss him a lot. Im worried that something bad has happened to him. Im sure he came home that night at around 11 p.m. I heard him out on his favourite CD. I wonder where the alliens with large black eyes have taken him.Mavis told me that creatures from outer space took her away a few years ago. They did some research on her. The whole experience was very frightening, just like a nightmare ,but at least they returned her home. I hope they will return Justin soon.The police are not making much progress. They are very puzzled . Now they are searching for other witnesses . They say Justin might have been murdered . Dad is very disappoitned with them. He thinks they are not doing their job properly. Mum is really worried too. She cant sleep well. I hope Justin will come home soon and tell us what happened to him. I want all of us to be together again.3. Having read the text, please pay attention to the different features of each paragraph.1) First lets have a discussion about how we usually decide whether a news article is worth reading or not and what methods we use in our reading. As we all know, newspapers play an important part in our daily life. Wherever you are, you can be informed of the latest news by reading a newspaper. From your experience, how do you usually select the news youd like to read, by taking a look at its title or being attracted by its colorful pictures?Every one of you can express your own opinions and give the reasons.2) Compared with the other paragraphs, is the first paragraph the most important one in the article? Please describe the differences between the first paragraph of the article and the paragraphs that follow. 3) You are asked to read the Reading strategy reading a newspaper article. Pay attention that both the title and the first paragraph, which is called the lead paragraph, play a key role in your understanding of news articles.Step 4: Post-reading activities1. Retell the story according to the diagram on page 6. Ill write down some key words and phrases on the blackboard or the overhead projector for you to refer to in case you need help.2. Suppose you are a writer. Please give an ending to the story. Though the police have made efforts to investigate the case. Justins disappearance remains a mystery. Was he really seized by aliens or were there other reasons? All the people are concerned about Justins disappearance. What do you think might have happened to him? Was he in danger? If he were taken away by aliens, how do you think they would treat him? Just use your imagination and all the endings are acceptable.3. Do with Parts A1 and A2 on page 80 in Workbook to get more familiar with the text and the words and expressions in it. Answers to Part A1:1. up 2. to 3. up 4. up 5. for 6. out 7. into/for 8. up 9. of 10. on 11. around/about 12. out/upAnswers to Part A2:1. witness 2. creature 3. gone missing 4. frightened 5. research 6. due to 7. show up 8. possibility 4. Please turn your attention to the questions in Part F. You are expected do some speaking practice according to the sample. 5. Read Part A first and then do Part B in Writing on page 87 in Workbook. Answer to Part B:Dear Jim,I had a strange experience last night. It was unusually dark. I noticed a light in my back garden and walked to the door to take a look. A UFO had landed in my garden and opened its door! I couldnt believe my eyes. An alien was walking down the stairs of the UFO. He walked up to me and said, Now, Im taking you to a new place. With that, he led me into the UFO and we flew to the Moon and then to Mars. Just as I began to enjoy the ride, the alien brought out a torch. All of a sudden, a strong beam shone in my eyes. I had to keep my eyes shut to avoid the light. Guess what? It was sunlight shining on my bed. What a dream!Yours truly,Robert111


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