Unit 1《Living with technology》-word power教案1(牛津译林版选修7)

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Unit 1《Living with technology》-word power教案1(牛津译林版选修7)_第1页
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Unit 1《Living with technology》-word power教案1(牛津译林版选修7)_第3页
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111Word PowerTeaching Aims:l To learn more words related to electrical and electronic goods especially household appliances l To talk about how these devices are usedl To discuss how useful electrical appliances and electronic devices are in various ways in their everyday lives.l To enlarge their vocabulary l To complete the exercises designed to reinforce the words to be learnt in the word powderTeaching Difficulties & Key points: How to let them relate their own experience to what they will learn How to make them aware of the tow sides of electronic goodsTeaching steps:Step one Revision1.白纸黑字2.比优越3.可以接近、进入4.使 同 结合5.跳起来;突然出现6.请求、申请7.便携式电脑8.对作出贡献Step Two: Brainstorming T: (Greet the whole class as usual) You have learnt about the history of electrical and electronic devices, especially about TV and audio devices. Now please complete the following:1) Make a list more household appliances as many as possible2) Give a brief description of the devices on the list(Encourage them to exchange their ideas with each other and them report their answers to the class. T can list some information on the screen. This can help them concentrate on the topic of the Word Power.) Step Three: Vocabulary LearningT: Well done! Today we will learn more words about electrical and electronic goods. Please open your book at page 6 and look at part A. A section manager from a big department store is showing the electrical and electronic goods to a new salesperson. Read the passage and then arrange the goods in blue in the following table.AudioCD player, MD player, MP3 playerVideovideo cameras, digital camerasEducationaleducational software, electronic dictionaries, electronic translatorsOtherscomputers, Mobile phones(Make sure they understand what those phrases in blue actually mean and pronounce them correctly. This activity can make them familiar with the names of the goods in the department store.)T: Very good! Please go on with the part B on page 6. Read the following sentences with the pictures and get familiar with the names of the foods in the household appliances section.Ss: (Make sure they know what these devices are used for. T can suggest more household appliances they know and encourage them to give a brief description of them.)T: Well done! Now we have learnt many words about electronic and household devices. Next please use the words we have learnt in Part A and B to complete the Part C on page 7.Ss: Suggested answers:1. electronic goods. 2. household appliances 3. audio devices 4. CD players 5. MD players 6. MP3 7. video cameras 8. educational software 9. translators 10. freezer section 11. vacuum cleaner 12. microwave oven(This serves as a strengthening exercise to check the students understanding and application of the new words. Ask them complete it individually first, and them check the answers as a class.)guess the meanings of the words by studying the different parts of the word. If they cant, let them refer to the dictionary and check for mispronunciation.)T: Ok, now please read the advertisement and fill in the blanks with the adjectives by adding the correct suffixes to the words in brackets. Suggested Answers:1.lovely 2.attractive, 3.boring, 4.creative, 5.fantastic,6.exciting 7.finally 8.competitive 9.famous 10.lucky(Remind the students to refer to the table above for help or look them up in the dictionary. Finally check the answers as a whole.)A game: 1.When you are very hot in a room ,I can make the room cool for you.2.When I work , I make the room clean by “eating”dirt.3.In hot summer, I can keep food fresh and not going bad.4.When your clothes are dirty ,I will work and make It clean.5.I can blow wind by the three “hands” in my “head”,but I cant change the temperature in the room.Step Four: Discussion T: Ok. Lets go on with the part D. This time please think about how useful electrical appliances and electronic devices are in various ways in your lives. Do you think which appliances are the most useful? Why? Look at the table and fill it with as many as you can think of, placing the items in order of importance.Most useful devicesReasonFor studyForentertainment For the Household(Divide the students into small groups and ask them to consider how useful electrical appliances and electronic devices are in various ways in their lives. Make sure every student participates in the activity. Encourage more students to state the reasons for their choices)T: So, you can see electrical and electronic goods help people save a lot time and make our lives more convenient. In fact, however, we cannot ignore that every year electrical and electronic waste I increasing considerably, much of which will do great harm to our environment if not properly dealt with. The governments in many countries, including China, have realized the problem and they have been trying to find the solution. Thats all for today. Ss: (If they are interested in the negative effects of the electrical and electronic goods on their lives, encourage them to get more information by surfing the Internet or going to the school library.)Consolidation1.空调可以使室内温度降低,而电扇不能。2现在很少人使用电炒锅,越来越多的家庭喜欢用电磁炉和微波炉。3.大多数家庭用电饭锅做饭,用冰箱保存食物。4.吸尘器能够轻松地清除键盘上的灰尘。Step Four: Homework To go over the new words youve learnt in this lesson To preview the next part Grammar and Usage111


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