Module 6《Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World》学案1(外研版必修4)

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111Module 6Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World基础自主回顾.课标单词1_袭击;攻击(vt.)2_锋利的;尖的(adj.)3_神秘的(adj.)4_声称(vt.)5_潜水(vi.)6_怀疑的;不相信的(adj.)7_占地(多大面积)(vt.)8_适应;适合(vi.)attacksharpmysteriousclaimdivescepticalcoveradapt9_不见;消失(vi.)10_绝种的;消亡了的(adj.)11_凶猛的;残暴的(adj.)12_有雅量的;大方的;心地高尚的(adj.)13_名誉;名声(n.)14_吓人的(adj.)_使害怕(v.)_害怕(n.)_害怕的(adj.)disappearextinctfiercegenerousreputationfrighteningfrightenfrightfrightened15_存在(vi.)_存在(n.)16_进化;演变(vi.)_(n.)17_毁坏(n.)_(vt.)18_变化莫测的(adj.)_可预言的(adj.)_(vt.)_预言,预报(n.)exist existenceevolveevolutiondestructiondestroyunpredictablepredictablepredictprediction19_正面的(adj.)_反面的(adj.)20_象征;暗示(vt.)_(n.)21_身份;特性(n.)_辨别,确认(vt.)22_运气;命运;财富(n.)_幸运的(adj.)_(adv.)_不幸地(adv.)positivenegativeindicateindicationidentityidentifyfortunefortunatefortunatelyunfortunately.常用短语1_靠近2_突出;伸出3_怀疑4_帮助弄清楚;阐明某事5_谈正题;开门见山get close tostick outbe sceptical aboutthrow light oncome straight to the point6_再次成为新闻7_灭绝8_适应9_由于;因造成10_选择;喜欢be back in the newsdie outadapt todue togo for.重点句型1He claims _ a round black creature _ quickly through the water.他声称看见一个黑黑的、圆圆的动物在水中快速游动。答案:to have seen; moving2They say that the lowtemperature lake is _ such large living creatures.他们说,水温这样低的湖泊不可能生存有体形如此巨大的动物。答案:unlikely to be able to support3Some experts believe it is _ the animals the myths grew out of.一些专家认为这些神话故事是由于动物而产生的。答案:due to.模块语法1I didnt see her in the meetingroom this morning. She _ at the meeting.A. mustnt have spokenB. shouldnt have spokenC. neednt have spokenD. couldnt have spoken答案与解析:D本题考查could表示推测的用法。根据句意“我今天上午在会议室没见到她”,所以“她根本不可能在会上发言”。表示“过去根本不可能”用cant/ couldnt have done形式。2When he was there, he _ go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day.A. wouldB. shouldC. had better D. might答案与解析:A本题考查情态动词would的用法。would可以表示过去的习惯或意愿。句意为:“那时当他在那儿的时候,他每天下班后都会去拐角处的那个咖啡店。”3You _ to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do.A. neednt to come B. dont need comeC. dont need coming D. neednt come答案与解析:D本题考查情态动词need的用法。neednt do意为“没必要做”。句意为:“如果你有很重要的事情要做,今天下午你就没必要来参加会议了。”4Sorry Im late. I _ have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again.A. might B. shouldC. can D. will 答案与解析:A本题考查might have done表推测的用法。句意:对不起,我迟到了。我(当时)兴许是关了闹钟又睡着了。might相当于may,但语气更加不肯定。考点探究解密考 点 解 读1attack v&n.攻击;抨击;侵袭,(疾病)发作The soldiers attacked the enemy at night.精讲拓展:make an attack on.攻击;向进攻air attack空袭under attack受到攻击a heart attack心脏病突发resist the attack of抵抗的进攻误区警示:在under attack短语中,attack前用零冠词。朗文在线:Once again we came under attack from enemy fighter planes.我们又一次遭到敌人战斗机的袭击。She started attacking the burglar with a piece of wood.她开始用一块木头猛打进屋行窃的小偷。A cruel disease attacked the central nervous system.一种凶残的疾病破坏了中枢神经系统。活学巧练:(1)There is an article_(抨击)the England football manager in the newspaper.(2)The vines had been_(侵害)by mildew.(3)Many American planes_(进行袭击)during the Iraq War.attackingattackedcame into attack2exist vi.存在,生存,生活,继续存在精讲拓展:exist as作为而存在,以形态存在exist in存在于中exist on靠生活,生存existence n存在,存在物,实在物existent adj.存在的,生存的,现存的n.存在的事物,生存者误区警示:exist不用于进行时态,也没有被动语态。朗文在线:Do fairies really exist?真的有神仙吗?The custom of arranged marriages still exists in many countries.许多国家仍然存在着包办婚姻的习俗。The hostages existed on bread and water for over 5 months.人质靠面包和水生存了五个多月。命题方向:exist in与exist on是重要考点。活学巧练:(1)I can hardly exist_on the wage Im getting.(替换)_(2)We led a happy enough_(生活)as children.(3)When did the world come_into_existence?(替换)_(4)There is nothing_(存在的)that is onexistencecome into beingin existence/existing(5)Jack doesnt believe in the _ of God.A. lifeB. existC. existence D. exhibition答案与解析:C句意:杰克不相信上帝的存在。existence存在,符合句意。3claim vt.(根据权利)要求;认领;声称n.(根据权利而提出的)要求;索赔;(对某事物的)权利;主张She claimed ownership of the land.精讲拓展:claim for sth.索赔claim sth. back索回事物claim that从句claim to do sth.声称claim sth.要求/认领某物lay claim to声称对有权利误区警示:claim 不可接动名词作宾语。朗文在线:They put in a claim on the insurance for the stolen luggage.他们在行李被偷后向保险公司提出索赔要求。She claims to be a descendant of Charles Dickens.她宣称自己是查尔斯狄更斯的后裔。命题方向:claim to do及that从句是重要考点。活学巧练:(1)They_(要求)the reward.(2)The lawyer_(声称)(that)the defendant was not guilty.(3)The governments_(断言)that the factory waste had killed the fish was correct.(4)They_(要求)higher pay.claimedclaimedclaimmake a claim for(5)You may be my sister, but that doesnt mean you have any _ on me.A. claims B. intervals C. justice D. extension答案与解析:Ahave a claim on“对有要求权”。interval“间隔,距离”;justice“正义”;extension“扩大;分机号码”。4adapt v(使)适应;改编精讲拓展:adapt A for B 为改编/改写adapt A from B 根据而改编adapt oneself to sth. 使自己适应或习惯于某事adapt sth. to 使某事物适应或适合adapt to sth. 适应于某事be well adapted to特别适应于朗文在线:When he moved to Canada, the children adapted to the change very well.他移民加拿大后孩子们很能适应变化。Here is a letter adapted from one of the students.这里摘登一封学生的回信。知识链接:“适应”的表达方式还有:apply to, accommodate to,relate to,adjust to。特别提示:adopt 的意思是“采取,采用;收养;领会”。adjust指的是“调节,调整,校正”。活学巧练:(1)These books_for middle school students.这些书是为适应中学生而改写的。(2)He could not_his way of living to the company.他的生活方式不能适应公司的要求。are adaptedadapt(3)(2006南通调研) Distance learning is being _ in several countries to help children in remote rural schools obtain higher education.A. attended B. adoptedC. adapted D. admitted答案与解析:B此处指“远程教育正被采用”。adopt“采用、采纳”;attend“出席”;adapt“适应”;admit“承认”。 5indicate vt. (1)指出,指示;(2)表明,示意;(3)是的征兆,是的迹象精讲拓展:indicate sth. 象征,表明,标志indicate sth. to sb. 向某人指出;向某人表示indicate that.示意;预示indicate wh从句表明;指出indication n表明,显示,象征indicative adj. (of sth.)陈述的;指示的indicator n指示信号;标志;迹像;指示器;指针朗文在线:The symbols indicate different groups of sounds.这些符号表示不同的音群。Reports indicated that over thirteen people died in the storm.报告表明超过13人在暴风雨中丧生。Yesterdays win indicated the US. teams talent.昨天的胜利表明了美国队的实力。活学巧练:(2009辽宁省光明中学模拟)The shortage of teachers in less developed areas seems to _ that teaching there offers _ chance of advancement or pay increases.A. show; few B. indicate; littleC. suggest; a few D. express; a little答案与解析:B根据语境,由the shortage of teachers判断第二空为否定的推断,故用little chance of.,由此推断第一空用indicate表示“预示着,表明”。6due to因为;由引起;由于;应做的;应得的;(车、船等)预定到的;到期的;期满的;应给予的精讲拓展:due for sth.应有,应得到某物due to do sth.预定;约定;预期做某事in due course在适当时期;最终表“由于,因为”的还有以下这些短语:because of, owing to,as a result of, thanks to, on account of误区警示:due to意为“由于;起因于;归功于”。在句中常常做表语或后置定语,但不可放于句首。朗文在线:The companys problems are due to a mixture of bad luck and poor management.该公司的问题出在运气不佳以及管理不善两个方面。The meeting isnt due to start until three.会议预定要到3点钟才开始。Treat him with the respect that is due to a world champion.要以一个世界冠军应享有的尊重去对待他。Im due for a pay rise soon.不久就该给我加工资了。命题方向:due to常与owing to, because of等放在一起进行辨析考查。活学巧练:This year the white ducks are no longer lovely in locals eyes, _ their fear of bird flu.Aexcept for Bdue toCin case of Dinstead of答案与解析:B后半句解释前半句的原因,due to“因为,由于”,引导原因状语。except for“除了”;in case of“以防万一”;instead of“代替”,均不符合语境。7die out逐渐消灭;灭绝精讲拓展:die away消逝,平息,静下来die down平息;熄灭,渐渐平息die for 迫切需要;为而死die off 相继死去,先后死去by dying to do sth.极想做die of/from 因而死朗文在线:The old traditions are dying out.旧传统正在消失。The birds habitat is being destroyed and it has nearly died out.那种鸟的栖息地正受到破坏,几乎绝种。活学巧练:As a UN report warns, animals _ at a speed 100 times faster now than any time in the past since the dinosaurs were wiped out.Aare dying out Bhave died outCwere dying out Dhad died out答案与解析:A此题是对时态的考查。主句用的是现在时,从句用现在进行时表示即将发生的事。8throw light on 帮助弄清楚,阐明某事物精讲拓展:come to light 为人所知,暴露see the light 终于领悟;最后接受bring sth. to light 揭露,公布于世cast light onthrow light on 阐明某事物in the light of 考虑到,鉴于make light of 轻视light up点燃;放光彩朗文在线:He promised to throw more light on his new plan.他答应对他的新计划解说得更清楚些。Can you throw any light on the problem?你能把这个问题阐述清楚吗?活学巧练:He decided to make further improvements on the computers design _ the light of the requirements of customers.Aon BforCin Dwith答案与解析:Cin the light of为固定短语“鉴于”。9come straight to the point谈正题,开门见山He never beats about the drum; he likes coming straight to the point.他从不绕弯子,他喜欢开门见山。精讲拓展:to the point 切题,中肯get to the point切题beside/off the point 离题on the point of doing sth. 正要做up to a point 在某种程度上make a point of doing sth. 保证做more to the point 更为重要的是There is no point in doing sth. 做没有用when it comes/came to the point 到了关键时刻point sth. at 瞄准11point at/to 指向12point out 指出朗文在线:I wish you would come straight to the point.我希望你能切入正题。The letter was short and to the point.这封信简短而切中主题。Your criticism is off the point.你的批评离题。活学巧练:(1)(2009吉林测试)We were just _calling you up _ you came in.A. about; whenB. on the point of; whileC. on the point of; whenD. on the point of; as答案与解析:Con the point of doing.when.“正当做这时”,为一固定句式。(2)Oh, my God ! It s a sea of cars. How can you _ your car?Thats easy. Mine is colored differently from any other one.A. find out B. point outC. take out D. get out答案与解析:Bfind out“查出真相或结果”;point out“指出”;take out和get out都有“拿出”的意思。10He claims to have seen a round black creature moving quickly through the water.他声称看见一个黑黑的,圆圆的动物在水中快速游动。不定式的时态有三种:不定式的一般式:to动词原形。表示与主动词同一时间发生或动作发生在主动词之后。不定式的进行式:to be doing。表示与主动词同一时间发生,并且动作正在进行。不定式的完成式:to havep.p.。表示发生在主动词之前。朗文在线:I expect to see my old classmates.我希望见到我的老同学。He pretended to be sleeping when his father came in.当爸爸进来时他假装正在睡觉。The teacher seemed to have known about it.老师好像已经知道这件事了。活学巧练:(1)What do you enjoy most _ (kill) time in the summer holidays?(2)It is silly of me _ (put) all eggs in one basket. That was the worst mistake Ive ever made.(3)He seemed _ (write) when I came killto have putto be writing11情态动词的用法1表示对现在情况的推断(1)may/mightv.也许He may be a doctor.She may/might lose her way if she doesnt take a map.They might/may know Japanese.(2)may/might notv.也许不He may/might not know where we live.(3)cantv.不可能(can表可能性,只用在疑问和否定句中)He cant be a teacher.She cant know Japanese.(4)mustv.一定He must be a doctor.She must know Japanese.注意:表示“不可能”不可用must not,因为must not只表示“不许,禁止”之意。在需要时,“不可能”用cant。 2表示对过去情况的推断(1)musthave过去分词,表示对过去的某事做出的肯定判断。I posted a book to her three weeks ago. She must have received it.三周前我邮给她一本书,她一定已经收到了。(2)cant/couldnt have过去分词,表示对过去已发生的事情进行否定推测。She cant have been to your house. She doesnt know your address.她不可能去过你家,她不知道你的地址。(3)can/could have过去分词,表示对过去已发生的事情进行推断,常用于疑问句或否定句中。She cant/couldnt have gone to school.Its Sunday.她不可能去学校今天是周日。注意:could have过去分词,也可表示过去某事本可能发生,但是却没有发生。The snowstorm was terrible that day. You could have lost your way.那天暴风雪是可怕的,你有可能迷路了。(事实上没有迷路)(4)may/might have过去分词,表示对过去已发生的事进行推测判断,一般只用于肯定或否定句中(疑问句中用can或could), may/might的意思是“可能”“或许”may/might not的意思是“可能不(没有)”。Nobody stopped him; he might have been a passengers child.没人制止他,他或许是一个旅客的孩子。Its no use going to his house. He may not have gone home; he may have gone somewhere else.去他家没用,他可能没回家,可能去别的地方了。注意:might have过去分词可用来表示过去可能发生而没有发生的事情。You were so careless that day. You might have made a bad mistake.那天你太粗心了,你有可能犯错误的。(事实上并没犯错)(5)should/ought to have过去分词,表示过去本应该发生而实际上并未发生的事,含有自责或责备的语气。You should/ought to have asked for my permission.你本应征求我的同意。(事实上并没请求准许)You shouldnt/oughtnt to have kept the books in the damp place.你本不应该把书放在潮湿的地方。(实际上已存放在潮湿的地方了)(6)neednt have过去分词,表示本来不必做某事而实际已经做了某事,常见其否定式,强调“不必要”。You neednt have woken me up. I dont have to go to work today.你本不必叫醒我,今天我不上班。 活学巧练:(1)Is Jack on duty today?It_be him. Its his turn tomorrow.Amustnt BwontCcant Dneednt答案:C(2)There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well.It_a comfortable journey.Acant be Bshouldnt beCmustnt have been Dcouldnt have been答案:D (3)Could I have a word with you, mum?Oh, dear, if you_.Acan BmustCmay Dshould答案:B(4)There is a lot of smoke coming out of the teachingbuilding there.Really? It_be a fire, most probably.Acan Bought toChave to Dmust答案:B(5)Do you still remember when we went to Chongqing?I cant remember now, but_sometime last summer?Acould it be Bmight it beCcould it have been Dshould it have been答案:C (6)(2009山东东营一中测试)Jack_yet, otherwise he would have telephoned me.Amustnt have arrivedBshouldnt have arrivedCcant have arrivedDneed not have arrived答案:C考 题 演 练1.We are invited to a party _ in our club next Friday.A. to be held B. heldC. being held D. holding答案与解析:A本题考查不定式短语作后置定语。解答这类题时,一定要弄清非谓语动词和被修饰词之间的逻辑关系。party和hold之间是被动关系,由句中的时间状语next Friday可知应用表示将来的不定式短语to be held作后置定语。2What do you mean, there are only ten tickets? There _ be twelve.A. should B. wouldC. will D. shall答案与解析:A本题考查情态动词,这是高考的一个重点也是难点。希望同学们在复习时牢记并熟练运用,分清它们之间的区别。句意:你什么意思?只有10张票吗?应该是12张。should表示可能性推测,意为“应该”,符合题意。would表过去将来;will表意愿;shall表示一种语气,均不合题意。3As a new diplomat, he often thinks of _ he can react more appropriately on such occasions.A. what B. whichC. that D. how答案与解析:D考查状语从句的用法。句意:作为一个外交官,他总是考虑如何能够更适当地在这些场合下做出反应。4One of the few things you _ say about English people with certainty is that they talk a lot about the weather.A. need B. mustC. should D. can答案与解析:D本题考查情态动词的用法。句意:你能够确切地说出的有关说英语的人们的为数不多的其中一件事情就是他们对天气讨论很多。can表示“可以”。5Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health. It may also be good for _ building.A. respect B. friendshipC. reputation D. character答案与解析:D本题考查名词词义辨析。要正确解答本类题目,就要找出与该名词相搭配的一些短语。respect尊重;方面;friendship友谊;reputation名声;character性格,品格。句意:独自远足可能是一件有趣的事,也是对健康有好处的事。它还有利于一个人品格的培养。build培养,发展(思想、品格等)。6She _ have left school, for her bike is still here.A. cant B. wouldntC. shouldnt D. neednt答案与解析:A“情态动词have done”结构为高考考查的重点,要牢记“各个情态动词have done”表示的意义及其用法。句意:她不可能离开了学校,因为她的自行车仍然在这儿。cant表示不可能;wouldnt have done表虚拟;shouldnt have done本不该做(却已做了);neednt have done本没必要做(但已做了)。7I like Mr. Miners speech; it was clear and _ the point.A. at B. onC. to D. of答案与解析:C考查介词的用法。to the point“中肯,切题”。8Whats the _ of having a public open space where you cant eat, drink or even simply hang out for a while?A. sense B. matterC. case D. opinion答案与解析:A本题结合语境考查名词词义辨析。本题所设的语境是:在不吃、不喝、不动的情况下是什么感觉?sense感觉;matter问题,麻烦;case情况,问题;opinion意见,看法。四个选项中只有A项符合语境。Module 6Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World.根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空likelyexistpredictdisappearmysteryreputationidentityfiercegenerousevolve1He is interested in the_of the computer over the past 20 years.答案:evolution2His father died of a _disease.答案:mysterious3The_of the killer was still unknown.答案:identity4The wind was blowing_outside.答案:fiercely5She has already begun to establish a _as a good writer.答案:reputation6Her sudden_was very worrying.答案:disappearance7Mary might come this evening, but it is very_.答案:unlikely8The weather in this area is very_.答案:unpredictable9Id like to thank Simon, whos been very_with his time.答案:generous10Peter acts as if I dont_at times.答案:exist.单项填空1“ Rain is _ in all parts of the country today”, weather report says.AalikeBprobableClikely Dpossible答案与解析:B由题中的weather report says可知下雨的可能性很大,而在选项中probable表示可能性最大。2If you dont follow the teachers advice, you are _ to waste more time on the problem.Alikely BprobableCpossible Dprobably答案与解析:A句中要填的单词作表语,因此,用形容词,这样可以排除B、D项。likely是形容词,可用动作的发出者作主语;possible和probable尽管是形容词,但它们不能用动作的发出者作主语,句中常用it作主语。3The _ girl sat in the corner, _.Afrightening; crying Bfrightening; to cryCfrightened; crying Dfrightened; to cry答案与解析:Cfrightened“感到害怕的”,在此作定语,而crying在句子中作伴随或方式状语。4He _ have completed his work; otherwise, he wouldnt be enjoying himself by the seaside. Ashould Bmust Cwouldnt Dcant答案与解析:B“must have动词ed形式”表示对过去发生的事的肯定判断,意思是“(过去)一定做过某事”。5Do you know where David is? I couldnt find him anywhere.Well. He _ have gone farhis coats still here.Ashouldnt BmustntCcant Dwouldnt答案与解析:C根据“他的衣服还在这里”推测,后一句意思是“他肯定没有走远”。must也可以表示推测,但是mustnt的意思则是“禁止,不准”,推测否定的事情用cant。6I have lost one of my gloves. I _ it somewhere. Amust drop Bmust have dropped Cmust be droppingDmust have been dropped答案与解析:B“must have动词ed形式”表示对过去发生的事的肯定判断,意思是“(过去)一定做过某事”。7I _ him very well, but I havent seen him this week. Ahave known Bhad known Cknow Dknew答案与解析:C此题考查动词时态。从后面的句子可知,第一句强调当前的状态,要用一般现在时。这句话的意思是:“我很了解他,但我这周一直没见到他。”8Did you listen to the speech?No,we_it. But we had a lot of traffic on our way. Acould have attended Bmust have attended Ccould attend Dshouldnt have attended答案与解析:A该题考查的是虚拟语气,表示“本能”是与过去事实相反,要用couldhave done形式。9The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket _ the desert.Acovering BcoveredCcover Dto cover答案与解析:Ablanket和cover是主动关系,故用现在分词。10Some aspects of a pilots job _ be boring, and pilotsoften _ work at inconvenient hours. Acan; have to Bmay; can Chave to; may Dought to; must答案与解析:A此处can表示一时的可能性,have to表示“不得不”。11The weather turned out to be fine yesterday. I _ the trouble to carry my umbrella with me.Ashould have taken Bcould have takenCneednt have taken Dmustnt have taken答案与解析:Cneednt have done sth.表示做了原本不必做的事。12May I smoke here?If you _, choose a seat in the smoking section.Ashould BcouldCmay Dmust答案与解析:D理解句意可判断答案是D项:must “一定;非得;偏要”。13Someone who lacks staying power and perseverance is unlikely to _ a good researcher.Amake Bturn Cget Dgrow答案与解析:A理解句意并注意四个选项的辨析可判断答案是A项:make“变成,成为”。 14The performer was waving his stick in the street and it _ missed the child standing nearby.Anarrowly BnearlyChardly Dclosely答案与解析:A句意是“表演者在街上不住地挥舞着他的拐杖,拐杖差一点打中站在旁边的孩子”。理解句意可判断答案是A项:narrowly “勉强地,仅仅”。 15Youll find this dictionary _ great use for helping you to study English.Aof BwithCfor Dby答案与解析:A“of抽象名词”表属性,在句子中作宾语补足语。.翻译句子1他们还认为,在世界其他地方的湖泊里也有许多类似的生物。答案:They also think that there might be similar creatur

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