Module 1《Small Talk》Reading教案3(外研版选修6)

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Module 1《Small Talk》Reading教案3(外研版选修6)_第1页
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111Module 1Small TalkPeriod 1: ReadingHow Good Are Your Social Skill?Objectives To read about social skills To learn to read with strategiesFocusWordslack, advance, nod, yawn, sigh, tidy, refund, reply, imagine, apologizeExpressions in advance (of sth), tidy sth away, tidy sth up, do sb no favours, in favour (of sb/sth), in sbs favour, in/ under the circumstances, in/ under no circumstancesPatterns 1. It helps if you do a little advance planning. 2. Have some low-risk conversation openers ready. 3. Dokeep good eye contact. 4. Dont look at your watch. 4. Talk to a man about himself, and he will speak to you for hours!”Aids Multimedia facilities, tape-recorder, photos, diagramsProcedures Warming up by having a “small talk” Hello, class! Look at this photo. Who do you think it is? Yes, it is Li Yu Chun. When I passed by the square of the Raffles city, one of the most crowded area in Shanghai, I was surrounded by a group of girls. They are fans of Li Yu Chun, the leading singer of the Super Girl contest. They tried to persuade me to vote for Li Yu Chun with my mobile. It will cost me 1 RMB but will help Yu Chun to have more possibility to win the contest.They hold 5 big pictures of their super star in hand, and hold them high, so everyone can see. The group of girls are made up of about 10 persons. I didnt take my camera with me, otherwise I would record it - very impressive.About 50 meters away are the fans of Zhou Bi Chang, the second runner after Li. Their fans are doing the same. The hot compon has urged many fans go to the street and ask people passing by to send SMS for their supported girl.Last week, Li Yu Chun got 1.8 million SMS support from every corner of the country. I get this week, this number may double since it is the final and 2 more left the game and there is only 3 persons in the show. Last week, Li Yu Chun helped China Mobile, SP and Hunan TV to win almost 2 million RMB from SMS only. That is amazing.Its just like a president election. Super Girl is a vivid marketing, planning case study for business persons around the country.By the way, what I talk to you just now is an example of “small talk”. Lets turn to page 1 to learn more about it. What is small talk? Light conversation: polite conversation about matters of little importance, especially between people who do not know each other well Small talk is pleasant conversation about common interests. Polite conversation about trivial or uncontroversial matters. Casual or trivial conversation. Light informal conversation for social occasionsDiscussing how to make small talk Small talk can be a big challenge, but a little preparation and confidence is all you need. Steps: 1. Practice. Converse with everyone you come across: cashiers, waiters, people youre in line with, neighbors, co-workers and kids. Chat with folks unlike yourself, from seniors to teens to tourists. 2. Read everything: cookbooks, newspapers, magazines, reviews, product inserts, maps, signs and catalogs. Everything is a source of information that can be discussed. 3. Force yourself to get into small talk situations, like doctors waiting rooms, cocktail parties and office meetings. Accept invitations, or host your own gathering. 4. Immerse yourself in culture, both high and low. Television, music, sports, fashion, art and poetry are great sources of chat. If you cant stand Shakespeare, that too is a good topic for talk. 5. Keep a journal. Write down funny stories you hear, beautiful things you see, quotes, observations, shopping lists and calls you made. That story of the long-distance operator misunderstanding you could become an opening line. 6. Talk to yourself in the mirror. Make a random list of topics and see what you have to say on the subjects. Baseball, Russia, butter, hip-hop, shoes . the more varied your list, the better. 7. Expand your horizons. Go home a new way. Try sushi. Play pinball. Go online. Paint a watercolor. Bake a pie. Try something new every day. 8. Be a better listener. Did your boss just say she suffers from migraines? Did your doctor just have twins? These are opportunities for making small talk. 9. Work on confidence, overcoming shyness and any feelings of stage fright. Remember, the more you know, the more you know you can talk about. Tips: Be yourself. Keep in mind that confidence and humor are superb substitutes for comedic genius or wit. Remember, you never have to do it alone. Keep a few exit lines in mind too. For example, Thanks for the wonderful chat, but I must make believe Im interested in everybody else. Tee hee. Do some research Spend time on the Internet, reading magazines, or watching TV specials about the type of people you are going to meet.Stay away from religion/strong political beliefs While you may believe in something very strongly, beginning conversations and making small talk about your own personal convictions may abruptly end the conversation.Use the Internet to gain specific vocabulary This is related to doing research about other people.Ask yourself about your culture Take time to make a list of common interests that are discussed when making small talk in your own culture.Find common interests Once you have a subject that interests both of you, keep to it! Listen Listening carefully will help you understand and encourage those speaking to you. Before you readWe have come to page 2 to read the text How Good Are Your Social Skill? But first please go over the word list for this module, paying attention to the pronunciation of the word, the relationship between its pronunciation and its spelling.While you readNow the text. While reading try to cut/ the sentences into thought groups, blacken the predicates, underline the useful expressions and darken the connectives.How Good Are Your Social Skill?Have you ever crossed the road/ to avoid talking to someone/ you recognize? Would you love to go to a party /and talk confidently to every guest? Do you want to make more friends/ but lack the confidence/ to talk to people/ you dont know? And are you nervous/ about the idea of being at a social event/ in another country? Dont worry - we can help you!You neednt worry about situations/ like these/ if you have good social skills. And they are easy to learn. People /with good social skills/ communicate well/ and know/ how to have a conversation. It helps if you do a little advance planning.Here are a few ideas to help you.Learn how to do small talkSmall talk is very important/ and prepares you/ for more serious conversations. Be prepared! Have some low-risk conversation openers ready. For example:think of a recent news story not too serious, e.g. a story about a film star/ or sports starthink of things/ to tell people about your studiesthink of “safe” things/ you can ask peoples opinions about music, sport, films, etcthink of topic/ that you would avoid if you were talking to stranger and avoid talking about them! That way, you dont damage your confidence!Develop your listening skillsListening is a skill/ which most people lack, but communication is a two-way process it involves speaking AND listening. Always remember you wont impress people if you talk too much. Here are some ideas/ to make you a better listener:Doshow that you are listening/ by using encouraging noises and gestures smiling, nodding, saying “uh-huh and “OK”, etc.keep good eye contactuse positive body language ask for more information/ to show your interestDont look at your watchyawnsighlook away/ from the person/ whos talking to you change the subjectfinish other peoples sentences/ for themAlways remember the words of Benjamin Disraeli, British Prime Minister/ in the nineteenth century: “Talk to a man/ about himself, and he will speak to you/ for hours!”Learn the rulesIf you go to a social occasion/ in another country, remember that social rules can be different. In some countries, for example, you have to arrive/ on time/ at a party; in other countries, you dont need to. In addition, you need to know how long you should stay,and when you have to leave. Some hosts expect flowers/ or a small gift, but/ in other places, you can take things, but you neednt if you dont want to. Remember also that/ in some countries, you mustnt take flowers/ of a certain colour, because theyre unlucky, In most places, you dont have to take a gift/ to a party but/ find out first!After you readTry to find time to copy all the useful expressions into your Expression Book and make your own sentences with them.Expressions from How Good Are Your Social Skill?cross the road, avoid talking to, go to a party, talk confidently to, make more friends, lack the confidence, be nervous about, at a social event, in another country, worry about, have good social skills, people with good social skills, communicate well, have a conversation, do a little advance planning, do small talk, preparefor more serious conversations, have some low-risk conversation openers ready, think of, a story about a film star or sports star, tellabout, ask peoples opinions about, damage your confidence, develop your listening skills, a two-way process, impress, talk too much, makea better listener, use encouraging noises and gestures, keep good eye contact, use positive body language, ask for more information, show ones interest, look away from, change the subject, finishfor, talk to about, speak to for hours, learn the rules, go to a social occasion, in another country, social rules, for example, arrive on time, at a party, in addition, expect flowers, in other places, take flowers of a certain colour, in most places, take a gift to a party, find out first Reading the text again to fill in the necessary informationHow Good Are Your Social Skill?Learn how to do small talkDevelop your listening skillsLearn the rulesthink of a recent news story not too serious.think of things to tell people about your studies.think of “safe” things you can ask peoples opinions about. think of topic that you would avoid if you were talking to stranger and avoid talking about them! Doshow that you are listening by using encouraging noises and gestures.keep good eye contact.use positive body language. ask for more information to show your interest.Dont look at your watch.yawn.sigh.look away from the person whos talking to you. change the subject.finish other peoples sentences for them.If you go to a social occasion in another country, remember that social rules can be different. Closing down by practicing small talksSmall Talk: Conversation StartersTalking about the weather Beautiful day, isnt it? Can you believe all of this rain weve been having? It looks like its going to snow. It sure would be nice to be in Hawaii right about now. I hear theyre calling for thunderstorms all weekend. We couldnt ask for a nicer day, could we? How about this weather? Did you order this sunshine? Talking about current events Did you catch the news today? Did you hear about that fire on Fourth St? What do you think about this transit strike? I read in the paper today that the Sears Mall is closing. I heard on the radio today that they are finally going to start building the new bridge. How about those Reds? Do you think theyre going to win tonight? At the office Looking forward to the weekend? Have you worked here long? I cant believe how busy/quiet we are today, can you? Has it been a long week? You look like you could use a cup of coffee. What do you think of the new computers? At a social event So, how do you know Justin? Have you tried the cabbage rolls that Sandy made? Are you enjoying yourself? It looks like you could use another drink. Pretty nice place, huh? I love your dress. Can I ask where you got it? Out for a walk How olds your baby? Whats your puppys name? The tulips are sure beautiful at this time of year, arent they. How do you like the new park? Nice day to be outside, isnt it? Waiting somewhere I didnt think it would be so busy today. You look like youve got your hands full (with children or goods). The bus must be running late today. It looks like we are going to be here a while, huh? Ill have to remember not to come here on Mondays. How long have you been waiting? Additional MaterialsComplete the article with one word in each blank.6 Key Social SkillsSocial skills are the most important set of abilities a person can have. Human beings are social _1_ and a lack of good social _2_ can lead to a lonely life, leading to anxiety and depression. Happily, like any skill, social strategies and techniques _3_ be learnedThe main social skills are _4_ follows:1) The ability to remain relaxed, or at a tolerable level of anxiety _5_ in social situations2) Listening skills, including letting others _6_ you are listening 3) Empathy with _7_ interest in others situations4) The ability to build rapport, _8_ natural or learned5) Knowing how, when _9_ how much to talk about yourself - self disclosure6) Appropriate eye _10_(key: 1. animals 2. skills 3. can 4. as 5. while 6. know 7. and 8.whether 9. and 10. contact )Study the notes to the difficult sentences:How Good Are Your Social Skill?1. It helps if you do a little advance planning. 提前策划,会有帮助的。句中do是及物动词,由它构成的短语动词还有: do ones assigned task 做指定的工作,do a series of business deals 做一连串的生意, did my duty at all times 随时随地履行义务,do a play on Broadway 在好莱坞制作一出戏,did Elizabeth I in the film 在影片中饰演伊丽莎白一世, doing the Southern voice装出南方人的腔,do any good,没有用,do equal justice to the opposing sides 给予反对人士公平的待遇,do honor to ones family 光耀门楣,do the best you can尽最大的努力, do the bedrooms, did the dishes 洗碗, did her face 在脸部上妆, do a homework assignment 做家庭作业, do a mile in four minutes 以四分钟的时间走完一哩, do 15 countries of Western Europe in only a few days, 只花了几天的时间就参观了西欧十五个国家, do a relative out of an inheritance 骗取亲戚的遗产, do drugs,吸毒, 2. Have some low-risk conversation openers ready. 准备一些低风险的开场白。句中have 是复合及物动词,用法有(以说服, 强迫) 促使: had my assistant run the errand 派我的助理出差; 使成为: had everyone fascinated 使众人神魂颠倒3. Dokeep good eye contact. 一定注意眼睛接触要到位。祈使句的基本构成方式:动词原形+其它成分。如:Be quiet,please. 请安静。Dontspeaktootherswithyourmouthfull. 嘴里含着东西的时候不要和别人讲话。有时候祈使句的动词前面可以加上do,just,always等词加强语气。如:Dolistentotheteacher. 听老师的。Justdoit.只管去做。Alwaysremembernottospeakuntilspokento. 别人不跟你说,你千万别开口。4. Dont look at your watch. 不要看你的手表。祈使句的否定形式:在动词原形前加dont.如:Dontlookoutofthewindow. 别看窗外。带主语的祈使句的否定方式:在you前加dont. 如:Dontyouforgetmyname. 别忘了我的名字。Dontyoubelateagainnexttime. 下次别再迟到了。4. Talk to a man about himself, and he will speak to you for hours!” 你和他谈他自己的事情,他就会和你谈几个小时。逗号前面是祈使句表达条件,逗号后面是结果句,如:Work hard and you will succeed.Answer the reading comprehension questions:1. What does SMALL TALK not mean?A. Light informal conversation for social occasions. B. Small talk is pleasant conversation about common interests.C. Polite conversation about trivial or uncontroversial matters.D. Short and unimportant conversation.2. According to the text, your social skills can be improved if you_.A. Learn how to do small talkB. Learn the rules of social occasionsC. Develop your listening skillsD. do a little advance planning3. Which of the following is not a tip for small talk?A. If someone hands you a business card, accept it as a gift. B. Watch the others body language. C. Before entering into a conversation thats already in progress, observe and listen. D. Have a few exit lines ready so that you can both gracefully move on.4. While listening to the other talking, remember not to_.A. look at your watchB. change the subjectC. yawnD. smile (keys: DDBD)111


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