Module 1《Small Talk》Everyday English学案1(外研版选修6)

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Module 1《Small Talk》Everyday English学案1(外研版选修6)_第1页
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111选修6模块1 Module 1Small TalkPeriod 3: Reading and Vocabulary,Everyday English知识与能力:提升阅读能力,获取有效信息并掌握重点单词,短语和句型。过程与方法:学科自习上自主学习,小组内合作学习和探究学习。情感态度与价值观:通过阅读培养学习英语的兴趣。重难点:重点单词,短语和主要句式。知识链接:练习册SectionIII( page8page9 )学法指导:分析,识记学习过程:Reading part .1 Read the passage on Pages 8-9 of Students Book 6 and fill in the blanks with proper words.Esther Greenbaum was a saleswoman who had a complete 1 _ of small talk. Every 2 she opened her mouth, she put her 3 in it and made her customers 4 . Once she asked a typist who was getting weight when her baby was due. On another 5 , when another salesman was going 6 a messy divorce, she wanted to 7 him up but said, “Forget her! She was a complete fool. No one liked her 8_”. Esther was never cautious about other peoples feeling. A young man was trying to be modest 9 his new job, but she said, “I guess they chose you to discourage you from spending your whole career with us”. 10 the anniversary of their graduation, she also made her old school friends embarrassed. As a result, wherever she went, she was unpopular.2.再读page8-9的文章再完成课本上page19 的activity2&3Language Points part: 一选词填空(A级)1. That little boy stood up and answered my question_(自信地)2. The rise of sea level is predicted as the _(后果)of global warming.3. Ive always been very _(小心的谨慎的)about giving my address to strangers.4. I must _(道歉)for the delay in replying to your letter.5. Some of his ideas are completely_(把分开)from reality.6. He was always surprisingly _(谦虚的)about his role in the reality.7. The year2009 is the 60th _(周年纪念)of the PRC.二、重点词组:(B级)1.人类_6.使某人振奋起来_2.说错话_7.因此,结果_3.对。小心_8.漏掉_4.嘲笑某人_9.为。加油_5.因.向某人道歉_10某人不在时_11看起来尴尬 12 商业必需品_-13坦率的人 14社交的基本原则_15对.谦虚 16在.的纪念日_ 17使某人打消做某事的念头_18对秘而不宣,对守口如瓶_三知识点的应用(B-C级)1 Absence 缺乏 .不存在 (of)【用法讲解】absence of/in the absence of.e.g. Absence of experience 缺经验 翻译We are in the absence of experience_ 2. 缺席 (from) absence from the meeting absence from school _ Absent adj. 缺席的, 缺乏的 . Mr. Black will be in charge during my _. A. absenceB. absentC. absenteeD. absently2 As a consequence, she made systematic mistakes every time she opened her mouth.【用法讲解】as a consequence因此=As a consequence of doing sth.翻译:As a consequence of smoking, my father coughs frequently._-have far-reaching consequences for .对产生深远的影响adj consequent(on/upon sth) 由引起的,随之发生的 adv consequently=as a result/ therefore所以,因而表示原因的:owing to/because of /on account of/ as a result of/ 翻译句子:1She was found guilty and lost her job in consequence of it.2 Is it of any consequence to you?3 leave out遗漏。漏掉1这次要仔细点!别像上次一样漏掉内容。 Be careful this time! Dont _ _ anything like last time. 2. Youve _ a zero in this phone number so you cant get (through). A. left outB. broken outC. put outD. got out归纳拓展:leave behind _ leave off_leave alone _ On leave_leave+宾语+宾补 让处于的状态 Leave me alone !/ the door open! the homework undone/ the question unansweredLeave you waiting so long/ the baby cryingLeave the lights on 根据例句归纳leave的用法_4 apology n. 道歉, 认错, 谢罪【用法讲解】make an apology to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人道歉He made an apology to the teacher for being late.apologize vi. 道歉翻译:I must apologize for calling you so late._-. The child was told to for being rude to his uncle.A. excuseB. apologizeC. pardonD. forgive-I must apologize for ahead of time .-Thats all right .A. letting you not know B. not letting you knowC. letting you know not D. letting not you know5. cautious adj. 谨慎的、慎重的 【用法讲解】be cautious about 翻译:She is very cautious of hurting his feelings_. Ive always been _ about giving my address to strangers. A. careB. cautionsC. cautionD. cautionary学习反思:111


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