Module 1《My First Day at Senior High》introduction,reading and vocab学案9(外研版必修1)

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Module 1《My First Day at Senior High》introduction,reading and vocab学案9(外研版必修1)_第1页
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Module 1《My First Day at Senior High》introduction,reading and vocab学案9(外研版必修1)_第3页
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111 Period two Reading&Vacabulary一、学习目标:1、熟记reading部分的新单词和短语。 2、学习归纳段落大意和中心思想的方法。3、进一步培养热爱新学校、新班级和新同学的情感。二、基础自学:A:英汉互译:attitude_ method_ behavior_ photograph_拼写_指示,说明_书法,笔迹_理解,领悟_教科书_be similar to_B:翻译句子 :1、The teacher gave them instructions to arrive early tomorrow morning.2、He is enthusiastic about helping others. 3、If you had used more methods, you wouldnt have wasted so much time.4、It amazed me to learn that he had been promoted.C、做课本上第二页练习1和2。三、情景解疑: 小组讨论,用英语归纳每个自然段的段落大意并填入表内。Paragraph1Paragraph2Paragraph3Paragraph4Paragraph5Paragraph6四、合作探究:A:本篇文章的中心思想:B:归纳段落大意和中心思想的方法:五、巩固检测:翻译句子1、他总是重复同样的故事, 使她觉得厌烦。2、他们不停地说她聪明,令她感到不好意思。 3、Behave yourself; dont make a fool of yourself.4、This city appears similar to mine, but Im not familiar with it at all.六、学习总结:答案基础自学:1、 老师命令他们明天早晨要早到。2、 他热心助人。3、 要是你安排得更有条理些,就不会浪费那么多时间了。4、 得知他已晋升使我惊奇。情景解疑:Paragraph1Li kangs self introductionParagraph2His new school is very good Paragraph3The English class is really interestingParagraph4What they did today in English classParagraph5they love their English teacher because of her teaching way and attitudeParagraph6Something about his new class and his new classmates合作探究:中心思想:li kang is very satisfied with his new learning environment on his first day at senior high. 归纳中心思想的方法:综合各段落的大意,中心思想必须覆盖全文且有针对性。归纳段落大意的方法:找段落的主题句(通常在段首或段尾,有时候需要自己概括归纳)。巩固检测:1、He always bores her with the same story. 2、She was embarrassed when they kept telling her how clever she was.3、注意你的举止, 别闹出笑话来。4、那座城市和我的城市很相似,但我对它一点也不熟悉。111


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