酒店 TAO-RM-RES-D010 Answer Telephone

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THE ST. REGIS SHANGHAI上海瑞吉红塔大酒店TRAINING ACTIVITY OUTLINE培训活动纲要Task:Answering the telephone-guest greetings/ SPG recognition任务:接听电话/仕达屋优先顾客计划会员识别标准Code序号:RM-RES-D010/ RM-RES-D011Objectives:At the end of this session, each trainee will be able to know the standard greeting for direct line and internal line and the greeting techniques and familiar on how to use S.T.A.R. during greeting a phone call.目的:在课程结束的时候,每个学员应懂得接听直线和内线电话的标准,技巧和喜来登对客服务满意标准Standard :Reservation sales agents will handle telephone calls by following S.T.A.R standards.1. All telephone calls will be responded within 3 rings, in an audible, suitable, clear and professional manner.2. In-coming telephone calls will be responded with the proper greetings.3. Reservation lines will be attended at all times between 8:00am and 7:00pm. Reservation calls will be answered within 3 rings, using the correct greeting.SPG members are to be identified and given recognition by Reservation sales agents who will handle telephone calls by following S.T.A.R standards.1. Every incoming call from SPG members should be recognized. Ensure every SPG members benefits are arranged prior to arrival according to different levels.标准:预订部销售文员要按照喜来登宾客满意计划标准来接听每一各电话:1. 所有电话应在三声内以音量适宜,速度适当,清晰,专业的方式接听。2. 打进来的电话要以适当的方式来回答。3. 预订部在从早上8:00至晚上7:00都会有人接听电话。 确保与每个打进电话的客人确认是否是仕达屋优先顾客计划会员,以保证在客人到达之前按照客人的会员级别作好相应准备。Resources:Flip Chart, Handout, telephone, Pencil and A4 paper.培训器材:白板,白板纸,培训资料,电话,A4纸。Method 培训方式Training Steps培训步骤Time时间Introduction介绍Lecture教学式Prepared on Flip ChartContents内容Questions提问Lecture & Explanation教学式与讲解Demonstration展示Practice - Role Play练习 角色扮演Critique评估Summary总结Show “ W.I.F.M” (Objectives)显示课程目的Prologue: As a Reservations Sales Agent, we will answer the telephone everyday. 开场白: 作为一名预订部销售文员我们每天都要接听电话So the objectives of this session is: (Refer to Objectives of this TAO)今天这堂课的目的是:(参考标准与程序The course should be divided into three parts:这节课会分为三个部分来讲解:1. Standards greeting for direct line and internal line. 直线和内线电话的问候标准。2. Telephone Manner. 电话礼仪3. SPG Recognition Procedure. 仕达屋优先顾客计划会员识别程序Who know hotels standards greeting?有谁知道酒店的问候的标准?Show steps on prepared flipchart. Explain reason for each step. Ask trainees to comment and question on each step. 将所有程序的主要内容事先写在准备好的白板纸上,逐步作以讲解,在讲解过程中要不时请学员发表建议并提问。Ask participant to be a guest. Show each step. After demonstration. Refer back to flipchart and review / discuss each step.请参与者为客人,给其讲解步骤,作展示之后,回顾白板纸上的内容,并讨论每一个步骤。Each trainee practices first as guest, then as Reservation Sales Agent. 每一个学员先作客人,后作预订部销售文员.Case Example 案例:Direct Line 直线电话Internal Line 内线电话SPG Guest calls 仕达屋优先顾客计划会员打进的电话According the procedure.按照程序。Review Key Points:回顾要点:1. Ask questions and have participant explain the standard and its importance. 提问并请参与者解释标准及其重要性2. Summarize critique points applicable to entire group 总结评估过程中对整组有用的要点3. Reinforce and discuss the point: 加强并讨论以下要点: Repeat the greeting standard for direct line and internal line. 重复直线和内线电话的问候标准 SPG guest recognition Procedure repeat 仕达屋优先顾客计划会员识别标准5 Minutes2 Minutes15 Minutes3 Minutes10 Minutes5 MinutesTotal 40 MinutesPrinted on: 10/19/2019 Page 3 of 3


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