高中英语牛津译林版选修七《Unit 1 Living with technology》单元测试 复习测试

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111M7u1P208 8 _ adj. 不方便的 inconvenient 9 _ 预先付款 pay in advance _ 比进步 in advance of 12. _ 感谢某人的帮助 acknowledge ones help 13 _ 采取措施干某事 take measures to do sth. _ 按照某人的尺寸做 make sth. to ones measure _ 在很大的/某种程度上 in great / large / some measure P209 1. measure You have to measure your determination with that of other people. 你得与其他人较量一下决心。His failure is in great measure due to his lack of confidence. 他的失败在很大程度上是由于缺乏信心。2. apply I applied to four universities and was accepted by all of them. 我申请了四所大学,全部录取了我。New technology is being applied to almost every industrial process. 新技术正被应用于几乎所有的工业流程。3. demand The manager demanded that the workers (should) work extra hours to complete the task ahead of time. 经理要求工人加班,以提起完成任务。My demand is that the information referred to in my report _ to Mr. Brown without delay. A. is e-mailed B. will be e-mailed C. be e-mailed D. e-mailed 答案 C 4. When I was in China, I was much honored to have the chance to participate in _ international cultural and sports activities. A. previous B. various C. valuable D. worthy 答案 B 5 The singer was accompanied at the guitar by his companion. 演唱者有他的同伴担任吉他伴奏。6. The house was not really suitable for a large family. 这房子确实不适合大家庭居住。 Finding a date that suits us all is very difficult. 很难找到对我们大家都合适的日期。 - I dont feel like going out after all. 我还是不太想出去。 - Suit yourself. 随你的便。-Shall we meet at the school gate? -That _ me fine.A. fits B. meets C. satisfies D. suits答案 D 7 equal on equal terms 地位平等, 互不占优 Fitness is important in sport, but of at least _ importance are skills. A. fair B. reasonable C. equal D. proper 答案 C 8. A book that is certain to delight any reader will be punished. 即将出版一本肯定会让读者都喜欢的书。People always hate betting on football. _ to our delight, our legal authority took action at length. A. Ever B. Little C. Even D. Much 答案 D (2)我们很高兴你能去。 _ (2) Were delighted that you will be there. 9. People usually associate Japan with high tech consumer products. 人们一般把日本和高科技消费品联想在一起。In the public mind, acts of school violence are most commonly _ boys. A. involved in B. associating with C. involving in D. associated with 答案 D 10. The house is in a central location with good access to the shops. 这幢房子位于中心地段,离商店比较近。Anybody cant have access to gain access through an upstairs window. 警察通过楼上的一扇窗户进入了房子。P213 1. As the team leader, it is up to you _ the final decision. A. make B. to make C. making D. made 答案 B 2. capable Although teens are more _ of taking care of themselves than small kids, they still may not consider the consequences of their actions. A. afraid B. fond C. short D. capable 答案D 4 Energetic, happy and relaxed people are less _ to catch a cold than those who are nervous or angry.A. possible B. impossible C. likely D. necessary答案C 5 The movie describes a society in which women are _ to men and hold all the important. A. responsible B. important C. superior D. suitable 答案 C 7 I must hurry. I want to get home _ to see the football match on television. A. on time B. in time C. at once D. just then 答案 B P2152. He was the first to enter the classroom the morning, _ with him.A. as usually B. as is usual C. that is usual D. what is usual答案 B 单选I ran _ an old friend of mine yesterday, whom I hadnt seen for ages. A. after B. across C. cross D. for 答案 B Good workers are always _ in the factory. A. in demand B. on need C. by request D. for requirement 答案A At the meeting they discussed three different _ to the study of mathematics.A. approaches B. means C. methods D. ways答案AIn regard to the human mind and computers, it is unwise to say that one is always _ to the other. They both have their own advantages over the other. A. responsible B. similar C. previous D. superior 答案 D In some countries citizens are _ to vote, and if they dont they get fined. A. demanded B. suggested C. required D. prevented 答案 C Sometimes our opinions differ _ what we choose to observe and how we deal with what weve observed. A. because B. from C. because of D. from 答案 C A lot of high and new technologies were _ in the Shanghai World Expo. A. adjusted B. contributed C. added D. applied 答案 D It is _ whether the worlds economic growth in the first quarter of 2011 will be stronger than the average growth of 2010. A. unsure B. uncertain C. possible D. certain 答案 B _ is mentioned above, the number of students in senior high school is increasing. A. What B. That C. As D. It 答案C _ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to ones skin. A. Exposed B. Having exposed C. Being exposed D. After being exposed 答案 C I dont agree that a man without a college education isnt _ to the job. A. equal B. fit C. qualified D. suitable 答案 A 随着因特网的发展,许多新的事物不断涌现。(spring)Many new businesses have sprung up with the development of the Internet. 我们的政府正在采取措施帮助失业者。 (measure) Our government is taking effective measures to help the unemployed. 无论你的心情如何,你必须为你的言行负责。(responsible)You must be responsible for your talks and actions, no matter how your feel. 凡在这所大学学习和工作的人都可以天下面的表格来申请图书卡。(apply for)Everyone who studies or works in the university can apply for a library card by filling out the form below. 现代科技已被广泛应用于中国创统一要的生产中。(apply)Modern technology has been widely applied to the production of traditional Chinese medicine. 在孩子们看来,夏天和野餐联系在一起。(associate)In childrens minds, summer is associated with picnics. 完形填空“Weve all had opportunities to be coaches elsewhere,” says Brock, 34. “But weve learned to love one another here and work hard and build a community. We wart to do it at Smith Center High. The school 31 , Tradition Never Graduates, lives on.”It wasnt until after we returned to New York City that I 32 the impact Smith Center had had on both Jack and me Before the Redmens 33 with Olpe at Fort Hays State, Brock Hutchinson said to them, “You play this game today because you live in Smith Center, a 34 that loves you and watches over you. Each one of you was 35 to be Redmen.”A few hours later, after Smith Center had 36 Olpe 48-19 and broken the Kansas state record for continuous victories, the Redmens “circle up” began, in which players, coaches, and townsfolk gathered on the field or in the locker room to hold 37 and give thanks-not for winning or 38 but for having this time together. The Fort Hays State locker room was not fit to circle up; still, the old men and little children of Smith Center kept 39 in to be with their boys.By this time, the Redmen were “our boys” too. Jack and I had gotten to know their families. We 40 ourselves by riding their combines(收割机), visiting their hog farms and sharing their meals. I spotted Jack across the room. He grasped the hands of the water boys 41 hed been circling up all his life.Coach Barta asked his son, Brooks, 39, to 42 to the team. Brooks is now a high school 43 in Holton, Kansas; hes won more than 100 games and two state titles. “I imagine you heard many times last year about bow to carry this experience in football to other 44 of life,” Brooks began, “relationships, academics, jobs, families. These things 45 the same commitment, 46 , preparation, toughness, and hard work. All of us will have opportunities to experience the same kind of 47 over and over. We have to make good choices about the people we surround ourselves with, and commit to sharing our own 48 with others. I watched Jack watch Brooks I watched Coach Barta listen to his 49 . I looked at the rows of fathers holding the hands of their boys. And I understood at that moment that Coach Barta is 50_ just a great football coach.31. A. word B. proverb C. motto D. saying32. A. realized B. noticed C. saw D. had33. A: get-together B. relationship C. championship D. co-operation34. A. team B. village C. community D. city35. A. sure B. born C. certain D. likely36. A. defeated B. won C. lost D. matched37. A. hands B. breaths C. noses D. spirits38. A. meeting B. dancing C. circling D. losing39. A. entering B. pouring C. walking D. running40. A. appreciated B. devoted C. served D. entertained41. A. though B. like C. as if D. as42. A. listen B. say C. cater D. speak43. A. coach B. teacher C. headmaster D. student44. A. meanings B. ideas C. thoughts D. aspects45. A. want B. satisfy C. help D. require46. A. income B. sacrifice C. sympathy D. money47. A. misfortune B. failure C. success D. luck48. A. life B. experience C. pressure D. satisfaction49. A. son B. daughter C. brother D. sister50. A. such B. more than C. over D. beyond答案31-35 CACCB 36-40 AADBD 41-45 CDADD46-50 BCBABBI believe honesty is one of the greatest gifts there is. I know they call it a lot of fancy names these days, like integrity and forthrightness. But it doesnt make any difference what they call it; its still what makes a man a good citizen. This is my code, and I try to live by.Ive been in the taxi business for thirty-five years, and I know there is a lot about it that is not so good. Taxi drivers have to be rough fellows. Youve got to be tough to fight the New York traffic eight hours a day, these days. Because taxi drivers are tough, people get the wrong impression that they are bad. Taxi drivers are just like other people. Most of them will shake down as honest fellows. You read in the Papers almost every week where a taxi driver turns in money or jewels or bonds, stuff like that people leave in their cabs. If they werent honest, you wouldnt be reading those stories in the papers.One time in Brooklyn, I found a diamond ring in my cab. I remembered helping a lady with a lot of stuff that day, so I went back to where I had dropped her off. It took me almost two days to trace her down in order to return her ring to her. I didnt get as much as “thank you.” Still, I felt good because I had done what was right. I think I felt better than she did.I was born and raised in Ireland and lived there until I Was nineteen years old. I came to this country in 1913 where I held several jobs to earn a few dollars before being a soldier in World War I. After the war, I bought my own cab and have owned one ever since. It hasnt been too easy at times, but my wife takes care of our money and we have a good bit put away for a rainy day.People ask me about tips. As far as I know, practically everyone will give you something. Come to think of it, most Americans are pretty generous. I always try to be nice to everyone, whether they tip or not. I believe in God and try to be a good member of my parish(教区). I try to act toward others like I think God wants me to act. I have been trying this for a long time, and the longer I try, the easier it gets.54. What does the writer really want to illustrate in the first paragraph?A. Honesty is called a lot of fancy names.B. Honesty is more important than anything else.C. Honesty brings him whatever he wants in life.D. All people think he is honest whatever he does.55. The underlined words in Paragraph Two can be best replaced by _.A. pretend to be B. try to learn from C. prove to be D. have to be56. The writer mentioned the experience of returning the ring in order to _.A. show most drivers are honest 13. attract peoples sympathyC. show the lady was too impolite D. show taxi drivers live a hard life57. Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?A. Honesty and its fancy names B. How to be an honest driverC. Honesty, a must for a taxi driver D. Honesty makes me happy答案54. B 55. C 56. A 57 . D任务型阅读The International Space Station will establish a huge laboratory complex in space, more than four times the size and with almost 60 times the electrical power for experiments. Examples of the types of U.S. research that will be performed aboard the station include:More pure protein crystals may be grown in space than on Earth. Similar experiments have already been conducted on the Space Shuttle. This type of research could lead to the study of possible treatments for cancer, immune system disorders and other diseases.Living cells can be grown in a laboratory environment in space where they are not affected by gravity(引力). Growing cultures for long periods aboard the station will further advance this research. Such cultures can be used to test new treatments for cancer without risking harm to patients.The effects of long-term exposure to reduced gravity on humans will be studied aboard the station. Studies of these effects may lead to a better understanding of the body systems and similar illnesses on Earth and may provide information useful for future space travels.Fluids(液体), flames, metal and other materials will be the subject of basic research on the station. Scientists plan to study this field to create more perfect materials for applications. The study of all of these areas may lead to developments that can develop many industries on Earth.Some experiments aboard the station will take place on the outside of the station. Such outer space experiments can study the space environment and how long-term exposure to space affects materials. This research can help better understand the nature of space, improve spacecraft design and help explain how the universe developed.Observations of the Earth from space help the study of large-scale, long-term changes in the environment of the earth. Studies in this field can increase understanding of the forests, oceans and mountains. The effects of volcanoes hurricanes and typhoons can be studied. In addition, changes to the Earth that are caused by the human race can be observed.As part of the Commercialization of space research on the station, industries will participate in research by conducting experiments and studies aimed at developing new products and services. The results may benefit those on Earth not only by providing new products as a result, but also by creating new jobs to make the products.Title: 71 on the International Space Station 62 ContentsBenefitsProtein crystal studiesGrowing more pure proteinStudying 63 of treatments for diseasesLiving cellsGrowing living cellsTesting new treatments with little risk of 64 patientsLife in 65 gravityEffects on humans if long 66 in spaceBetter understanding body systems and similar illnesses 67 in spaceCreating more perfect materialsHelping develop many industries on EarthThe nature of spaceStudying space environmentImproving spacecraft and explaining universe 68 Watching the EarthObserving the earth from 69 Helping study changes of the earth environmentCommercializationExperiments and studies 70 new products and as well as jobs答案 61. Research 62. Category/Types/Kinds 63. possibilities 64. harming 65. low / reduced 66. exposed 67. Materials 68. development 69. space 70. Developing/Providing 据报道,2010年1至6月份全国共发生火灾73317起,残亡656人,受伤271人。2010年11月15日,上海静安区一高楼发生重大火灾,53人死亡。火灾的频发让人深思。请结合下图及文字提示,写出一篇如何在火灾中自救的短文。1、保持冷静,尝试自救; 2、确定位置,争取时间;3、浓烟呛人,湿布遮鼻; 4、烟势上窜,弯腰前行;要求:1要点齐全,不要逐句翻译; 2要有适当发挥(不少于50词); 3字数;150左右,开头已经写好,不计入总词数。 As is reported in the first half of 2010 over 70,000 fires broke out nationwide causing 656 deaths and 271 injuries. The terrible fire of last November in Jingan District, Shanghai also claimed 53 lives,参考范文As is reported in the first half of 2010 over 70,000 fires broke out nationwide causing 656 deaths and 271 injuries. The terrible fire of last November in Jingan District, Shanghai also claimed 53 lives, All these have taught us a good lesson. How can we survive a fire if it happens?First of ail, stay calm. Panic solves no problem. Only by keeping calm can you gain hope of survival. At the same time, find the nearest door or exit and get out as quickly as possible. If there is too much smoke, wet a cloth and cover it over your mouth and nose before rushing out. Keep close to the floor since the higher you are, the heavier smoke there will be.If the door is surrounded with fire and you are on the 1st or 2nd floor, try to climb out through the window. But if you are above 3a floor, you have to be more cautious since careless jump may lead to serious injuries or even death. You may tear the curtain to make a rope and climb down carefully.In a word, be calm and wise, and then you will find a way out.M7u21. note The secretary made good _ of what her boss asked her to do. A. uses B. sentences C. notes D. faces 答案 C 2. name The bridge was named _ the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people. A. after B. with C. by D. from 答案 A 4. relieve Those who suffer from headache will find they get _ from this medicine. A. safety B. defense C. shelter D. relief 答案 D 6. wonder He hasnt slept at all for three days. _ he is tied out. A. There is no point B. There is no need C. It is no wonder D. It is no way 答案 C 9. point After graduation she reached a point in her career _ she needed to decide what to do. A. that B. what C. which D. where 答案D P226 1. look around Please feel free to _, and do call me if you need anything. A. look up B. look around C. look down D. look back 答案 B 2. put off The sports meeting in our school will be _ because of the bad weather. A. put out B. put down C. put away D. put off 答案 D I am not going to _ their smoking in the office any longer. A. put up with B. put aside C. put up D. put into 答案 A 3. make from Our class is made _ fifty-four students. A. of B. from C. up of D. into 答案 C 4. die off In a severe winter, wild animals may _ lack of food. A. die of B. die from C. die away D. die off 答案 B 5. turn up (1)We invited her to dinner but she didnt even bother to _. A. turn off B. turn up C. turn down D. turn on 答案 B (2)I cant hear the radio very well; could you _ it _ a bit? A turndown B. turn.off C. turnon D. turnup 答案D P228 1. It is. that It _ we had worked together for a couple of weeks _ I found we shared many common interests. A. was until; when B. was until; that C. wasnt until; when D. wasnt until; that 答案 D 2. Not only but _ snacks and drinks, but they also bought cards for entertainment before they got on the train. A. Not only they bough


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