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111沧州市颐和中学导学案 2013-2014 第一学期 第_号学科高中英语年级高一作者孙悦课题课型新授【自主学习】1、英语句子中包含多种成分,你知道哪些?比如主语、 、 、 、 、 、 、 等。2、你对这些成分有什么认识,你可以谈谈对它们的理解,也可以每种成分举例表示。 3、 句子成分认识a.主语:表示动作的发出者,是指“什么人”或“什么事”。可以由名词、 充当。 例: John wants a book. / Students are reading. I like chocolate. / She is a doctor. Seeing is believing.(眼见为实) To go back home is my dream. What I really need is your care.b.谓语:由动词/动词短语构成(时态标志) 例: He talks. Anne ignored me entirely. I get tired of the noise out of the window. (注意)系动词是一类特殊的动词,包括 d.表语:位于系动词之后,即我们常说的“主系表”结构,即主语后是系动词,系动词之后是表语。例: I am a student. / Anne was upset because she failed the exam. It tastes good. 尝起来味道不错。 / It feels good. 摸上去感觉不错。 John became a teacher when he grew up. e.定语:起修饰作用,多为形容词,另外还有 等也可以做定语。例: a happy ending(结局) Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to? I saw a woman with a baby in her arms. Do you know that girl talking to our Chemistry teacher?d.状语: 表示某种状态。表时间、地点、原因、结果、条件和方式等等。例: I will go home tomorrow. I am having some trouble with my classmates at the moment. I didnt go downstairs because I wanted to have a good look at the beautiful moon. In order to enjoy the moon, he stayed awake until half past eleven. I usually go to school by bike.【合作探究】1、指出下列句子划线部分是什么句子成分。1. The students got on the school bus.2. He handed me the newspaper.3. I will answer your question after class.4. His job is to clean the street.5. Tom came to ask me for advice.6. He sat there, reading a newspaper.7. It is our duty to keep the classroom clean and tidy.8. The apples taste good. 【当堂检测】 1、 划出下列句中的表语。A. The old man feels very tired.B. Why is he so upset?C The leaves have turned yellow.D. Soon they all became interested in the subject.(主题)2、划出下列句中的定语。A. What is your given name?B. See? That woman in red is my sister.C. The man living on the second floor is a doctor.D. Your friend comes to school, very upset.3、划出下列句中的状语。A. There was a big smile on her face.B. Every night he heard the noise upstairs.C. He began to learn English when he was eight. D. She loves library because she loves books. 【我的收获】 1、总结你这节课学到的知识? 2、 我还有不明白的地方: 111


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