高考英语同步练习《Unit 1 Living with technology》强化训练technology 译林版选修7

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111选修七 Unit 1 Living with technology高考真题体验1(2009浙江高考)Ive read another book this week.Well,maybe_is not how much you read but what you read that counts.AthisBthatCthere Dit解析:考查强调结构。该句为“it is not.but.that”强调结构。此处被强调部分为not how much you read but what you read,判断强调部分的关键是去掉It is.that后,句意仍然保持完整。所以选D项。答案:D2(2009江西高考)It was_he came back from Africa that year_he met the girl he would like to marry.Awhen;then Bnot;untilCnot until;that Donly;when解析:考查强调句型。句意:他直到那年从非洲回来之后才遇到了他想与之结婚的女孩。此句是“not until.”的强调句型。答案:C3(2008全国卷)It was in New Zealand_Elizabeth first met Mr.Smith.Athat BhowCwhich Dwhen解析:考查强调句型。本题中强调的是地点状语。还原后是“Elizabeth first met Mr.Smith in New Zealand.”,所以本题的答案是A。答案:A4(2008天津高考)It was along the Mississippi River_Mark Twain spent much of his childhood.Ahow BwhichCthat Dwhere解析:考查强调句型。本句强调作状语的介词短语。答案:C5(2008重庆高考)It was not until midnight_they reached the camp site.Athat BwhenCwhile Das解析:考查强调句。句意:直到午夜他们才到达露营地。此处是“not until.”的强调句型。答案:A名校模拟检测1(2010江苏盐城高三模拟)Why is_you are so late for the class?Ait that Bthat itCit Dthat解析:考查强调句型的特殊疑问句式:“特殊疑问词is/wasitthat.”。所以选项A正确。答案:A2(2010贵州兴义高三模拟)_you found out the accident which happened a month ago?By looking into it.AIt was where that BWas it how thatCHow was it that DWas it what that解析:考查强调句型的特殊疑问句。由答语中的by looking into it可推知,是就方式进行的提问,而强调句型的特殊疑问句是:特殊疑问词was/is itthat.;故选项C正确。答案:C3(2010湖南十校联考)It is in the year of 2010 _ a severe drought hits Yunnan province.Auntil BthatCbefore Dwhen解析:此句考查强调句式,空格处是构成强调句的that。答案:B4(2010福州教学质检)It_we had stayed together for a couple of weeks_I found we had a lot in common.Awas until;when Bwas until;thatCwasnt until;when Dwasnt until;that解析:考查的是强调句型。此处是“not until.”的强调句型。句意:直至我们在一起呆了几个星期以后,我才发现我们有许多的共同之处。答案:D5(2010皖北联考)It is not who is right but what is right_is of importance.Awhich BitCthat Dthis解析:考查强调句型。题干中的被强调部分用了not.but.结构连接。句意:谁对谁错不重要,重要的是什么是对的。答案:C6(2010江苏淮安高三模拟)_Mr.Barton changed his mind to take part in the movement?After he listened to the speech by Mr.King.AWhen was that it BWhen was it thatCWhen was that DWhen was it解析:考查强调句型的特殊疑问句形式。问句句意:究竟是在什么时候巴顿先生改变了主意,不参加这个运动了?强调句型的特殊疑问句式:特殊疑问词is/wasitthat.。故选B。答案:B7(2010温州二模)I still remember how many years ago_I last met her in the countryside.Awhen it was Bwas it thatCwhen was it Dit was that解析:考查强调句型。remember后的部分是宾语从句,应用陈述句语序,从句中含有一个强调句型,被强调部分是how many years ago。答案:D8(2010杭州二检)How long do you think_the computer company brings out a new product?Ait will be before Bwill it be untilCwill it be when Dit will be that解析:do you think是插入语,其后的句子应用陈述语序;it will be时间段before从句,表示“要过多久才”。答案:A9(2010泉州质检)What did she want to know,Tom?She wondered_we could complete the experiment.Awhen was it Bit was when thatCit was when Dwhen it was that解析:宾语从句要使用陈述句语序。本题中when was it that.为强调句型的特殊疑问句,作wondered宾语,故选D。答案:D10(2010安徽九华山调研)_was it_they discovered the entrance to the underground palace?Totally by chance.AHow;that BHow;whichCWhere;which DWhat;that解析:考查强调句型的特殊疑问句。句意:“他们是怎么发现这座地下宫殿的入口的?”“纯属偶然”。由答语中的by chance可推知,对方应问的是方式,所以用how提问。强调句型的特殊疑问句结构为:特殊疑问词is/wasitthat.。答案:A11(2010浙江长兴三中高三模拟)It _ last night _ Tom saw an interesting film in Dongfeng Cinema.Ais;that Bwas;thatCwas;which Dwas;who解析:It was last night that.为强调句。答案:B12(2010南通调研)It is_hard work rather than good luck_he owes his success.Aby;that Bfrom;whichCto;that Dto;which解析:考查强调句型。由句中的owe的固定搭配owe.to.(把归功于),可知被强调部分应是to hard work rather than good luck;第二个空白处是强调句型中的that。故选C。答案:C13(2010芜湖高三模拟)It was late at night_the Red Army arrived at that small mountain village,_it was raining hard.Awhen;that Bwhen;whichCthat;when Dthat;which解析:考查强调句型和定语从句。第一空填强调句型中的that,被强调部分是时间状语late at night;第二空用when引导定语从句,先行词是late at night。答案:C14(2010芜湖十二中高三第一次模拟)It is in this very village,_ Mary was born 35 years ago,_ she will build her first school,_ inspires everyone to help her.Athat;when;which Bwhere;that;whichCthat;that;that Dwhere;when;that解析:第一空处为where引导的定语从句;第二空处为强调句中的that;第三空处为which引导的非限制性定语从句,which指代前面强调句的内容。答案:B15(2010广西柳州高三一模)It was owing to luck_judgment_the driver succeeded in avoiding an accident.Abetter than;when Brather than;thatCother than;when Dmore than;which解析:考查词组词义和强调结构。rather than在此处意为“而不是”。第二个空为强调句型中的that。答案:B111

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