高考英语牛津译林版必修1总复习教案《Unit 2Growing pains(江苏专用)

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111 Unit 2Growing pains.单词默写1frightened n受惊的;害怕的2starve vi.挨饿;饿死vt.使挨饿3tolerate vt.容忍;允许4deserve vt.值得;应得;应受5hardworking adj.工作努力的;辛勤的6handle vt.处理;应付7insist vi.坚持;坚持认为8argument n争吵;辩论;论点;论据9forbid vt.禁止10balance vt. & vi. & n平衡;抵消11upset vt.to make someone feel unhappy or worried12rude adj.socially incorrect in behavior13guidance nsth that provides direction and refuse to budge14annoyed adj.aroused to impatience or anger15misunderstand vinterpret in the wrong way.词汇拓展1act n(戏剧的)一幕vi.表现;行动action n行为,动作;行动active adj.主动的;积极的;活跃的actively adv.积极地actor n演员;男演员actress n女演员react vi.做出反应,回应activity n活动interact vi.交往;互动;相互作用2behavior n. 行为,举止behave v行为;表现3scene n(戏剧的)一场;场面;景色scenery n风景;景色4explain vt. & vi.解释,说明explanation n说明,解释;辩解unexplained adj.无法解释的;神秘的5selfish adj.自私的self n自己,自我unselfish adj.无私的语境助记词不离句,句不离段We were truly annoyed and surprised at silly selfish and rude behavior and he even didnt give us a reasonable explanation.We insisted he be punished for his fault.短语落实1cant wait to do sth迫不及待地做某事2be supposed to 应该;应当3be hard on 对苛刻;对严厉4as if 好像;似乎5mix up 混淆,弄乱;搅匀6at_present 现在7along_with 与一起8not.any_more 不再9after_all 毕竟,终究10mix_up_sth_with_sth_把与混合起来.句子翻译1Many teenagers feel lonely,as if no one understands them and the changes they are going through.(Page 38)很多青少年感到孤独,好像没有人理解他们以及他们正在经历的变化。2突然,门开了,一个足球飞了进来。(Page 22)Suddenly_the_door_opens_and_a_soccer_ball_flies_through_the_room.3之后他们就不会再生气了。(Page 23)Then_they_wont_be_mad_any_more.4男孩和女孩在这方面往往有所不同。(Page 38 )Boys_and_girls_tend_to_be_different_in_this_regard.5好在这些成长的烦恼并不会持久。(Page 38)The_good_news_is_that_these_kinds_of_growing_pains_do_not_last.教材设题句型转换(每空不超过3个单词) 1The room is in a mess,with pizza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink.(教材P22)The room is in a mess,on_whose_floor are pizza boxes and the sink in which is filled with dirty dishes.2Danial,we thought you were an adult,a person who would make good decisions.(教材P22)Danial,we thought you were an adult who would have the ability to_make_(不能用of_making) good decisions.3And that we spent all of yesterday waiting there for him,and that is why we had no time to clean the house.(教材P23)And that we spent all of yesterday waiting there for him,for_which/because_of_which/so_(that)/and_thats_why we had no time to clean the house.4Recently,he has been refusing to do his homework,and instead insists on wasting his time watching DVDs and listening to foreign music.(教材P35) Recently,instead_of_doing/refusing_to_do his homework,he insists on wasting his time watching DVDs and listening to foreign music.5Since teenagers have difficulty balancing these needs,they often question who they are and how they fit in society.(教材P38) Finding it difficult_(hard)_to_balance these needs,teenagers often question who they are and how they fit in ociety. leave vt.使处于某种状态【课本原句】 Listen to me,young manwe left you in charge!(P22)听我说,小子我们让你掌管家务!leave表示“使处于某种状态”时,常用于“leave宾语宾补”结构,其中宾补这一成分可以由过去分词、现在分词、形容词、介词短语等来充当。leave宾语done 常用来表示宾语所处的状态或表示动作已经完成。leave宾语doing 常用来表示使某人或某物一直做某事。看看高考怎么考What we have actually come up with is a new technology where you buy what you want and then just leave_it_on_the_shelf (将它放在架子上)(2011北京卷听力原文)He left_the_widows_open(他让窗子开着)A good story does not necessarily have to have a happy ending,but the readers must not be left _.(2012邵东创新实验学校第1次月考)Aunsatisfied BunsatisfyingCto be unsatisfying Dbeing unsatisfied答案A surprise vt.使惊奇;使意外n惊奇;令人惊奇的事【课本原句】 I cant wait to surprise the boys!(P22)我等不及要让孩子大吃一惊了!be surprised at 对感到意外be surprised to_do_sth很惊奇地做某事give sb a surprise给某人一个惊奇to_ones surprise使某人惊奇的是in surprise 惊奇地take.by surprise对进行突然袭击surprisingly adv.出奇地看看高考怎么考To_my_great_surprise(令我非常吃惊的是),I ran 4.9 km in 31 minutes.When I got back,I had tears in my eyes.(2011湖南卷阅读表达)Then I saw he suddenly became _;he had discovered something he really liked: a large tin dram.(2011辽宁卷完形填空44)Asurprised BhopefulCpatient Dexcited答案D_ and happy,Tom stood up and accepted the prize.(2011徐州模拟)ASurprising BSurprisedCBeing surprised DTo be surprising答案B insist v坚决要求;一定要;坚持;坚决主张;坚持说【课本原句】 Recently he has been refusing to do his homework,and instead insists on wasting his time watching DVDs and listening to foreign music.(P35)近来他一直拒绝做他的家庭作业,固执地把时间浪费在看DVD和听外国音乐上。insist on (doing) sth坚持(做)某事insist作“坚持说、坚持认为”时,宾语从句中的谓语用陈述语气。insist作“坚决要求”解时,其后的宾语从句中要用虚拟语气,即用“(should)动词原形”。看看高考怎么考Frank insisted_that (坚持认为)he was not asleep although I had great difficulty in waking him up.(2011四川卷单项填空4)She insisted_that_I_read(坚持要求我读)the definition(定义)of a word in a monolingual dictionary. (2010辽宁卷完形填空)Mother insisted_on_working(坚持工作) as usual though she was ill.(2010浙江温州中学)Sam insisted that he _ the law and _.(2012浙江省温州中学高三月考)Adidnt break;mustnt be punishedBdoesnt break;shouldnt punishChadnt broken;be not punishedDhadnt broken;not be punished答案 D suggest vt.提议;建议;指出;表明【课本原句】 Whenever I want to do something or suggest an idea,such as a restaurant we can go to for dinner,he doesnt listen to me.(P37)不管我想要做什么或是建议什么,比如说一个我们能共进晚餐的餐厅,他都不会听我的。(1)suggest表“建议”时,后接doing作宾语,不接to do。(2)suggest表“建议”时,后面所接的宾语从句中要用“(should)动词原形”的虚拟语气形式。(3)suggest作“显示;表明;说明”解时,后面的宾语从句用陈述语气。【联想拓展】suggestion n建议;暗示suggestive adj.提示的;启发的;暗示的看看高考怎么考So I suggest_that_you_take_your_friends_advice(建议你采纳你朋友的意见)。(2011陕西卷书面表达范文赏读)They can learn how to read each others body signals,suggesting_that(这表明)the two may have more in common than we previously suspected. (2011广东卷阅读理解B)The fact that so many people still smoke in public places _ that we may need nationwide campaign to raise awareness of the riks of smoking. (2011江苏卷单项填空22)Asuggest BsuggestsCsuggested Dsuggesting答案B Nathalie suggested the problem worth paying attention _ at the meeting.(2011重庆市酉阳一中高三第四次月考) Ato be discussed Bto been discussedCbeing discussed Dbe discussed答案ABill suggested _ a meeting on what to do for the Shanghai Expo during the vacation.(2009上海卷Grammar and vacabulary35)Ahaving help Bto holdCholding Dhold答案C forbid vt.禁止;不许【课本原句】 He even forbids me from chatting with my friends in the Internet cafe! (P37)他甚至不许我和我的朋友们在网络聊天室里聊天。forbid sb from doing sth/forbid sb to do sth禁止某人做某事forbid doing sth禁止做某事看看高考怎么考Most public places forbid_smoking(禁止抽烟)(2011上海卷阅读理解C)A child that dies from indoor smoke in a village,where the use of fossilfuel(化石燃料)electricity is_forbidden(是禁止的)by wellmeaning members of green political movements trying to save the world.(2011湖北卷阅读理解D)The boy wasnt much of a fruiteater,_a bar of chocolate if given the choice,but,as they say,the forbidden fruit can be tempting.(2011江苏卷完形填空)Apreferring BofferingCreceiving Dallowing答案AHe was forbidden _ to her.(2012湖南邵东一中月考)Ato talk BtalkingCtalk Dbeing talked答案A turn up 突然发生;把音量(水流等)调大;出现【课本原句】 Do you have to turn up your music so loud?(P21)你非得把音乐声调得那么大吗?(1)turn down 关小,调低;拒绝(2)turn off 关上(电灯、收音机、煤气、自来水等)(3)turn on 打开,与turn off相反(4)turn out 结果是;证明是看看高考怎么考However,when I had to _ because I stupidly forgot my book,I noticed she had just finished packing them up by herself.(2011湖南卷Language Knowledge Section B)Acome out Bstand by Cgo back Dturn up答案CWhat are you reading,Tom?Im not really reading,just _ the pages.(2011福建省泉州市高中毕业班临考质量检查)Aturning off Bturning aroundCturning over Dturning up答案CObviously,hes very disappointed at the way things have _.(2012湖南洞口一中高三摸底考试)Aturned up Bturned outCturned on Dturned down答案B be supposed to 被认为;理当,应该【课本原句】 But,but.you werent supposed to come home until tomorrow! (P22)但是,但是你们不是应该明天才回家的嘛!【联想拓展】I suppose so/not.我认为(不)是这样的。看看高考怎么考I suppose(认为理当是)about $150 each.Well,thats sounds more reasonable.If you save $5 a week,youll have enough in about six months.(2010四川卷完成对话)However,dont_suppose_that(认为不是)just because you have found out about housing from a friend it is necessarily going to be better than that found through any other source.(2010浙江卷阅读理解B)The message is very important,so it is supposed _ as soon as possible.(2011江西省九校联考一模)Ato be sent Bto send Cbeing sent Dsending 答案A do with 处理;安排(常有较灵活的译法,疑问句多与what连用);(和can等连用)想要;需要;(和have to等连用)有就行;凑合用就可以了;(和cant连用)受不了;不能;不便【课本原句】 What did you do with the cash we left? (P22)你用我们留下的钱做了什么?辨析 do with/deal with(1)这两个短语有相同的意义。do with与what连用,what作do的宾语;deal with与how连用。(2)另外,deal with还可表示“与某人或某事相处;关于,论及;与有生意往来”之意。看看高考怎么考Some of these differences may be only on the surfacedress,food and hours of workwhile others may be deeper and take_longer_to_deal_with(花费很久的时间去处理)(2011全国卷阅读理解D)Our schools should spend every moment they have telling this to our children:“This is life,this is what you are going to face,and this is how_you_deal_with_it(你如何去处理)”(2011安徽卷任务型读写)How will we deal_with_this_problem(处理这个问题)?Top football players must have excellent ball control,but it is not just _ they do with their feet _ counts.(2012黑河市一中高三上学期中质量检测试题)Ahow;that Bthat;whatCwhat;that Dwhether;what答案 C after all 终究;毕竟(通常放在句首,也可以放在句尾,表示和预期的情况不同,有转折的意味。)【课本原句】 I didnt fail my maths test after all.(P34)我数学考试终究没有不及格。【联想拓展】(1)above all 相当于most important of all,意为“最重要的是”(2)at all 起加强语气的作用,表示“全然;根本”,可用于疑问句、否定句、条件句中(3)in all 意为“总计,总共”,表示数量(4)first of all 首先看看高考怎么考He must,above_all(最重要的是),be skilled in sharing responsibility and setting tasks to others,coaching them to achieve tasks,and providing constructive feedback on how the tasks went.(2011浙江卷六选五)We were fifty in_all(总共)Why are you so anxious? It isnt your problem _.(2012天津一中高三上学期第五次月考)Aon purpose Bin allCon time Dafter all答案D分词作伴随状语【课本原句】 Eric runs in after it,followed by a big dog,walking very slowly.(P22)埃里克跟着球跑进来,后面跟着一条大狗,狗走得很慢。句中的followed by a big dog和walking very slowly分别是过去分词短语和现在分词短语作伴随状语。看看高考怎么考I know shes here in spirit,keeping_an_eye_on_us(一直看着我们)(2011四川卷完形填空)He sat at the desk by the window,reading_a_famous_novel(读一本著名的小说)(2011湖北卷完形填空)Sit down,Emma.You will only make yourself more tired,_ on your feet.(2011北京卷单项填空33)Ato keep BkeepingChaving kept Dto have kept答案BIn April,2009,President Hu inspected the warships in Qingdao,_ the 60th anniversary of the founding of the PLA Navy.(2009福建卷单项填空34)Amarking BmarkedChaving marked Dbeing marked答案A have宾语宾补【课本原句】 Daniel has his arms crossed and looks upset.(P23)丹尼尔双臂交叉,表情沮丧。“have宾语宾补”表示“使处于某种状态;让被做”,这个句型也可以表示个人遭遇。have sb/sth doing 让一直做have sb/sth do 让(将要或已经)做have sth to_do有要做(动作由主语发出)have sth to be done有要做(动作不是主语发出)看看高考怎么考Since then I just go in and renew every four yearssign the name Susan Brown,have_my_new_picture_taken(拿走了我的新照片),and walk out with a license to drive.(2011辽宁卷阅读理解A)Well,do you have_anything_planned(有什么计划)for the Saturday?(2011北京卷听力原文)Im going to the supermarket this afternoon.Do you have anything _?(2011吉林省长春市高三第一次模拟)Ato be buying Bto buyCfor buying Dto be bought答案DMr.Smith was much surprised to find the watch he had had _ was nowhere to be seen.(2012湖南石齐学校高考复读部第3次月考)Ait Bit repairedCrepaired Dto be repaired答案C every time作连词【课本原句】 Every time I watch a DVD he sends me to bed or tells me to spend more time studying.(P37)每次我看DVD时,他就打发我去睡觉或要我多花时间学习。every (each) time /the first time /next time /the last time /by the time (that)从句,表示“每一次/第一次/下次/最后一次/到时候”,引导时间状语从句看看高考怎么考I gained strength every_time_I_said(每次我说到),“Yes,Ill try that.”(2011天津卷完形填空)Do you have a minute? Ive got something to tell you.OK,_ you make it short.(2012江苏省六合高级中学高三下学期调研考试)Anow that Bif onlyCso long as Devery time答案C_ we celebrate a festival it changes a little and in that way we keep our culture alive.(2012长沙雅礼中学月考)ASome time BEach timeCThe first time DThe moment答案B.用所给词的正确形式填空1The only explanation (explain) for his behavior is that he is mad.2He bought me a valuable (value) diamond ring as a birthday present.3The boring lecture made me feel so bored (bore)4You are all forbidden (forbid) to leave.5He was sent to his room as a punishment (punish)6Anyone interested (interest) in joining the club should contact us at the address below.7They behaved(behavior) very badly towards their guests.8Youd better submit your claim within a reasonable (reason) time.9We welcome any comments and suggestions (suggest) on these proposals.10The population almost doubles in summer,mainly (main) because of the jazz festival.同义转换1They dont deserve to know the truth.They are not supposed to know the truth.2Eric runs in after it,followed by a dog,walking very slowly.Eric runs in after it,followed by a dog,which walks very slowly.3I dont know the reason why the house is so dirty.I dont know the reason for which the house is so dirty.4This is not a family where bad behavior goes unpunished.This is not a family in which bad behavior are not punished5Now that he has been so rude to us,I feel we have to punish him if he doesnt respect us.Since he has been so rude to us,we feel like punishing him unless he respects us.6What did you do with the money we left?How did you deal_with the money that/which we left?.句子翻译1鲁迅本该是当医生的,但是他却成了一位有名的作家。(be supposed to)Lu_Xun_was_supposed_to_be_a_doctor,but_he_became_a_famous_writer.2当我们外出时,我们托付邻居照顾我们的宠物狗。(in the charge of)We_left_our_dog_in_the_charge_of_our_neighbour_while_we_were_away.3你绝对不是他的对手。(no match for)You_are_no_match_for_him.4他们虽然碰到了困难,但他们终究还是成功了。(after all)Although_they_met_with_difficulties,theyve_succeeded_after_all.5这动物走路的样子好像腿受伤了似的。(as if)The_animal_walked_as_if_it_had_his_leg_hurt.单项填空1Though all his friends criticized him,he insisted he _ nothing wrong.Ahad done BdoChas done Dcould do答案A句意:尽管他所有的朋友都指责他,他坚持说自己没有做错事。insist意为“坚持说”时,后面的宾语从句应用陈述语气。根据语境可知此处应用过去完成时。2Do you think Steven will _ at the party tomorrow?As far as I know,he is busy recently.He must come to celebrate your birthday,though.Apick up Bmake upCturn up Dmix up答案C句意:你认为Steven明天会出现在晚会上吗?就我所知,他最近很忙。不过,他肯定会来庆祝你的生日的。turn up在此意为“露面;出现”。pick up拾起;开车接;make up构成;编造;和解;化妆;mix up混在一起。3Are you going to have a holiday this year?Id love to.I cant wait to leave this place _.Aoff Bout Cbehind Dover答案C句意:今年你打算度假吗?是的。我迫不及待想离开这个地方了。leave behind是“永久离开(某人、某地或某国)”之意。4Dont _ me as a child,Mom.Im sixteen.I should be free to do what I like.Aseek BtreatCrelate Dreplace答案B句意:妈妈,不要把我当做小孩儿了。我16岁了。我应该有做自己喜欢的事的自由。treat在此意为“对待”。seek寻求;relate与有关;replace代替。5It is said that in Iraq there are more violent accidents than the government knows _.Ahow to do with Bhow to do with itCwhat to do with Dwhat to do with it答案D句意:据说在伊拉克有很多暴力事件,政府已无法应付。do with “处理;安置(某物)”,与what连用,而不与how连用。6When we visited my old family home,memory came _ back.Aflooding Bto floodCflood Dflooded答案A句意:当我们回到老家的时候,往事涌上心头。本题考查非谓语动词。flood和memory之间构成逻辑上的主谓关系,所以用现在分词。7Did you punish him for losing your digital camera?Yes,but I dont think I _.Ashould do that Bneed to have done soCought have done that Dshould have done so答案D句意他把你的数码相机弄丢了,你惩罚他了吗?是的。但我想我本不应该这样做的。shouldnt have done sth意为“(过去)不应该做某事,但实际上已做了”。此处否定发生了转移。8Great efforts to increase agricultural production must be made if food shortage _ avoided.Ais to be Bcan beChas been Dwill be答案A句意:如果要避免食品短缺的话,一定要尽力去增加农业产量。be to do用于条件句中表示“打算”。 9Sorry,sir.I cant answer this question.Well,you are supposed _ this part.Areading Bto be readingCto have read Dhaving read答案C句意:老师,很抱歉,我答不出这个问题。哦,你应当已看了这部份了。由be supposed后面只能接不定式可知A、D两项是错误的,再由语境可知,read的动作发生在suppose之前,故应用完成式。10In our childhood,we were often _ by Grandma to pay attention to our table manners.Ademanded BremindedCallowed Dhoped答案B句意:小时候,奶奶经常提醒我们要注意餐桌上的礼仪。在英语中不能说demand sb to do sth或hope sb to do sth,也不会出现它们的被动形式,因此排除A、D两项;allow sb to do sth意思是“允许某人做某事”,不符合语意。根据题意可知选B。11Its not surprising that she isnt a good dancer,_,shed only had one lesson.AAt first BAt leastCAbove all DAfter all答案D句意:她舞跳得不好不足为奇,毕竟,她只上过一节课。at first首先;at least至少;above all 最重要的是;after all毕竟。故选D。 12The manager of the hotel forbids employees _ tips from customers.Aaccepting BacceptCaccepted Dto accept答案D句意:宾馆经理禁止员工接受顾客的小费。forbid后面要接不定式作宾补。13On seeing the wonderful sculpture,everyone _ let out a cry of surprise.Apresent BavailableCleft Dsustainable答案A句意:一看到那件精美的雕塑,所有在场的人都发出了惊叹的叫声。present作后置定语,表示“在场的”。available可得到的;left剩下的;sustainable可持续的。14Travis,_ the research team,is working on the research tasks.Ain the charge of Bin charge ofCtake charge of Dtake the charge of答案B句意:负责研究小组的Travis正在做研究工作。in charge of是“主管”之意,介词短语作后置定语。如果选C,定语从句中的关系代词不能省略,即take前面必须加上who,且take应改为takes。15The parents suggested _ in the hotel room but their kids were anxious to camp out during the trip.Asleep Bto sleepCsleeping Dhaving slept答案C句意:家长建议旅行期间住在宾馆里,而他们的孩子们希望在外面露宿,suggest后面接动名词。111

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