高二英语备课《Module1 Life in the Future》Writing(外研版必修4)教案

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高二英语备课《Module1 Life in the Future》Writing(外研版必修4)教案_第1页
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高二英语备课《Module1 Life in the Future》Writing(外研版必修4)教案_第3页
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111Module1 Life in the Future WritingPeriod 4 Writing-Writing about your futureGoals To learn to write about what you will be doing in ten years ProceduresStep 1: Reading to be preparedFirst we shall go to page 8 to read about the four people.While reading try to copy all the useful expressions to be used in your own writing.From ThomasIn ten years from now, do a job, definitely tell that, celebratewith, tooto, enjoy ones life, worry about.From EmmaTravel around the world, live different, go to any country, find a jobFrom KenStudy medicine, finish school, a lot of hard work, in ten years, work in a hospital, as a doctor with my own surgeon, save lives, a useful and interesting career From MarySure about, go to university, get married, some time in the next ten years, have a family, have a job, work as, develop alternative energyStep 2: Writing about what you will be doing in ten years Zhao YannanI am quite sure about my future. I know that I will be studying at a very good university in Japan. I wont be married in ten years. Going to university is the most important thing for me to do. I will get married some time in the next fifteen years. I dont want to have a family too soon. Id like to have a job first and enjoy my freedom being alone.I will be working as a futurist after graduation. I want to develop alternative ways of life for the future people.Li XiaoheI like to study international laws after I finish my high school. I know that to be an international lawyer means a lot of hard work. But in ten years working as an international lawyer will be a very good job. It will be better than working in a hospital as a doctor. With your own surgeon you save lives in your neighborhood. But working as an international lawyer you are able to save a country from being involved into a terrible war. It will be a useful and interesting career!Zhao YuanmingI think I will be traveling around the world in ten years from now. I like to see people who are living different from us in China. I will be working as a travel guide so that I can go to any country I like to. I will study hard to find such a job.Wang LiIn ten years from now I will do a good-paying job. I dont know what it will be at present. But I can definitely tell you that it will get me lots of money. Being rich I can travel to any places, including the moon. I will than celebrate my wedding with my parents on the moon! Now I am too busy to think of my future ten years from now. I have to do my schoolwork and my homework. I have no time to enjoy my life now. I work hard so that I will have nothing to worry about ten years in the future.111

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