高二英语备课《Module 2 Traffic Jam》FUNCTION(外研版必修4)教案

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111Module 2 Traffic Jam FUNCTIONPeriod 2 FUNCTION-Giving adviceGoals To learn to give adviceProceduresStep 1: Getting ready with the structureAsking for AdviceWhat do you think I should do?What do you suggest?What would you do (in this situation)?What advice would you give me if I .?Giving Advice I think you should get a lawyer.Maybe you should try someplace else.Why dont you call the company?If I were you, I would tell her.1. I think you should buy the blue one.2. I dont think you should sell your car. 3. Lets go bowling tonight. 4. Why dont we go skiing on Saturday? 5. Why dont you come with me to China?Thats a good idea. Thanks for the advice, but I really need the money. Sorry, I cant. Im meeting a friend for dinner. Sounds like a good idea. Where do you want to go? Thanks, but Ive already been there.You shouldYoud betterMake sureIf I were you, I Its a good ideaYoull Why not?If you, you mustI thinkIn my opinion, you Step 2: Giving advice in pairsAdvice on travel on the roadYou should choose your traveling companion carefully.Make sure you consider how you want to travel.Its a good idea to travel responsibly.Why not travel in as local a way as you can? I think youll spend less, learn more, and do less ecological damage if you travel with me. Advice on learning EnglishI think 10 English words or phrases per day arent too many, are they? Just give it a try. You will find that you can learn them in next to no time.Why not take a little time each day (Monday to Friday) to learn 10 new words?You may use the weekend to revise what you have learned during the past week(s). This way youll enrich your English vocabulary by 50 new words per week. (Thats 200 new English words after a month!)Youd better not look up every word which is new to you even without a dictionary you will understand a lot. Just concentrate on what you do understand and try to find out the rest by intelligent guessing. Make sure you also watch the news in your native language and try to find English news to some of the topics. Even if you dont understand every word in the English text, you will get the message as you already know what the text is about. I think its a good idea when reading English texts look out for the grammar aspect you want to remember. Mark it and reflect on why it is used there.Why dont you look up the topic in an English grammar reference, your English textbook? Its best that you meet friends and study English together. You can repeat your English vocabulary, do your homework together and help each other with English grammar. And why not try one of our games on ego4u. Studying with friends simply is much more fun. Its also a good opportunity to exchange ideas on studying in general. Maybe your friends have found out about a good way of studying more effectively. Or, who knows, maybe you can advise your friends on this?A: I like my job, but I dont make enough money.B: You should ask your boss for a raise.A: I dont want to do that. He may fire me.A: Id love to buy a Sony tape recorder, but I cant afford it.B: Why dont you buy it on an installment plan?A: Ive got a backache.B: If I were you, Id see a doctor.A: Just dont give them a chance to say no.B: Oh, sure, I know that.A: Be sure to go to the Alitalia office first thing tomorrow.B: good deal.A: Why cant you and I talk about this later?B: Cool.A: I feel terrible. Ive got a bad hangover.B: I advise you to quit drinking.A: Youve got to learn to put first things first.B: Ill keep that in my mind.111

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