Unit 2《Robots》同步练习5(人教版选修7)

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111Unit2Robots训练 词汇练习 1. Choose a verb phrase from the box to fill in each of the blanks. Leave sb alone , turn around , test out , set aside, ring up, feel embarrassed, have an affair , make sth elegant, be envied, be accompanied1) She is asked _ by his neighbour to buy the materials.2) Claire enjoyed _ by other women.3) How many people _ while I was out ?4) The model must _ before we put it into mass production .5) _ ,I saw an old friend of mine ,whom I havent seen for years.6) She is very upset, ._ for a few minutes.7) We wonder if they have _ with each other.8) She planned to get sth _her home _.9) Its time for us _ our differences and work together for a common purpose.10) He could not help _when she thanked him so much 2. Complete the sentences with the correct from of the verbs in brackets.One of the most famous monuments in the world, the Statue of Liberty , _(present) to the United Stated of American in the nienteenth century by the people of France. The great satue, which _( design) by the sculptor Augueste Vartholdi, _(take) two years _(complete). The actual figure_(make) of copper _(support)by a metal framework which _(especially construct) by Eiffel. Before it _(could transport) to the United States, a site_(find ) for it and a pedestal _( build ) .The site_(choose) was an island at the entrance of New York Harbour. By 1884 ,a statue which was 151 feet tall _(erect) in Paris. The following year, it _(take) to pieces and _ (send) to America . By the end of 1886, the statue_(Put) together again and it _(offically present) to the American people by Bartholdi. 3. Fill in the blanks with the words learned in Unit21) The news that a lion escaped from the zoo _ the local people2) Could you do me a _ and turn down the radio because its too noisy .3) He unexpected to be asked such a difficult problem and felt _.4) Youve worked so hard that you are _ to pass the exam.5) He wanted me _ him to make a trip6) Tom and Jane wanted to get _, that meant they intend to end their marriage .7) We are ordered to find more _ in our office.8) Do you know who _ the winner of the speech contest.?9) Its _for me to do all the work in one day.10) He was usually _ from school because of getting up late.参考答案1.1) to be accompanied 2) being envied 3)rang up 4)be tested out 5) Turning around 6)Leave her alone 7) had an affair 8) to make her home elegant 9)to set aside 10) feeling embarrassed_2. was presented/ was designed / took/ to be completed/ made / was supported / had been found . had been built / chosen/ had been erected/ was taken/ sent/ had been puy/ was officially presented.3. 1.frightened/ alarmed 2) favour 3)embarrassed 4)bound 5) to accompany 6) divorced 7) staff 8) will declare 9) ridiculous / absurd 10) absent 单词拼写专项训练1 When I began to sing, he laughed and made me e_.2 The minister was a_ by his secretary to the U.S . 3 My sisters m_ took place at 12 sharp. 4 I dont e_ you your journey in this bad weather. 5 He is an i_ writer . 6 The only e_ for his behavior is that hes mad. 7 I d_ at the meeting that I did not support him8 We are f_ opposed to the practice of power politics between nations.9 He was a_ from school with a c_. 10 Children are taught to t_ their parents with respect. 11 Sometimes, while living in a foreign country, one d_ a special dish from home. 12 To the s_ of his parents , Li Feng was admitted into Hong Kong University this September. 13 David felt very e_ when he found he didnt have enough money to pay for the dinner before his friends.14 The old should be a_ by somebody when they go out . If not, some of them will get lost. 15 When it was d_ that the 30th Olympic Games would be held in London in 2012, the whole UK cheered.16 When asked why he was late for school, Martin only kept silence and gave no e_.17 If you e_ their success , you must try to your best to work as hard as them.18 Lang Lang, a world-class young pianist now, was badly hurt when a teacher in Beijing said he had no t_ for music as he was only nine years old.19 I have absolutely no s_ for students who get caught cheating in exams . They should be severely punished.20 When she started working for them , she was a fairly j_ employee, but she was soon promoted for her hard work and ability.21How many students are a_ today? 22 I must ask you to a_ me to the teachers office.23 Everyone should o_ the public rules of the society. 24 It is a_ to believe that the number 13 brings bad luck.25 We were very excited that we won a v_ over the enemy.26 He is a t_ (有才能的,天资高的) musician. 27 He thought that it was easy to make up a reasonable _ (解释,说明) 28 The story she told about her rich aunt in American was certainly a_(虚构的事) 。29 I felt a growing sense of _(恐慌) when he did not return that night.30 When her husband died, she received many letters and calls of s_. 31 His mother is an e_ lady, who has had a good education and is always dressed in the latest Paris fashion.32 Your hair is so long that youd better go and get a h_.33 One morning his stepmother _(陪伴) him to school, which seldom happened and moved him a lot.34 He likes to sleep with windows closed and _ (窗帘) drawn.35 The old couple have been through a lot together in their 50 years of m_. 36 What did he say in e_ of his being late for school? 37 After many defeats, our team won its first v_ last week, which made all of us happy.38 As a southerner, I found it difficult for me to a_ to the cold weather of Harbin. 39 The continual ring of the telephone a_ me when I was doing my homework last night. 40 May I see your ticket, passport and health c_ please?41 When I was in trouble , your help and e_ meant much to me , which helped me get over that hard time . 42 The famous writer owes his success to many people, his teacher and his parents in p_.43 It is better to a_ your children when they are on line . You can give them some advice.44 They will d_ the results of the election soon.45 Scientists have been studying how the pyramids in Egypt and Mexico were built , but they dont give a convince e_.46 Tired of the busy life in New York, he d_ to move to a small town and live a quit and peaceful life.47As a senior middle school student , we should care about the national and international a_ happening every day.48 As a w_ , she gave the police a vivid description of the accident . 49 A mirror r_ a picture of you when you look in it.50 When the super girl , Li Yuchun, appeared on the stage, the fans y_ and cheered .51 The gate is so n_ that we cant drive our car through it.52 Now nobody can be sure whether the air in the countryside is p_ and healthy.53 When you cut down a tree , you can see its _ (每年的) ring.54 Every time we wash our hands , we lose a few skin c_ (细胞)。55 We stood in _(令人敬畏的) silence before the ancient ruins in the garden.56 This book is about some amusing _ (轶事) of some famous people. 57 The horse was _ (拖曳)a heavy load. 58 Thanks to my teachers constant e_ in my English learning , I have made much progress in the final examination.59 She felt very e_ for she was caught having dinner with her secret lover by her husband. 60 Many people admire the couples m_ because of the two families high social status. 61 Although the students met with so many difficulties, they s_ them away with courage, determination and confidence. 62 After the headmaster gave a speech at g_ , students began to say good-bye to each other. 63 He has become accustomed to such a mild climate _(有益的) to health64 Between captain and major , the _(后者) is the higher rank. 65 If youd _(陪伴) her to the seaside, she wouldnt have drowned . All my fault! 66 There is no need for you to have _(同情) for those kids, as they are all wrongdoers. 67 Have you seen that girl wearing _(笨拙的) wooden shoes ? She is a famous actress ! 68 It is said that Toms parents are getting d_ to end their unhappy marriage. 69 What are you going to say in e_ of your long absence from school?70 He is a man of many gifts, writing poetry is only one of his many t_. 71 His second m_ was held at St. Pauls church. 1 embarrassed 2 accompanied 3 marriage 4 envy 5 imaginative 6 explanation 7 declared 8 firmly 9 absent cold 10 treat 11desires 12 satisfaction 13 embarrassed 14 accompanied 15 declared 16 explanation 17 envy 18 talent 19 sympathy 20 junior 21 absent 22 accompany 23 obey 24 25victory 26 talent 27 explanation 28 fiction 29 alarm 30 sympathy 31 elegant 32 haircut 33 accompanied 34 curtains 35 marriage 36 explanation 37 victory 38 adapt 39 annoyed 40 certificate 41 encouragement 42 particular 43 accompany 44 declare 45 explanation 46 desired 47 affairs48 witness 49 reflects 50 yelled 51 narrow 52 pure 53 annual 54 cells 55 awesome 56 anecdotes 57 dragging 58 encouragement 59 embarrassed 60 marriage 61 smoothed 62 graduation 63 beneficial 64 latter 65 accompanied 66 sympathy 67 clumsy 68 divorced 69 explanation 70 talents 71 marriage 111

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