Module 3《Body Language and Non-verbal Communication》教案1(外研版必修4)

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Module 3《Body Language and Non-verbal Communication》教案1(外研版必修4)_第1页
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Module 3《Body Language and Non-verbal Communication》教案1(外研版必修4)_第3页
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111Teaching PlanModule 3 Reading Body Language and Non-verbal CommunicationsTeaching content:Module 3 of Book 4 Body Language and Non-verbal Communication introduces us different body languages in different cultures. In this module, students should learn some useful words and phases about the common gestures. At the same time, students not only can know the importance of body language and non-verbal communications but also can get some basic communicational skills. Teaching goals1. Learn some useful words and expressions about body language.2To learn to read with some reading strategies3. Use proper body language to communicate with each other Teaching important points: 1To master some words and phrases about body language. Such as: bow, slap, hold up, make a deal and so on.2To develop students reading ability of skimming and scanning Teaching difficult points: How to make students fully understand the text Teaching methods :Brain storm ; task-based teaching ; communicative teaching,individual work;pair work ;group work .Learning strategies :Summarize words and phrases related to body language ; get and process important information in the course of reading by using the reading abilities of skimming ,scanning and guessing new words from the context .Teaching aids:Multimedia ,a play recorder ,blackboardTeaching procedures:Step 1 Lead in1 Arouse students interest in the topic Body Language and Non-verbal Communication by showing them some pictures of different gestures of Yao Ming.2 Brainstorm means of non-verb communication, and then show some pictures of communication means to review and learn some words related to body language and gesturesStep 2 Listening 1. Improve students listening ability by listening to the tape, with the task of finding out what the meaning of these gestures are mentioned in the tape in mind. (Individual work)2. Check answers with students by showing the pictures of transport means mentioned in the text.Step 3 Scan reading Find the main idea of the passage by skimming (individual work)Question1: Which is the best title of the passage?Question2: Get the main idea of each paragraph and then finish the exercise. Step 4 carefully reading to find some specific information (First individual then pair work; then check answers with whole class)Read the text again and say if the following statements are true (T) or false (F) 1. Not all body language is conscious. (T) 2. Europeans shake hands with their left hand. (F) 3. In Asia, people touch each other when they meet. (F) 4. In the US a “high five” is a way of saying hello. (T) 5. A “high five” is a formal gesture. (F) 6. Body language is less communicative than spoken or written language. (F) 7. “Learned” body language is universal. (F) 8. We shake hands only with strangers. (F)Step 5 Language points Dealing with some difficult point by explanation so that students can learn how to use some new words and phrases.Step 6 Practice (individual & pair work)Complete the sentences with the words given (p. 23 Activity 3)Step 7 Group work Find how to greet in different countries in the text by reading the text again.Step 8 Discussion Choose one of the following situation to act out,using the proper body language to help you. 1. Meet a friend and talk to each other. 2. Show someone the way in the street. 3. See a friend in the distance and greet him/her. 4. Enter a friends house and talk with him/her.Step 9 Summery & HomeworkFinish activity 2-3 after classFind out the difficult sentences in the passage.Retell the phrases in the passage111

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