Module 2《My New Teachers》Listening,Spenking and Writin学案4(外研版选修1)

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111B1M2Period Four Listening&Pronunciation 一.确定目标:知识目标:会灵活运用以下词汇:choice; exam; headmaster; headmistress; library; period; revision; translation; timetable; topic; vacation能找出听力部分Activity 5中所列词汇的内在联系并能够用英语造出句子。能力目标:学习一些听力策略训练自己的听力技能情感目标:通过这一课时的学习,学生能自如地表达自己对英语语言各方面学习的难易程度。学会通过听重读的单词来获取主要的信息。二、基础自学:运用听力部分Activity 1中列出的词及其派生词完成下面各题:1. Lets do some_for the exam.2. I cant play today. Im_for the exam.3. We do little_in our English classes.4. He didnt understand Greek, so I offered to_.5. Working as a_,you shouldnt be so careless. 6. I can swim under the water for short _. 7. We have five_of English a week. 8. Look up the trains to Beijing in the _. 9. Who is the _/_(校长)of this school. 10. The environment is a popular_these days. 11. Teachers can rest during summer_. I think I should take a _this weekend. She is in Italy on_now. 12. There is no_ but to leave. 13. We can borrow some books from the school_. 三、情景解疑: 运用听力部分Activity 5中列出的词完成下面各题: 1. If you do well in an exam, you will_; if you do badly you will_. 2. Senior school is where you go after_school; it is for older students. 3. At_school you usually have a different teacher for each subject. 4. The students go into the_after class; it is where they can play games,talk and walk. 5. If you are good at a _, your teacher will say you are an excellent student. 6. When you have a test, you need to do some_ to check whether you know everything. 7. When the teacher has marked your exam, you will get the _-for example 75 out of 100. 8. When you take your _home to do your homework, you put them into your_. 四、合作探究:讨论如何判断听力材料的内容。五、巩固检测:单句改错1. Tom has made great progresses in Chinese learning.2. He does sports every day. As result, he has become much stronger.3. There are many differences among Bob and Peter. It means Bob is quite different from Peter.4. Everyone was invited to the party except me, but I didnt mind not invited.5. With the help of foreign experts, the factory produced twice many cars in 2000 as the year before.6. They are so clever boys that everyone likes them very much. 7. Teachers should be strict on themselves, because they need to set examples to their students.8. She was disappointing to hear that she failed in the examination.9. He was so tired that he fell sleepy quickly.10. Li Ming is an English beginner and has problems in grammar.Homework Workbook P76 Exx 10,11,12六学习总结:第四课时:二、基础自学:运用听力部分Activity 1中列出的词及其派生词完成下面各题:1. revision 2. revising 3. translation 4. translate 5. translator 6. periods7. periods 8.timetable 9. headmaster/headmistress 10. topic 11. vacations; vacation; vacation 12. choice 13. library三、情景解疑: 运用听力部分Activity 5中列出的词完成下面各题:1. pass; fail 2. Junior 3. Senior 4. playground 5. subject 6. revision7. results 8. textbook; schoolbag四、合作探究:讨论如何判断听力材料的内容。一、关注听力材料的起始、发展与结局等主要环节捕捉主题。二、听深听透材料的必要信息,例如:时间、地点、年代、国家、人名以及有关数据。三、辨别听力材料中的特殊标志,如:for example, however, one thing, the other thing, as a result等。五、巩固检测:单句改错:1. progresses改为progress 2. As后加a 3. among改为between 4. not后加being 5. twice 后加as 6. so改为such 7. on改为with 8. disappointing改为disappointed 9. sleepy改为asleep 10. in改为with 111

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