Module 1《My First Day at Senior High》Reading and vocabulary文字素材2(外研版必修1)

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Module 1《My First Day at Senior High》Reading and vocabulary文字素材2(外研版必修1)_第1页
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Module 1《My First Day at Senior High》Reading and vocabulary文字素材2(外研版必修1)_第3页
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111 Books 14 基础知识复习回顾 单词热心的e_ 极好的;杰出的 b_ 尴尬的 e_ 从前的 p_ 珍贵的 p_ 精力充沛的 e_ 聪明的 i_ 紧张的 n_ 立即;立刻 i_ 感激;欣赏v. a_ 关系 r_ 纪律 d_ 放松的r_ 放松(n.) r_ 同样地 s_ 被遗弃的 a_ 面试 i_ 疲惫不堪的 e_ 仪式 c_ 调查 s_有吸引力的 a_ 接近 a_ 职业 o_ 迷人的;吸引人的 f_ 死里逃生;幸存v. s_ 收缩 c_ 结论c_ 设备;装备e_ 吃惊的 a_ 接近;通路 a_ 可进入的;可使用的 a_ 许可p_ 集中(注意力)c_ 明确的 d_ 弊端;缺点d_ 缩短s_ 稀少;罕见的r_ 焦虑的;不安的;渴望的a_ 正常的;一般的 n_ 保险 i_罪犯 c_ 违法的;不合法的 i_ 认出;认知 r_ 影响v. a_ i_ 天才g_ 复杂的 c_ 当代的c_ 传统的t_方面 a_ 模仿;仿造 i_ 采纳;采用;收养 a_ 忍受 s_ 不寻常的;非凡的 u_ 经济e_ 祝贺n. c_ 在船上(飞机;汽车)a_在国外 a_ 成绩;成就;功业 a_证据e_ 金融的 f_ 角色;人物 c_ 优美的;优雅的 g_ 有时;偶尔 o_ 频道 c_ 有趣的;令人愉快的e_ 山脉r_ 象征;符号 s_ 坐落(某处)的;位于s_ l_ 文明 c_ 在的对面 o_ 特点 f_ 贫穷 p_ 拥挤的 c_ 居民 i_ 不幸的; 遗憾的 u_ 交换 e_ 经历 e_ 家具 f_ 强烈的;猛烈的v_ 袭击; 打动 s_ 可能;可能性 p_ 吓人的; 可怕的t_战役; 运动 c_ 大气; 气氛 a_ 环境 e_ 关心的;担心的 c_ 抱怨; 发牢骚 c_ 绝对地;完全地 a_ 强调s_ 有影响的 i_ 贡献n. c_ 种类; 范畴 c_ 争议; 议论 a_ 建筑物; 结构 s_容纳;使适应 a_ 狭窄的;勉强的 n_ 飞机失事 c_ 替换的; 供选择的a_ 材料 m_娱乐; 消遣n. r_ e_ 费用; 价钱; 指控 c_ 开关; 变换s_ 乐观的o_ 最后;终于 e_ 目的地;终点 d_ 令人印象深刻的 i_ 方便的 c_探索 e_ 心情; 心境 m_无意的;不知不觉的 un_ 攻击的;挑斗的 a_ 姿势;姿态 g_包括; 卷入 i_恐吓的; 具有威胁的t_ 张开; 展开; 传播 s_ 恐慌; 惊慌 p_ 掌声 a_平等n. e_原来的; 最初的 o_ 数量 q_ 质量q_个人的 p_ 爆炸v. e_ 逃跑e_ 清楚的; 平原p_ 同事c_ 开发 e_ 遥远的r_ 自然地 n_ 存在;生活n. e_ 怀疑的;不相信的 s_ 使适应;改编 a_ 毁坏n. d_ 名誉;名声r_ 象征;暗示 i_ 神秘的m_ 正面的p_111重点短语 (behavior)对采取种态度 _ 以的姿态 _(behave)规规矩矩; 表现好 _ 对热心 be _about改变主意_ 下定决心_ 没关系_离远; 一点也不 _ 渴望;期待;盼望_ (整体) 被分成(部分) _ 和分离 _参加(活动) _; _ 参加(会议; 婚礼) _ 参加(团体) _ 一点不象; 与.完全不同nothing_ 换句话说_; _; _ 对某人严格要求_ 避免做. _(admit)被录取 _ 承认做. _对尊重 _考虑做 _把某人看作;认为是_ (result)由于.的结果_结果_ 因.而发生_ 造成;导致 _ 由你而定; 取决于你_宁愿做而不愿做 _; _; _做有困难have _; _; _ in doing 在20米的距离上_ 缺少 _ 简而言之 _;_ 过时的 _; _ 初次; 首次 _ 熟睡 _ 新学期就要来临了 The new term is _; _; _; _ 作为交换(条件) _ 担负得起做_ 与保持联系_;_ (put) 建造;张贴_ 忍受 _ 赶上; 取得成功_ 对作出反应 _ 致力与;打算 aim_ = aim_ (conclusion) 总而言之_ 得出结论_; _; _; _(add) 增加;增添_ 总计; 总的说来_ (used)过去常常 _ 习惯于_被用来做 _ 为感到自豪_;应该做_有机会;有使用的权利 _平均 _ 由组成 _; _也_ 和一样 _ 还是为好_ 想出办法 _ ; _ (问题;困难)被提出;出现 _; _ 专心于_ 和比起来_ 对担心; 忧虑 _ 渴望做_节食 _ 用车接_ 对上瘾;入迷 _ 提出干 _ 和有关系 _ 在危险中 _ 对有天赋 have_/_/_ for为.而打动; 留下深刻印象 _ 对有影响 _ 鼓励做_ (well-known)以而出名_ 作为而出名_ 为所知_随着我们国家的发展 as _; with _ 代表;象征 _突出; 显眼_ 厌烦;讨厌_; _ 你认为它怎样? What do you _ it? (crazy)为发狂 _ 痴迷地 _使某人发狂_ 祝贺某人某事 _ 令人高兴的是 _ (失望 _吃惊_ 悲伤_好笑_) 信不信由你_ 起飞; 事业成功_ 得了吧; 快点 _多于; 不仅; 非常 _ 既然_ 三思而后行_ (good)干的好;真棒 _ 对.有好处 _对好_ 永久; 一劳永逸地 _ (care)关心;在乎_ 喜欢 _ 面临;面对(困难) _ (mention)不用谢 _更不用说 _; _ 就而言_ ;_ ;_; _ 同意 agree _ones idea/ agree _ ones plan/ agree_ the date of the meeting 一致;相符_ 同意做_ (mean)打算做_意味着_(effort) 做出努力干_ 不遗余力_; _ 设法做成 _ (pick)责备; 找茬 _挑选; 辨认出 _(all)总计_ 毕竟 _首先;特别重要的是_在做方面有经验 _ 主修 _ 因向某人发牢骚 _ (catch)被撞见做_ 被困于; 陷入_简单地说 _ 如果有可能 if _ 阻止某人干_/_/_ 保护免受 _ 与相等; 能胜任_ 用款待;宴请 _ 与相似 _ 养育; 培养;呕吐_ 追溯到 _他实现了他的梦想He _his dream. His dream _ 力所不及的 _ 对适用; 符合于_ 因而向某人收费 _ 重视 attach _ 坚持真理;忠于_坚持做 _以的形式 _ 变形; 身体不适_ 当然; 肯定 _ 果然 _ 用完;耗尽 _; _;_;_依靠; 指望 _ (look) 当心; 注意_ 当心;提防_ 愿意做 would like _feel like _ 假如 _ _ _ _ (mood)心情不好 _ 不想做 _ 考虑到; 鉴于 _; _(that) _(that) 各种各样的书 _ 与交往 be in _ 被卷入中_ (request) 要求某人做_ 应某人的要求 _支持(观点) _支持; 支撑_ 用A代替B _ 作为报酬 _ 与做生意 _禁止某人做_ 禁止做_ (用法类似的_; _; _) 一点也不 _; _; _ 穿过; 经历;仔细查看 _ 通过;完成;接通(电话) _ 从中得到乐趣 _ 对怀疑 _在方面运气好 _ 接近_ (point) 谈正题 _离题 _ 切题; 中肯_ 正要做_句法结构1. We have _ No. 2 high school. (我们的学生数是2中的两倍)。 This river is 3 times _/ _/ _ (long) that one. 我认为他还不知道这件事,是吧?_2. 我宁愿你昨天没告诉我这个消息. _3. 你建议谁去和A公司签合同? _ 要知道, 这是我们公司第一次和A公司做生意. _4. It is; has been 3 years _ I last saw her. / It was; had been 3 years _ I saw her again. It will be 3 years _ I see her again. / It was 3 years later _ I saw her again. It was 2004 _ I saw her again./ It was in 2004 _ I saw her again. (每个1分)5. 一天看30 页书很容易. _只说不做是没用的. _6. 我发现一天看30 页书很容易 _ 如果我当时知道他的电话号码, 我就会告诉他这个消息了. _. 7. He felt more uneasy _(全班同学盯着他看)8. 他做了如此精彩的演讲以至于所有人都佩服他. He _= Such/ So _9. (随着对他越来越了解) _ I discovered that my impression had been right. 10. The manager had just stepped out of the lift _(正在这时地震发生了) 11. Where did you get to know her? - _(就是在我们工作的农场上) that I got to know her. 12. At last we reached a village, _ a beautiful river. (在村前有一条美丽的河)13. By the time he was 12 years old, _. (他建立了自己的化学实验室)14. _,(如果需要) call me and I will come to help you. 他似乎已经感冒了. _15. 到了我们该着手于我们正事的时候了. _16. 父亲有可能随时会进来. Father _=It _17. 你太年轻了而弄不懂这些事情. _ 当过马路时, 再怎么小心都不为过. _18. _(劝说他戒烟是没用的), he didnt listen at all. 19. 除非被邀请, 我不会参加你的晚会. _ 这把椅子坐起来很舒服. _20. 30 million people have seen the film, _. (使它成为今年最受欢迎的电影) He hurried to the booking office, _ (结果被告知所有的票都已经卖完了). 21. _(没什么事情可做), we went home. 作文1. 自从去年他上了他的新学校, Mark对于物理学科的态度发生了实质的变化。在新学校,最令他印象深刻的是老师们的独特教学方法。另外,经常有一些在物理学领域取得重大成就的专家为学生们做报告,这极大地引起了他对物理学的兴趣。他过去从来不曾喜欢过物理,所以很难想象Mark 正变得如此喜欢物理以至于他已经决定在大学主修它。_2 作为一个志愿者,你首先充当来自世界各地的运动员和官员的向导,同时,你也是一个服务员。你还需要为运动员和官员房间配送毛巾,香皂,牙刷,笔等日用品.。如果需要的话,你应该帮助运动员提行李。另外,你必须每天工作8小时。(as)这项工作尽管简单,但是它非常重要和有意义。 我正盼望着你来北京的那一天。(向导guide 服务员attendant 运动员athlete 官员official 日常用品daily supplies 牙刷toothbrush行李luggage)_ 答案单词热心的enthusiastic 极好的;杰出的 brilliant 尴尬的 embarrassed 从前的 previous 珍贵的 precious 精力充沛的 energetic 聪明的 intelligent 紧张的 nervous 立即;立刻 immediately 感激;欣赏v. appreciate 关系 relationship 纪律 discipline 放松的relaxed 放松(n.) relaxation 同样地 similarly 被遗弃的 abandoned 面试 interview 疲惫不堪的 exhausted 仪式 ceremony 调查 survey 有吸引力的 attractive 接近 approach 职业 occupation 迷人的;吸引人的 fascinating 死里逃生;幸存v. survive 收缩 contrast 结论conclusion 设备;装备equipment 吃惊的 astonished 接近;通路 access 可进入的;可使用的 accessible 许可permission 集中(注意力)concentrate 明确的 definite 弊端;缺点disadvantage 缩短shorten 稀少;罕见的rare 焦虑的;不安的;渴望的anxious 正常的;一般的 normal 保险 insurance 罪犯 criminal 违法的;不合法的 illegal 认出;认知 recognize 影响v. affect influence 天才genius 复杂的 complex 当代的contemporary 传统的traditional方面 aspect 模仿;仿造 imitate 采纳;采用;收养 adopt 忍受 stand 不寻常的;非凡的 unusual 经济economy 祝贺n. congratulations 在船上(飞机;汽车)aboard在国外 abroad 成绩;成就;功业 achievement 证据evidence 金融的 financial 角色;人物 character 优美的;优雅的 graceful 有时;偶尔 occasionally 频道 channel 有趣的;令人愉快的entertaining 山脉range 象征;符号 symbol 坐落(某处)的;位于situated located 文明 civilization 在的对面 opposite 特点 feature 贫穷 poverty 拥挤的 crowded 居民 inhabitant 不幸的; 遗憾的 unfortunate 交换 exchange 经历 experience 家具 furniture 强烈的;猛烈的violent 袭击; 打动 strike 可能;可能性 possibility 吓人的; 可怕的terrifying战役; 运动 campaign 大气; 气氛 atmosphere 环境 environment 关心的;担心的 concerned 抱怨; 发牢骚 complain 绝对地;完全地 absolutely 强调stress 有影响的 influential 贡献n. contribution 种类; 范畴 category 争议; 议论 argument 建筑物; 结构 structure容纳;使适应 accommodate 狭窄的;勉强的 narrow 飞机失事 crash 替换的; 供选择的alternative 材料 material娱乐; 消遣n. recreation 费用; 价钱; 指控 charge 开关; 变换switch 乐观的optimistic 最后;终于 eventually 目的地;终点 destination 令人印象深刻的 impressive 方便的 convenient探索 explore 心情; 心境 mood 无意的;不知不觉的 unconscious 攻击的;挑斗的 aggressive 姿势;姿态 gesture包括; 卷入 involve恐吓的; 具有威胁的threatening 张开; 展开; 传播 spread 恐慌; 惊慌 panic 掌声 applause 平等n. equality原来的; 最初的 original 数量 quantity 质量quality 个人的 personal 爆炸explode 逃跑escape 清楚的; 平原plain 同事colleague 开发 exploit 遥远的remote 自然地 naturally 存在;生活n. existence 怀疑的;不相信的 sceptical 使适应;改编 adapt 毁坏n. destruction 名誉;名声reputation 象征;暗示 indicate神秘的mysterious正面的positive重点短语对采取种态度 have/show an attitude to; towards 以的姿态 in an attitude of 规规矩矩; 表现好 behave oneself 对热心 be enthusiastic about 改变主意 change onee mind 下定决心make up ones mind 没关系never mind 离远; 一点也不 far from 渴望;期待;盼望 look forward to (整体) 被分成(部分)be divided into 和分离 be separated from 参加(活动)take part in; join in 参加(会议; 婚礼) attend 参加(团体) join 一点不象; 与.完全不同 nothing like 换句话说in other words; that is; namely 反对 object to 在对某人严格要求be strict with sb. in sth. 避免做. avoid doing被录取 be admitted to (sp) 承认做.admit doing对尊重 have respect for考虑做 consider doing 把某人看作;认为是consideras; to be 由于.的结果as a result of 结果as a result 因.而发生result from 造成;导致 result in 由你而定; 取决于你 it is up to you 宁愿做而不愿做 would do rather than do; prefer to do rather than do; prefer doing to doing 做有困难have difficulty; trouble; problems in doing 在20米的距离上at a distance of 20 meters attend to的同义词deal with; see to 缺少 be short of 简而言之 to be short; in short 过时的 out of date 初次; 首次 for the first time 熟睡 sound sleep 新学期就要来临了 The new term is approaching; coming around; on its way; drawing near 作为交换(条件) in exchange for 担负得起做afford to do 与保持联系keep in contact; touch with 建造;张贴put up 忍受 put up with 规定时间; 赶上; 取得成功 make it 对作出反应 react to 致力与;打算 aim at doing = aim to do 总而言之in conclusion 得出结论 come to; draw; reach; arrive at a conclusion 增加;增添add to 总计; 总的说来add up to 过去常常 used to 习惯于 be used to doing 被用来做 be used to do 为感到自豪be proud of; take pride in 被期待做; 应该做 be supposed to do 有机会;有使用的权利 have access to 平均 on average 由组成 be made up of; consist of 也 as well 和一样 as well as 还是为好may; might as well 想出办法 come up with ; put forward (问题;困难)被提出;出现 come up; arise 专心于concentrate on 和比起来 compared with 对担心; 忧虑 be anxious about 渴望做 be anxious to do节食 be on diet 用车接 pick up 对上瘾;入迷 be addicted to 提出干 offer to do 和有关系 be related to 在危险中 in danger 对有天赋 have gift; talent; genius for 为.而打动; 留下深刻印象 be impressed by; with 对有影响 have an influence on 鼓励做 encourage sb. to do 以而出名be well-known for 作为而出名be well-known as 为所知be well-known to 随着我们国家的发展 as our country develops; with the development of our country 代表;象征 stand for 突出; 显眼stand out 厌烦;讨厌be tired of; be fed up with 你认为它怎样? What do you make of it? 为发狂 be crazy about 痴迷地 like crazy使某人发狂drive sb. crazy; mad 祝贺某人某事 congratulate sb. on sth.; congratulations on sb. 令人高兴的是 to ones joy; delight (失望 disappointment吃惊surprise; astonishment 悲伤sorrow 好笑amusement ) 信不信由你believe it or not 起飞; 事业成功take off 得了吧; 快点 come on 多于; 不仅; 非常 more than 既然now that 三思而后行look before you leap 干的好;真棒 good for you 对.有好处 be good for 对好 be good to 永久; 一劳永逸地 for good 关心;在乎care about 喜欢 care for 面临;面对(困难) be faced with 不用谢 dont mention it;let alone 更不用说 not to mention 就而言in terms of; as for; with respect to; in respect of; concerning 同意 agree with ones idea; to ones plan; on the date 一致;相符 agree with 同意做 agree to do 打算做 mean to do意味着 mean doing做出努力干 make an effort to do不遗余力spare no effort(s); take no pains to do 设法做成 manage to do 责备; 找茬 pick on 挑选; 辨认出 pick out 总计in all 毕竟 after all 首先;特别重要的是above all 在做方面有经验 have experience in doing主修 major in 因向某人发牢骚 complain to sb. 被撞见做 catch sb. doing 被困于; 陷入 be caught in; get stuck in 简单地说 in a nutshell 如果有可能 if possible 阻止某人干 prevent; stop; keep sb. from doing 保护免受 protect sb. from 与相等; 能胜任be equal to 用款待;宴请 treat sb. to sth. 与相似 be similar to 养育; 培养;呕吐bring up 追溯到 date from 他实现了他的梦想 He has realized his dream. His dream has come true; been realized. 力所不及的 beyond ones power 对适用; 符合于 be true of 因而向某人收费 charge sb. for sth. 重视 attach importance; significance to 坚持真理;忠于stick to 坚持做 insist on 以的形式 in the shape of 变形; 身体不适out of shape 当然; 肯定 to be sure 果然 sure enough 用完;耗尽 run out of; use up; run out; give out 依靠; 指望 rely on 当心; 注意 look out当心;提防look out for 愿意做would like to do; feel like doing 假如 provided; providing; suppose; supposing (that) 心情不好 be in a mood 不想做 be in no mood for 考虑到; 鉴于 in view of; given(that); seeing (that) 各种各样的书 a variety of books 与交往 be in communication with 被卷入中be involved in 要求某人做 request sb. to do 应某人的要求 at sb. request 支持(观点) be in favor of 支持; 支撑 in support of 用A代替B replace A with B 作为报酬 in reward for 与做生意 trade with 禁止某人做forbid sb. to do 禁止做forbid doing (用法类似的advise; allow; permit) 一点也不 not in the least; not at all; not a bit 穿过; 经历;仔细查看 go through 通过;完成;接通(电话) get through 从中得到乐趣 get a kick out of 对怀疑 be skeptical about在方面运气好 be fortunate in doing 接近 get close to 谈正题 come to the point 不切正题 off the point 切题; 中肯to the point 正要做 be on the point of doing; be about to do when句法结构1. twice as many students as / as long as; longer than; the length of/ I dont think he knows the thing, does he? 2. I would rather he hadnt told me the news yesterday. 3. Who do you suggest should sign the contrast with A company? / You know, this is the first time that our company has traded with A company. 4. since; before; before; that; when; that5. It is very easy to cover 30 pages one day. / It is no use saying without doing. 6. I find it easy to cover 30 pages one day./ If I had known his phone number, I would have told him the news. 7. with all his classmates staring at him 8. He made such a wonder speech that everyone admired him. / Such a wonder speech did he make that everyone admired him.9. As I knew him better;10. when the earthquake happened 11. It was on the farm where we worked12. in front of which lay 13. he had set up his own chemistry lab14. if (it is) necessary/ He seemed to have caught a cold. 15. It is time that we should get down to our business或we got down to our business. 16. Father is likely to come in at any time. / It is likely; probable; possible that Father will come in at any time.17. You are too young to understand such things. / You can never be too careful when crossing the street. 18. It is no use advising him to stop smoking 19. I will not go to your party unless (I am) invited. / The chair is comfortable to sit in . 20. making it the most popular film this year. / only to be told that all the tickets had been sold out. 21. there is nothing to do 作文1. Marks attitude towards physics has really changed since he attended his new school last year. What has impressed him most is teachers unique teaching methods in his new school. Whats more, some experts who have made great achievements in the field of physics often give lectures to the students, which greatly arouses Marks interest in physics. Its hard to imagine that Mark is becoming so fond of physics that he has decided to major in it at university, for he never used to enjoy physics. 2. As a volunteer, you first act as a guide for the officials and athletes from all over the world and at the same time, you are also an attendant.

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