Module 3 Unit 3 教案

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Module 3 HeroesUnit 3 Language in use教学目标【知识能力目标】1. 掌握本单元单词和短语 2. 掌握Grammar(语法):原因状语从句,目的状语从句和结果状语从句。【情感态度目标】能虚心向他人学习,学会合作和分享。教学重难点【教学重点】Module 3中的单词、短语及其用法。【教学难点】由so, so that 和because 引导的状语从句教学过程Step 1:Revision Revise the new words and phrases we have learned in unit 2.Step 2:Listening and vocabulary 1. Learn how to use because, so, so that.2. Play the tape and have them read and follow. And then choose the best answer.Step 3:Explain the important and difficult points 1.proud of =take pride in 以为骄傲 区别比较:proud是形容词性,pride是名词性,be proud of和take pride in后面都可以加sth. 或doing sth.区别就是在be和take上,一个是用be动词,一个用的是动词。例:Im proud of helping others when they are in trouble. 我为自己能在别人有困难时帮助他人而自豪。 I take pride in helping others when they are trouble.我为自己能在别人有困难时帮助他人而自豪2. Then they set off for home然后他们出发回家。 Set off1)开始旅程 Set off for Europe. 开始欧洲之旅。2)爆炸:引起爆炸 Set off a chemical reaction. 发生化学反应 3)区分:指出不同;区分 Features sets him off from the croed.使他与人群分开的特征 4)强调: 通过对比引起注意;强调 Set off a passage with red colour 用红色强调一段 。常用词组(1) set about 开始:开始或出发 set about doing sth.开始着手做某事。 Set about solving the problem. 着手解决(2) set out 着手:开始一个热切的计划; set out to do sth. 开始着手做某事 He set out to understand why the plan had failed. 他开始明白为什么计划失败了。(3) set apart 1)留出,拨出:留出以备专用 You must set apart some money for the future. 你必须留出一些钱来以备将来之用。2)使引人注目 (set apart from 从中分离出来) Her high height sets her apart from her sisters.高高的个子使她在其姊妹中分外引人注目。(4). set down 1). 坐:使坐;坐下 Set the baby down here. 让小孩坐这儿。 2). 记录:写下;记录 We set down the facts. 我们记下事实。 3). 把归于:由引起;Lets set the error down to inexperience. 让我们把错误归于没有经验。4). 着陆:(飞机)着陆 The plane set down on the airport.飞机在机场着陆。(5). set up 1)直立:放于竖直位置 He set up the statue in the square.他把雕像竖立在广场里2)组装:集合并装配 Set up a new machine. 组装一台新机器 3). 建立 Set up a charity. 建立一家慈善机构 3. ten more years on the way home on ones way to地点,在某人去某地的路上。地点是home,there等地点副词时,省略to I met my old friend on my way to park.我在去公园的路上遇到了一位老朋友。I cant enter my house because Ive lost my key on my way home.我进不了自己的房子,因为在回家的路上我把钥匙丢了。4. the only one who recognizes him is his old dog.recognize vt.1)识别出某人某事物; My classmate doesnt recognize me because I cut my hair yesterday. 我同学没有认出我,因为我昨天把头发剪了。2) 承认有效(属实); 认可; Recognize a new government承认新政府3) 承认认清(某事物); I recognize no such thing.我不承认任何这类事情。5. but he manages to get away. 但是他成功逃脱了get away 离开,脱身; 逃掉; 抽身; 拔身; 1) 走开,离开: 例句: She didnt get away until nine last night.昨晚九点她才离开。2). 逃走,跑掉;逃离犯罪现场:例句: I caught three mice, but one got away.我逮住了三只耗子,但有一只逃脱了。3). 休假: 例句: I couldnt get away at all last year, I was too busy.去年我根本不能休假,我太忙了6. I also learn from him that great men never give up, no matter what difficulties they face. no matter与疑问词who, what, where, when, how, if, whether等连用,意为“无论,不管”。如:1)Dont open the door, no matter who comes. 不管谁来都别开门2) Dont trust him, no matter what he says. 无论他说什么,都别相信他。 3) No matter where you work, you can always find time to study. 无论你在哪里工作,你都能找到时间学习。Step 4:Grammar box: 状语从句总结1.时间状语从句由as, after, as soon as, before, since, until , when ,whenever, while 等连词来引导As he explored the sea, he took a lot of pictures. 他探海的时候拍了很多照片。As soon as he arrived in France, he called me. 他一到达法国就给我打了电话。He has been in Shanghai since he was born. 自他出生以来他就一直在上海。Dont come in until you are called. 除非你被叫到,否则不要进来 。Whenever were in trouble, hell help us. 无论何时只要我们有困难,他都会帮助我们。 While I was watching TV, the bell rang。 我正在看电视的时候,门铃响了。2. 原因状语从句常用引导词: because, since, asI didnt go surfing, because it was too cold.我没有去冲浪,因为太冷了。 As the car is expensive, we cant buy it.因为车太贵了所以没有买。 Since he was busy, he didnt come. 他太忙了所以没有来。3. 目的状语从句常用引导词:so, so that, in order that Well sit near the front so we can hear the speaker better.我们坐在前面,这样可以更好地听演讲。He sat in the dark so that he couldnt be seen. 坐在暗处,这样的话不容易被发现。4. 结果状语从句常用引导词: so, so that, such that, He was so weak that he couldnt walk on.他如此虚弱所以不能走路。He got up so early that he caught the first bus.他起的如此早,这样他就能赶上头班车了。Its such a good chance that we must not miss it. 这是一个很好的机会我们不能错过了。5. 比较状语从句常用引导词:as (so)as , than 等引导 She is not so (as) bad-tempered as her mother. 她脾气不像她母亲那样暴躁。 The house is three times as big as ours. 这房子比我们的大三倍。6. 条件状语从句常用引导词:if, unlessWell start our project if the president agrees. 如果总统同意,我们就会开始我们的项目。If you travel in India, you can use English everywhere.如果你去印度旅游,再任何地方你都可以使用英语。I wont pass the exam unless I work hard. 除非我努力学习,否则不会通过考试。Step 4 Exercises on the book.Do the exercises on the book, and check the answers together.课堂作业一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词。1. John joined the a_ two years ago. That is to say, he has been a soldier for two years. 2. People all over the world call for peace, but hate w_. 3. A dictionary is a very good t_ when we learn English.4. The writer decides to r_ the story because some boys dont like it.5. The doctor decided to give the boy complete t_. 6. Ling ling wants to do m _ research when she grows up.7. This morning some foreigners came to visit our school. They are all C_. 8. Edison tried thousands of times, and finally he i_ the bulb.9. Luckily, the o_ on the old lady was quite successful.10. Bell was one of the greatest_(发明家). He invented the phone.11. He is a person _ (没有) many words二、单项选择( ) 1.What he said made our teacher _. A. angry B. angrily C. sadly D. happily( ) 2. In 1938, Dr. Bethune came to China _ the Chinese soldiers.A. treated B. treating C. to treat D. to treated ( )3. The famous nurse was born _ May 12th ,1820 and died _ August, 1910. A. in ;on B. on; in C. on; on D. in; in( ) 4. If you have questions, you should ask the teacher _ information. A. by B. at C. for D. to ( ) 5. I cant pronounce the word. Lets _ in a dictionary. A. look up it B. to look it up C. to look up it D. look it up ( ) 6. _ little food isnt enough for _ many people. A. Such ;so B. So ;such C. Such; such D. So ;so( ) 7. Therere books in our school library. A. thousands B. thousand of C. two thousand D. two thousands of ( ) 8. Can you make the girl _ crying? A. to stop B. stopped C. stopping D. stop ( ) 9. His parents asked him _ play computer games for a long time. A. not B. to not C. dont D. not to( ) 10. Its kind _ you to help me. A. for B. with C. of D. about三、根据所给的汉语句子补充完整(每空一词)1. 老师要求他重写作文。The teacher _ him to _ the composition. 2. 雷锋是我国最知名的英雄。Lei Feng was one of the most _ _ in China. 3. 他一直在照顾那位受伤的战士。He kept looking after the _ _. 4. 医生立即为老人实施了手术。The doctor _ an _ on the old man at once. 5. 他们正在报纸上查阅信息。They were _ _ the information in the newspapers. 6.些学生在公园里玩得很开心。The students _ _ in the park yesterday.练习题答案:一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词。1. army 2. rewrite 3. tool 4. rewrite 5. treatment 6. medical 7. Canadians 8. invented 9. operation 10. inventors 11. without二、单项选择1-5 ACBCD 6-10 ACDDC三、根据所给的汉语句子补充完整(每空一词)1. asked, rewrite 2. famous heroes 3. wounded soldiers 4. performed operation 5. looking up 6. enjoyed themselves教学反思

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