【冀教版】高一英语必修1(同步练习)Unit 4 Movies from the East,Views from the West(2)

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【冀教版】高一英语必修1(同步练习)Unit 4 Movies from the East,Views from the West(2)_第1页
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【冀教版】高一英语必修1(同步练习)Unit 4 Movies from the East,Views from the West(2)_第3页
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111【模拟试题】(答题时间:30分钟)一、阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。ACHENGDU, May 24Fire fighters put out the forest fire on Monday night in the woods in southwest Chinas Sichuan Province, which caused no casualties(伤亡), according to the provincial forest fire control authority.The fire broke out on May 17 in an area of virgin(原始)forest at the Muli County of the Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan. It spread quickly due to dry weather and strong winds and affected 800 hectares of forest on the mountains. About 2,700 policemen helped fight the fire.Vice-Premier Hui Liangyu gave instructions on curbing the fire. The State Forestry Administration has sent a working group to the spot for supervising(监督) the fire-fighting operations. It also organized the transportation of materials and tools for putting down fire.For fear that the dying fires will burn again, 300 people have stayed behind nearby to keep watch on the fire-hit forest. The cause of the fire remains under investigation(调查). 1. The underlined word “curbing” in the third paragraph most probably mean_. A. setting B. controlling C. finding D. burning2. What can we learn from the news? A. Although the fire was under control, the cause of the fire is still being looked into. B. The fire was caused by dry weather and strong winds. C. About 300 people stayed behind nearby dies in the forest fire. D. Policemen were sent to the fire spot for supervising the fire-fighting operations.BThe coming 15 years will be an important period for the development of Chinas information industry, an official with the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) said here Tuesday.Li Guojie, head of the Computer Technology Institute under the CAS, said information industry had developed rapidly in the 1980s and 1990s, but now the industry is in a period of steady(稳定的)development.“This is a God-given chance for Chinese information industry to catch up with leaders of the industry,” Li said, adding that the facts that information businesses make smaller profits(利润), which is even lower than the traditional industrial firms, and developed countries invest(投资) less in the IT sector than in the biological sector(生物技术流域)show that the global information industry has entered a period of steady development. According to the common standard of industrial development, attention is needed to reduce cost and improve technologies when an industry enters a period of steady development. But, Li said, developed countries unnecessarily have advantages in this aspect. The competitiveness(竞争)of Chinas information industry depends on whether it has self-independent core technologies(核心技术)and whether it can set new industrial standard based on its independent(独立的) core technologies.So far China has made breakthroughs(突破)in CPU designing and many other information products over the past ten years.But, Li said, there is little possibility for China to overpass western countries in the information industry. He suggests that Chinese information industrial firms should develop products different from that of western countries to narrow the “gap”. 3. What would be the best title for the passage? A. Chinas information industry faces best opportunities(机会). B. Breakthroughs in CPU designing and many other information products. C. Chinas self-independent core technologies. D. Information industry has entered a period of steady development.4. The following statements are Li Guojies opinions except_. A. China should pay attention to reducing cost and improving technologies B. China is sure to overpass western countries in the information industry C. China should develop its own core technologies and set new industrial standard D. The present situation of information businesses makes developed countries invest much more in the biological sector5. According to the passage, Chinas information industry _. A. has made breakthroughs B. has advantages C. has caught up with of leaders of the industry D. has been invested lessC Good evening. Tonights broadcast brings tighter music from different concerts of the world. The records we have chosen for you are from classical Western music, Indian music, pop and negro spiritual(黑人灵歌). In this broadcasts we shall study the language of music. We shall try to find out how music says what people feel. You will hear a Beethoven piano piece, a composition for the sitar(西他,一种弦乐器), and songs sung by a pop group and some black Americans. It will be natural if you like one more than the others. I shall be trying to explain(解释) why they are all good music. The feeling in each of these 4 musical compositions(乐曲) is sadness. You can find sadness in words, in paintings, and in music. The word music comes from the Greek word muse. The muses were goddesses of the arts. Music is only one of the arts. It is like the spoken language, but uses sounds differently. In the spiritual and the pop song you will hear voices. The words are part of the musical composition. In the other pieces you will hear only the piano or the sitar. Music is now heard everywhere, in shops and buses and at home. We shall be trying to find out more about how music works. It is worth making the effort. Only then can we say why one piece of music is good and another bad. 6. The speaker is trying to explain_. A. that all music is good B. why each of the pieces of music is good C. why some people like one piece more than others D. that different kinds of music are alike in nature 7. The records which will be played_. A. include a few new kinds of music B. express all our feelings C. are from different parts of the world D. show different kinds of feelings 8. Which of the following is NOT correct? A. In Beethoven piano piece you can not hear voices. B. The words are always part of the musical composition. C. It is natural for people to like one kind of music more than the others. D. In some musical compositions you can hear words. 9. According to the passage, we can tell why one piece of music is better than another_. A. after we learn more about how music works B. after these musical compositions are explained C. after we find out what people feel in music D. only when we know how to play music 10.The passage would probably be_. A. a news report B. a broadcast program C. a movie review D. a brief introduction to a story二、写作(共两节,满分25分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) Mr Grey was a biology professor, he had 11. _lots of animal bones(骨头)what he was very proud of. 12. _Then in one year he got a new and better job 13. _in other city. Because Mr Grey was very busy, 14. _his wife collected all the things to be taken in a 15. _truck to their new home while he was away at the 16. _work. Three man came to take the things out their 17. _house. Someone of them brought out a large box. He 18. _was just about to throw it in the truck with all the 19. _other things when Mrs Grey said, “Please give 20. _the box gently(轻轻地)! It has all of my husbands bones in it.” 第二节 书面表达(满分15分)近几年,你看了不少进口的国外影片,但是你觉得这些影片不尽人意,于是你想给一家英文报投稿,发表自己的看法。主要包括以下一些观点:1. 这些电影并非给人们带来高档的娱乐享受,有的反而对青少年造成负面影响。2. 冲击国内电影业的市场和发展。3. 国家应该制定好政策,认真挑选,把好进口关。注意:1. 不要逐句翻译,在把握好主要观点的前提下,充分发表自己的意见,使文章说理清晰,通顺连贯。2. 参考词汇:政策policy,进口import。3. 词数100左右。【试题答案】一、15 BAABB 610 BCBAB2. A文章最后一句话。3. A 主旨大意。文章说明目前世界信息工业处于稳定发展时期,发达国家投资转向,中国可以抓住机遇发展信息工业,从而缩小差距。4. B 文章最后一段第一句话 5. B 排除法。A是信息工业产品有大的突破而非信息工业;C指信息工业前景;D是发达国家对信息工业投资少而非中国。6. B 文章第一段最后一句7. C 文章第一段二三句8. B 根据文章信息排除,该陈述错在always一词上;第二段4,5两行9. A 文章最后3句话。二、11. he前加and,并列句 12. what改为 that/which,定语从句 13. 去掉 in 14. other改为 another 15. 正确 16. 去掉the 17. out后加of 18. Someone改为One 19. in 改为into 20. give 改为putOne possible version: Over the past few years, China has introduced a large number of foreign movies. However, this has neither brought us high entertainment, nor helped our national movie industry to develop. With so many foreign movies flowing into China, the national movie industry is faced with a difficult situation. This is a serious problem in our society. In recent years, such movies appear in the market, and some crimes result from them, which do great harm to young people. Young people are hope and future of our country. Please dont earn money at the cost of our countrys future. In my opinion, the policy of importing so many foreign movies should be changed. We ought to be more selective in choosing these movies.111

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