《a material world》学案1(北师大版必修4)

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111Lesson 1 A Material World学案预习与检测翻译下面短语或词组1.决心去做某事 be determined to do sth. 2. 凭空想出,虚构 dream up3. 担心,忧虑 be concerned about 4. 确切地,肯定 for sure5. 乐于做某事 be pleased to do sth. 6. 退学,退出 drop out7.对某人无礼 be rude to sb. 8. 放弃 give up 知识探究:一重点词汇1Determine vt. 确定,决定注:determine后常加to do sth. 或从句。We have determined where the new hospital will be built.我们已确定新医院将建造在什么地方。He determined to go that very afternoon.他决定就在那天下午走。My teachers encouragement determined me to study hard.老师的鼓励使我决心努力学习。He was determined to enter a key university.他决心要上一所重点大学。He determined to go that he (should) go at once. 他决心立刻就走。拓展:1. determine to do与be determined to do的区别be determined to do sth. 表示一个状态; 而 determine to do sth. 表示一个动作习惯用语: be determined to do sth. 决心做某事 determine on/ upon 决定 determine sb. against sth./ determine sb.not to do sth. 使某人决定不做某事 determine sb. to do sth. 使某人决定做某事运用:选择填空I left, _ never to come back again.A. determining B. determined C. to determine D.was determined答案:B。 完整的句子可以这样看:I left and was determined never to come back again.be determined to do sth. 表示的是一种心里状态。2concern 1). (不用被动语态)关于, 关系到The news concerns our future.这消息关系到我们的未来。2). 使担心;使担忧 (+about/for)We are all concerned for about her safety. 我们都担心着她的安全。3) 和某事有牵连, 与.有关(+in/with)4) n. 关心的事,担心Thats no concern of mine. 那不关我的事。拓展:习惯用语 as concerns 关于 be concerned in sth. 和某事有牵连as/ so far as. be concerned 关于; 至于; 就.而言 be concerned about 关心, 担心 feel concern about 忧虑, 挂念 it is no concern of mine 这不关我的事 with concern 关切地 运用:翻译下面句子1). 他担心她的安全。 He is concerned for/ about her safety.2).我们的老师表达了他对我们的关切。 Our teacher expressed hisconcern to us. 3) Does thisconcern me ? 这个与我有关系吗?3 aware adj.1).知道的,意识到的,阅历丰富的I am aware that it is not good news.我意识到这不是个好消息。She was not aware of having done wrong.她没有意识到做错了事。2). (与副词连用)有.方面知识(或意识)的He is an artistically aware young man.他是个懂艺术的青年。拓展:习惯用语 be/ become aware of 知道, 意识到 , 注意到 I was not aware of the fire. 我没有意识到火。运用:翻译下面句子We were quite aware (of) how you would respond to our terms. 我们十分清楚你们对我们提出的条件肯定会有什么反应。选择填空She is a very _person, and she knows what to speak at the suitable time.A. aware B. foolish C. loyal D. clever答案:A。全句意思是:她是个阅历丰富(懂得世故)的人,懂得在合适时间说什么话。foolish蠢笨的;loyal忠实厚道的;clever聪明的。aware可以作表语,也可作定语。4 drunk adj.1).(酒)醉的He got drunk on a little wine. 他喝一点酒就醉了。2). 陶醉的,兴奋的(+with) She was drunk with success.她因成功而陶醉。n.C 醉汉,酒鬼拓展:drunk与drunken 的区别意思都含“喝醉的”。drunk 可以表示动作或状态, 只能作表语, 如: He was drunk last night. 昨晚他喝醉了。drunken强调状态, 一般只能作定语, 如: a drunken soldier 醉酒的士兵。运用:翻译1).dead drunk 烂醉 2). drunken words 酒后之言3). Being caused by pollution, the water in the river cant be drunk any longer.由于受到污染,河里的水已经不能再喝了。5rude adj.1).粗鲁的,无礼的He was punished because he was rude to his teacher. 他被处罚了,因为他对老师无礼貌。2). 粗糙的,简陋的People of the Stone Age used rude tools. 石器时代的人使用粗糙简陋的工具。3). 未加工的,天然的They are buying rude cotton. 他们正在收购原棉。4). 未开化的,原始的,野蛮的These rude tribesmen live in the rain forest.这些未开化的部落人生活在雨林之中。拓展:(1)形容词比较级:ruder 最高级:rudest 名词:rudeness 副词:rudely (2)词组:be rude to sb. 对某人粗暴无礼in rude health 非常健康运用:翻译下面句子1). Its strange for her to be so rude. 真奇怪,她竟然会如此粗暴无礼。2). Dont be so rude to your parents! 别对你的父母这么没礼貌!二重点词组:1give away 赠送给,泄露(秘密),分发Do notgive awaymy secret. 不要泄露我的秘密。Illgive this old coat away. 我要把这件旧外衣送人。拓展:give in 屈服, 投降, 让步 (to) give off (散)发出(光,热,气体)give out 用完, 用尽, 散分发, 精疲力竭 发出(声音,光线,气味)give up 放弃, 停中止投降, 认输, 泄气2drop out 退学,退出Students are forced to drop out of school if they break the rules heavily.学生们要是严重违反制度就要被迫退学。If you do not like the idea, drop out please. 如果你不赞成这个观点,请退出。拓展:drop in on sb. 顺便走访某人 drop in at a place 顺便拜访某地drop by 顺便访问一下三重点句型1. Then they are hardworking to make sure they never lose it !他们继续拼命以确保不再失去这笔财富。to make sure they never lose it是不定式短语作目的状语。动词不定式作状语的用法小结:1)目的状语To, only to (仅仅为了),in order to,so as to,so (such) as to (如此以便)He ran so fast as to catch the first bus.他飞快地跑以便赶上第一班车。 I come here only to say good-bye to you. 我来仅仅是向你告别。2)作结果状语,表事先没有预料到的,要放在句子后面。He searched the room only to find nothing.3)表原因 Im glad to see you.典型例题:The chair looks rather hard, but in fact it is very comfortable to _. A. sit B. sit on C. be seat D. be sat on答案:B.如果不定式为不及物动词,其后应有必要的介词。当动词与介词连用时,常位于形容词+动词不定式结构的末尾。make sure1) 查明;弄确实 I think the party begins at eight oclock but Ill phone to make sure. 我想晚会八点开始,但是我要打电话问确切了。 Make sure of your facts before you accuse him. 在指责他以前要把材料核实一下。 2) 确信;有把握 I made sure you would come today. 我相信你今天一定会来的。 3) 弄到某物 There arent many left. Youd better make sure of one before they are all sold. 所剩不多了。在卖完以前,你最好去弄一个来。2.Charles believes that many people want to earn a lot of money so that they will not have any worries.查尔斯认为许多人想挣大量的钱以便解除烦恼。本句话是个主从复合句。thatclause是believe的宾语从句,在宾语从句中又含有so that引导的目的状语从句。so that与sothat的用法 so that有两个意思 I got up very early, so that I caught the first bus.(因此) I should get up early tomorrow so that I can catch the first bus.(为了) 区别这两句可以看有没有逗号。 He tries his best so that he can pass the exam. (主句和从句时态保持一致即可) 以上句为例,改为简单句:He tries his best, because he wants to pass the exam. 根据句意改变,不需要改变时态。so.that. 如此以致于 He ran so fast that nobody could catch up with him.他跑得如此之快以致没人赶上他。Im so excited that I cant fall asleep.我激动得睡不着觉。知识巩固 一、根据下面单词的首字母或汉语意思写出该单词1. We had an _(快乐的;有乐趣的) time. enjoyable2. Dont be so g_ - -leave some food for the rest. greedy3. His report contained only _(旧的,二手的)information. second-hand4. The man is a j_(新闻工作者,新闻记者). journalist5. Mr Smith asked his son to buy a pack of c_ (香烟,纸烟)for him. cigarettes6. Worst of all, he had no hope of shaking her r_(决心,决心要做的事). resolution 7. The floor is covered with a c_(地毯). carpet 8. She put some roses in the _(花瓶). vase9. We Chinese people are brave and h_. hardworking10. Our teacher is very p_ with our work. pleased111

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