高中英语《MODULE2 A Job Worth Doing》单元练测题(三) 外研版必修5

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111高中英语必修五MODULE2 A Job Worth Doing单元练测题(三)单元练测卷(三)111. 单项选择1. I was wondering if we could go skiing on the weekend._ good.A. SoundB. SoundedC. Sounding D. Sounds2. Were trying to ring you back, Bryan, but we think we _ your number incorrectly.A. looked upB. took downC. worked outD. brought about3. _ your timely warning, we would have been unaware of the danger. A. In spite ofB. But forC. Instead ofD. As for4. I wonder why Mr Green hasnt showed up at the meeting yet.Im not sure, but he_ in a traffic jam driving here.A. could be stuckB. might stickC. might have been stuckD. must have stuck5. So many uses have been discovered for this wood _ the supply of white pine is becoming smaller and smaller.A. thenB. whatC. thatD. which6. With a lot of difficult problems _, the newly-elected president is having a hard time.A. settledB. settlingC. to settle D. being settled7. One of the requirements for being admitted to the University is that you _ the English test organized by it.A. will passB. would passC. pass D. must pass8. Dont take _ for granted that he will agree with you on the point.A. it B. whatC. whichD. that9. I dont believe youve already finished reading the bookI _ it to you this morning!A. would lendB. was lendingC. had lentD. lent10. Alice, why didnt you come yesterday? I _, but I had an unexpected visitor. A. hadB. wouldC. was going toD. did11. He will stop showing off, if no notice _ of him.A. is takenB. will be takenC. takesD. has taken12. _you _ the editor at the airport?No, he _ away before my arrival. A. Have; met; has driven B. Had; met; was driven C. Did; meet; had been drivenD. Have; met; had driven13. The novels written by the author sell best, but five years ago no one could have imagined how great a role he _ in the literary world. A. was playingB. was to playC. had playedD. played. 阅读理解A A jobless man wanted very much to have the position of “office boy” at Microsoft. The HR manager interviewed him and then watched him cleaning the floor as a test. “You have passed the test,” he said. “Give me your e-mail address and Ill send you the form to fill in and the date when you may start.” The man replied, “But I dont have a computer, neither an e-mail.” “Im sorry,” said the HR manager.” If you dont have an e-mail, that means you are not living. And anyone who isnt living cannot have the job.” The man left with no hope at all. He didnt know what to do with only 10 in his pocket. He thought and thought. Then he went to the supermarket and bought 10 kilos of tomatoes. He sold the tomatoes from door to door. In less than two hours, he had 20 dollars. He repeated the operation three times, and started to go early every day, and returned home late. Shortly, he bought a cart, then a truck, then he had his own fleet of delivery vehicles(运货车队). Five years later, the man was one of the biggest food retailers(零售商) in the US. One day, one of his friends asked him for his e-mail. He said, “I havent got one.” His friend couldnt believe his ears. “Can you imagine what you could have been if you had an e-mail?” The man thought for a while and replied, “Yes, Id be an office boy at Microsoft!”14. What did the man do for the test? A. He sent e-mails. B. He did the cleaning.C. He sold computers.D. He filled in forms.15. The man didnt get the job because he _. A. disliked such a job B. didnt pass the test C. didnt have an e-mail D. knew nothing about computers16. The man _ after he left Microsoft.A. went to look for another jobB. asked for food from door to doorC. thought of an idea to make moneyD. bought a computer and got an e-mail17. Why could the man become one of the biggest food retailers in the US?A. Because he had many friends to help him.B. Because he was smart and worked very hard.C. Because he had his own fleet of delivery vehicles.D. Because he wanted to show Microsoft he was living.18. What does the story want to tell us? A. Computers are very important in our daily life.B. Everyone can make a lot of money with only 10. C. The HR manager didnt find the ability of the man.D. Nothing in the world is impossible if we work hard.BTwelve years ago, a young traveler named Rhett Butler from San Francisco, California, visited the Sabah rainforest on Malaysian Borneo. In one area of the rainforest, he watched a bird flying through the trees. The beautiful sight left quite an impression on him. But weeks later, back home, Rhett Butler got the news that trees had been cut down in the area he visited.That experience led Rhett Butler to begin writing a book about rainforests and threats to their existence. But he did not publish the book. Instead, in 1999,he used his research for the book to create a website. The site is Mongabay.com. His purpose was to inform the public about tropical rainforests. But the subject quickly developed. As a former businessman, he became a respected writer of science and environmental stories.The popularity of Mongabay.com attracted advertisers. Small ads on the site pay for its operations. Mongabay.com has grown and led to other sites. For example, there is a site for children which is called kids .Mongabay.com. Another one, Wild Madangascar.org, is also about the island nation that Rhett Butler calls his favorite place.To keep his website going, he travels around the world on several major trips each year. His working tools are a laptop computer, cameras and sometimes diving equipment. He often calls on experts for information. For example, he interviewed Alison Jolly, a top expert on lemurs(狐猴). He interviewed Rodney Jackson, a biologist who established the Snow Leopard Conservancy.Stories like these have made Mongabay a favorite place on the Internet for researchers, students and teachers. In April, Time.com named it one of the fifteen top climate and environment websites in the world.19. Whats the main idea of the passage?A. Rhett Butler and his website.B. Rainforest on Malaysian Borneo.C. How Rhett Butler protected rare animals.D. How Rhett Butler made his website popular.20. Rhett Butler didnt publish his book about rainforests because _.A. making websites earns more money than writing booksB. he didnt want to become a writerC. the book was not about rainforest protectionD. he wanted to use the information to create a website21. Which of the followings is NOT true about the Mongabay.com?A. It was set up in 1999.B. It attracted many advertisers.C. At least two related websites grew from it.D. Rhett Butler made a lot of money from it.22. To keep his website going, Rhett Butler _. A. kept visiting the rainforest B. traveled around and interviewed experts C. raised rare snow leopards D. made a great number of advertisements23. We can learn from the passage that _. A. Mongabay.com was loved by researchers as well as students B. kids.Mongabay.com has many stories written by kids C. Wild Madangascar.org is better known than Mongabay.comD. Rodney Jackson was once a businessman. 书面表达 英语中有一句人人皆知的谚语:“All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.”请你根据自己的经验和体会,以On Recreation为题,写一篇词数为120左右的文章,叙述一下娱乐的重要性。可以从以下几方面论述:1. 没有充分的体育和休息活动,不可能保持身体健康; 2. 学生学习之余,可以从事各种各样的娱乐活动。许多人喜欢听音乐、看电视,但因为我们在室内待的时间太长,用眼太多,所以最好选择一些能加强肌肉运动的活动,如打篮球、踢足球、打乒乓球、游泳、跑步等;3. 大脑的活动需要经常调剂才能保持灵敏、活跃。 On Recreation_答案与解析111 1. D 句意:“我想知道我们周末是否能去滑雪。” “听起来不错。”sound是系动词,后接形容词 作表语。在答句里面作谓语,省略了主语。系动 词无被动语态,由于主语是短语,所以应该用 sounds。2. B 句意:我们努力给你回电话,Bryan,但是我们认为记错了你的号码。look up“查阅,拜访”;take down“拿下,记下,病倒”;work out“解决,设计出,计算出,消耗完”;bring about“使显示,出版”。3. B 句意:要不是你及时警告,我们将不会意识到危险。but for“要不是”,引导含蓄条件句,用虚拟语气。4. C 句意:“我想知道格林先生为什么还没来会场。”“我不清楚,但是他可能在开车来的途中被交通阻塞了。”might have done表示对过去可能性的推测。“被阻塞”应用被动语态,故选C。5. C 句意:白松木如此多的用途被发现,以至于白松的供应量越来越少。考查sothat引导的结果状语从句。6. C 句意:因为有如此多的难题需要被解决,新当选的总统的日子不好过。由下句知“许多问题待于解决”,因此应用动词不定式作宾语补足语。7. C 句意:上这所大学的条件之一是你必须通过由这所大学组织的英语考试。在require,recommend,demand,suggest,advise等动词后的宾语从句中,谓语动词用(should+)动词原形的虚拟语气形式。同样,这些动词的名词形式后若有表语从句或同位语从句,从句中谓语动词也用此类虚拟语气。8. A 句意:不要凭想当然认为他会同意你这一点。take it for granted是固定用法。it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面that引导的宾语从句。9. D 句意:我不相信你已经读完了这本书我今天上午刚借给你。根据后一句中的时间状语this morning可知,本题中“借给”的动作发生在过去,因此使用一般过去时,故选D。A项是过去将来时,B项是过去进行时,C项是过去完成时,与本题的时间状语都不相符。10. C 句意:“Alice,你昨天为什么没来?”“我本打算来的,但是我来了位不速之客。”I was going to.为I was going to come.之省略,意为“我本来是打算来的”,这与其后but I had an unexpected visitor的语境刚好吻合。注意不能选would,因为它没有“打算”之意。11. A 句意:如果没人注意他,他会停止炫耀。若主句用将来时,在时间、条件状语从句中要用一般现在时表示将来。又因if从句中是take notice of的被动语态结构,故选A。12. C 句意:“你在机场见到那个编辑了吗?”“没有,他在我到达之前就被车接走了。”本题关键要抓住此题已发生。而答语中的行为在问句行为之前发生,所以前一个空为一般过去时,后一个空为过去完成时。13. B 句意:这位作者的小说最畅销,但是五年前,没有人能够想象到他在文学界方面是多么重要的角色。指在五年前着眼后来发生的事,即“过去将来”。14. B 由第一段中的第二句“watched him cleaning the floor as a test.”可知答案为B。15. C 由第一段中的“If you dont have an e-mail, that means you are not living. And anyone who isnt living cannot have the job.”可知答案为C。16. C 文章第二段描写此人用口袋里仅有的10美元买了西红柿,然后卖掉,挣了钱来又卖掉,之后买了车,最后成为美国最大的食品零售商。说明他在微软没有得到工作之后自己想挣钱的办法。所以答案为C。17. B 由第二段此人的经历可以看出他很聪明,并且很努力。18. D 文章向我们讲述了此人在没有得到微软公司的工作之后,自己挣钱,并成为美国最大的食品零售商之一的成功故事。可以推出只要我们努力什么事都能成功。此题可以用排除法。19. A 文章讲述了Rhett Butler在雨林中所见及由此而引发的灵感写书、创网站。答案A最全面并准确。20. D 由第二段中的“But he did not publish the book. Instead, in 1999, he used his research for the book to create a website.”可知答案。21. D 由第二段中的“But he did not publish the book. Instead, in 1999, he used his research for the book to create a website.”可知A项属实。第三段中的“The popularity of Mongabay.com attracted advertisers.”可知B项属实。由第三段中的“Mongabay.com has grown and led to other sites. For example, there is a site for children which is called kids.Mongabay.com. Another one, Wild Madangascar.org, is also about the island nation that Rhett Butler calls his favorite place.”可知C项属实。文章没有提到Rhett Butler挣多少钱。22. B 由第四段中的“To keep his website going, he travels around the world on several major trips each year.”和“He often calls on experts for information.”可知答案。23. A 由最后一段中的“Stories like these have made Mongabay a favorite place on the Internet for researchers, students and teachers.”可知答案。One possible version:On Recreation It is impossible for us to keep fit unless we often take part in activities of recreation. There are various kinds of games in our daily life after study, for example, listening to music, watching TV, playing chess, going to the cinema. But I think wed better have more outdoor activities to supply our muscles with exercise because we usually sit too long in our classroom, and our eyes and brains get tired. So its a good idea to play basketball, football, table tennis, go swimming and do some running, even go for a picnic. Our brain also needs changes to make it smart and active. Remember the old saying, “All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.”111

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