冀教版英语必修3 Unit6《Geography》同步练习1

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111Unit6 Geography 同步练习1基础知识.短语翻译1.尝试做某事_答案:attempt/try to do sth.2.即将做某事_答案:be about to do sth.3.盼望着做某事_答案:look forward to doing sth.4.在做某事方面有问题_答案:have difficulty/trouble(in)doing sth.5.依靠_答案:depend on6.与有关_答案:be concerned with.7.学文化_答案:learn to read and write8.在哥伦布时代_答案:in the time of Columbus9.好像_答案:as if/though10.因为而著名_答案:be well-known for.11.踏上的土地_答案:set foot on.12.做某事的方法_答案:the way of doing/to do sth.13.起作用_答案:play a role in14.被用来做_答案:be used to do/for.单项填空1.Yesterday I was about to go to bed _ you phoned me.A.whenB.whileC.as D.during答案:A2.Be quick,please.Mr Green _ for you for nearly two hours.A.waitedB.has waitedC.had waitedD.has been waiting答案:D3._,the parents were very happy.A.Their lost boy was foundB.Their lost boy foundC.Because their lost boy foundD.For their lost boy was founded答案:B4._ the juice and maybe youll like it.A.TasteB.To tastesC.TastingD.Tasted答案:A5.Can you _ this kind of plant?Sorry.Ive never met it before.A.callB.tellC.nameD.speak答案:C6.The old lady _ her son because she couldnt earn her living.A.was depending onB.had depended onC.has depended onD.depended on答案:D7.Never in my life _ such a man!Hes too rude.A.I have metB.have I metC.I meetD.do I met答案:B8.Out _ from the yard and we were all frightened.A.a huge dog rushedB.rushed a huge dogC.did a huge dog rushD.had a huge dog rushed答案:B9.Will it rain tomorrow?Oh,_.A.I dont think soB.I dont thinkC.I dont think notD.I dont think答案:A10.Why didnt you go to the airport to meet Mr Black?I _!But he had been driven away.A.wentB.did wentC.did goD.was going答案:C11._ is known to all,Alice has gone abroad for a holiday.A.ItB.ThatC.ThisD.As答案:D12.Who is the man standing at the gate?A person _ himself an expert on everything.A.callsB.calledC.callingD.to call答案:C13.Ive been told that the students are _ to use the new library.A.agreedB.promisedC.allowedD.suggested答案:C14.Wood _ paper and paper _ writing.A.is used to make;is used forB.is used to make;is used toC.used to make;used toD.used to make;used for答案:A15.Weve found out a better way _ the problem.A.of work outB.in working outC.to work outD.at working out答案:C.选词填空ttempt, recall, fresh-looking, quarrel, steal, anxious, custom, compass, surrounding, belong1.The old couple often _ heatedly about something when they lived next door to me.答案:quarreled2._ are necessary when we travel in thick forests or huge deserts.答案:Compasses3.I have _ to get in touch with him,but bad luck.答案:attempted4.I found my _ bike with the help of the police.答案:stolen5.Is it your _ to pass down your possessions to the son rather than to the daughter?答案:custom6.Were quite _ about your safety in Iraq.答案:anxious7.The car _ to Mr Green.That one is mine.答案:belongs8.You must feel well for you are _.答案:fresh-looking9.The old like to_ the good old days.答案:recall10.We should take care of our _ instead of polluting them.答案:surroundings.句型转换1.All of us wanted to have a try of driving Toms new car.All of us wanted to _ _ Toms new car.答案:attempt driving2.I was on the po int of going to bed and just then the doorbell rang.I was _ _ go to bed _ the doorbell rang.答案:about to;when3.Mr Lee has worked in the firm for 10 years and now he is still working there.Mr Lee _ _ _ in the firm for 10 years.答案:has been working4.Xiao Ming met some difficulty when he did his homework.Xiao Ming _ _ _ his homework.答案:had difficulty working5.He found out a new way to work out the problem.He found out a new way _ _ out the problem.答案:of working6.He didnt come back until deep into the night.It _ _ _ deep into the night _ he came back.答案:was not until;that.课文浓缩13世纪的欧洲,丝绸、茶叶、黄金等可以使人致富。人们相信中国盛产这些东西。当时到达中国的唯一通道是“丝绸之路”,一条由阿拉伯人控制的充满艰险之路。波罗家族是威尼斯的富商之一。他们自己寻找到了一条能够避开“丝绸之路”通往中国的道路。1269年他们再次起航,带上小马克波罗。1275年他们到达北京。马克留在中国学习中国的生活方式。数年后,他回到了家乡,写了一本关于中国的书。描述了他在中国的生活,以及当时中国的风俗、先进的技术等,很多是当时的欧洲所没有的。答案:In Europe during the 13th century,silk,tea and gold were what made people rich.And China was known to have them in abundance.The only way to get to China then was to travel east via the Silk Road,a dangerous journey and one that was controlled by the Arabs.The Polo family was one of the rich business families of Venice.They took it upon themselves to seek out a route to China that would avoid the Silk Road.In 1269,they started a second voyage,taking along little Marco Polo.In 1275,they reached Beijing.And Marco stayed and learned the Chinese way of life.Several years later,he returned to his home in Venice and wrote a book about his life in China,also the customs of Chinese and some modern technology,many of which were not seen in Europe then.111


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