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SOFITEL BOAO博鳌索菲特大酒店mDoor Service and Greeting迎宾服务a Eye Contact and Smile.面带微笑正视客人。aGood Morning/Afternoon/Evening, Sir/Madam, Welcome to Sofitel Boao. 先生/小姐,早上/下午/晚上好,欢迎您光临Sofitel Boao.mLuggage Handling (Individual Guest)行李服务(个别客人)aApproached Guest.迎向客人。aWish pleasantries.向客人问好。aOffer with Baggage Service.为客人提供行李服务。mLuggage Handling (Group)行李服务(团体)。aWhere is the room located which floor and which wing.告诉客人房间的位置,在哪一层以及方位。mDriving the Guest为客人驾驶车辆aEnsure cleanliness of car保持车内整洁干净aDrive carefully小心驾驶车辆aKnow the way to any destination well熟悉任何目的地的路线aBe informative 要有广博的见识 Open the cars door for the guest. 司机要主动为客人打开车门。When you open the cars door, stand at the right hand side and greet the guest by saying “Good Morning/ Good Afternoon / Good Evening, Mr.(guest name)当你打开车门时,要站在右手边向客人问候:“早上/下午/晚上好,先生(客人的姓名)”mIntroduce yourself. 向客人作自我介绍。My name is . and I am your driver this morning/evening/afternoon.我是,今天上午/下午/晚上由我来作您的司机。mAssist the seating and arrange the luggage. 司机要安排客人就座并帮助客人安排好行李。mHelp the guest when they are entering the car, and ensure they have sufficient space to sit. The entire luggage should be put in the boot unless if its hand luggage or the guest wants it otherwise.客人上车时,你要帮助客人以确保客人有充裕的位置就座。如果客人没有特殊的要求,除手提包外,所有的行李应全部放入车后的行李箱内。mOffer the guest cold towel (during summer) & hot towel (during winter) 司机要为客人提供凉毛巾(在夏天)和热毛巾(在冬天)。mBefore the guest arrives, ensure that you have the towels ready to offer to the guest. To co-ordinate this with the Guest Relations Officer at the airport.在客人抵达之前,你要为客人准备好毛巾。在机场要协助客户主任的工作。mAsk the guest if he has a pleasant flight on his way here? 司机要询问客人来这儿的途中是否愉快。How was your flight, Mr/Ms/Mrs.?先生/小姐/女士,您的旅行愉快吗? mOn the way from the airport to the hotel, highlight to the guest the attraction of Hainan. 在机场到饭店的途中,你可以向客人着重介绍名胜古迹。mAsk the guest about his or her stay at the hotel. 询问客人在饭店入住的情况。How was your stay at our hotel Mr/Ms/Mrs.先生/小姐/女士,您在我们饭店入住期间感觉如何?mAsk the guest what he/she thinks about Boao. 请问客人对Boao 的印象。Did you like your stay in Beijing, Mr /Ms/ Mrs? (If this guest is a foreigner)(如果客人是外国人)先生/小姐/女士,您喜欢这次郑州之行吗?mAsk the guest if he/she has any suggestions about the hotels performance. 请客人对饭店的经营管理提出宝贵的建议。Do you have any suggestions/ideas about our hotels overall performance? Similarly, with the feedback, it is to be handed to the GM.请问您对饭店的经营管理有什么意见和建议吗?同样地,要将客人反馈的信息呈交总经理。mAsk if the guest would like to stay at our hotel again. 询问客人是否愿意再次入住我们饭店。Do you plan to stay with us again, Mr/Ms/Mrs.先生/小姐/女士,您打算下次入住我们饭店吗?mAsk the places that he/she has visited in Boao. 询问客人在Boao游览过的地方。How many places have you visited in China besides Beijing Mr/Ms/Mrs?(If this guest is a foreigner)(如果客人是外国人)可以询问:先生/小姐/女士,除了郑州以外,您还到过中国的哪些地方呢? Always remember to SMILE!要记住保持微笑!Open the cars door for the guest. 司机要主动为客人打开车门。When you open the cars door, stand at the right hand side and greet the guest by saying “Good Morning/ Good Afternoon / Good Evening , Mr.(guest name) 打开车门时你要站在右手边,并向客人问候 “先生/小姐/女士,早上/下午/晚上好!”mIntroduce yourself. 向客人做自我介绍。My name is . and I am your driver this morning/evening/afternoon.我是,今天上午/下午/晚上由我来作您的司机。mReconfirm destination with guest. 你要与客人确认目的地。Make sure you know the way. If unsure, you should find out the direction prior before guests booking.你要确保了解行进的路线。如果你不清楚,则需要在客人预订前弄清路线和方向。mTry to make small talk to the guest on the way, however, if you feel that the guest do not feel like talking, then DONT continue。在途中你可以试着与客人交谈,但如果你感觉到客人不想交谈,要立即停止谈话。mBe informative. 司机要有广博的见识。Be prepared for the questions that a guest will ask you about the city of Beijing during the way to the destination.在前往目的地的途中,你要对客人可能会问到的有关郑州的问题有所准备。mUpon reaching destination, if the guest have booked for you to wait for him, inform the guest where you will be waiting or check with the guest what time he should pick him/her up again if he asked you to return.到达目的地时,如果客人通知你等他,就要告知客人你等候的地点;如果客人让你先回去,那么就要向客人询问什么时间接他/她。mAsk the guest if he/she has any comments about the hotels performance. 请教客人对饭店的经营管理有什么意见。vGreet the guest. Introduce yourself. 问候客人并做自我介绍。 “Good Morning/Good Afternoon/Good Evening Mr/Ms/Madam” “先生/小姐/女士,早上/下午/晚上好!”vTo ensure all guests that have made prior bookings are in the bus. 确定所有提前预订的客人都已上车。vBefore you start the journey, offer guests towels. 出发前,要发给客人毛巾。vEnsure shuttle leaves on time according to schedule. 确保班车按时间准时发车。vMake sure music is on during the journey. 要确保在途中播放音乐供客人欣赏。vBe informative. Make sure you know what is happening in the hotel and within Boao. 要有广博的见识。要了解饭店内部及市内正在发生的事情。 Example: If there are any ongoing promotions at the F&B outlet, any activities that are happening. In Boao to highlight to the guests whilst they are here.例如:饭店餐厅推出了什么特色菜;客人在Boao期间,Boao市内正在举行什么特别活动等等。 Important: 重要的:Make sure the cleanliness of the bus is well maintained. Magazines/Newspapers to be in placed accordingly.要保持车内的干净整洁。报纸和杂志要按照要求摆放。 Always remember to SMILE! 要记住保持微笑! Clean the vehicle every morning or before your shift starts. 每天早上或交班之前,要擦洗车辆。 Clean the inside of the vehicle with a vacuum cleaner and collect all the garbage. 用吸尘器清除车内的灰尘,将脏物扫到一起,清出车外。 Every day the vehicles should be cleaned and checked for any defaults.每天都要清扫车辆,检查车辆有无任何损坏。 Inspect the vehicles cleanliness. 检查车辆的卫生情况。 Inspect the inside of the vehicle. 检查车辆的内部状况。 Check the front, sides and back of the vehicle. 检查车的前头,车身及车尾。 Open the doors check the seats and the vehicles floor. 打开车门,检查车座和车的地板。 Inspect the vehicle maintenance. 检查维修车辆。 Open the front car cover and check the radiator, pull out the oil measurementand start the car for one or two minutes to ensure the Air Condition is working properly.打开车的前箱盖检查散热器,拔出机油标尺,发动汽车一两分钟后,检查空调是否正常运转。 Maintenance of the vehicles. 车辆的日常保养。 If you are in the Morning Shift, to check the following:如果你上早班,就要检查以下汽车部件: Radiator 散热器 Oil 机油 Brakes 刹车 Air Condition 空调 Lights 车灯 Water 水 Gas 汽油 Tires 车胎Make sure the appropriate magazines/newspapers are all in place in all cars and shuttle. 确保报纸和杂志恰当的摆放在汽车和班车内。If you have a guest that smokes in the vehicle before, after dropping off the guest, ensure that you spray the car with air-freshener. 如果车内有客人吸烟,在所有的客人下车后,要在车内使用空气清新剂。All the vehicles lenses and mirrors should be spotless clean at all times. 所有车辆的观后镜在任何时候都要擦拭得干净无污渍。Important: 重要的:To report immediately on any problem with the car.汽车有任何问题,都要立即报告。DGreet the guest with a big smile and pleasantries. 要面带微笑地迎接问候客人。 “Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening Mr/Ms/Madam., Welcome to Sofitel Boao hotel. “先生/小姐/女士,早上/下午/晚上好,欢迎您来Sofitel Boao.DMake sure you are aware of all the available services and outlets in the hotel and Boao. 你要了解我们饭店餐厅的特色和服务以及Boao市内的主要特色餐厅。DBe informative. 你要有广博的见识。DOffer assistance if you see that the guest look lost as he/she walked in to the hotel. 当你看到客人不知所措地走进饭店,你要主动上前提供帮助。 “May I help you Sir/Madam?” “先生/小姐,我能为您效劳吗?”DBe conscious of how you stand at the entrance. Ensure you have a good posture. 要意识到你在门口必须保持优美的站立姿势。DGreet the guest farewell as the guest walkout of the entrance. 当客人走出大门时,要向客人道别。 “Hope to see you again” “希望下次能再见到您。” “Have a nice day” “祝您度过愉快的一天。” “Have a pleasant evening” “祝您度过一个愉快的夜晚。”DEnsure that the glass door are properly cleaned polished all the time. Should not have fingerprints on any of the glass door at all. 玻璃门在任何时候都要擦拭干净,任何时候都不应该留有指印。 EGreets every guest that comes to the hotel with a smile and eye contact immediately. 要面带微笑,目视进入饭店的每一位客人,并向客人问候。EOffer to assist guest with the luggages and confirming the number of pieces with guest. 帮助客人提送行李,并与客人确认行李的件数。 ETo confirm surname with guest and note it down with luggage tag. 确认客人的姓氏,记在行李标签上。It is a must he inspects luggage/e for any damage and bring it to guest attention before it is placed on trolley. To group the luggage together if it is more than one piece to avoid mix-up. 在将行李放在行李车上前,一定要先检查行李,如有任何损坏,要立即告知客人注意。如果客人的行李不只一件,要把客人的行李放在一起,以免混淆。ELuggages to be placed on trolley and pushed it to the reception while waiting for guest to register. 在等候客人登记时,把行李放到行李车上,然后送到接待处。ETo assist guest to room and explain facilities available if the Guest Relations Officer is not available to room the guest. 如果客户主任不能迎领客人,你要迎领客人至房间并向客人介绍房间的设施。ETo assist guest in the lift and allowing him to enter first. 帮助客人进电梯,要请客人先进。EExplain to the guest about: 向客人介绍:Outlet opening hours. 餐厅的营业时间。Which floor he is on and room number 客人所住的楼层及房间号码。Special promotions at the F&B outlet (if any)餐厅的特色菜。EDemonstrate to guest how to open the room door. Open door, hold and show guest into the room first. 向客人示范开门的方法。打开房门,请客人先进房间。EShow the guest how to activate the lighting in room by using the key card. 给客人示范怎样使用钥匙卡打开室内照明设备。EProceed to introduce and explain our guest room facilities, in a clockwise/anti-clockwise in the following sequence: 按照顺时针或逆时针方向,依次向客人介绍客房内的设施:Coffee/Tea making facilities 煮咖啡/茶的设备Minibar 迷你吧TV channels 电视频道Control panel (air condition / heater switch, light control, message light, alarm clock, world time) 床头控制板(空调/暖气开关、灯光控制、留言灯、闹钟、国际时间)Personal Safe 室内保险箱Hairdryer / Shavers point 吹风机/剃须刀Fire Exits 防火安全出口Check with guest if he/she requires Laundry/Pressing Services. 询问客人是否需要洗衣/熨衣服务。EInform the guest that they can contact the Guest Relations Officer at extension:_ if they require flight reconfirmation. 告知客人:如果您需要确认航班,请与客户主任联系。请拨分机号码。ERemind the guest to recover key card from Energizer slot before leaving the room.Example: Mr Brown, please bring along your key card with you when you leave the room. 提醒客人,在离开房间时,要从取电盘中取出钥匙卡。例如:布朗先生,当您离开房间时,请您带上钥匙卡。EBefore leaving the rooms, wish the guest:“Have a pleasant stay with us”. 在你离开房间时,要预祝客人: “祝您过得愉快。”ETo ensure that proper recording in the check in control book 要正确记录抵达入住客人表。Important重要的: Bellman to retrieve the luggage tags from the guest luggage and brings it down for recording purposes.当进行记录时,行李员要从客人行李上取下行李标签。 ACollect check out slip and proceed to the room with luggage trolley. (Type of trolley depending on number of luggage) 先收取结帐单,然后将行李车推至客房门前。 (行李车的类型由客人的行李数量决定)AUpon reaching the guestroom, do the following: 到达客人房间后,做以下的事情:/Ring the doorbell once and announce “Bell Service”. 按下门铃,并向客人声明是“行李服务”。/To wait for 3 seconds and if there is no response, to knock on the door twice. “Announce Bell Service again” 如果三秒钟后没有人应答,请敲两下门,再次声明是“行李服务”。/ Greet the guest by name. 用姓名称呼客人。/ Introduce yourself.向客人做自我介绍。Example: Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening, Mr Li, I am_ . I am here to collect your luggages.例如:李先生,早上/下午/晚上好,我是。我来给取您的行李。AAfter the luggages have been loaded onto the trolley, have a last check in the room to ensure that no guest item is left behind. 将行李装上行李车后,要再次检查一遍房间以确保客人没有行李遗留在房间。ARemind guest to drop key card at cashier counter upon checking out.Example: Mr Li, please drop your key card at the cashier counter upon settling your bills. Thank you. 提醒客人结帐时,将钥匙卡带到收银台。例如:李先生,在您结帐时,请将钥匙卡带到收银台。谢谢合作!AOn the way out, close the door gently. 离开房间时,要轻轻地带上房门ATo tag the checkout slip on the luggage before bringing it down to the lobby. 行李送至大堂之前,要将结帐离店的行李标签放在行李上。AUpon reaching the lobby, the luggage is secure at the Bell Counter. If there are more than one piece of luggage, it should be grouped together so as to avoid any luggage being left behind and also wrong luggage being collected.客人抵达大堂后,行李员要将行李安全放至行李台。如果客人的行李不只一件,行李员应将行李放在一起,以免遗漏或取错行李。AAfter the guest had settled his bill, the luggage is released when the cashier check out slip is produced.在客人结帐时,收银员检查过帐单无误后,行李员就可以为客人出行李。AUpon loading the luggages onto the vehicle, ensure that the guest is aware of the action. To reconfirm with guest the number of prices loaded. This is to avoid wrong luggage being loaded onto the vehicle.在将行李放入车中时,要提醒客人。要和客人确认行李的件数以避免装 行李时出错。AWishes the guest a pleasant trip and request him to return soon.预祝客人旅行愉快,并希望很快再次见到客人。AEnsure you record the checkout you have just down in the record book.确保你在交班记录本上记录下了为刚结帐客人所做的事情。Never push the luggage trolley into a guestroom. 禁止将行李车推进客人的房间。Is your Uniform nicely pressed, clean and neat?你的制服干净整齐并熨平展了吗?Are your shoes polished?你的鞋子擦过了吗?Did you shave?你剃须了吗?Do you have clean black socks on?你已换上干净的黑色袜子吗?Have followed-up from Night Shift?已经落实了夜班交代的事情吗?Check your stationeries?你已检查过办公用具吗?Have you read the LogBook?你读过交班记录吗?Have you checked the Arrival report?你已检查过抵达客人表吗?Have you checked your luggage store working area cleanliness?你检查过行李房是否干净整洁吗?Are all your trolleys nicely polished?你已经将所有的行李车都擦好了吗?If there is any Group check-out? If yes, at what time?有团队结帐离店吗?如果有,是什么时间?Is there any Group Arrival? If yes, at what time?有抵达的团体吗?如果有,是什么时间?Anything to handover to Afternoon Shift to follow-up?你有什么事情需要交给下午班落实吗?Is your Uniform nicely pressed, clean and neat?你的制服干净整齐并熨平展了吗?Are your shoes polished?你的鞋子擦过了吗?Did you shave?你剃须了吗?Do you have clean black socks on?你换上了干净的黑色袜子吗?Have followed-up from Morning Shift?已经落实了早班交待的事情吗?Have you read the LogBook?你读过交班记录了吗?Have you checked the Arrival report?你已检查过抵达客人表吗?Have you checked your luggage store working area cleanliness?你已检查过行李房是否干净整洁吗?Are all your trolleys nicely polished?你已经将所有的行李车都擦好了吗?If there is any Group check-out? If yes, at what time?有团队结帐离店吗?如果有,是什么时间?Is there any Group Arrival? If yes, at what time?有团队抵达饭店吗?如果有,是什么时间?Have you sort out the newspapers and have them deliver to the respective rooms?你已经分拣过报纸并送到相应的房间了吗?Anything to handover for Night Shift to follow-up?有什么事情需要交给夜班落实吗?Is your Uniform nicely pressed, clean and neat?你的制服干净整齐并熨平展了吗?Are your shoes polished?你的鞋子擦亮了吗?Did you shave?你剃须了吗?Do you have clean black socks on?你换上了干净的黑色袜子吗?Have followed-up from Afternoon Shift?已经落实了下午班交待的事情吗?Check all your stock items for Bell Service used.你要检查行李服务所需用到的所有工具。Have you read the LogBook?你已经经阅读过交班记录吗?Have you checked the Arrival report?你已经检查过抵达客人表吗 ?Have you checked your luggage store working area cleanliness?你已经检查过行李房干净整洁吗?Make sure all trolleys are polished properly.要确保正确擦拭所有的行李车。If there is any Group check-out tomorrow morning? If yes, at what time?明天早上有团队要结帐离店吗?如果有,是什么时间?Have you sort out the newspapers and have them deliver to the respective rooms?你已经分拣过报纸,并送到相应的房间吗?Anything to handover for Morning Shift to follow-up?有什么事情需要交给早班落实吗?

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