高中英语外研版必修一学案Module 5 《A Lesson in a Lab》

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111Book 1 Module 5 A Lesson in a LabPeriod 1 【学习目标】识记本模块所学单词短语,掌握重点词短语的用法【学习重点难点】本模块重点词语用法【学习策略指导】利用多媒体和录音机让学生自主学习,小组合作探究解决当堂所学主要内容【预习自学】words and phrases【教学环节设计】Step1 自主学习下列重点词语用法(? 为英汉对译思考或完成句子小练习)1. expand v. 伸展,(使)膨胀,扩大,扩张 expansion n.膨胀,扩大 expand into把.扩展(发展, 膨胀) expand on / upon sth. 充分阐述某事The bird _ its wings and flew away. 那只鸟展开翅膀飞走了。 A balloon e_ when it is blown up.2. contract v. 收缩,使缩起来;使变狭; Metals _ when heated and _ when cooled.金属热胀冷缩 “I will” can be _ to “Ill”.(缩写为) 拓展: contract v. (与.) 订合同;承包 n. 合同;契约 contract sth. with sb. = contract with sb. for sth. 与.订立合同. sign / make a contract 与.签订合同; fulfil a contract 履行合同 3. electricity n. 电流,电,电学 electrician n. 电工electrical adj. 电的, 有关电的(表示与电有关的人和事物)electric adj. 电的, 导电的, 电动的, 电气(与电直接有关的电器)The _ told us to turn off all the lights to save _. Her father is an _ engineer but he doesnt like his job at all. I have just bought an _ kettle(壶) which can boil water by _.4. conclusion n. 结论 draw/ reach/ arrive at / come to / lead to a conclusion 得出结论leap to a conclusion / jump to a conclusion冒然断定, 过早下结论in conclusion最后, 总之conclude vt. &vi. 使结束;完毕;推断出;断定;决定They discussed the problem three or four times, but could come to no _ . He _ from his expressions that they were not in favour of (赞同)the plan. _, we cannot be successful without effort and hard work.A. At lastB. At onceC. In caseD. In conclusion5. aim n.目标,目的; 瞄准,对准 achieve/ attain ones aim 实现目标miss ones aim 达不到目标take aim at瞄准 v瞄准, 对准; 致力于,打算;针对aim to do sth. / aim at doing 意欲、企图、力求作某事aim at (doing) sth./ aim for sth. 力争做到aim sth. at sb 针对;对象是.I aim to be a writer. _ You should always aim at doing your job well. _ 6. reaction n. 反应 react vi. (化学)反应; 作出反应;回应;反对;反抗 When we use metals, it is important to know how they react with different substance. react with sth 与起化学反应 Iron _ with water and air to produce rust. react on / upon sth “对产生影响”;react against sb / sth“反对;反抗”; react to sth“对作出回应”。如:The rise of oil costs reacted on the price of food._The little child reacted against my suggestion._Most of the people react positively(积极地; 肯定地) to a suggestion. _ 7. equipment n.u 设备,装备;器材(注意:不可数)a piece of equipment 一件设备 sports equipment 运动器材拓展:equip vt. 装备;配备; 使有能力;使有资格;赋予 equip sb./ sth. with sth.给 配备,装备 be equipped with 用装备Your training will _ you for your future job.你的训练使得你能够胜任将来的工作。The room is _ with air conditioning. 这个房间装有空调设备。比较: facility n. C 设备;工具 可数名词,常用复数形式facilities8. ordinary adj. 普通的,平常的 It was an ordinary day today. 辨析:ordinary/ common / usual / normal ordinary 意思是“普通的,常见的,平凡的”,强调等级和类属方面的普通。指人时,该词既不显赫也不低贱;指物时指品质或质地一般,有“平庸无奇”之意。 common意思是“普通的,常见的”,强调经常发生,司空见惯,不显赫不特别,可修饰人或物。也可指“共同的”。usual意思 “通常的,惯例的,惯常的”,强调依照某人的常例来判断, “遵循常规”之意。normal意思是“正常的,合乎标准的”, 强调在正常情况下应有的.1) Yesterday morning he got up earlier than _, for it was not a(n) _ day. 2) It is _ knowledge that animals like snakes and frogs coe cold-blooded.3) Train services are now back to _ three days after the typhoon(台风).9. form v. 形成,(使)组成;(希望、想法)产生n. 形式,形状;表格The little girl formed the habit of washing hands before meals.A plan began to form in his head. _ 拓展:in the form of 以.的形式, 呈.状态 fill in a form 填表格form a habit of 养成.的习惯 in good form/ out of form 竞技状态良好/ 不好10. balance n. 天平;平衡 v. (使)均衡/ 平稳He lost his balance and fell over.Can you balance a stick on the end of your nose?拓展:keep ones balance 保持平衡 lose ones balance失去平衡 hold the balance 掌握决定权;举足轻重 on balance=in balance 总的来说我们必须保持生态(nature)平衡. _.11. lecture n. 讲演,讲演课; 训斥 vi .演讲, 讲课His father gave him a lecture on his conduct(行为)._拓展:attend / have a lecture 听讲座 give a lecture 上讲演课、 做讲座a lecture on (不能用about) 关于的讲座12. astonished adj. 吃惊的,惊讶的 He was astonished at the loud sound. = He was astonished to hear the loud sound.We were astonished that he appeared at the party._拓展:astonishing adj. 令人吃惊的 astonishment n. 惊讶; 令人惊讶的事人 astonish v. 使惊讶,使惊愕(常用于被动语态,不可用于进行时)to ones astonishment 令某人感到惊讶的是be astonished at / by sth. / to do 对某事感到惊讶 in astonishment 惊讶地Step 2 核对答案,小组合作讨论解决疑难问题Step 3【检测反馈】I. 单词拼写1. Wed better drink b_ water, or well be sick.2. An a_ expression appeared on his face.3. We came to the c_ that the room must have been empty.4. He has f_ the habit of getting up early.5. If there were no e_, our life would be quite different from today.6. He was very glad when he saw the f_ in the lab such as crucible, balance, etc.7. What was his _ (反应)to your answer?8. We were dressed up for the party but she was still in her _(平常的)clothes.9. Have you seen the boat _ (漂浮)in the distance?10. Can you stop it from _(溶解) in water?11. Most substances will _ (收缩)when it gets cold in winter.12. Now he is studying in the English _(系) of the university.13. Iron _(膨胀) when it is heated.14. The famous writer Zhang Ping will come to our school and give a _(演讲).15. A small child has to keep its b_ before it can walk. II改错: 1. The cookies(饼干) were all in a form of stars.2. The news astonish us so much that all of us were astonishing at it. 3. Turn off the gas. The milk is boil over.4. The young child lose balance and fell onto the ground. III. 单项选择1. He studied hard, _ the exam.A. aim atB. aiming at passingC. aiming passingD. aim to pass2. He _ from their expressions that they were not in favor of the plan.A. concluded B. saidC. toldD. decided3. The students went on strike to _ the political system.A. prevent from B. againstC. stop fromD. react against4. Sugar, when _with water, dissolves quickly. A. mixed B. mixing C. mix D. is mixed 5. Why not try to _ your story into a novel?A. expendB. expandC. expenseD. expect6. The explorers were told to _ themselves with everything they would need for the voyage.A. associateB. equipC. relateD. feed【课外作业】预习Introduction和Reading部分,并完成相关练习【学后反思】_英语模块一学案21(Module 5 Period1)Step1自主学习答案1.expanded expands 2.expand,contract; contracted;他与这座城市订立了图书馆设计合同。/与.签订合同;履行合同3. electrician;electricity; electrical; electric; electricity 4. conclusion.; concluded;D 5. 我想当作家. /你永远应该以搞好你的工作为目的。 6.reacts;.油价的上升对食品价格产生了影响。/ 这个小孩反对我的建议。/大多数人对一个建议会做出积极回应。 7. equip; equipped 8. 1) usual,ordinary 2) common 3) normal 9. 一项计划在他脑子中形成。10. We must keep the balance of nature. 11. 他父亲对他的行为训斥了一番。12. 我们很惊讶他竟出现在晚会上。Step 3 【跟踪检测】 I. 1. boiled 2. astonished 3. conclusion 4. formed 5. electricity 6. facilities 7. reaction 8. ordinary 9. floating 10. dissolving 11. contract 12. department 13. expands 14.lecture. bal balanceII. 1. a the 2. astonish astonished; astonishing astonished3. boil boiling 4. lose balance lost his balanceIII. 1-6. BADABB英语模块一学案21(Module 5 Period1)Step1自主学习答案1.expanded expands 2.expand,contract; contracted;他与这座城市订立了图书馆设计合同。/与.签订合同;履行合同3. electrician;electricity; electrical; electric; electricity 4. conclusion.; concluded;D 5. 我想当作家. /你永远应该以搞好你的工作为目的。 6.reacts;.油价的上升对食品价格产生了影响。/ 这个小孩反对我的建议。/大多数人对一个建议会做出积极回应。 7. equip; equipped 8. 1) usual,ordinary 2) common 3) normal 9. 一项计划在他脑子中形成。10. We must keep the balance of nature. 11. 他父亲对他的行为训斥了一番。12. 我们很惊讶他竟出现在晚会上。Step 3 【跟踪检测】 I. 1. boiled 2. astonished 3. conclusion 4. formed 5. electricity 6. facilities 7. reaction 8. ordinary 9. floating 10. dissolving 11. contract 12. department 13. expands 14.lecture. 15. balanceII. 1. a the 2. astonish astonished; astonishing astonished3. boil boiling 4. lose balance lost his balanceIII. 1-6. BADABB英语模块一学案21(Module 5 Period1)Step1自主学习答案1.expanded expands 2.expand,contract; contracted;他与这座城市订立了图书馆设计合同。/与.签订合同;履行合同3. electrician;electricity; electrical; electric; electricity 4. conclusion.; concluded;D 5. 我想当作家. /你永远应该以搞好你的工作为目的。 6.reacts;.油价的上升对食品价格产生了影响。/ 这个小孩反对我的建议。/大多数人对一个建议会做出积极回应。 7. equip; equipped 8. 1) usual,ordinary 2) common 3) normal 9. 一项计划在他脑子中形成。10. We must keep the balance of nature. 11. 他父亲对他的行为训斥了一番。12. 我们很惊讶他竟出现在晚会上。Step 3 【跟踪检测】 I. 1. boiled 2. astonished 3. conclusion 4. formed 5. electricity 6. facilities 7. reaction 8. ordinary 9. floating 10. dissolving 11. contract 12. department 13. expands 14.lecture. 15. balanceII. 1. a the 2. astonish astonished; astonishing astonished3. boil boiling 4. lose balance lost his balanceIII. 1-6. BADABB英语模块一学案21(Module 5 Period1)Step1自主学习答案1.expanded expands 2.expand,contract; contracted;他与这座城市订立了图书馆设计合同。/与.签订合同;履行合同3. electrician;electricity; electrical; electric; electricity 4. conclusion.; concluded;D 5. 我想当作家. /你永远应该以搞好你的工作为目的。 6.reacts;.油价的上升对食品价格产生了影响。/ 这个小孩反对我的建议。/大多数人对一个建议会做出积极回应。 7. equip; equipped 8. 1) usual,ordinary 2) common 3) normal 9. 一项计划在他脑子中形成。10. We must keep the balance of nature. 11. 他父亲对他的行为训斥了一番。12. 我们很惊讶他竟出现在晚会上。Step 3 【跟踪检测】 I. 1. boiled 2. astonished 3. conclusion 4. formed 5. electricity 6. facilities 7. reaction 8. ordinary 9. floating 10. dissolving 11. contract 12. department 13. expands 14.lecture. 15. balanceII. 1. a the 2. astonish astonished; astonishing astonished3. boil boiling 4. lose balance lost his balanceIII. 1-6. BADABB英语模块一学案22(Module 5 Period2)Step1自主学习答案3. (1) 当我看到旧照片时,我就想到了我最好的朋友。/ 我想不起用法语怎么说“报纸”. 8. C 9. BStep3.【跟踪检测】 I. 完成句子: 答案见课本P41-45原句 II. 单项选择 1-6. B A B A B 7-12. D111


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