英语牛津译林版 必修一Unit3《Looking good, feeling good》教案period 7~8

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英语牛津译林版 必修一Unit3《Looking good, feeling good》教案period 7~8_第1页
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英语牛津译林版 必修一Unit3《Looking good, feeling good》教案period 7~8_第3页
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111Periods 7-8 Task整体设计教材分析This section deals with inviting a friend to join a gym. Integrated relevant tasks and activities about finding information about a gym and recommending one to a friend by note-taking and writing an e-mail are presented.This section consists of a series of activities, which provide students opportunities to learn and practice their language skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing. 三维目标1. Learn some important words and expressionsgym, recommend, personal, membership, yoga, aerobics, muscles, close up, join a gym, whats more, make the most of2. Learn some important sentence patterns1)Whats more, for the next two weeks we are offering 1 month free membership.2)Write a letter to him, explaining why you think he should join the gym.3)He is trying to find a gym membership he can afford.3. Help students learn how to find the information they want to know quickly in a long passage and take notes.4. Enable students to write a letter to recommend a gym to a friend. 重点难点Help the students to find information quickly and writing a letter to recommend a gym to a friend.Guide the students to take notes and use punctuation.Encourage the students to find information quickly. 教学方法Learn the skill of note taking.Practice the skill of note taking.Design a poster for a gym.Put the skills into practice. 教具准备A tape recorder; a projector and some slides.课前准备1. Ask the students to read a long passage given by the teacher before this period. And ask the students to find out the important information as quickly as possible.2. Let the students review punctuation marks in the Chinese language.3. Encourage the students to go to the library or surf the Internet to get some information about gym, if possible. They can also be divided into several groups to get some information about how to make ads for a gym.4. Ask the students to preview this periodtask on pages 52 to 57. 教学过程Step 1 Revision and Lead-inDo some grammar exercises to review what we have learned in the last period.1. We are going to spend the Spring Festival in Guangzhou,_ live my grandparents and some relatives.A. which B. thatC. whoD. where2. The hotel_ during our holidays stands by the seaside.A. we stayed atB. where we stayed atC. we stayedD. in that we stayed3. I have bought the same dress_ she is wearing.A. asB. thatC. whichD. than4. He is not_ a fool_ .A. such; as he is lookedB. such; as he looksC. as; as he is lookedD. so; as he looks5. Is that the reason_ you are in favor of the proposal?A. whichB. whatC. whyD. for that6. Some of the roads were flooded,_ made our journey more difficult.A. whichB. itC. whatD. that7. He must be from Africa,_ can be seen from his skin.A. thatB. asC. whoD. what8. He has two sons,_ work as chemists.A. two of whomB. both of whomC. both of whichD. all of whom9. The buses,_ were already full, were surrounded by an angry crowd.A. most of thatB. which mostC. most of whichD. that most10. My glasses,_ I was like a blind man, fell to the ground and broke.A. whichB. with whichC. without whichD. that11. Mr. Wu,_ everybody likes, is going to give us a talk on chemistry.A. whomB. thatC. whichD. /12. This is Mr. Smith,_ I think has something interesting to tell us.A. whoB. whomC. that D. /13._ , the compass was first made in China.A. It is know to all B. It is known thatC. We all know D. As is known to all14. I,_ your good friend, will try my best to help you out.A. who is B. who amC. that is D. what is15. He is a man of great experience,_ much can be learned.A. who B. thatC. from which D. from whomSuggested answers: 15 DAABC 610 ABBCC 1115 AADBDIn this period, the teacher helps students learn how to find information they want to know quickly in a long passage.Firstly, show the students many letter objects, and then let them find some of them to make some words. Or show the students two pictures, and let them find out the differences between the two pictures of the 2008 Olympic Games five mascot dolls by asking the students to tell the differences between the two pictures. This requires our finding ability.Secondly, show the students a short passage about the two pictures. And ask the students to find out the most important information. Why should “Friendlies” be changed? (From China Daily)Instead of the original name of the Games five mascot dolls “Friendlies”, last week the COC(中国奥委会) started to use “Fuwa”, which is a pinyin translation of its Chinese name. “Firstly, friendly is somewhat an ambiguous(有歧义的) name, which could refer both to friendly people and friendly matches,”a famous professor said on the site. “Secondly, the term “Friendlies” has a similar pronunciation to friendless and thirdly, the spelling of Friendlies is made up of friend and lies. ”“Friendlies” is changed into “Fuwa”. Step 2 Skills building 1: Finding informationOur aim of reading is to get information. In fact, in our daily life, it often happens. Then teacher shows the students how to find information in a long passage. (Show the two points on the screen. )Activity 1 IntroductionTwo guidelines to help you find information quickly: 1. Reading the questions carefully before you begin can give you a good idea of the information you are looking for.2. Skim the passage, and look for main points and key words. Main points are the general ideas of the passage. And Key words can tell you the important and useful information such as who, when, where, howThe teacher may tell the students to highlight main points by underlining them and key words by circling them to find them easily later.Activity 2 PracticeLet the students practice finding the information from a long passage using the above guidelines.Show the following on the screen.Read the following two passages. Underline the main ideas and circle the key words.Passage 1Bend over, take a deep breath and drink some water! This is just one of hundreds of tips you might get if you have the hiccups(打嗝). Hiccups are so mysterious. We really dont know why they start and why they stop.Everyone has a favorite cure for a case of the hiccups. Some people think that a good scare is necessary to get well. Others eat a teaspoon of sugar. Still others drink a glass of water with a knife in it.An American man named Jack OLeary claimed to have hiccupped 160 million times over a period of eight years. He tried 60 000 cures, but none of them worked. Finally he prayed to Saint Jude, the saint of Hopeless cases, and his hiccupping stopped immediately.It took a British plumber eight months to cure his hiccups. People from all over the world wrote him letters with suggestions for getting well. He tried them all, but the hiccups continued. Finally, he drank a “secret” mixture someone had sent him. By that evening his hiccups were gone.Why did these cures work for these two men? No one really knows. But people who have studied many cases of hiccups have an idea. Hiccups usually go away if you believe in the cure.Passage 2President Clinton was born in the little southern town of Hope, Arkansas, on August 19, 1946. But his name was not Bill Clinton. It was William Jefferson Blythe. His mother named his for his father, who had been killed in a car accident a few months before he was born. When Bill was four years old, his mother married Roger Clinton who then legally became Bills father. Roger Clinton and Bills mother had a son, Roger Jr.Bill Clinton studies international affairs at Georgetown University in Washington, D. C. He won a Rhodes scholarship to study at Oxford University in Britain. There, he met other students with whom he has continued life-long friendships. One of them is Robert Reich, who was just nominated to be Secretary of Labor. After Oxford, Bill Clinton earned a law degree at Yale University.In 1973, Bill Clinton became a law professor at the University of Arkansas, but he was too interested in politics to stay at the university. He campaigned for the House of Representatives but was defeated. In 1976, he was elected General for the state of Arkansas, the state governments chief lawyer.Two years later, Bill Clinton was elected Governor of Arkansas. He was defeated for re-election after his first two-year term. But he was elected Governor again in 1982. He has been re-elected to that office every two years since then.Bill Clinton married lawyer Hillary Rodham Rodham in 1975. She kept Rodham as her last name until it became an issue during her husbands 1980 campaign for governor. Since then, she has been known as Hillary Rodham Clinton. The Clintons have a daughter, Chelsea.Sample answers: Passage 1Main idea: Everyone has a favorite cure for a case of the hiccups.Key words: a good scare; eat a teaspoon of sugar; water with a knife; Hiccups usually go away if you believe in the cure.1._ might be the best cure for hiccups.A. Special pillsB. A spoonful of saltC. Cold waterD. What you believe in2. The plumber spent_ in stopping his hiccups.A. 4 hoursB. 2 daysC. 8 monthsD. 8 years3. A cure for hiccups will help them_ , according to this article.A. become worseB. last longerC. become louderD. go away4. What is the main idea of this article?A. Different ways to stop hiccupsB. What makes hiccups happenC. How to get hiccupsD. Jack OLearys hiccupsSuggested answers: 1. D 2. C 3. D 4. APassage 2Main idea: Something about Bill Clinton: born; study; career; marriage; daughterKey words: President Clinton was born in the little southern town of Hope, Arkansas, on August 19, 1946, in 1973, in 1976 General, two years later, Bill Clinton was elected Governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton married lawyer Hillary Rodham Rodham in 1975, the Clintons have a daughter, Chelsea.1. We learn that Bill Clintons father_ .A. died before Bill Clinton was bornB. died when Bill Clinton was a few months oldC. left his wife after Bill Clinton was bornD. was his mothers second husband2. Bill Clinton was elected Governor of Arkansas in_ .A. 1976 B. 1978 C. 1980 D. 19733. Hillary Rodham did not change her last name until_ .A. she married ClintonB. she gave birth to their daughterC. Clinton campaigned for PresidentD. Clinton was defeated in his campaign for governorSuggested answers: 1. A 2. B 3. DActivity 3 Recommend a gym to a friendPart A: One of your friends is thinking of joining a gym. He is trying to find a gym membership he can afford. You have found an advertisement and a web page about a gym. Underline the main points and circle the key words for him.In this part students are asked to find and choose some information about a gym after they read and listen to the ads about it. Their listening and reading skills can be improved by finishing this part.Let the students read the guidelines and know what information they are going to look for. They should look for the information about a gym membership that their friends can apply for. Have the students read the two ads carefully in Part A on page 52. Ask them to underline the main idea and circle the key words. Answers: The adsMain idea: Build the body youve always wanted! Get it! Get healthy! Key words: Special offer! 1 month free membership! 35 classes every week, including yoga, aerobics and swimming.Two branches in the city! Open from 6 a. m. to midnight daily, 365 days a year.Call 5555 4567 for more information.The web pageMain idea: Build the body youve always wanted! Get fit! Get healthy! Key words: Have some of the best equipment of any gym in the world, with 3000 square meters of equipment.Our personal trainers will be happy to help you improve your shape.Making up a dialogue (Work in pairs)Suppose one of you wants to know some information about Better Body Gym and the other works at the gym. Make up a dialogue on the phone. The following information must be included in your dialogue.Provided information: 1. Membership fee2. Number of gyms in the city3. What do you get for free?4. How big is each gym?5. Activities at the gymsYou may start the conversation like this: A: Hello, is that 5555 4567?B: Yes. Whos that calling?A: . . .B: . . .Part B Ask the students to use the information they have found to complete the note in Part B on page 53. They will not be able to finish the whole part. They will get more details after they listen to the tape. Answers: 2 Numbers of gyms in the city 24 What do you get for free? A T-shirt, 2 free personal training sessions, 1 month free membership.5 How big is each gym? 3000 square meters.7 Can you get advice from a personal trainer? Yes.10 How can you find out more? Call 5555 4567.Part C Let the students do Part C by listening to the tape to finish the rest of the note sheet in Part B.Answers: 3 Where are the gyms in the city? One in Jinshan Road; one near the King Hotel.6 Is there a health cafe at the gym? No.8 What do you need to do to join? Provide with your ID number.9 Do you need to be 18 to join? No. Step 3 WritingAsk the students to write a letter recommending a gym to a friend.You think that Wu Dong, your friend should join Better Body Gym. Try to write him a letter, explaining why you think he should join the gym. Ten minutes will be given to finish writing.Useful words and expressions1. Student A: Why should he choose this gym? not expensive, cost, get one month free membership, near the King hotel, not far, convenient, good equipment, classes including. . . 2. Student B: Why does he need to work out at the gym? relax your muscles, build strong body, keep fit, not so tired, healthy way of losing weightDear Wu Dong, _Best wishes, xxxTen minutes later, ask some students to read out their letters.Step 4 Skills building 2: note takingIn this period, the teacher can help the students to learn how to make notes while listening as quickly as possible.In order to make notes as brief as possible, three skills are presented to students. Then they are asked to use the skills to take notes while listening to the tape.Activity 1 IntroductionShow the students the guidelines and the three points so that they will know how to write down information quickly when taking notes.1. Use abbreviation & contractions (P54): Guess the meaning: Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun.Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. Jun. Jul. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.mor afnmin sec hrWTO=the World Trade OrganizationWHO=the World Health OrganizationWhat is an abbreviation and contraction?An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word or phrase used chiefly in writing to represent the complete form. And a contraction is a word formed by omitting or combining some of the sounds of a longer phrase.PRC=Peoples Republic of ChinaDept=departmentSH1=Senior High OneArt Fest=Art Festivalmfr=manufacturerNo. =numbere. g. =exampleId=I would/I hadwont=will notshant=shall not2. Write down only the key wordsEating fruit every day is good for you. =Fruit goodYou should do lots of exercise to stay fit. =Lots exercise fit Gym memberships can sometimes be very expensive. =Gym can be expensive3. Use symbols more than nearly/less than increase decrease because therefore mean/lead to+ and/also= equalGuess the meaning of the following emotions: -) = : - ( = : -o = surprise: -D = great joy: -P = make a face: -( = crying1)By swimming regularly, jogging, drinking lots of water and getting plenty of sleep, I can be healthier. =swimming+jogging+water+sleep=healthier2)If you work hard, use proper methods and have a good attitude, you will be successful. =hard work+proper methods+good attitude=success Turn to page 54. Look at the TIP. Students must remember these symbols and meanings they express.Activity 2 ListeningHave the students listen to the tape and write down what they have heard using the three skills they have just learned.Play the tape and check the answer.1. The number seven bus is not on time.2 Our department is increasing the number of teachers.3. Id like to see the manufacturer.4 Senior High 1 has a bigger class than Senior High 2.5 The Peoples Republic of China was founded in 1949.Interviewing classmates about exerciseIn this part, the students will improve their listening and speaking abilities by listening to an introduction to a gym and asking and answering questions about how to keep fit. At the same time, they should take notes on what they are hearing and what they are talking about. Lastly they should be able to tell the class what exercise their partner does according to the notes they have taken.1. Part AAsk the students to do Part A by listening to the speech about the facilities available in the gym and take notes while listening. Tell them to use abbreviations and contractions to write down the information quickly.Answer:They have a swimming pool to be a no. of mchs that can help workouts.Many running mchs+ a rowing mch+a skiing mch.*machine=mch*2. Part BAsk the students to work in pairs and ask the partners questions about how he or she keeps fit. Then make a dialogue about it and take notes about the partners answers as well. Students can refer to the words in the box. And try to use the note taking skills they have learnt. Five minutes later, the teacher will ask some pairs to act out their dialogues.Ask some students to say what exercise their partners do according to the notes they have made. Then let them try to find what the most popular exercise is in the class.Answers:Whatbasketball/dancing/football/gym/running/swimmingWhyfit/fun/healthy/strongWhenoften/sometimes/seldom/neverWhomclassmates/family/friends. . . . . . Step 5 In-class activitiesActivity 1 Poster designAfter all the exercises, the teacher may ask the students to have a poster design competition.Directions: 1. Find information about the gym from the web page. To make your poster interesting and attractive, you can use your imagination to add something that will attract more people (e. g. giving special offer). Dont forget to give a name to your gym.2. Follow the outlines below to design a poster.Planning: The name of your gym is _.Group leader _Find information _Present the poster_ Preparing: All the group members have a discussion on how to make your poster attractive. Producing: Make a poster based on all the ideas from your previous research and discussion. Make changes to your poster until the whole group approves the poster.Presenting: Its time to present your poster to the class. Tell the class what is special about your gym. 3. We will vote (投票) to decide who is the final winner of this game after each group present their posters.Design 1City GymOur City Gym is a full service fitness center with a 500 square meters and 80 pieces of equipment. Our aerobics room is 90 square meters with over 20 classes per week, which are taught by professional instructors. Naturally we have comfortable locker-rooms, saunas, showers and effective sola

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